80 research outputs found

    Changes in the fraction of strongly attached cross bridges in mouse atrophic and hypertrophic muscles as revealed by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance.

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), coupled with site-directed spin labeling, has been proven to be a particularly suitable technique to extract information on the fraction of myosin heads strongly bound to actin upon muscle contraction. The approach can be used to investigate possible structural changes occurring in myosin of fiber s altered by diseases and aging. In this work, we labeled myosin at position Cys707, located in the SH1-SH2 helix in the myosin head cleft, with iodoacetamide spin label, a spin label that is sensitive to the reorientational motion of this protein during the ATPase cycle and characterized the biochemical states of the labeled myosin head by means of continuous wave EPR. After checking the sensitivity and the power of the technique on different muscles and species, we investigated whether changes in the fraction of strongly bound myosin heads might explain the contractile alterations observed in atrophic and hypertrophic murine muscles. In both conditions, the difference in contractile force could not be justified simply by the difference in muscle mass. Our results showed that in atrophic muscles the decrease in force generation was attributable to a lower fraction of strongly bound cross bridges during maximal activation. In contrast in hypertrophic muscles, the increase in force generation was likely due to several factors, as pointed out by the comparison of the EPR experiments with the tension measurements on single skinned fibers

    Desempenho ambiental e viabilidade econômica em uma indústria de pavimentos intertravados

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    Purpose – This study’s main objective is to verify if there is a relation between proactivity and technological protection in the environmental performance of the ventures in this segment. And check if there is economic feasibility to produce interlocking concrete paving blocks with the addition of rubber, as well as the certification of the product as ecologically friendly.Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on the methodologies shown by Dickel (2017), questionnaire and variables, and Bertolini (2009), economic viability for the manufacture of ecologically friendly products.Findings – As a result, the study confirms the association between technological protection and proactivity in environmental performance, as well as the economic viability for the offer of the interlocking concrete paving product with ecological certification.Originality/value – Civil construction occupies a prominent position, accounting for a significant portion of Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as being the largest employer industry in the country. It is also recognized as having significant environmental impacts in the conduct of its activities. However, the search for sustainability has been a mobilizing element in the definition of corporate strategies, companies have been seeking more and more actions that are economically viable, respecting environmental and social aspects.Objetivo – O presente estudo tem como objetivo, verificar se há relação entre proatividade e proteção tecnológica no desempenho ambiental dos empreendimentos nesse segmento. E verificar se existe viabilidade econômica para a produção de pavimento intertravado com a adição de borracha, assim como a certificação do produto como ecologicamente correto.Design / metodologia / abordagem - O estudo tem como base as metodologias apresentadas por Dickel (2017), questionário e variáveis, e Bertolini (2009), viabilidade econômica para a fabricação de produtos ecologicamente correto.Resultados - Como resultado, o estudo confirma a associação entre da proteção tecnológica e da proatividade no desempenho ambiental, assim como a viabilidade econômica para a oferta do produto pavimento intertravado com certificação ecológica.Originalidade / valor - A construção civil ocupa uma posição de destaque, sendo responsável por uma significativa parcela do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro, além de ser a maior indústria empregadora do país. Também é reconhecida por deflagrar significativos impactos ambientais na condução das suas atividades. No entanto, a busca pela sustentabilidade tem sido elemento mobilizador na definição de estratégias corporativas, as empresas têm buscado cada vez mais adotar ações que sejam economicamente viáveis, que respeitem aspectos ambientais e sociais

    Execução fiscal aplicada: análise pragmática do processo de execução fiscal

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 336.2.029.9(81) E96f- Coordenado por: João Aurino de Melo Filho

    Age-Associated Loss of OPA1 in Muscle Impacts Muscle Mass, Metabolic Homeostasis, Systemic Inflammation, and Epithelial Senescence

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs during aging, but its impact on tissue senescence is unknown. Here, we find that sedentary but not active humans display an age-related decline in the mitochondrial protein, optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), that is associated with muscle loss. In adult mice, acute, muscle-specific deletion of Opa1 induces a precocious senescence phenotype and premature death. Conditional and inducible Opa1 deletion alters mitochondrial morphology and function but not DNA content. Mechanistically, the ablation of Opa1 leads to ER stress, which signals via the unfolded protein response (UPR) and FoxOs, inducing a catabolic program of muscle loss and systemic aging. Pharmacological inhibition of ER stress or muscle-specific deletion of FGF21 compensates for the loss of Opa1, restoring a normal metabolic state and preventing muscle atrophy and premature death. Thus, mitochondrial dysfunction in the muscle can trigger a cascade of signaling initiated at the ER that systemically affects general metabolism and aging