4,022 research outputs found

    How Does the Law Put a Historical Analogy to Work?: Defining the Imposition of “A Condition Analogous to That of a Slave” in Modern Brazil

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    Over the last decades, the Brazilian state has engaged in concerted legal efforts to identify and prosecute cases of what officials refer to as “slave labor” (trabalho escravo). At a conceptual level, the campaign has paired the constitutional protection of human dignity and the “social value of labor” with an expansive interpretation of the offense described in Article 149 of the Criminal Code as “the reduction of a person to a condition analogous to that of a slave.” At the operational level, mobile teams of inspectors and prosecutors have intervened in thousands of work sites, and labor prosecutors have obtained hundreds of consent agreements and convictions in the labor courts, a civil branch of the judiciary. Between the mid-1990s and the end of 2016, some 51,000 workers were administratively resgatados (“rescued”) from rural and urban workplaces in which inspectors determined that they had been reduced to a condition analogous to slavery. Under the supervision of the inspectors, labor contracts have been administratively cancelled, back pay has been (when possible) extracted from the employer, and unemployment insurance payments have been provided to the rescued workers

    Tunable mechanical properties of gellan gum/poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogels for articular cartilage engineering

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    Articular cartilage (AC) is a complex multi-layered structure organized into four zones, namely superficial, middle, deep and calcified layers [1]. Its mechanical properties are varying with depth, and the compression modulus of the superficial and middle zone can achieve the value of 0.28 ± 0.16 MPa and 0.73 ± 0.26 MPa, respectively [2]. This paper reports the preliminary results concerning mechanically tunable gellan gum/poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogels for mimicking the compression mechanical properties of the first two layers of the AC tissue

    Ponto riscado na tela: o “Canto do Caboclo” em pixels e megabytes

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    O trabalho investiga o contexto que levou a Acadêmicos do Grande Rio, escola de samba do Grupo Especial do Rio de Janeiro, a participar do evento Carnaval Virtual – Edição Especial, em fevereiro de 2021. Primeiramente, em cotejo com notícias que mobilizaram o “mundo do samba”, serão descritas atividades realizadas pelas agremiações sambistas no decorrer de 2020, quando oavanço da pandemia de covid-19 tornava impossível qualquer previsão sobre os festejos carnavalescos de 2021. Depois, as lentes enfocarão o universo do carnaval virtual, com base nas teorizações de autores como Pierre Lévy. Num terceiro momento, será analisada a participação da Grande Rio nos desfiles da liga Carnaval Virtual: a “reapresentação” do enredo Tata Londirá: o Canto do Caboclo no Quilombo de Caxias em um contexto festivo muito diferente daquele observado na Marquês de Sapucaí é um experimento de cujas janelas brotam questões sobre hibridismo, virtualização e cibercultura

    Eccrine sweat gland carcinoma

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    UNIFESP-EPM Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de PatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Vocal assessment in patients submited to CO2 laser cordectomy

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    AIM: To evaluate voice outcomes in patients with early glottic carcinoma treated by CO2 laser cordectomy. METHOD: 15 patients with glottic Tis and T1 squamous cell carcinoma treated with CO2 laser were analyzed. The assessment consisted of perceptual voice analysis, objective voice evaluation and video-laryngo-stroboscopic exam. In addition, patients rated their voices and completed the Voice related Quality of Life (VR-QOL) questionnaire. The results were compared with those obtained in a matched control group. RESULTS: Most of the patients presented some degree of hoarseness on perceptual voice analysis, mainly rough and breathy voices. Their acoustic evaluation compared with the control group showed a small increase in fundamental frequency, but with no statistically significant difference, and the values of jitter, shimmer and noise to harmonic ratio were worse and statistically significant. As regards to videolaryngo- stroboscopic findings, better results were achieved in the less extensive resection group. Patients have had minimal repercussion in their life quality in respect to voice. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of voice alterations in patients submitted to cordectomy by CO2 laser, functional results are acceptable, with minimal repercussion in their quality of life. Avaliação da voz em pacientes submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a voz de pacientes portadores de carcinomas iniciais glóticos submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular Tis e T1 glóticos. A avaliação foi feita por meio da análise perceptivo auditiva da voz, pela análise acústica computadorizada e videolaringoestroboscópica. Os pacientes responderam a um questionário de avaliação geral da voz e um protocolo de qualidade de vida relacionado à voz (QVV). Os resultados foram comparados aos de um grupo controle de indivíduos com laringes normais. RESULTADOS: A análise perceptivo-auditiva da voz revelou que a maioria dos pacientes submetidos à cordectomia apresentou algum grau de disfonia, à custa de rouquidão e soprosidade. Considerando os parâmetros acústicos analisados e os valores do grupo controle, observou-se a tendência de um pequeno incremento da freqüência fundamental, mas sem diferença estatisticamente significante; os valores de jitter, shimmer e da proporção harmônico-ruído apresentaram-se significantemente alterados. Os aspectos analisados na videolaringoestroboscopia mostraram-se melhores nas cordectomias menos extensas. Os escores do QVV sugerem que os pacientes tiveram um discreto impacto na qualidade de vida relacionada à voz. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da presença de alterações na qualidade vocal dos pacientes submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2, os resultados funcionais tendem a ser bem aceitos pelos pacientes, com discreta repercussão na qualidade de vida.UNIFESP departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESPUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, - UNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Substrate type as a selective tool against colonization by non-native sessile invertebrates

