6,533 research outputs found

    Improvement of the process for electrochemical impregnation of nickel hydroxide electrodes

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    Nickel hydroxide electrodes containing 11g/dsqm hydroxide, with capacities of 3.6 to 3.8 Ah/dsqm were prepared at 353 K by electrochemical impregnation. The reproducibility of the results is obtained by readjusting the pH before each preparation. The control of each electrode is done during two cycles of charge and discharge following the manufacture by a potential relaxation method

    Some Location and Price Equilibria in Facility Investment with Uncertain Demand

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    This paper describes the spatial distribution of customer demand, supply of customer services, and facility investment as the outcome of a three-level game-like interaction between customers (e.g., shoppers), suppliers (e.g., retailers) and developers (e.g., landlords). Suppliers in each center are assumed to compete with suppliers in all other centers. Similarly, the developers of each center compete with developers of all other centers. With this specification, multi-center equilibria of the Nash type are examined for suppliers on the one hand, and for developers on the other. Suppliers in a center decide about utilized floorspace and price level in the center. Developers of a center decide about available floorspace and rent level. The uncertain customer demand is specified in probabilistic terms, representing the suppliers' and developers' perception of customer behavior. An approach to estimate customer response patterns is presented and discussed

    Factors Contributing to CO Uptake and Elimination in the Body: A Critical Review

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    BACKGROUND: Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is an important public health issue around the world. Research indicates that many factors may be related to the rate of CO uptake and elimination in the human body. However, some factors related to CO uptake and elimination are considered controversial. Relatively little attention has been devoted to review and synthesis of factors affecting CO uptake and elimination. PURPOSE: This paper provides a critical scoping review of the factors and divides them into four aspects, including environmental, demographic, physiological and treatment factors. METHODS: We searched the scientific databases for research that has proposed a mathematical equation as a synthesis of quantities related to CO poisoning, CO elimination, CO uptake, CO half-life, CO uptake and elimination and their relationships. After excluding the studies that did not meet the study criteria, there were 39 studies included in the review and the search was completed before 16 December 2019. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: This review discusses most of the factors that impact the rate of CO uptake and elimination. Several factors may be related to CO uptake and elimination, such as CO concentration, the duration of exposure to CO, age, sex, exercise, minute ventilation, alveolar ventilation, total haemoglobin mass and different treatments for CO poisoning. Although some potential factors were not included in the review, the findings are useful by presenting an overview for discussing factors affecting CO uptake and elimination and provide a starting point for further study regarding strategies for CO poisoning and the environmental standard of CO

    Generating TV summaries for CE-devices

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    Automatically generated summaries of TV content are indispensable for content selection and navigation in CE-devices. We show two types of summaries: Short video trailers and visual overviews consisting of representative frames. The demo does not only show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms, but also shows how different types of generated summaries can be used in future CE-devices

    Can exhaled carbon monoxide be used as a marker of exposure? A cross-sectional study in young adults

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a major public health issue worldwide. People are exposed to CO in their daily lives, with one of the common sources of CO being cigarette smoking. Inhalation of CO leads to elevated carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) levels in the blood and also in exhaled CO concentration. Several factors have been shown to affect COHb concentration and COHb half-life. However, factors affecting exhaled CO concentration and exhaled CO half-life are not well understood. The present study aimed to investigate the potential factors related to baseline exhaled CO concentration and exhaled CO half-life among smokers. A cross-sectional study was conducted between 26 January and 30 June 2019, and young adults were recruited into the study. A total of 74 participants (mean age: 27.1 years, 71.6% males and 28.4% females) attended the study. They were invited to complete a questionnaire, including demographic, physiological, and behavioural factors. Then, exhaled CO measurements were taken. These measurements were taken before and after smoking a single cigarette for smokers and only once for non-smokers. The average baseline exhaled CO concentration was 6.9 ± 4.9 ppm for smokers and 1.9 ± 0.5 ppm for non-smokers. The mean of exhaled CO half-life was around 273.3 min (4.6 h) for smokers. No difference was seen in exhaled CO half-life between light smokers and heavy smokers in the smoking group. Gender and cigarettes smoked weekly affected baseline exhaled CO in smokers. Even though height seemed to positively associate with exhaled CO half-life, the relationship disappeared when adjusting by gender and weight. Therefore, exhaled CO could be used as a marker of CO exposure, but we cannot ignore the factors mentioned in the study. For future study, considering factors related to smoking habits and smoking style are recommended as these may affect total inhaled CO

    Report of AhG on Exploration in Wavelet Video Coding

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    The AHG on Exploration in Wavelet Video Coding [1] was established at the 73rd MPEG meeting in Poznan, Poland, with the following mandates: 1. To identify and describe new applications of wavelet video coding; 2. For such applications, define coding conditions and plan a performance comparison with other codecs; 3. Conduct the exploration experiments; 4. Maintain and validate the exploration reference software; 5. Maintain and edit the wavelet codec reference document. All discussions took place over the reflector, [email protected], i.e., ~ 100 emails have been exchanged. AhG meeting: Saturday October 24th, 14:30-18:30, Nice Acropolis AhG meeting agenda: 1.- review of conducted exploration experiments on wavelet video coding; 2.- review 74th ISO/MPEG meeting input documents of interest to this AhG; 3.- review this AhG mandates and prepare AhG report, includine recommendation

    Inventory and assessment of palaeontological sites in the Sousa basin (Paraíba, Brazil): Preliminary study to evaluate the potential of the area to become a geopark

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    Published online: 20 November 2015The Rio do Peixe rift basin developed during the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) and comprises the Sousa, Uiraúna-Brejo das Freiras, Pombal and Vertentes basins. In these basins, there is an abundant ichnofauna mainly composed of theropod, sauropod and ornithopod dinosaur track- ways that represent the palaeontological heritage of the region. As the majority of the fossiliferous areas are located in the Sousa basin, an inventory and assessment of the scientific, educational and touristic values, together with the vulnerability of 25 palaeontological sites, is here presented and discussed. The aims of the study are to guide the strategies of geoheritage protection in the Sousa basin and to evaluate the scientific potential of the area as a geopark. In general, the geosites of the Sousa basin have low scientific and touristic values, moderate educational value and high vulnerability. The fossiliferous areas are suffering from strong natural and anthropic threats and are at high risk of degradation. For these reasons, based on the quality of the palaeontological sites, the region currently has little potential to become a geopark.Thanks are due to Marcelo Bueno de Abreu and Gustavo Ferreira de Oliveira for their help in preparing the illustrations. This study was supported by CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio