249 research outputs found

    The Problem of Technology: Human Communication In The Age of Automation

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    With the introduction of technology, our existence became different. Today we use technology for every aspect of our lives. We can study, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. We find it very convenient to communicate via e-mail, text messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and Snapchat to connect with people in work, school, social and familial networks. Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed that Facebook\u27s new mission is to bring the world closer together (Zuckerberg, 2017). The means of accomplishing that is through technological communication. According to research on close relationships and the use of technology as a way of communication, mobile phone-based channels had stronger associations with friendship closeness (Liu & Yang, 2016). However, it is also possible that something essential is lost in these electronic interactions. It is possible that both the value and meaning of the interaction changes when using technology rather than human communication. The primary purpose of this research was a) to examine whether technology use makes people feel more connected to others or lonelier, b) to discover how relationships are affected by online communication, particularly as it relates to satisfaction or closeness, and c) to see if people\u27s personalities play a role in their technology use. It is essential to continue to expand and explore this research. Technology continues to develop and change at an increasingly fast rate. The impact of how we use and interact with this dynamic product can only be fully understood through continued examination and research

    Social and normative meanings in lexis of semantic and motivational field “labour”

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    The article contains the results of the investigation of social and normative semantics in “Labour” lexical field. The ways of its representation are characterised. The author supposes that in some cases social and normative meanings are included in words' denotation and in the other cases they are presented in the form of pragmatic connotations of the word or phraseological unit. The Russian dialect nominations became the material of the study. The attention is paid to the words depicting the social nature of collective work and valuation characteristics of a person for labor qualities. © 2015, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved.В статье изложены результаты исследования социально-нормативной семантики в лексическом поле «Труд». Характеризуются способы ее репрезентации. Автор полагает, что в одних случаях социально-нормативные смыслы включены в денотацию слов, в других – присутствуют в виде прагматических коннотаций слова или фразеологизма. Материалом анализа выступили номинации, принадлежащие русским народным говорам. Уделяется внимание словам, запечатлевшим социальную природу коллективного труда, а также оценочным характер и стикам человека по трудовым качествам

    The figurative basis of Russian dialectal words and expressions with the meaning of negative assessment of social changes

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    The paper presents the results of a study of metaphorical vocabulary with the meaning of assessment of social change. The analysis involves common Russian vocabulary as well as the material of Russian dialects. Previously unpublished expeditionary records of dialect speech are introduced into academic discussion. Special attention is paid to the onomasiological analysis of linguistic facts. Four groups of motives are revealed: the motives of destruction (loosening, turning inside out, and death); spatially dynamic motives (moving away and disappearance); the motives of qualitative changes (the loss of one’s own properties and status, the acquisition of similarity with representatives of a foreign nation, the acquisition of worse properties, cooling down); and the motives of confusion (mixing of different cultures and disorientation). It is shown that the bearers of traditional folk culture tend to evaluate the changes of any kind as undesirable. A disapproving assessment of social change is due to the orientation of traditional culture toward strict adherence to customs

    Reducing the negative impact of motor transport on the environment: Prospects for the use of fiscal instruments in Russia

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    The study focuses on the fact that, in major Russian cities, up to 80% of the negative impact on the environment is formed by motor transport emissions. The authors analyze the indicators of the negative impact due to the forced increase in the Russian fleet and the age pattern of the Russian fleet is researched. The proposed paper argues the conclusion that fleet capacity leads to an increase in its quantitative indicators, but does not lead to a rapid displacement of cars with the environmental classes 1 and 2. In Russia, the share of these vehicle classes continues to be very high. The presented research analyzes the reasons for the conservation of the unsatisfactory environmental Russian fleet structure. The conclusion is proved that one of the significant reasons for the continued manufacturing and consumption of low environmental class vehicles is the lack of real tax incentives. The authors analyze the fiscal payment’s system in the production and consumption of vehicles. It is concluded that these payments do not depend now on the environmental performance of the vehicle. The research paper introduces the renewed combination of tax instruments, the implementation of which will encourage producers and consumers to produce and purchase cars of a higher environmental class. The presented paper provides producers to make the excise tax on the car sale and disposal charge to be dependent on engine power and environmental class. The authors argue that the higher costs will be made up by the manufacturers’ lower tax payments. As a result, it will not lead to a sharp increase in car prices. For consumers it is proposed to modify the transport tax, the value of which should be dependent on the environmental class of the car. Environmentally-orientedtransport tax will stimulate consumers to purchase cars of a higher environmental class with the expectation that their higher costs will be paid off later with lower tax payments. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Теоретические аспекты построения оптимальной системы транспортного налогообложения

