42 research outputs found

    Health preservation aspects of physical training of students of higher educational institutions

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    This article is devoted to disclosure of health preservation aspects of physical training of students in complete educational process of higher educational institutions. The interrelation of health preservation of future specialist and formation of his health preservation competence in conditions of educational process are shownСтатья посвящена раскрытию здоровьесберегающих аспектов физического воспитания студентов в целостном образовательном процессе высших учебных заведений. Показана взаимосвязь сохранения здоровья будущего специалиста и формирования его здоровьесберегающей компетентности в условиях образовательного процесс

    Efficacy of antiholinesterase therapy in alcoholic poliencephalopathy

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    68 patients with alcoholic encephalopolyneuropathy, aged from 30 to 60 years, were enrolled in the study. Patients were divided into two groups: 33 patients in the treatment group received vasoactive, antioxidant treatment and neyromidin in dose 15 mg in solution during 10 days and then in tabs in dose 20 mg three times a day during 2 months. The comparison group included 35 patients receiving only vasoactive and antioxidant treatment. To the end of treatment, the positive changes in the state of patients reflected in the decrease in the number of complaints and neurological symptoms were seen in the treatment group. The significant improvement of MMSE scores, positive changes in P300 latency and amplitude, the increase in scores on physical activity scales, emotional functioning, mental health scales of SF-36 questionnaire were found as well. There were no serious treatment-emergent adverse events.Обследовали 68 пациентов 30-60 лет с диагнозом алкогольнойэнцефалополиневропатии. Они были разделены на 2 группы: 33 больным основной группы на фоне вазоактивной и антиоксидантной терапии был назначен раствор нейромидина в дозе 15 мг внутримышечно в течение 10 дней, далее нейромидин в таблетках по 20 мг 3 раза в день в течение 2 мес. В группу сравнения вошли 35 больных, получавших только вазоактивную и антиоксидантную терапию. По сравнению с этой группой в основной группе к концу лечения нейромидином отмечена положительная динамика в состоянии больных, выразившаяся в уменьшении числа жалоб и неврологических симптомов. После терапии нейромидином выявлено также достоверно значимое улучшение показателей по шкале Бека, MMSE, теста 10 слов Лурия, положительная динамика по показателям латентного периода и амплитуды волны Р300 вызванных потенциалов, повышение показателей по субшкалам опросника качества жизни SF-36 - общего здоровья, физического и психического функционирования, улучшение функционального состояния периферической нервной системы. Нежелательных явлений, потребовавших отмены препарата, в ходе лечения нейромидином зарегистрировано не было


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    The article describes the clinical cases of anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis of two patients. An analysis of the dynamics of neurologic symptoms, the results of neurovisualization and neurophysiological examinations was carried out. It was shown that in patients with AntiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis, neurological symptoms are similar in their manifestations with symptoms of virus encephalitis. At the same time, the mechanism of development and etiology of this form of autoimmune pathology is not understood. Also, no pathognomonic changes were detected for MRI of the brain, PET, EEG for Anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis. The authors conclude that the diversity of neurological symptoms in patients with antiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis may be due not only to dysfunction of brain structures due to disruption of NMDA receptor activity, but also to a reversible disruption of functional interrelationships between different parts of the brain. В статье приводится описание клинического течения Анти-N-метил-D-аспарт рецепторного энцефалита у двух пациенток. Проведен анализ динамики неврологической симптоматики, результатов нейровизуализационных и нейрофизиологических обследований. Показано, что у пациентов с Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторным энцефалитом неврологическая симптоматика схожа по своим проявлениям с симптоматикой при инфекционных энцефалитах. В то же время механизм развития и этиология данной формы аутоиммунной патологии до конца не ясны. Также не выявлено патогномоничных только для Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторного энцефалита изменений на МРТ головного мозга, ПЭТ, ЭЭГ. Авторы делают вывод, что разнообразие неврологической симптоматики у пациентов с Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторным энцефалитом может быть обусловлено не только дисфункцией структур мозга в результате нарушения активности NMDA рецепторов, но и обратимым нарушением функциональных взаимосвязей между различными отделами мозга.

    Structure and transport properties of La0.5Sr0.5 (-) xCaxFeO3 (-) (delta)

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    Effects of calcium doping on the structure, dimensional stability, and mixed oxygen-ion and electron conductivity of perovskite-like La0.5Sr0.5 - xCaxFeO3 - delta(x = 0-0.3) were studied in light of potential membrane applications. The incorporation of relatively small Ca2+ cations into the lanthanum-strontium ferrite lattice decreases unit cell volume, oxygen nonstoichiometry variations and chemical contribution to the thermal expansion in air. These changes correlate with rising tendency to local oxygen-vacancy ordering and the formation of nano-sized domains with the brownmillerite and LaCa2Fe3O8-type lattices, as revealed by electron diffraction. The resultant vacancy trapping, changing domain structure and enlargement of the interfacial boundary area lead to non-linear relationships between the partial ion conductivity and cation composition, while the apparent activation energy for ion transport at temperatures below 900 degrees C remains almost constant, 0.6-0.7 eV. The n-type electron contribution to the total conductivity, measured in the oxygen pressure range 10(-20)-0.5 atm at 700-950 degrees C, is also essentially independent of the calcium concentration. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    The article describes the clinical cases of anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis of two patients. An analysis of the dynamics of neurologic symptoms, the results of neurovisualization and neurophysiological examinations was carried out. It was shown that in patients with AntiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis, neurological symptoms are similar in their manifestations with symptoms of virus encephalitis. At the same time, the mechanism of development and etiology of this form of autoimmune pathology is not understood. Also, no pathognomonic changes were detected for MRI of the brain, PET, EEG for Anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis. The authors conclude that the diversity of neurological symptoms in patients with antiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis may be due not only to dysfunction of brain structures due to disruption of NMDA receptor activity, but also to a reversible disruption of functional interrelationships between different parts of the brain

    In vitro metabolic profile and in vivo antischistosomal activity studies of (η(6)-praziquantel)Cr(CO)3 derivatives

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    In vitro metabolic behavior was investigated for two chromium tricarbonyl derivatives of the antischistosomal drug praziquantel (PZQ) with the formula (η(6)-PZQ)Cr(CO)3 (1 and 2), by use of human liver microsomes. The metabolic profiles of the derivatives differ significantly. The optically pure (η(6)-PZQ)Cr(CO)3 derivatives (S, Sp)-1, (R, Rp)-1, (S, Rp)-2, and (R, Sp)-2 were also prepared to assess the eudysmic ratios of 1 and 2 against Schistosoma mansoni in vitro. A strong enantioselective antischistosomal activity was observed. The R-enantiomers are highly active against adult schistosomes in vitro (IC50 0.08-0.13 μM), whereas both S-enantiomers lack activity. The in vivo activity of 1 and 2 was then studied in mice harboring a chronic S. mansoni infection. A single dose of 1 and 2 (400 mg/kg) resulted in low worm burden reductions of 24% and 29% (p < 0.05)