566 research outputs found

    Some population aspects of Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867) (Decapoda, Portunidae) at Sergipe River Estuary, northeastern Brazilian coast

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    Abstract The present study provides some parameters of the population biology of Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867), an invasive swimming crab inhabiting the estuarine portion of the Sergipe River, northeastern Brazilian coast. Samplings were carried out monthly from July 2015 to June 2016 with baited traps. The species was the second most abundant caught organism and its relative abundance ranged over the time from 11 to 59%. Sex ratio was 1:1 and all individuals were morphologically mature. Males were bigger than females. Ovigerous females were observed year-round and the smallest one was 31.35 mm carapace width. These findings show that the population is well established on the Sergipe coast. The entire distribution, and possible impacts, of C. (C.) hellerii on local environments need to be evaluated in further studies

    Understanding what is what in marine shrimp fisheries

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    Shrimps are the main fishery resource in marine waters off Sergipe (northeastern Brazil), where they are landed in three categories: ‘espigão’, ‘escolha’ and ‘pistola’. The objective of this study was to identify which species are landed in each category, relating to the perception of stakeholders, and to analyze their effect on the interpretation of historical catch statistics. Samples of 3kg were collected monthly for each category before landing in Aracaju (May/2015-May/2016) to identify the shrimp species caught. All specimens were identified, measured (carapace length - mm) and weighed (total weight - g), and had their sex determined. We interviewed attendees of two meetings promoted by the Programa de Monitoramento Participativo do Desembarque Pesqueiro in Aracaju and Pirambu, the two main ports where shrimp catches are landed in Sergipe, and asked for their perception of shrimp species included in each category. Finally, we used all shrimp catch data available for Sergipe in a national reconstructed database to improve the reconstruction based on the species composition estimated here for the main shrimp species. The analysis of each category indicated the presence of commercially important species (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, Penaeus subtilis, Penaeus brasiliensis, and Penaeus schmitti), and also species of no local commercial interest: Exhippolysmata oplophoroides, Nematopalaemon schmitti, Rimapenaeus constrictus, and Sicyonia dorsalis. The category ‘espigão’ was dominated by X. kroyeri (94.2%) and ‘escolha’ by P. subtilis (95.3%). ‘pistola’ was mostly P. subtilis (78.3%), almost all of them females, followed by P. schmitti (12.3%). The perception of stakeholders was correct for ‘espigão’ and ‘escolha’, but not for ‘pistola’, as 38% of the respondents classified it as ‘camarãobranco’ (P. schmitti). The mean carapace length for all species together was: 18.90mm (‘espigão’), 22.34mm (‘escolha’), and 30.96mm (‘pistola’). Decreasing catches of X. kroyeri, P. subtilis and P. schmitti in the last years raise concern

    Sagitta otolith of three demersal species in a tropical environment

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    The objective of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of saggitta otoliths of Polydactylus virginicus, Menticirrhus cuiaranensis and Conodon nobilis in a tropical environment. Fishes were caught with rod and reel in competitive fishing events promoted in 2014-2015 along the coast of Sergipe. A total of 174 pairs of sagitta otoliths of P. virginicus, 181 of M. cuiaranensis and 77 of C. nobilis was extracted. In general, the sagitta otoliths of all three species analyzed here presented different morphology and shape indices. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) demonstrated significant differences among species and ontogenetic phases within each species using morphometry and shape indices. The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) presented a 98.3% correct reclassification of the otoliths by species

    Characterization of academic performance in residents of the first period of General Comprehensive Medicine Barinas 2019

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    Introducción: la educación en postgrado debe servir para la formación de profesionales como agentes de cambio social, en el ejercicio de una ciudadanía, responsable, un compromiso con la comunidad y un actuar con valores, guiados desde el conocimiento científico académico y la práctica profesional desde y en la universidadObjetivo: caracterizar los factores que influyeron en el rendimiento académico de los residentes venezolanos del primer periodo de Medicina General Integral en el Estado Barinas, Venezuela en el curso académico 2019.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, el universo estuvo constituido por 73 residentes presentados al primer examen modular, se seleccionaron 42 de ellos por un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se tuvieron en cuenta variables socio demográficas, factores psicológicos y actitudes ante el estudio, factores familiares y docentes del Área de Salud Integral Comunitaria.Resultados: predominaron residentes adultos jóvenes del sexo femenino en las edades de23 a 32 años; en los factores psicológicos y las actitudes ante el estudio se evidenció el estrés seguido del optimismo ante el estudio, dentro de los factores familiares asociados se destacó las familias integradas por más de cinco miembros y en cuanto a los factores relacionados al proceso docente, predominó la sobrecarga asistencial.   Conclusiones: el estrés, la sobrecarga asistencial, las condiciones no favorables para el desarrollo de encuentros docentes y las familias con más de cinco miembros, influyeron en el rendimiento académico de los residentes venezolanos presentes en el estudio. Introduction: postgraduate education should serve for the formation of professionals as agents of social change, in the exercise of responsible citizenship, a commitment to the community and acting with values, guided by academic scientific knowledge and professional practice from and in the university.Objective: to characterize the factors that influenced the academic performance of Venezuelan residents of the first period of Comprehensive General Medicine in the State of Barinas, Venezuela in the academic year 2019.Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted, the universe was constituted by 73 residents presented to the first modular exam, 42 of them were selected by simple random sampling. Socio-demographic variables, psychological factors and attitudes towards study, family factors and teachers of the Comprehensive Community Health Area were taken into account.Results: young adult female residents between 23 and 32 years of age predominated; in the psychological factors and attitudes towards the study, stress was evidenced followed by optimism towards the study, within the associated family factors, families with more than 5 members were highlighted, and as for the factors related to the teaching process, overload of care predominated.  Conclusions: stress, care overload, unfavorable conditions for the development of teaching encounters and families with more than 5 members influenced the academic performance of the Venezuelan residents present in the study

