280 research outputs found

    La rilevanza degli aspetti cognitivi nel processo educativo alla scuola primaria

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    An analysis of the current situation in Italian schools shows an increase in the number of students with special educational needs, in particular specific learning disabilities and students with other diverse types of dysfunctions, and also a significant growth in early school leaving. The scenario that emerges underlines the need to modify the educational dynamics, adapting them to the specific needs of each student. This article describes how constructs such as Vygotsky's Zones of Actual and Proximal Development and Feuerstein's cognitive functions can provide an extremely useful perspective for the analysis of the cognitive processes of each student, favoring a personalized approach to classroom work. In 2006, the European Parliament first introduced the concept of key competences. The fifth competence, "learning to learn", places the gradual development of students' fragile or deficient cognitive functions as one of the fundamental objectives of schooling. The thesis of the present article is that the use of Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment in class can provide an effective approach for the improvement of students' cognitive functions, which can later be generalized to disciplinary learning.Un’analisi della situazione attuale nella scuola italiana evidenzia un aumento degli alunni che presentano bisogni educativi speciali, e in particolare disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento e allievi con disabilità, e al tempo stesso mostra una crescita significativa della dispersione scolastica. Il quadro che emerge sottolinea la necessità di modificare le dinamiche educative, adeguandole ai bisogni specifici di ciascun allievo. Il presente articolo descrive come costrutti quali le Zone di Sviluppo Attuale e Prossimale di Vygotskij e le funzioni cognitive di Feuerstein possano fornire una prospettiva estremamente utile per l’analisi dei processi cognitivi di ciascun allievo, favorendo un approccio personalizzato nel lavoro in classe. Nel 2006, il Parlamento Europeo ha introdotto per la prima volta il concetto di competenze chiave. La quinta competenza, “imparare a imparare”, pone il graduale consolidamento delle funzioni cognitive fragili o carenti degli studenti come uno degli obiettivi fondamentali del percorso scolastico. Tesi del presente articolo ù che l’uso degli strumenti del PAS in classe possa fornire un approccio efficace per il consolidamento delle funzioni cognitive degli allievi, che potrà in seguito essere generalizzato agli apprendimenti disciplinari

    Il Programma di Arricchimento Pre-Strumentale (PAPS) di Leoni e Pavan

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    A growing body of evidence from clinical, educational, and basic research supports the idea of neuroplasticity and highlights the opportunity for early intervention. While some therapeutic approaches and rehabilitation methods are available in specific pathological areas, no structured program allows for early intervention in the case of intellectual disability.The Pre-Instrumental Enrichment (PIE) by Leoni & Pavan offers a structured educational habilitation program designed to be used starting from 18-month-old children with intellectual and learning disabilities. It builds on the concepts of the pedagogy of mediation and of the Feuerstein approach, and particularly on the importance of Mediated Learning Experience for cognitive development and learning. However, it reinvents in a completely new and original way theoretical, conceptual, and methodological constructs in order to allow for very early intervention. The activities, which are presented with a ludic and playful approach, are graded in complexity and abstraction. Central to the program is the construction of Primary Cognitive Activities, which are the earliest cognitive abilities emerging during child development and represent general prerequisites for subsequent learning. A co-essential target for intervention is a group ofbasic concepts, which have been chosen because they contribute to organizing perceptual processes and in order to systematically expose children to model learning experiences.Una crescente mole di evidenze scientifiche, in ambito neurobiologico, clinico e pedagogico, conferma da un lato la grande plasticitĂ  del cervello umano e dall’altra l’importanza dell’intervento precoce. Tuttavia, mentre alcuni approcci terapeutici e riabilitativi sono disponibili in relazione a specifici quadri patologici, mancano ancora interventi strutturati precoci nell’ambito della disabilitĂ  intellettiva. Il Programma di Arricchimento Pre-Strumentale (PAPS) di Leoni e Pavan rappresenta un percorso educativo ed abilitativo strutturato, disegnato per essere applicabile con bambini con disabilità cognitiva e disturbi dell’apprendimento a partire dai 18 mesi di etĂ . Prende le mosse dallapedagogia della mediazione e dalle teorie e dal metodo Feuerstein, da cui mutua l’idea della centralitĂ  dell’Esperienza di Apprendimento Mediato nei processi di apprendimento. Reinventa perĂČ in modo totalmente innovativo e originale costrutti teorici, concettuali e metodologici, allo scopo di poter intervenire fin dalla primissima infanzia.Le attivitĂ , proposte con un approccio ludiforme, sono graduate per complessitĂ  ed astrazione. Cuore del percorso Ăš la strutturazione delle AttivitĂ  Cognitive Primarie, che rappresentano le prime abilitĂ  cognitive che emergono durante lo sviluppo, e costituiscono prerequisiti trasversali per qualsiasi forma di apprendimento successivo. Target coessenziale dell’intervento Ăš rappresentatoda un gruppo di concetti di base, scelti da un lato perchĂ© contribuiscono all’organizzazione della percezione e dall’altro perchĂ© consentono di esporre sistematicamente i bambini ad esperienze-modello di apprendimento