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    Substratos de diferentes materiais, cores, texturas e orientação podem influenciar seletivamente no recrutamento de invertebrados sésseis e, assim, influenciar a comunidade resultante. Deste modo, o substrato pode funcionar como barreira contra o estabelecimento de espécies não nativas (NIS, na sigla em inglês). No sul do Brasil, o granito é a principal rocha formadora de costões rochosos naturais disponíveis para organismos incrustantes. Nesta investigação, nós testamos se o granito seleciona o recrutamento de espécies e se poderia, assim, impedir a colonização de espécies introduzidas ou criptogênicas já estabelecidas em substratos artificiais na região. Placas não polidas de granito e de polietileno foram submersas a cada mês em um píer de um iate clube na Baía de Paranaguá. Há uma comunidade já estabelecida sobre colunas de concreto e sobre flutuadores de fibra de vidro presentes no iate clube. Depois de um, dois e doze meses, as espécies presentes nas placas de diferentes materiais foram comparadas entre si e também com outros substratos. O granito foi colonizado por todas as sete espécies introduzidas encontradas na região, e por 18 das 26 espécies criptogênicas, sendo então ineficaz como barreira contra a colonização de NIS.Different substrates of varying composition, color, texture and orientation may selectively influence recruitment of sessile invertebrates and thereby influence the resultant community. Thus substrates may act as a barrier to the establishment of non-indigenous species (NIS). In southern Brazil, granite is the main rock forming natural rocky walls that are available for encrusting organisms. In this study we tested whether granite selectively influences recruitment and impedes colonization by introduced and cryptogenic species that are already established on artificial substrates within the region. Plates of rough cut granite and of polyethylene were made available each month under a pier at a yacht club in Paranaguá Bay. A community is already established on concrete columns and fiber glass floats on the piers. After one, two and twelve months, the faunal composition of the plates was compared between the two treatments and other artificial substrates. Granite was recruited by all the seven introduced species found in the Bay and by 18 of 26 cryptogenic species and therefore is ineffective as a barrier to NIS colonization

    Graphene Oxide‐Doped Gellan Gum–PEGDA Bilayered Hydrogel Mimicking the Mechanical and Lubrication Properties of Articular Cartilage

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    Articular cartilage (AC) is a specialized connective tissue able to provide a low-friction gliding surface supporting shock-absorption, reducing stresses, and guaranteeing wear-resistance thanks to its structure and mechanical and lubrication properties. Being an avascular tissue, AC has a limited ability to heal defects. Nowadays, conventional strategies show several limitations, which results in ineffective restoration of chondral defects. Several tissue engineering approaches have been proposed to restore the AC's native properties without reproducing its mechanical and lubrication properties yet. This work reports the fabrication of a bilayered structure made of gellan gum (GG) and poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA), able to mimic the mechanical and lubrication features of both AC superficial and deep zones. Through appropriate combinations of GG and PEGDA, cartilage Young's modulus is effectively mimicked for both zones. Graphene oxide is used as a dopant agent for the superficial hydrogel layer, demonstrating a lower friction than the nondoped counterpart. The bilayered hydrogel's antiwear properties are confirmed by using a knee simulator, following ISO 14243. Finally, in vitro tests with human chondrocytes confirm the absence of cytotoxicity effects. The results shown in this paper open the way to a multilayered synthetic injectable or surgically implantable filler for restoring AC defects

