1,456 research outputs found

    Self-assessment in written reports

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    This article studies the development of students’ self-assessment skill in the context of written reports in Mathematics. In particular, we present an interpretative case study, which involved two thirteen year old students from the 8th schooling year and six reports, written in two different stages and supported by assessment strategies at the teacher´s responsibility. The study suggests that, in each case, the student´ self-assessment skill evolves gradually but differentially. The study also suggests that the student´s appropriation of the assessment criteria is still under development and that self-assessment is, mostly, operated by students as a process that includes monitoring and excludes action

    Written report in learning geometry: explanation and argumentation

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    In this article, we examine how the written report, within the context of assessment for learning, helps students in learning geometry and in developing their explanation and argumentation skills. We present the results of a qualitative case study involving Portuguese students of the 8th grade. This study suggests that using written reports improves those capabilities and, therefore, the comprehension of geometric concepts and processes. These benefits for learning are enhanced through the implementation of some assessment strategies, namely oral and written feedback

    A large scale cascade model in the context of mathematics curriculum reform: Interactive factor of influence of multipliers’ work.

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    This study aims to know the influences identified by the multipliers on their work with schools, in order to understand the development of the cascade model implemented in the context of a Portuguese national large-scale programme for support mathematics teachers in mathematics curriculum change. 80 multipliers were surveyed with an open-ended questionnaire and the data were analysed with an inductive approach. Multipliers revealed they were affected by interrelated factors from different contexts: their colleagues, the scientific commission, the mathematics teachers and their schools and the Minister of Education. This suggests that the cascade model do not develop in a top down way, neither it is bottom up defined. Instead, it accommodates contrasting influences and its dynamics evolves as conditions change

    Avaliação das aprendizagens: funções, formas e conteúdos

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    Este artigo discute questões, algumas recorrentes ao longo do tempo, relacionadas com a avaliação. Em particular, no campo da avaliação externa, toma como ponto de partida os exames do 9º ano de escolaridade, questionando a sua fidelidade e adequação aos objectivos curriculares preconizados para o ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática. A nível da avaliação interna, questiona as práticas avaliativas de natureza reguladora, identificando razões que dificultam a sua concretização no quotidiano da sala de aula. Termina, problematizando a relação, ou sua inexistência, entre a avaliação externa e internaThis paper discusses issues, some recurrent over time, connected with the assessment. In particular, in external assessment, takes as a starting point the 9th grade exams, questioning its fidelity and coherence to the curricular goals prescribed for the Mathematics teaching and learning. Concerning the internal assessment, its question the assessment formative practices, identifying reasons that make difficult its implementation in the daily life of the classroom. It ends, questioning the relationship, or its non-existence, between extern and internal assessment

    Auto-avaliação regulada: porquê, o quê e como?

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    Neste texto discute-se o significado de auto-avaliação regulada e formas possíveis de o professor contribuir para o desenvolvimento desta capacidade dos alunos durante o processo de ensino e de aprendizage

    um estudo sobre os seus vestígios arqueológicos e documentais na Síria setentrional e ocidental

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019No período do Bronze Final II (1400-1200 a.C.), o reino do Ḫatti reivindicou a sua posição como uma das grandes potências do Próximo Oriente, estendendo o seu poderio a oeste e este da planície anatólica, assim como pela região setentrional e ocidental da actual Síria. Em meados do século XIV a.C., aquando das campanhas miliares de Šuppiluliuma I (c. 1350 a.C.) o reino de Mitani, o rival do Ḫatti na Mesopotâmia setentrional, conheceu o seu fim, e a sua rede de reinos vassalos sírios – correspondente ao território entre a margem oeste do Eufrates e a costa mediterrânea – terá sido incorporada no Império Hitita. O estudo da presença hitita nesta região, bem como da relação entre o centro de poder do Ḫatti e os seus respectivos reinos vassalos sírios, baseia-se essencialmente na documentação cuneiforme provinda dos arquivos da capital hitita, Boğazköy-Ḫattusa, bem como dos principados sírios de Alalaḫ, Emar e Ugarit. A informação retirada destas fontes desenha-nos o quadro político-militar da altura, reportando igualmente aspectos da esfera administrativa e cultual. Contudo, esta visão parcial oferece-nos um vislumbre incompleto da presença hitita e das suas repercussões em território sírio; um cenário inconcluso que pode usufruir do auxílio da componente arqueológica. Pretende-se, assim, com esta comunicação, correlacionar as fontes históricas com os achados arqueológicos, de modo a construir um quadro mais completo e complexo da ocup ação hitita da Síria, analisando a natureza do imperialismo hitita nesta região e as diferentes adaptações ao seu domínio pelos vários reinos vassalos sírios.publishersversionpublishe

    Células madre : ¿la panacea de la medicina del siglo XXI?

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    Hemos oído hablar mucho de ellas últimamente. Muchos han puesto en ella su esperanza. Las hay embrionarias, adultas, inducidas e incluso híbridas. Pero ¿qué son y para qué pueden servir este tipo de células

    Identifying the drivers of blockchain adoption within supply chains

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsIn order to understand the applicability of blockchain technology to Supply Chains, this thesis intends to deliver insights on its adoption with a two-part study, that combines a literature review and a theoretical framework where adoption drivers are identified. The approach consists on the research and review of all available publications published within the AISNET’s basket of eight journals on the topic Blockchain and a list of selected top IS conferences, with the utilization of a unique interpretation framework and focus on the avenues of research provided by these articles, gathering information in order to create discussion debates, grouped by the unit of analysis identified, within Supply Chain. Following the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology and focusing on defining, validating and reducing a myriad of factors, derived from the literature review, with the aid of experts on both blockchain and supply chain fields, through means of questionnaires, factors were rated and refuted according to the relevance given. Two rounds narrowed the results, and upon consensus 9 drivers were identified fitting under two categories: Challenges and Incentives. Overall, providing academics with a theoretical framework that combines existing literature into a set of drivers, and providing insights to vendors on how their reputation may influence clients' adoption, whilst fulfilling a literature gap in the supply chain area