    Il Programma di Arricchimento Pre-Strumentale e lo sviluppo del Concetto di Forma

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    Building on the principles of the pedagogy of mediation, the Pre-Instrumental Enrichment Program (PAPS) by Leoni and Pavan is a recently established approach specifically aimed at early cognitive intervention. It is designed to be applicable to pre-school children with intellectual disabilities and learning disorders.The approach proposes a structured and gradual intervention aimed at promoting the formation of several Basic Concepts, which play an important role in perceptual organization. The article outlines the intervention for the development of the concept of Shape, which presents a series of activities of increasing complexity and abstraction. Initially, children are involved in sensorymotor activities, in which the mediated learning experience of the perceptual properties of the basic attributes of planar shapes establishes the first geometrical mental representations. Subsequently, pre-operatory activities are proposed, guiding children through a gradual process of abstraction of the perceptual characteristics necessary to identify some basic planar geometric shapes. These figures will then be used to lead, through a further process of generalization, to the development of the superordinate concept of Shape.In addition to enabling the early development of geometric thinking, the proposed activities provide children with intellectual disabilities with a series of learning experiences and opportunities for the mediation of pro-attentive cognitive strategies.The aim of the paper is to show how work in the geometric domain, often neglected in intellectual disability, offers children, if properly supported, the opportunity to access gradually more abstract conceptual and procedural skills, and repositions the issue of equal access to learning opportunities at the center of the school debate

    Sacred Architecture in Burundi

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    Una iglesia debe tener el rostro y el corazón de la tierra y del pueblo en el que se destaca. Para proyectar los espacios para el culto, es importante sumergirnos en la vida de las personas, compartir sus visiones y verdaderas aspiraciones y conocer el lenguaje de sus corazones a través de la observación de la naturaleza. La experiencia en África nos ha sugerido la expoliación de cualquier perjuicio para dar la bienvenida a la novedad de un mundo virgen, capaz de inspirar, en su simplicidad, la formas mås esenciales y verdaderas, sin artificios y reminiscencias de otros mundos.A church must have the face and the heart of the land and of the people where it is built. To project the spaces for worship, it is important to know the lives of people, to share their visions and true aspirations and to learn the language of their hearts, also through the observation of nature. The experience in Africa has suggested the removal of any preconception to welcome the novelty of a virgin world, capable of inspiring in its simplicity, the most essential forms and true, without artifice and reminiscences of other worlds

    Impact of child obesity on adipose tissue physiology: assessment of adipocytokines and inflammatory cytokines as biomarkers of obesity

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    Obesity could be interpreted as a low grade inflammatory state. The role of cytokines for innate and acquired immune response and adipocytokines in pathogenesis of obesity is not completely understood. The aim of the study was to evaluate anthropometric parameters, adipocytokines and inflammatory cytokine levels as biomarkers of childhood obesity. This investigation was designed as a longitudinal observational study. Forty-seven obese children (19 males and 28 females) were enrolled by Pediatric Clinic of the Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy. For each patients a blood sample, used for other biochemical evaluations, was collected. Cytokines and adipocytokines plasmatic levels were determined using an ELISA method. Plasma leptin levels are in correlation with age (r=0.5; P<0.001) and BMI-z score (r=0.36; P<0.001), particularly in girls; plasma resistin levels are in inverse correlation with age, particularly in boys (r=-0.67; P<0.001) and in correlation with BMI-z score (r=0.52; P=0.002). Plasma leptin and resistin levels show a good correlation with antrophometric parameters of child obesity (sex and BMI z score). This study suggests that leptin and resistin can be considered as biomarker of childhood obesity and its comorbility. We observed a statistically significant correlation between plasma leptin and resistin levels and antrophometric parameters of child obesity (sex and BMI z score). This study suggests that adipocytokines, such as leptin and resistin, can be considered as biomarkers of childhood obesity

    Biomass furnace for externally fired gas turbine: Development and validation of the numerical model