    Acidentes causados pela arraia fluvial Potamotrygon motoro em comunidades lacustres em Território do bioma Oriental da Amazônia

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    The injuries caused by freshwater stingrays are common among fishermen. The raya Potamotrygon motoro en the features a stinger with a sharp edge and serrated tips spread bilaterally, the stingers have toxins that promote vasoconstriction, causing immediate pain and ischemia. These accidents extensive and could keep victims unable to work from weeks to months. Considering the impact the injuries in riparian fishing communities’ livelihoods, this study aimed to analyze reports of envenomation caused by the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon motoro in two municipalities localizate in the Eastern Amazon biome territory (Baixada Maranhense Ramsar site) in the municipality of Penalva and Viana. The methodology consisted in analyses descriptive and transversal, troght of the application of 40 semi-structured questionnaire in artisanal fishermen in order to obtain clinical and epidemiological data related to the accidents caused for P. motoro in fissherman artisanal. Forty fishers injured by freshwater stingrays were interviewed. Pain and edema were the symptoms common to all fishermen, followed by skin necrosis (70%). Victims often adopt unusual self-treatments, based on traditional and cultural knowledge, such as the use of urine, herbs, smoke of burlap bags and human feces. The number of injuries in each fisherman varied from 2 to 4 times (50%) to up to 10 times (12.5%). The results show that injuries caused by P. motoro are frequent in Penalva and Viana, reinforcing the need for public health agencies to establish preventive educational actions and provide better qualification for health professionals to perform the appropriate treatment for the injuries. Keywords: Animals poisonous. Fish. Occupational health. Environmental health.Os ferimentos causados por arraias de água doce são comuns entre os pescadores. A raia Potamotrygon motoro apresenta um ferrão com uma ponta afiada e pontas serrilhadas espalhadas bilateralmente, os ferrões possuem toxinas que promovem a vasoconstrição, causando dor imediata e isquemia. Esses acidentes são extensos e podem manter as vítimas impossibilitadas de trabalhar por semanas a meses. Considerando o impacto das injúrias na subsistência de comunidades ribeirinhas de pescadores, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar relatos de envenenamento pela arraia Potamotrygon motoro em dois municípios localizados no bioma Amazônia Oriental (sítio Ramsar da Baixada Maranhense) no município de Penalva e Viana. A metodologia consistiu em análises descritivas e transversais, a partir da aplicação de 40 questionários semiestruturados em pescadores artesanais a fim de obter dados clínicos e epidemiológicos relacionados aos acidentes causados por P. motoro em pescadores artesanais. Quarenta pescadores feridos por arraias de água doce foram entrevistados. Dor e edema foram os sintomas comuns a todos os pescadores, seguidos de necrose cutânea (70%). As vítimas costumam adotar auto tratamentos inusitados, baseados em conhecimentos tradicionais e culturais, como o uso de urina, ervas, fumaça de saco de estopa e fezes humanas. O número de lesões em cada pescador variou de 2 a 4 vezes (50%) a até 10 vezes (12,5%). Os resultados mostram que as lesões por P. motoro são frequentes em Penalva e Viana, reforçando a necessidade dos órgãos públicos de saúde estabelecerem ações educativas preventivas e proporcionarem melhor qualificação dos profissionais de saúde para realizar o tratamento adequado das lesões. Palavras-chave: Animais venenosos. Raias. Saúde ocupacional. Saúde ambiental

    Combined larynx large cell neuroendocrine and squamous cell carcinoma: a case report

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    ABSTRACT Laryngeal cancer ranks third among the most common head and neck neoplasms. The most common histological subtype is squamous cell carcinoma, and neuroendocrine tumors are rare. An even rarer entity is a composite tumor with both these histologies. This case reports a metastatic combined carcinoma of squamous cells and large neuroendocrine cells, presenting favorable response to treatment with a total laryngectomy followed by adjuvant therapy including chemo-, radio-, and immunotherapy