17 research outputs found

    Spherically averaged versus angle-dependent interactions in quadrupolar fluids

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    Employing simplified models in computer simulation is on the one hand often enforced by computer time limitations but on the other hand it offers insights into the molecular properties determining a given physical phenomenon. We employ this strategy to the determination of the phase behaviour of quadrupolar fluids, where we study the influence of omitting angular degrees of freedom of molecules via an effective spherically symmetric potential obtained from a perturbative expansion. Comparing the liquid-vapor coexistence curve, vapor pressure at coexistence, interfacial tension between the coexisting phases, etc., as obtained from both the models with the full quadrupolar interactions and the (approximate) isotropic interactions, we find discrepancies in the critical region to be typically (such as in the case of carbon dioxide) of the order of 4%. However, when the Lennard-Jones parameters are rescaled such that critical temperatures and critical densities of both models coincide with the experimental results, almost perfect agreement between the above-mentioned properties of both models is obtained. This result justifies the use of isotropic quadrupolar potentials. We present also a detailed comparison of our simulations with a combined integral equation/density functional approach and show that the latter provides an accurate description except for the vicinity of the critical point.Comment: Phys. Rev. E, accepte

    A multi-scale method for complex flows of non-Newtonian fluids

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    We introduce a new heterogeneous multi-scale method for the simulation of flows of non-Newtonian fluids in general geometries and present its application to paradigmatic two-dimensional flows of polymeric fluids. Our method combines micro-scale data from non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) with macro-scale continuum equations to achieve a data-driven prediction of complex flows. At the continuum level, the method is model-free, since the Cauchy stress tensor is determined locally in space and time from NEMD data. The modelling effort is thus limited to the identification of suitable interaction potentials at the micro-scale. Compared to previous proposals, our approach takes into account the fact that the material response can depend strongly on the local flow type and we show that this is a necessary feature to correctly capture the macroscopic dynamics. In particular, we highlight the importance of extensional rheology in simulating generic flows of polymeric fluids.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Shear-Thinning in Oligomer Melts - Molecular Origins and Applications

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    We investigate the molecular origin of shear-thinning in melts of flexible, semiflexible and rigid oligomers with coarse-grained simulations of a sheared melt. Entanglements, alignment, stretching and tumbling modes or suppression of the latter all contribute to understanding how macroscopic flow properties emerge from the molecular level. In particular, we identify the rise and decline of entanglements with increasing chain stiffness as the major cause for the non-monotonic behaviour of the viscosity in equilibrium and at low shear rates, even for rather small oligomeric systems. At higher shear rates, chains align and disentangle, contributing to shear-thinning. By performing simulations of single chains in shear flow, we identify which of these phenomena are of collective nature and arise through interchain interactions and which are already present in dilute systems. Building upon these microscopic simulations, we identify by means of the Irving–Kirkwood formula the corresponding macroscopic stress tensor for a non-Newtonian polymer fluid. Shear-thinning effects in oligomer melts are also demonstrated by macroscopic simulations of channel flows. The latter have been obtained by the discontinuous Galerkin method approximating macroscopic polymer flows. Our study confirms the influence of microscopic details in the molecular structure of short polymers such as chain flexibility on macroscopic polymer flows

    Phase separation of an asymmetric binary fluid mixture confined in a nanoscopic slit pore: Molecular-dynamics simulations

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    As a generic model system of an asymmetric binary fluid mixture, hexadecane dissolved in carbon dioxide is considered, using a coarse-grained bead-spring model for the short polymer, and a simple spherical particle with Lennard-Jones interactions for the carbon dioxide molecules. In previous work, it has been shown that this model reproduces the real phase diagram reasonable well, and also the initial stages of spinodal decomposition in the bulk following a sudden expansion of the system could be studied. Using the parallelized simulation package ESPResSo on a multiprocessor supercomputer, phase separation of thin fluid films confined between parallel walls that are repulsive for both types of molecules are simulated in a rather large system (1356 x 1356 x 67.8 A^3, corresponding to about 3.2 million atoms). Following the sudden system expansion, a complicated interplay between phase separation in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the walls is found: in the early stages the hexadecane molecules accumulate mostly in the center of the slit pore, but as the coarsening of the structure in the parallel direction proceeds, the inhomogeneity in the perpendicular direction gets much reduced. Studying then the structure factors and correlation functions at fixed distances from the wall, the densities are essentially not conserved at these distances, and hence the behavior differs strongly from spinodal decomposition in the bulk. Some of the characteristic lengths show a nonmonotonic variation with time, and simple coarsening described by power-law growth is only observed if the domain sizes are much larger than the film thickness.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Dynamics of macromolecules grafted in spherical brushes under good solvent conditions

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    Spherical polymer brushes have a structure intermediate between star polymers and polymer brushes on flat substrates, and are important building blocks of polymer nanoparticles. Molecular dynamics simulations are presented for isolated spherical polymer brushes under good solvent conditions, varying the grafting density as well as the chain length, using a coarse-grained bead-spring model of flexible chains. We complement previous work on the static properties of the same model by analyzing the chain dynamics, studying the motions of monomers in relation to their position along the grafted chains, and extract suitable relaxation times. A qualitative discussion in terms of the Rouse model is given, as well as a comparison to corresponding work on planar brushes. We find that the end monomers relax faster than monomers further inside along the chain, as previously observed for planar brushes, but at variance with theoretical expectations. The relevance of our findings for experimental work is briefly discussed. © 2013 American Chemical Society.L.Y. acknowledges support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Grant No. PA/473/8 in the early stage of this work.Peer Reviewe