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    Externally-fired gas turbines (EFGT) are currently being investigated for co-generation from biomass, because of their ability to deal with low-grade fuels without the complexity of gasification. Main drawbacks of the technology are related to the high thermal stresses experienced by the heat exchanger. The present work proposes a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a grate-fired furnace installed in a EFGT cycle, with the purpose to provide a tool for detecting the most critical regions in the furnace. The model is complemented with a process simulation of the entire EFGT cycle. Different approaches for treating the fuel bed and their impact on the CFD analysis are discussed and validated through the availability of in-flame measurements of temperature and chemical species. Predictions indicate the need for a detailed fluid dynamic characterization of the grate region, which was found to largely impact the furnace flow and thermo-chemical fields

    Potenziamento cognitivo e Montagnaterapia

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    While the benefits of physical activity on health are firmly established, recent evidence points to the existence of a specific therapeutic value.In Italy, a particular form of this approach has been developed, called Mountain-Therapy. It focuses on the positive effects of different motor activities carried out in the natural and cultural environment of the mountains. To this perspective belongs the Laboratory of Cognitive Enhancement and Mountain-Therapy, which is aimed at young people aged 11 to 15 with intellectual disabilities.The natural environment of the mountains serves as a backdrop for such activities as orientation in space, the study of the local flora or the study of typical agricultural production cycles. Through such experiences, kids can learn how to deal with complex situations under the supervision of experiencedmediators. Cognitive objectives of the laboratory are, firstly, to transfer previously learnt cognitive strategies to a real environment, leaving the predetermined context that characterizes the educational work; andsecondly, to develop mental representations based on solid experiential foundations, thus adequate to support processes of abstract thinking and metacognitive reflection. Co-essential objectives are to help the kids consolidate more mature social skills and develop a sense of self, driven by the experience of self-efficacy and by the interaction with the group of peers.Se sono ampiamente riconosciuti i benefici dell’attivitĂ  motoria sulla salute, recenti evidenze ne hanno messo in luce una specifica valenza terapeutica.Una particolare forma di tale approccio, sviluppata in ambito italiano con il nome di Montagnaterapia, pone l’accento sugli effetti positivi di una serie di attivitĂ  motorie svolte nell’ambiente naturale e culturale della montagna. In tale prospettiva si inserisce il Laboratorio di Potenziamento Cognitivoe Montagnaterapia, che si rivolge a ragazzi con disabilitĂ  intellettiva dagli 11 ai 15 anni.L’ambiente naturale della montagna fa da sfondo ad attivitĂ , quali l’orientamento, lo studio della flora o dei cicli produttivi agroalimentari, in cui i ragazzi possono confrontarsi con situazioni autenticamente complesse, sotto la supervisione di mediatori esperti.Obiettivi cognitivi del Laboratorio sono da un lato il trasferimento di strategie cognitive precedentemente apprese in un ambiente reale, uscendo dal contesto predeterminato che caratterizza il lavoro educativo, e dall’altro lo sviluppo di rappresentazioni mentali fondate su una solida base esperienziale,adeguata per supportare processi di pensiero astratto e di riflessione metacognitiva.Obiettivi coessenziali sono il consolidamento nei ragazzi di piĂč mature competenze relazionali e lo sviluppo di un senso di sĂ©, legati all’esperienza di autoefficacia ed al confronto con il gruppo dei pari

    Prolonged extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in a child affected by rituximab-resistant autoimmune hemolytic anemia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in children younger than 2 years of age is usually characterized by a severe course, with a mortality rate of approximately 10%. The prolonged immunosuppression following specific treatment may be associated with a high risk of developing severe infections. Recently, the use of monoclonal antibodies (rituximab) has allowed sustained remissions to be obtained in the majority of pediatric patients with refractory autoimmune hemolytic anemia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the case of an 8-month-old Caucasian girl affected by a severe form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, which required continuous steroid treatment for 16 months. Thereafter, she received 4 weekly doses of rituximab (375 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/dose) associated with steroid therapy, which was then tapered over the subsequent 2 weeks. One month after the last dose of rrituximab, she presented with recurrence of severe hemolysis and received two more doses of rrituximab. The patient remained in clinical remission for 7 months, before presenting with a further relapse. An alternative heavy immunosuppressive therapy was administered combining cyclophosphamide 10 mg/kg/day for 10 days with methylprednisolone 40 mg/kg/day for 5 days, which was then tapered down over 3 weeks. While still on steroid therapy, the patient developed an interstitial pneumonia with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, which required immediate admission to the intensive care unit where extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy was administered continuously for 37 days. At 16-month follow-up, the patient is alive and in good clinical condition, with no organ dysfunction, free from any immunosuppressive treatment and with a normal Hb level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This case shows that aggressive combined immunosuppressive therapy may lead to a sustained complete remission in children with refractory autoimmune hemolytic anemia. However, the severe life-threatening complication presented by our patient indicates that strict clinical monitoring must be vigilantly performed, that antimicrobial prophylaxis should always be considered and that experienced medical and nursing staff must be available, to deliver highly specialized supportive salvage therapies, if necessary, during intensive care monitoring.</p

