385 research outputs found

    The neural network art which uses the Hamming distance to measure an image similarity score

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    This study reports a new discrete neural network of Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART-1H) in which the Hamming distance is used for the first time to estimate the measure of binary images (vectors) proximity. For the development of a new neural network of adaptive resonance theory, architectures and operational algorithms of discrete neural networks ART-1 and discrete Hamming neural networks are used. Unlike the discrete neural network adaptive resonance theory ART-1 in which the similarity parameter which takes into account single images components only is used as a measure of images (vectors) proximity in the new network in the Hamming distance all the components of black and white images are taken into account. In contrast to the Hamming network, the new network allows the formation of typical vector classes representatives in the learning process not using information from the teacher which is not always reliable. New neural network can combine the advantages of the Hamming neural network and ART-1 by setting a part of source information in the form of reference images (distinctive feature and advantage of the Hamming neural network) and obtaining some of typical image classes representatives using learning algorithms of the neural network ART-1 (the dignity of the neural network ART-1). The architecture and functional algorithms of the new neural network ART which has the properties of both neural network ART-1 and the Hamming network were proposed and investigated. The network can use three methods to get information about typical image classes representatives: teacher information, neural network learning process, third method uses a combination of first two methods. Property of neural network ART-1 and ART-1H, related to the dependence of network learning outcomes or classification of input information to the order of the vectors (images) can be considered not as a disadvantage of the networks but as a virtue. This property allows to receive various types of input information classification which cannot be obtained using other neural networks

    Neural networks art: solving problems with multiple solutions and new teaching algorithm

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    A new discrete neural networks adaptive resonance theory (ART), which allows solving problems with multiple solutions, is developed. New algorithms neural networks teaching ART to prevent degradation and reproduction classes at training noisy input data is developed. Proposed learning algorithms discrete ART networks, allowing obtaining different classification methods of input

    Upgrade of the Argentine Islands INTERMAGNET observatory at Akademik Vernadsky station, Antarctica

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    The article describes the main features of upgrading the magnetometric complex based on the LEMI-025 variometer in January-April 2019 at the geomagnetic observatory (code AIA) of the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station.У статті описані основні особливості модернізації магнітометричного комплексу на базі варіометра LEMI-025 у січні-квітні 2019 року в геомагнітній обсерваторії (код AIA) Української антарктичної станції «Академік Вернадський»

    Hidden attractors in fundamental problems and engineering models

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    Recently a concept of self-excited and hidden attractors was suggested: an attractor is called a self-excited attractor if its basin of attraction overlaps with neighborhood of an equilibrium, otherwise it is called a hidden attractor. For example, hidden attractors are attractors in systems with no equilibria or with only one stable equilibrium (a special case of multistability and coexistence of attractors). While coexisting self-excited attractors can be found using the standard computational procedure, there is no standard way of predicting the existence or coexistence of hidden attractors in a system. In this plenary survey lecture the concept of self-excited and hidden attractors is discussed, and various corresponding examples of self-excited and hidden attractors are considered


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    The article contains the results of analysis of the representativeness of different dimensions of the SERVQUAL approach to banking services quality evaluation. Summarized ranking of the importance of the components can be represented as follows: responsiveness was identified as the most important component; reliability was defined on the second place; assurance, tangibility and empathy were determined as less important among the banking services quality assessment dimensions. Taking into account above mentioned findings a new interpretation of the SERVQUAL approach was proposed. Key features of the designed approach are: restructuration of the quantity of criteria between the dimensions according to the consideration of the importance of the components; exclusion of the least important positions from the criteria and adding the actual ones; application of the semantic differential method for assessing the criteria by consumers of banking services.В статье проведено анализ репрезентативности отдельных компонент оценивания качества банковских услуг на основе существующих эмпирических исследований определения их влияния на удовлетворение потребителей и степени приоритетности для клиентов банка. Предложено новую интерпретацию подхода SERVQUAL с учетом важности компонент и применением метода семантического дифференциала для оценивания критериев потребителями банковских услуг.У статті проведено аналіз репрезентативності окремих компонент оцінювання якості банківських послуг на основі існуючих емпіричних досліджень з визначення їх впливу на задоволення споживачів та ступеня пріоритетності для клієнтів банку. Запропоновано нову інтерпретацію підходу SERVQUAL з урахуванням важливості компонент та застосуванням методу семантичного диференціалу для оцінювання критеріїв споживачами банківських послуг


