14 research outputs found

    Preliminary Report on Phase I/II Archaeological Testing at 12 Fleet Street, 40 Fleet Street (18AP110), 30 Cornhill Street (18AP114), and 41 Cornhill Street (18AP115), Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, Maryland, 2008-2010

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    In June 2008, June 2009, and June 2010, undergraduate and graduate students under the supervision of staff from the Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), Archaeology in Annapolis Project, conducted archaeological testing in privately owned backyards at 40 Fleet Street (18AP110), 12 Fleet Street, 30 Cornhill Street (18AP114), and 41 Cornhill Street (18AP115). These sites are all located in the historic district of Annapolis, Maryland, in Anne Arundel County. This project was an intellectual extension of previous testing that was conducted along the public right-of-ways at 26 Market Space (18AP109) and on Fleet Street (18AP111) and Cornhill Street (18AP112) during the spring of 2008. A total of eleven test units were excavated in the backyards on Fleet and Cornhill Streets during the summers of 2008, 2009, and 2010. The Fleet and Cornhill Street project area falls within the Council for Maryland Archaeology’s Maryland Archaeological Research Units, Coastal Plain Province, Research Unit 7, Gunpowder-Middle-Back-Patapsco-Magothy-Severn-South-Rhode-West Drainages. The project area is bounded on the east side by the Annapolis Historic District Market Space and on the west side by State Circle. The previously excavated streetscape units helped to address many of the research questions related to the development of Fleet and Cornhill Streets, and the ways in which the streetscape changed between the seventeenth and the twenty-first centuries. The backyard units provided the opportunity to further address research questions related to the archaeology of a working class neighborhood, providing the opportunity to compare different work and living spaces within the neighborhood. The test units excavated during the course of the project provided evidence of the use of backyard spaces during the historical development of the neighborhood. Historic features uncovered during the excavations included a late 19th and early 20th century privy at 40 Fleet Street, a 19th century cistern at 30 Cornhill Street, and evidence that the early 20th century owners of 41 Cornhill Street may have had indoor plumbing privately installed in their home. Excavated levels and features also revealed evidence of changing usage of backyard spaces through features associated with outbuildings that are no longer extant, as well as artifacts related to domestic and work related activities. This site report is an addendum to the 2008 site report, which details the archaeological findings from the test units that were placed along the streetscape of Fleet and Cornhill Streets, and the Market Space. The test excavations at 40 Fleet Street (18AP110), 12 Fleet Street, 30 Cornhill Street (18AP114) and 41 Cornhill Street (18AP115) indicate that the archaeological resources in the back yard spaces of Fleet and Cornhill Street generally have a high degree of archaeological integrity and are historically significant. The units excavated at the sites of 40 Fleet Street, 30 Cornhill Street, and 41 Cornhill Street provide supporting evidence that these sites meet National Register Criterion D for potential inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, although 41 Cornhill Street showed more disturbance than the other sites. These sites have revealed important information about the historical development of Fleet and Cornhill Streets, and the historic district of Annapolis, over the past two hundred and fifty years, and future work at the sites should be monitored

    Phase I/II Archaeological Testing on Fleet Street (18AP111), Cornhill Street (18AP112), and 26 Market Space (18AP109), for the Proposed Fleet and Cornhill Streets Reconstruction Project, Annapolis, Maryland, 2008