    Phytochemical and Ecological Analysis of Two Varieties of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Grown in a Mountain Environment of Italian Alps

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    Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a multifunctional crop that is capable of prompt environmental adaptation. In this study, a monoecious cultivar (Futura 75) and a dioecious one (Finola) were tested in a mountain area in Valsaviore (Rhaetian Alps, Italy; elevation: 1,100 m a.s.l.) during the growing season 2018. Phytochemical behavior was evaluated by different analytical approaches: HPLC-high-resolution mass spectrometry, SDS-PAGE LC-MS/MS, HS-SPME GC-MS, and GC-FID in order to obtain complete profile of two varieties cultivated in altitude. CSR functional strategy used for ecological evaluation revealed that both genotypes are mainly competitors, although Finola is more stress tolerator (C:S:R = 57:26:17%) than Futura (C:S:R = 69:15:16%). The Finola inflorescences were characterized by higher quantities of \u3b2-ocimene and \u3b1-terpinolene, while \u3b1- and f-pinene accompanied by extremely high f-myrcene were found as predominant in Futura. Both varieties were rich in sesquiterpenes (45 recognized) among which trans-caryophyllene and \u3b1-humulene were the most abundant. Total tetrahydrocannabinol level was lower than 0.1%, while the most abundant cannabinoid was cannabidiolic acid (CBDA): 2.3% found in Finola vs. 2.7% revealed for Futura. The level of corresponding neutral form, cannabidiol, varied drastically: 0.27% (Finola) vs. 0.056% (Futura). Finola showed the unique cannabinoid profile with unexpectedly high cannabidivarin, 2-fold higher that corresponding acidic analogue, whereas the particularity of Futura 75 was the occurrence of cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) in the quantities that was double than those exposed for Finola. The seeds from both chemovars proved to be rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and Finola showed a higher ratio \u3c96/\u3c93. No difference was found in the protein content, and the SDS-PAGE profile was similar. The most abundant protein was edestin, followed by heat shock protein 70, f-conglycinin, and vicilin. In conclusion, comprehensive phytochemical and ecological study of two fiber-type varieties cultivated in Italian Alps displayed specific, legal, and safe cannabinoids profile, followed by particular terpene composition, polyunsaturated fatty acids content, and favorable protein profile. This postulates that geographical provenience of hemp should be considered in selecting a variety that would be suitable for a specific end-use nutraceutical application

    Potent in vitro antiproliferative properties for a triplatinum cluster toward triple negative breast cancer cells

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    The trinuclear platinum cluster [Pt3(ÎŒ-PBut2)3(CO)3]CF3SO3 (I) was designed featuring the presence of a nearly equilateral platinum triangle bridged by three di-tert-butylphosphide ligands; in addition, each platinum center bears a terminal carbonyl ligand. This triplatinum cluster was initially developed in view of applications in the field of cluster-containing innovative materials. Yet, due to the large success of platinum complexes in cancer treatment, we also decided to explore its cytotoxic and anticancer properties. Accordingly, the solubility profile of this compound in several solvents was preliminarily investigated, revealing a conspicuous solubility in DMSO and DMSO/buffer mixtures; this makes the biological testing of I amenable. UV–Vis measurements showed that the triplatinum cluster is stable for several hours under a variety of conditions, within aqueous environments. No measurable reactivity was observed for I toward two typical model proteins, i.e. lysozyme and cytochrome c. On the contrary, a significant reactivity was evidenced when reacting I with small sulfur-containing ligands. In particular, a pronounced reactivity with reduced glutathione and cysteine emerged from ESI-MS experiments, proving complete formation of I-GSH and I-Cys derivatives, with the loss of a single carbonyl ligand. Starting from these encouraging results, the cytotoxic potential of I was assayed in vitro against a panel of representative cancer cell lines, and potent cytotoxic properties were disclosed. Of particular interest is the finding that the triplatinum species manifests potent antiproliferative properties toward Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells, often refractory to most anticancer drugs. Owing to the reported encouraging results, a more extensive biological and pharmacological evaluation of this Pt cluster is now warranted to better elucidate its mode of action
