84 research outputs found

    Chinchillidae and Dolichotinae rodents (Rodentia: Hystricognathi: Caviomorpha) from the late Pleistocene of Southern Brazil

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    New records of rodents from the late Pleistocene Chuí Creek, Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil, are here described. A partial dentary with fragmented cheek teeth is identified as Chinchillidae, Lagostomus Brookes cf. L. maximus (Desmarest). Other two specimens are identified as cheek teeth of Dolichotinae indet. (Caviidae). Pleistocene fossils of Lagostomus were previously reported for Argentina and Uruguay. The material of Lagostomus from Chuí Creek represents the first confidently record of this taxon Brazil. Pleistocene fossil remains of Dolichotinae have been found in Argentina, Uruguay and other areas of southern Brazil, though the Brazilian find lack precise stratigraphic information. These new records widen the paleobiogeographic distribution of Lagostomus and confirm the presence of Dolichotinae during the late Pleistocene of southern Brazil.Fil: Kerber, Leonardo. Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Pereira Lopes, Renato. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Vucetich, María Guiomar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ribeiro, Ana Maria. Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Pereira, Jamil. Museu Coronel Tancredo Fernandes de Mello; Brasi

    Late Pleistocene echimyid rodents (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from northern Brazil

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    Echimyidae (spiny rats, tree rats and the coypu) is the most diverse family of extant South American hystricognath rodents (caviomorphs). Today, they live in tropical forests (Amazonian, coastal and Andean forests), occasionally in more open xeric habitats in the Cerrado and Caatinga of northern South America, and open areas across the southern portion of the continent (Myocastor). The Quaternary fossil record of this family remains poorly studied. Here, we describe the fossil echimyids found in karst deposits from southern Tocantins, northern Brazil. The analyzed specimens are assigned to Thrichomys sp., Makalata cf. didelphoides and Proechimys sp. This is the first time that a fossil of Makalata is reported. The Pleistocene record of echimyids from this area is represented by fragmentary remains, which hinders their determination at specific levels. The data reported here contributes to the understanding of the ancient diversity of rodents of this region, evidenced until now in other groups, such as the artiodactyls, cingulates, carnivores, marsupials, and squamate reptiles.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Fósseis de vertebrados da Formação Touro Passo (Pleistoceno Superior), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: atualização dos dados e novas contribuições

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    This paper presents the descriprion of new vertebrate fossil specimens found in Upper Pleistocene deposits of the Touro Passo Formation (western Rio Grande do Sul State, southermost Brazil). A revision of the previous taxonomic works in five localities from where vertebrate fossils from the Touro Passo Formation came from, as well as a first report of coprolites occurrence are also presented. The following taxa are analyzed and discussed: Propraopus sp., Pampatherium typum, Holmesina paulacoutoi, Glyptodontidae indet., Glyptodon sp., Glyptodon cf. G. reticulatus, Panochthus sp., Neothoracophorus aff. N. elevatus, Mylodontidae indet., Canidae indet., Hydrochoerus cf. H. hydrochaeris, Caviidae indet., Toxodon sp., Equidae indet., Equus (A.) neogeus, Hippidion sp., Morenelaphus sp., Antifer sp., Cervidae indet., Camelidae indet., Hemiauchenia paradoxa, Lama sp. and Testudines indet. Their presence in this unit and more precise geographic and stratigraphic data contributes to the establishment of the environmental processes involved in the distribution of the vertebrate faunas, with a common occurrence of tropical, intertropical and Pampean fauna in central and eastern areas of South America during the end of Pleistocene. The biological content of the Touro Passo Formation analyzed herein cannot solve the problem originated by the large spam of time indicated by the radiometric ages, but could confirm the great influence in the fossil material of the reworking processes. Key words: vertebrate, coprolite, taphonomy, Luján land-mammal age, Quaternary, southwestern Brazil.Neste trabalho é revisado o conteúdo em fósseis de vertebrados de cinco localidades que expõem níveis da Formação Touro Passo (Pleistoceno Superior) e comunicada a presença de novos elementos, que incluem o primeiro registro de um coprólito. Confirma-se a partir daí uma assembléia composta por Propraopus sp., Pampatherium typum, Holmesina paulacoutoi, Glyptodontidae indet., Glyptodon sp., Glyptodon cf. G. reticulatus, Panochthus sp., Neothoracophorus aff. N. elevatus, Mylodontidae indet., Canidae indet., Hydrochoerus cf. H. hydrochaeris, Caviidae indet., Toxodon sp., Equidae indet., Equus (A.) neogeus, Hippidion sp., Morenelaphus sp., Antifer sp., Cervidae indet., Camelidae indet., Hemiauchenia paradoxa, Lama sp. e uma forma indeterminada de Testudines. A presença destes fósseis, somada ao melhor estabelecimento de sua procedência e relações estratigráficas, contribui para a reconstituição dos processos envolvidos na distribuição e evolução dos vertebrados nas áreas do centro e leste da América do Sul, marcadas pela ocorrência comum de táxons tropicais e subtropicais e formas de afinidades pampeanas e ou patagônicas, durante o final do Pleistoceno. Os dados aqui compilados, embora não solucionem os problemas da amplitude de idades que têm sido atribuídas a esta unidade pelos dados isotópicos, corroboram, por outro lado, a presença de uma parcela grande de material ósseo que foi afetado por processos de retrabalhamento. Palavras-chave: vertebrados, coprólito, tafonomia, Lujanense, Quaternário, Brasil