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    From 3/31/08 to 5/30/08 staff from the Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), Archaeology in Annapolis Project, conducted archaeological testing on city-owned public right-of-ways at 26 Market Space (18AP109), on Fleet Street (18AP111), and on Cornhill Street (18AP112) prior to the upcoming undergrounding and replacement of city-owned utilities along and beneath these streets. In addition, from 06/02/08 to 06/20/08, undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the University of Maryland, Field School in Urban Archaeology conducted further testing of city-owned public right-of-ways on Cornhill Street (18AP112). This Phase II investigation has been conducted at the request of the City of Annapolis, Department of Public Works (DPW) as part of the Fleet and Cornhill Streets Reconstruction Project. The project area comprises the streetscapes of what is referred to as the Fleet-Cornhill neighborhood. Eleven test units were used to evaluate archaeological integrity and significance of these sites and to evaluate the potential effects of planned construction on archaeological resources. Background research shows that the Fleet Street neighborhood was initially developed in the late 17th and early 18th century. Throughout the later 18th, 19th and 20th centuries the area became known as an ethnically diverse working class neighborhood in the heart of the city. Historical residents of the project area have included in the early 20th century native people of European, African descent, and a community of Russian Ashkenazi Jews in the early 20th century. Previous archaeological investigations found evidence of intact archaeological resources within the project area dating from the 18th to 20th centuries. In addition to providing evidence of patterns of Annapolis’ historical urbanization, several features excavated in the course of this project have shed light on the development of public space within this working class neighborhood. These features include a corduroy or log road dating to the first quarter of the 18th century; what is believed to be a Yoruba ritual bundle dating to the first quarter of the 18th century; and a series of city improvements (i.e. curbs, sidewalks, and a public well) dating from the 18th through 20th centuries. A high degree of archaeological integrity at all three sites has the potential to add considerable knowledge concerning both Annapolis city development, and an ethnically diverse working class community. All three sites are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D. Because of the integrity and uniqueness of the archaeological record within the project area, it is recommended that further archaeological research be done. Included within this recommendation is the need to process flotation and macrobotanical samples recovered in the fiel

    Can Young Adults Accurately Report Sexual Partnership Dates? Factors Associated With Interpartner and Dyad Agreement

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    Sexual partnership dates are critical to STI/HIV research and control programs, though validity is limited by inaccurate recall and reporting

    Association of perceived partner non-monogamy with prevalent and incident sexual concurrency

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    Concurrency is suggested as an important factor in sexually transmitted infection transmission and acquisition, though little is known regarding factors that may predict concurrency initiation. We examined the association between perception of a partner’s non-monogamy (PPNM) and simultaneous or subsequent concurrency among at-risk heterosexual young adults in the Los Angeles area

    Détection des symétries par réseaux de neurones formels : utilisation de représentations internes dans l'apprentissage

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    Gilles LEONE, Jocelyn PATINEL, Maurice MILGRAM : Gilles LEONE, Jocelyn PATINEL, Maurice MILGRAM : Détection des symétries par réseaux de neurones formels : utilisation de représentations internes dans l'apprentissage We study the detection of axial symmetries in binary images with artificial layered neural networks, trained with the backpropagation rule. The number of hidden neurons necessary to classify correctly images is almost indépendant from the images' size. After a brief presentation of some psychophysical models we present the corresponding boolean formalism. We show experimental results obtained with different networks, and we note that only a few hidden neurons are really usefull. These neurons are characterised by the regular spatial structure of their input weights. We then propose a new and more efficient training algorithm that yields networks with the minimum number of neurons necessary to perform the classification. In the last part, we take up the theoretical analysis of this problem that leads to an interesting superior limit for the number of hidden neurons needed for its solution.Nous étudions la détection de symétries axiales dans des images binaires à l'aide de réseaux de neurones formels. Nous obtenons une quasi indépendance du nombre de cellules cachées par rapport à la taille des images à classer. Après avoir présenté différents modèles psychophysiques, nous introduisons le formalisme booléen correspondant. Nous exposons ensuite les résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec différents réseaux, en particulier nous remarquons que seuls un petit nombre de neurones cachés sont réellement utiles. Ceux-ci sont caractérisés par la structure spatiale régulière de leurs poids d'entrée. Nous proposons alors un nouvel algorithme d'apprentissage plus efficace, qui conduit à l'obtention de réseaux possédant le nombre minimum de neurones nécessaires pour la classification. Dans la dernière partie, nous abordons l'analyse théorique de ce problème qui conduit à une borne supérieure intéressante sur le nombre de cellules cachées nécessaires à sa résolution.Leone Gilles, Patinel Jocelyn, Milgram Maurice. Détection des symétries par réseaux de neurones formels : utilisation de représentations internes dans l'apprentissage. In: Intellectica. Revue de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, n°19, 1994/2. Organisation émergente dans les populations : biologie, éthologie, systèmes artificiels. pp. 217-252