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    Целью данной статьи является анализ теоретико-методологических основ построения оптимальной системы транспортного налогообложения с выделением классификационных признаков, функций и принципов построения такой системы. В работе систематизированы экономические воззрения на природу транспортных налогов и представлен генезис транспортного налогообложения. Аргументируется, что генезис исследований в области транспортного налогообложения состоял в развитии экономических обоснований величин компенсаций, развивавшихся по логике от частного к общему, т. е. от компенсации за пользование отдельными объектами дорожно-транспортной сети до обоснования компенсации совокупности всех отрицательных экстерналий и всей дорожно-транспортной сети. Систематизируются функции транспортного налогообложения, проводится анализ двух основных функций: фискальной и регулирующей. Доказывается, что регулирующая функция в транспортном налогообложении является паритетно значимой, анализируются отрицательные внешние эффекты, связанные с форсированной автомобилизацией населения. Кроме того, обосновывается, что чистые общественные блага, используемые при эксплуатации автотранспорта, в процессе массовой автомобилизации трансформируются в смешанные блага, которые в свою очередь сохраняют свойство неисключаемости, но отличаются конкурентностью в потреблении. В результате исследования разработана оригинальная классификация транспортных налогов по основным классификационным признакам, представлены классификации по видам и характеру транспортных платежей, стадиям жизненного цикла транспортного средства, способу взимания платежа, характеру влияния на интенсивность использования транспортного средства и цели его использования. Предлагается система принципов оптимального транспортного налогообложения, включающая известные и оригинальные принципы, развиваются принцип выгоды в транспортном налогообложении и принцип социального оптимума. Сформулированы оригинальные принципы: комплексности, дифференциации, приближенности платежа к услуге, принцип маркировки.The purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical and methodological basis of building an optimal transport taxation system. That includes establishing classification criteria, functions and principles of building the system. The article systematizes economic views on the nature of transport taxes and outlines the genesis of transport taxation. The article substantiates that the genesis of studies on transport taxation involved the development of economic measures of the size of compensation which followed the special-to-general model, that is, from compensation for the use of particular road network facilities to compensation for the entirety of negative externalities and the use of the whole road network. The article systemizes functions of transport taxation and analyses its two main functions: fiscal and regulatory ones. The article rationalizes that the regulatory function in transport taxation is equally significant. The article analyzes negative external effects resulting from accelerated growth in car ownership. In addition, it substantiates that pure public benefits relating to motor vehicle use tend to transform into mixed benefits in the course of mass car ownership, which, in turn, remain non-excludable, but become rivalrous in consumption. The work presents an original classification of transport taxes based on the main classification criteria. Transport taxes are classified based on types and designation of transport payments, stages of the life cycle of a motor vehicle, the way the tax is levied, the influence it has on the intensity of car use and the purpose of revenue spending. The work offers a system of principles of optimal transport taxation consisting of well-known and new ones. The article further develops the benefit principle in transport taxation as well as the social optimum principle. In addition, it provides definitions for original principles identified by the author: the principle of comprehensiveness, the principle of differentiation, the principle of payment collection at time of service, and the principle of designation

    Assessment of tax burden on the ownership and use of road passenger transport in Russia