    Microorganismos más frecuentes en infecciones cutáneas en el Hospital Provincial General Ambato

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    Skin infections caused by microorganisms affect the skin and tissues directly, where they proliferate and cause serious alterations. These infections constitute a public health problem, since many microorganisms show resistance to common and uncommon antimicrobials, which directly affects the application of the appropriate treatment to the patient. This study aimed to identify the most frequent microorganisms in skin infections, their sensitivity and resistance to antibiotics in patients with infection who attended the General Provincial Hospital "Ambato" in the period from May 2017 to June 2018. The methodology used in this research is based on a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a qualitative-quantitative approach, using the documentary technique and the reporting of results as an instrument. The information was tabulated and analyzed using the Microsoft Office 2010. It was found that in 29% of the processed samples Staphylococcus aureus was isolated as the most frequent in this type of infections, with greater sensitivity to Clindamycin, Doxacillin and Linezolid (100%) and resistance to Penicillins and Oxacillin (47.82%). It is important to mention that 47.83% of the isolated S. aureus strains phenotypically expressed the mecA gene. The most frequent clinical entity associated with this type of infection was ecthyma with 55%. In conclusion, the resistance of strains to various antibiotics was verified, presenting the most relevant as resistant methicillin, resistant vancomycin and Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases.Las infecciones cutáneas producidas por microorganismos afectan directamente a la piel, partes blandas y tejidos, donde proliferan y ocasionan graves alteraciones. Estas infecciones constituyen un problema de salud pública, ya que muchos microorganismos muestran resistencia a antimicrobianos comunes y no comunes, lo cual incide directamente en la aplicación del tratamiento adecuado al paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los microorganismos más frecuentes en infecciones cutáneas, su sensibilidad y resistencia a los antibióticos en los pacientes con infección que acudieron al Hospital Provincial General “Ambato” en el período mayo 2017 – junio 2018. La metodología empleada en esta investigación se basa en un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal y enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, empleando la técnica documental y el reporte de resultados como instrumento. La información se tabuló y analizó mediante el paquete operativo Microsoft 2010. Se encontró que en el 29% de las muestras procesadas se aisló Staphylococcus aureus como el más frecuente en este tipo de infecciones, con mayor sensibilidad a Clindamicina, Doxacilina y Linezolid (100%) y resistencia a Penicilinas y Oxacilina (47,82%). Es importante destacar que el 47,83 % de las cepas de S. aureus aisladas expresaron fenotípicamente el gen mecA. La entidad clínica más frecuente asociada a este tipo de infección fue el ectima con un 55%. En conclusión, se comprobó la resistencia de cepas a diversos antibióticos presentando las más relevantes como meticilino resistentes, vancomicina resistentes y Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemasas

    Who and Where are the University of São Paulo Medical School Graduates?

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a complex-care-based medical school in the context of the Brazilian health care system on students’ career choices. METHODS: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study based on medical regulatory organization records. It included records for 7,419 physicians who graduated from FMUSP. Geographic data were analyzed using Kernel maps, and the statistical analysis was performed with SPSSs version 24.0. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Of the 7,419 physicians, 68.6% (95% CI 67.5-69.7) were male, and 20.7% (95% CI 19.8%-21.7%) had no medical specialty, compared to 46.4% nationwide. Internal medicine and surgery-based specialties were more popular, accounting for 39.4% (95% CI 38.3%-40.5%) and 16.8% (95% CI 15.5%-17.6%) of our study group, compared to the Brazilian averages of 25.9% and 13.5%. Our graduates also had a higher probability of staying in Sa˜o Paulo City, especially when born outside the city. CONCLUSION: We believe that FMUSP remains an interesting model for studying the impact of a highly specialized center on the education and career choices of medical students

    Formación e-learning para la práctica judicial. Caso Colombia en fase de pandemia

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    Este artículo desarrolla el estudio de caso de formación e-learning para la práctica judicial de la Escuela Judicial “Rodrigo Lara Bonilla” de Colombia, programa de formación continua que dio cumplimiento a los planes, políticas y objetivos del Plan Sectorial de Desarrollo 2019-2022 del Consejo Superior de la Judicatura, desarrollado en fase de pandemia y mediante una metodología de creación colaborativa con magistrados/as, jueces/zas de la Rama Judicial de Colombia, y un equipo de expertos/as en las áreas de Pedagogía, Derecho Penal, Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Administrativo, Derecho Privado, Competencias Administrativas y Justicia Restaurativa. Un programa de educación continua el cual fue desarrollado en ocho diplomados que beneficiaron a 4.859 operadoras/es judiciales o servidores/as públicos/as de la Rama Judicial. Un enfoque de formación mediado por la tecnología de la información y la comunicación (TIC), y desarrollado con base en el modelo pedagógico y metodológico de la Escuela Judicial “Rodrigo Lara Bonilla”, previo diagnóstico de necesidades y de construcción de un proyecto de marco lógico