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    The paper deals with the problems of rotary spinning of pipe or sheet workpieces made of aluminium-magnesium and aluminium wrought alloys. The need to control depth distribution of internal stresses in the workpiece surface layer in the rotary spinning process is determined. An Al-Mg5 aluminum alloy part is researched, which is obtained after 3 - stage rotary spinning. By the use of non-destructive resistance electric contact method, measurements and analysis of the stressed state for the workpieces after each stage of rotary spinning are made. According to the experiment planning theory, research of the influence of processing and thermal treatment modes on the levels of residual stresses σ in the workpieces material is conducted. The value of the residual stresses is assumed as an optimization parameter, and the technological modes of spinning and the modes of the thermal treatment applied between the rotary spinning stages - as factors of the process. Statistical estimation is made, which makes it possible to obtain an adequate mathematical model (estimated by the Fisher’s criterion) describing the relation between the optimization parameter and the optimization factors. Technological processing modes with the lowest level of residual stresses in the surface layer of the researched samples and the optimal depth distribution of residual stresses in the workpiece surface layer are obtained. Developed method is applicable in all operating conditions for parts manufacturing of different geometry and different materials

    Psychological features of attention in archery

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    The issue of attention is one of the leading in sports psychology. Quite often, athletes’ failures in competitions are ultimately connected with the attention processes, i.e. distraction, switching or loss of concentration. Simultaneously, each particular kind of sport is distinguished by a specific competitive situation and accordingly presents a number of requirements to athletes, including attention features. Archery is no exception. Thus, in shooting sports, concentration and stability of attention are often deemed as the most significant features of attention. The paper is devoted to the study of the attention dynamic properties in archers. Attention features of athletes were assessed depending on the sports major, gender, age, experience and level of competence. 65 archers from different regions of Russia took part in the study, including 34 males and 31 females, the average age being 16.29 ± 1.74. Experience ranges from 1 year to 8 years, average experience is 4.46 ± 1.93. The research results showed that archers are characterized by high indicators of stability of attention, and also high efficiency of solving attention problems. The professional success of archery was associated with the ability to distribute attention when necessary. At the same time, there were no significant differences in the features of attention for recurved and compound archers, which indicates the uniformity of tasks related to attention in the sporting practice of archers. Summing up, it is necessary to include skills in the distribution of attention in the program of psychological training of archers

    Level Anticrossing of Impurity States in Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    The size dependence of the quantized energies of elementary excitations is an essential feature of quantum nanostructures, underlying most of their applications in science and technology. Here we report on a fundamental property of impurity states in semiconductor nanocrystals that appears to have been overlooked—the anticrossing of energy levels exhibiting different size dependencies. We show that this property is inherent to the energy spectra of charge carriers whose spatial motion is simultaneously affected by the Coulomb potential of the impurity ion and the confining potential of the nanocrystal. The coupling of impurity states, which leads to the anticrossing, can be induced by interactions with elementary excitations residing inside the nanocrystal or an external electromagnetic field. We formulate physical conditions that allow a straightforward interpretation of level anticrossings in the nanocrystal energy spectrum and an accurate estimation of the states\u27 coupling strength

    Effect of Plating of Carbon Fibres with Ni on Properties of Fe-Based Materials

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    У роботі досліджено формування структури та властивості матеріалу на основі карбонільного заліза, армованого вуглецевими волокнами, попередньо плакованими нікелем. Для першої партії зразків було застосовано неплаковані вуглецеві волокна, а для другої — вуглецеві волокна, плаковані нікелем. Встановлено, що плакування нікелем забезпечує кращу адгезійну взаємодію між вуглецевими волокнами та залізом. Показано, що армування вуглецевими волокнами, плакованими нікелем, уможливлює збільшити як границю міцності, так і пластичність матеріалів. Для зразків, спечених за 900С, міцність зростає непринципово — від 661 МПа до 697 МПа, однак відносне видовження збільшується вдвічі — від 22,7% до 45,1%. Методом фрактографічної аналізи встановлено в’язкий характер руйнування зразків і показано, що мікрорельєф поверхні характеризується косими зламами, що зумовлено утворенням в’язких ямок під дією дотичних напружень. Збільшення температури спікання до 1000С забезпечує зростання міцності на стиснення зразків до 1002–1185 МПа; зразки, які містять плаковані волокна, мають міцність, на 180–185 МПа вищу за міцність зразків з вуглецевими волокнами, неплакованими нікелем.The structure and properties of the material based on carbonyl iron rein forced with carbon fibres, which are previously plated with nickel, are studied. Uncoated carbon fibres are used for the first group of samples, and nickel-plated carbon fibres are used for the second group. Nickel plat ing is found to provide better adhesive interaction between carbon fibres and iron. As shown, the reinforcement with nickel-plated carbon fibres allows increasing both the strength limit and the plasticity of materials. At the same time, for samples sintered at 900C, the strength does not increase fundamentally (from 661 MPa to 697 MPa), but the relative elongation doubles from 22.7% to 45.1%. Using the method of fracto graphic analysis, the viscous nature of the destruction of the samples is established, and it is shown that the microrelief of the surface is charac terized by oblique fractures, which is due to the formation of viscous dimples under the action of tangential stresses. An increase in the sintering temperature to 1000C provides an increase in the compressive strength of the samples to 1002–1185 MPa, while the samples containing clad fibres have strength of 180–185 MPa higher than the strength of samples with carbon fibres not plated with nickel