    Paleontologia e aspectos geológicos das sucessões do final do Neógeno no sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Three fluvial generated sucessions from southwestern Brazil are discussed in its litostratigraphic and paleontological aspects. The fossil content suggests distinct ages between the end of Pliocene and Holocene, sometimes contradictory with the absolute ages. Its correlation with other South American places is also furnished. The Guterres Alloformation is a fi ne to coarse sand and conglomeratic unit that contains only fossil wood logs and is here proposed to correspond to Salto and Salto Chico Formations, respectively from Uruguay and Argentina. However, thermoluminescence ages suggest a Late Pleistocene age, more coherent with the corresponding El Palmar, Argentina, and Touro Passo Formations. To the Touro Passo outcrops are proposed three architectural units, of channel, lateral accretion and flood plains, the last one exclusive from the Barranca Grande locality, also unique in contain autochnous and parauthoctonous mammal rests. The fossil content, with Tupinambis, Hydrochoerus, Tapirus and Tayassu, indicates an Upper Pleistocene age and points to a more warm and wet climate, that could be compared with those that marks the deposition from the northern areas from Uruguay and Argentina (Sopas and Yupói/Toropi Formations). The same correlation could be made to the Sanga da Cruz locality, but with little younger ages and characterized by typical Pampean elements, like Propraopus cf. P. grandis, Glyptodon, Pampaterium typum, and Macrauchenia patachonica. Key words: Quaternary, fluvial deposits, vertebrates, woods, age, South Brazil.Três sucessões do setor sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, geradas em ambiente dominantemente fluvial, são revistas em termos litoestratigráficos e paleontológicos. O conjunto dos fósseis de vertebrados sugere diferentes idades, entre o final do Plioceno e Holoceno, e isso estimula a discussão de seus locais de ocorrência e significado temporal. A Aloformação Guterres, composta por arenitos finos a grossos, e arenitos conglomeráticos, contém exclusivamente lenhos silicificados e é sugerida, com base na tafoflora, sua correlação com as formações Salto, Uruguai, e Salto Chico, na Argentina. Idades obtidas por termoluminescência podem indicar, no entanto, que englobe níveis mais jovens e que sua deposição se estenda até o tempo de deposição das formações El Palmar, de Entre Rios, e Argentina, ou Touro Passo, no Brasil. Para a Formação Touro Passo, são reconhecidos três elementos arquiteturais: de canais, acresção lateral, e planície de inundação, os últimos testemunhados apenas na localidade de Barranca Grande. Neste local, os fósseis de vertebrados autóctones e parautóctones sugerem um intervalo correspondente ao Pleistoceno Superior e um clima mais quente e úmido que nos situados mais ao sul e na costa da Argentina, mas similar àquele informado pelas faunas das formações Sopas e Yupói/Toropi, com Tupinambis, Hydrochoerus, Tapirus e Tayassu. Para a Sanga da Cruz, Alegrete, os níveis são propostos como correspondentes a estas mesmas unidades, mas com idades levemente mais jovens, e contêm elementos tipicamente pampeanos, como Propraopus cf. P. grandis, Glyptodon, Pampaterium typum e Macrauchenia patachonica. Palavras-chave: Quaternário, depósitos fluviais, vertebrados, lenhos, idade, sul do Brasil

    Chinchillidae and Dolichotinae rodents (Rodentia: Hystricognathi: Caviomorpha) from the late Pleistocene of southern Brazil