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    The article looks at how taxes influence the tax payers' decision as to whether to own and use commercial passenger vehicles. Types of taxes and fees imposed on the purchase and operation of road passenger transport as a business are described in detail. Substantiation is provided for an idea that it might be useful to introduce a classification that divides taxes into fixed, variable and operation categories with regard to the intensity of commercial passenger vehicle use. The study examines the share of different taxes in the cost of owning and running a commercial passenger vehicle. Calculations are done for the amount of fixed transport taxes per day of owning a vehicle regardless of the intensity of use. A conclusion is made that the total amount of all taxes grows in absolute values for vehicles with a bigger seating capacity, but declines per passenger-kilometer of travel. A conclusion is made that the total amount of all taxes on the use of road passenger transport is much lower than the amount of taxes paid on transporting passengers by car. The goal of this study is to design a method of analyzing the fiscal value of taxes in the cost of owning and operating road passenger transport in Russia. © 2017 WIT Press

    Actual Vocabulary: beyond Dictionaries

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    Статья посвящена вопросам лексикографического описания слов и устойчивых выражений, называющих объекты и явления социальной жизни. Анализируются материалы «Словаря русского языка» (Малого академического словаря). Отмечается, что в данном словаре отсутствует ряд слов и лексико-семантических вариантов, активно использующихся в речи современного носителя русского языка. Для выявления и уточнения значений слов используются данные «Национального корпуса русского языка».The article is devoted to the questions of lexicographical description of words and stable expressions that call objects and phenomena of social life. The author analyzes the materials of the “Dictionary of the Russian language”. To identify and clarify the meaning of the words, the data of the “National corpus of the Russian language” are used. The author gives examples of such dictionary descriptions of words which do not correspond to the practice of using language facts in modern speech

    Negative effects of professional mobility researchers

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    Mobility of researchers is treated as a professional activity, aimed at presenting the results of his scientific activity scientific community. It emphasizes that reserves the priority trend of intensive exchange of scientific information without territorial movements of scientists to whom it becomes possible to exercise a publication or other activity. A positive value of such changes, however, has a downside, as the researcher is faced with the necessity of purposeful-Government to seek high scientometric indicatorsРассмотрена мобильность исследователя, которая трактуется как профессиональная активность, направленная на представление результатов своей научной деятельности сообществу ученых. Отмечено, что закрепляет за собой приоритет тенденция интенсивного обмена научной информацией без территориальных перемещений ученых, перед которыми открывается возможность проявлять публикационную и иную активность. Установлено, что в целом положительное значение таких изменений имеет, однако, оборотную сторону, поскольку исследователь поставлен перед необходимостью целенаправленно стремиться к высоким наукометрическим показателя

    The research of the influence of heavy metal ions on the aggregation of humic substances on the mica by atomic force microscopy

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    The conformation of molecules of humic substances of peats sorbed on hydrophilic mica in the absence and presence of heavy metal ions was studied by atomic-force microscopy in semi-contact mode in an aqueous medium. A model of the lignin-carbon complex is proposed, which ensures the conformation of the three-dimensional ring structure of humic substances depending on pH and allows accurate description of the surface structure of humic substances. The sizes of single globular molecules of humic substances were determined: 140-320 nm in diameter and 5-25 nm in height. Possible ways of the interaction of humic substances of peats with metal cations (Pb2 + and Zn2 +) with account of conformational changes of humic substances have been established. It has been proven that lead cations are sorbed mainly on the surface of humic molecules, and sorption of zinc cations proceeds with reorientation of humic substances around zinc ions

    Lexis of Friendship: Perspectives for the Study

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    The article presents a brief overview of the works on the Russian lexis of the semantic field of “Friendship”. It is noted that the attention of the authors is focused on the functioning of the words drug ‘friend’, druzhba ‘friendship’, druzhnyy ‘friendly’,druzhit ‘be friends’as units of the Russian literary language. It is shown that in the speech of Russian dialect speakers these words have slightly different meanings and connotations.В статье представлен краткий обзор работ, посвященных русской лексике семантического поля «Дружба». Отмечается, что внимание авторов публикаций сконцентрировано на функционировании слов друг, дружба, дружный, дружить как единиц русского литературного языка. Показано, что в речи носителей русских народных говоров эти слова имеют несколько иные значения и коннотации