    Primary Results of the Phase 4 BYOND Study of Bosutinib for Pretreated Chronic Phase (CP) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

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    7012 Background: The tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) BOS is approved for patients (pts) with Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)+ CML resistant/intolerant to prior therapy and newly diagnosed pts in CP. Methods: The ongoing phase 4 BYOND study is further evaluating efficacy and safety of BOS (starting dose 500 mg/d) for CML resistant/intolerant to prior TKIs. Primary endpoint (not powered) in Ph+ CP CML cohorts is cumulative confirmed major cytogenetic response (MCyR) by 1 y. Results: Of 163 pts who received BOS, 156 had Ph+ CP CML (46, 61 and 49 after 1, 2 and 3 prior TKIs, respectively). Across Ph+ CP CML cohorts, 51.9% of pts were male; median age was 61 y. As of 1 y after last enrolled pt (median follow-up 30.4 mo), 56.4% remained on BOS. Median BOS duration was 23.7 mo and median dose intensity after adjustment due to adverse events (AEs) 313 mg/d. Of 144 evaluable pts with a valid baseline assessment, cumulative confirmed MCyR by 1 y was 71.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 63.4–78.7). Cumulative complete cytogenetic response rate anytime on treatment was 81.3% (95% CI 73.9–87.3). Cumulative molecular response (MR) rates were high across lines of therapy (Table). 10 deaths occurred (5 on treatment); 1-y overall survival rate was 98.0%. No pt progressed to accelerated/blast phase on treatment. 25.0% discontinued BOS due to AEs and 5.1% due to insufficient response. Most common treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) were diarrhea (87.8%) and nausea (41.0%). Grade 3/4 TEAEs in > 10% of pts were diarrhea (16.7%) and increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT; 14.7%). The only TEAE leading to discontinuation in > 5% of pts was increased ALT (5.1%). Conclusions: Most pretreated pts with Ph+ CP CML had MCyR by 1 y with BOS; a substantial proportion achieved or preserved major MR (MMR) and deep MR in all therapy lines. Results further support BOS use for Ph+ CP CML resistant/intolerant to prior TKIs. Clinical trial information: NCT02228382. [Table: see text

    Bosutinib for pretreated patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia : primary results of the phase 4 BYOND study

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    Bosutinib is approved for newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) chronic phase (CP) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and for Ph+ CP, accelerated (AP), or blast (BP) phase CML after prior treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). In the ongoing phase 4 BYOND study (NCT02228382), 163 CML patients resistant/intolerant to prior TKIs (n = 156 Ph+ CP CML, n = 4 Ph+ AP CML, n = 3 Ph-negative/BCR-ABL1+ CML) received bosutinib 500 mg once daily (starting dose). As of ≥1 year after last enrolled patient (median treatment duration 23.7 months), 56.4% of Ph+ CP CML patients remained on bosutinib. Primary endpoint of cumulative confirmed major cytogenetic response (MCyR) rate by 1 year was 75.8% in Ph+ CP CML patients after one or two prior TKIs and 62.2% after three prior TKIs. Cumulative complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) and major molecular response (MMR) rates by 1 year were 80.6% and 70.5%, respectively, in Ph+ CP CML patients overall. No patient progressed to AP/BP on treatment. Across all patients, the most common treatment-emergent adverse events were diarrhea (87.7%), nausea (39.9%), and vomiting (32.5%). The majority of patients had confirmed MCyR by 1 year and MMR by 1 year, further supporting bosutinib use for Ph+ CP CML patients resistant/intolerant to prior TKIs