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    New records of rodents from the late Pleistocene Chuí Creek, Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil, are here described. A partial dentary with fragmented cheek teeth is identified as Chinchillidae, Lagostomus Brookes cf. L. maximus (Desmarest). Other two specimens are identified as cheek teeth of Dolichotinae indet. (Caviidae). Pleistocene fossils of Lagostomus were previously reported for Argentina and Uruguay. The material of Lagostomus from Chuí Creek represents the first confidently record of this taxon Brazil. Pleistocene fossil remains of Dolichotinae have been found in Argentina, Uruguay and other areas of southern Brazil, though the Brazilian find lack precise stratigraphic information. These new records widen the paleobiogeographic distribution of Lagostomus and confirm the presence of Dolichotinae during the late Pleistocene of southern Brazil. Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.Este trabalho reporta novos materiais de roedores provenientes dos depósitos fossilíferos do arroio Chuí (Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil). O material de Chinchillidae é identificado como Lagostomus Brookes cf. L. maximus (Desmarest) e é representado por um dentário esquerdo faltando sua região posterior, com o incisivo preservado e a série p4-m3 fragmentada. Os outros dois espécimes são identificados como molariformes de Dolichotinae indet. (Caviidae). Os fósseis de Lagostomus durante o Pleistoceno estavam restritos a Argentina e Uruguai. O material aqui reportado caracteriza o primeiro registro seguro deste táxon no Brasil. Fósseis de Dolichotinae têm sido encontrados em depósitos pleistocênicos da Argentina, Uruguai e sul do Brasil, porém este último provém de uma localidade sem contexto estratigráfico preciso. Desta forma, estes novos registros ampliam a distribuição paleobiogeográfica de Lagostomus e confirmam a presença de Dolichotinae durante o Pleistoceno final do sul do Brasil.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Late Miocene Potamarchine Rodents from Southwestern Amazonia, Brazil - With Description of New Taxa

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    The fossil rodents from the southwestern Amazonia of Brazil have been studied since the first half of the 20th century. Several caviomorph rodents were reported for the Neogene of this region, mainly neoepiblemids and dinomyids. Until recently, the record of dinomyids in the Solimões Formation (Late Miocene) was predominantly based on a few isolated teeth, which made it difficult to make more accurate taxonomic identifications due to the scarcity of diagnostic characters. Here, new remains, more complete than those previously reported, of potamarchine dinomyids from the Neogene of Brazil are described. A new species of Potamarchus and a new genus and species of a Potamarchinae are erected. In addition, new material of Potamarchus murinus and Potamarchus sp. is identified. These data suggest a higher diversity of dinomyids in in the western Amazonia than previously supposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Late Miocene Potamarchine Rodents from Southwestern Amazonia, Brazil - With Description of New Taxa

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    The fossil rodents from the southwestern Amazonia of Brazil have been studied since the first half of the 20th century. Several caviomorph rodents were reported for the Neogene of this region, mainly neoepiblemids and dinomyids. Until recently, the record of dinomyids in the Solimões Formation (Late Miocene) was predominantly based on a few isolated teeth, which made it difficult to make more accurate taxonomic identifications due to the scarcity of diagnostic characters. Here, new remains, more complete than those previously reported, of potamarchine dinomyids from the Neogene of Brazil are described. A new species of Potamarchus and a new genus and species of a Potamarchinae are erected. In addition, new material of Potamarchus murinus and Potamarchus sp. is identified. These data suggest a higher diversity of dinomyids in in the western Amazonia than previously supposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Microdesgaste dentário em Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) (Mammalia, Procyonidae)

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    For this study, the Pocyon cancrivorus m1, m2, PM4 and M1 teeth were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in order to observe dental microwear patterns. Tooth of subadult, adult and senile individuals were studied. The results showed different microwear signs with pits and cross scratches abundance. The combination of pits and cross scratches suggests a microwear pattern related to omnivorous diet. The dental microwear may become a useful tool for the species food web analyses and assist the studies about diet. Key words: teeth, MEV, diet.Para este estudo, foram analisados, sob microscopia eletrônica de varredura, dentes m1, m2, PM4 e M1 de Procyon cancrivorus, com o objetivo de observar padrões de microdesgaste dentário. Utilizaram-se dentes de adulto-jovem, adulto-adulto e adulto-velho. Os resultados mostraram diferentes sinais de microdesgaste, tais como orifícios e riscos cruzados, em maior abundância. A combinação de orifícios e riscos cruzados corrobora com um padrão relacionado à dieta onívora. O microdesgaste dentário pode se tornar uma ferramenta útil para a análise trófica de espécies e assim complementar os estudos de dieta. Palavras-chave: dentes, microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), dieta

    New record of Prozostrodon brasiliensis (Eucynodontia: Prozostrodontia) from its type-locality (Upper Triassic, Southern Brazil): comments on the endocranial morphology

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    Here we described a new specimen (UFRGS-PV-0543-T) of the non-mamaliaform cynodont Prozostrodon brasiliensis, collected in the Faixa Nova locality (Santa Maria City, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), which is referred to the Upper Triassic, Hyperodapedon Assemblage Zone. The new specimen includes a portion of the cranium (fragmented nasals, lacrimals, prefrontals, frontals, palatines, vomer, and fragments of the right premaxilla, left maxilla, and pterygoid), preserving the natural endocast of the nasal cavity, and a fragmented right dentary. The specimen is assigned to P. brasiliensis based on the absence of the postorbital bar, the shape and extension of the snout, the height of the horizontal ramus of the dentary, the position of the Meckelian groove, the morphology of the last postcanine (the only one with the crown partially preserved), and fitting size. The natural endocast is composed of sediment that filled in the nasal cavity. On the dorsal surface of the endocast, there is a longitudinal median sulcus formed by the median bony ridge. Laterally to this median sulcus, there is a longitudinal sulcus on each side formed by the lateral crests. The vomer is low and robust, tapering anteriorly and showing a dorsal groove along its entire length. Other aspects of the endocranial anatomy of UFRGS-PV-0543-T, including wide olfactory region and marked oval-shaped olfactory bulbs, are similar to those of other Late Triassic probainognathian cynodonts.Neste trabalho, descrevemos um novo espécime (UFRGS-PV-0543-T) do cinodonte não-mamaliaforme Prozostrodon brasiliensis, coletado na localidade Faixa Nova (Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), Triássico Superior, Zona de Associação de Hyperodapedon. O novo espécime é representado por uma porção do crânio (incluindo nasais fragmentados, lacrimais, pré-frontais, frontais, palatinos, vômer, e fragmentos da pré-maxila direita, maxila esquerda e pterigoide), que preserva o molde endocraniano natural da cavidade nasal, e um dentário direito fragmentado. O espécime é atribuído a P. brasiliensis baseado na ausência da barra pós-orbital, a forma e extensão do rostro, a altura do ramo horizontal do dentário, a posição do sulco Meckeliano, a morfologia do último pós-canino (o único com a coroa parcialmente preservada), e tamanho similar ao holótipo. O molde endocraniano natural é formado pelo sedimento que preencheu a cavidade nasal durante o processo de fossilização. Sobre a superfície dorsal desse molde, existem três sulcos longitudinais originados pela crista mediana e cristas laterais, presentes na superfície interna dos ossos que formam o teto da cavidade nasal. O vômer é baixo e robusto, afinado anteriormente e apresenta um sulco dorsal ao longo de todo o seu comprimento. Outros aspectos da anatomia endocraniana de UFRGS-PV-0543-T, incluindo ampla região olfatória e bulbos olfatórios ovais marcados, são semelhantes aos de outros cinodontes probainognátios do Triássico Superior.Fil: Kerber, Leonardo. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Martinelli, Agustín Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Gusmão Rodrigues, Pablo. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Ribeiro, Ana Maria. Museu de Ciencias Naturais; BrasilFil: Schultz, Cesar Leandro. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Bento Soares, Marina. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Late Pleistocene echimyid rodents (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from northern Brazil

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    Echimyidae (spiny rats, tree rats and the coypu) is the most diverse family of extant South American hystricognath rodents (caviomorphs). Today, they live in tropical forests (Amazonian, coastal and Andean forests), occasionally in more open xeric habitats in the Cerrado and Caatinga of northern South America, and open areas across the southern portion of the continent (Myocastor). The Quaternary fossil record of this family remains poorly studied. Here, we describe the fossil echimyids found in karst deposits from southern Tocantins, northern Brazil. The analyzed specimens are assigned to Thrichomys sp., Makalata cf. didelphoides and Proechimys sp. This is the first time that a fossil of Makalata is reported. The Pleistocene record of echimyids from this area is represented by fragmentary remains, which hinders their determination at specific levels. The data reported here contributes to the understanding of the ancient diversity of rodents of this region, evidenced until now in other groups, such as the artiodactyls, cingulates, carnivores, marsupials, and squamate reptiles.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse