6 research outputs found

    Determinantes de la probabilidad de ?xito de un startup en Per?

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    El crecimiento del mercado de capital emprendedor (venture capital) en Per? incrementa la necesidad de la sofisticaci?n de herramientas financieras para garantizar la profesionalizaci?n de las decisiones de inversi?n. En esta investigaci?n, se propone el c?lculo de la probabilidad de ?xito (o supervivencia) de un startup en Per? a partir de la identificaci?n de las principales variables que determinan dicha probabilidad. A trav?s de un enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo inductivo, se analiz? la importancia de una serie de variables a trav?s de la construcci?n de un modelo PROBIT. Una vez identificadas las variables y la probabilidad de ?xito, se procedi? a aplicar esta probabilidad en la valorizaci?n de dos (2) startups en Per? mediante el m?todo ?Venture Capital? modificado. Al finalizar el presente estudio, se obtuvo que las variables m?s relevantes para determinar el ?xito de un startup son: n?mero de trabajadores, dedicaci?n a tiempo completo de un l?der de tecnolog?a (CTO), valoraci?n pre-money y si el startup gan? Startup Per?. Mientras que la probabilidad de supervivencia se encuentra en un 78.38%. Esperamos que este trabajo de investigaci?n sea un est?mulo para futuras evaluaciones sobre la probabilidad de ?xito de los startup y su aplicaci?n a la valorizaci?n de este tipo de negocios

    Genic and genetic drift effects associated with intrapopulation recurrent selection in the SA3 maize population

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    Foram avaliados os efeitos da seleção recorrente intrapopulacional e da oscilação genética na população de milho (Zea mays L.) SA3 tolerante a solos ácidos, submetida a 20 ciclos de seleção. Utilizaram-se amostras de oito ciclos seletivos, com o objetivo de estimar as respostas à seleção para produção de grãos e outros caracteres agronômicos, utilizando o modelo proposto por Smith (1983). O material genético utilizado consistiu em oito ciclos per se, oito ciclos per se autofecundados, 28 F1's entre ciclos, 28 F1's entre ciclos autofecundados e 28 F1's recombinados. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em cinco ambientes com solos ácidos, no Brasil e na Colômbia. As magnitudes das respostas esperadas à seleção (2ALI+2DLI) mostraram que os esquemas seletivos utilizados não foram eficientes para melhorar o caráter produção de grãos e para reduzir o caráter altura da planta. Porém, as estimativas indicaram que o processo de seleção foi eficiente para reduzir o número de dias para o florescimento feminino e aumentar o número de espigas por planta. As magnitudes das estimativas da oscilação genética (DQI) mostraram que seus efeitos não limitaram o melhoramento dos diferentes caracteres.The effects of intrapopulation recurrent selection and of the genetic drift were evaluated on 20 cycles of selection for SA3 maize (Zea mays L.) population, tolerant to acid soil conditions. A sample of eight cycles was used to estimate the response to selection for grain yield and other agronomic traits by the model proposed by Smith (1983). The genetic materials used included eight cycles per se, eight cycles per se selfed, 28 F1's among cycles, 28 F1's among cycles selfed and 28 F1's recombined. The trials were evaluated at five environments under acid soils conditions in Brazil and Colombia. The estimates of response to selection (2ALI+2DLI) showed that selection process was not effective to improve grain yield and to reduce plant height. However, the selection procedure was efficient to reduce days to silk and to increase the number of ears per plant. The magnitude of genetic drift estimates (DQI) indicated that its effects did not limit the improvement of the characters evaluated

    Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a potentially serious liver disease that affects approximately one-quarter of the global adult population, causing a substantial burden of ill health with wide-ranging social and economic implications. It is a multisystem disease and is considered the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Unlike other highly prevalent conditions, NAFLD has received little attention from the global public health community. Health system and public health responses to NAFLD have been weak and fragmented, and, despite its pervasiveness, NAFLD is largely unknown outside hepatology and gastroenterology. There is only a nascent global public health movement addressing NAFLD, and the disease is absent from nearly all national and international strategies and policies for non-communicable diseases, including obesity. In this global Delphi study, a multidisciplinary group of experts developed consensus statements and recommendations, which a larger group of collaborators reviewed over three rounds until consensus was achieved. The resulting consensus statements and recommendations address a broad range of topics — from epidemiology, awareness, care and treatment to public health policies and leadership — that have general relevance for policy-makers, health-care practitioners, civil society groups, research institutions and affected populations. These recommendations should provide a strong foundation for a comprehensive public health response to NAFLD

    Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

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    © Springer Nature Limited 2021, corrected publication 2021Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a potentially serious liver disease that affects approximately one-quarter of the global adult population, causing a substantial burden of ill health with wide-ranging social and economic implications. It is a multisystem disease and is considered the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Unlike other highly prevalent conditions, NAFLD has received little attention from the global public health community. Health system and public health responses to NAFLD have been weak and fragmented, and, despite its pervasiveness, NAFLD is largely unknown outside hepatology and gastroenterology. There is only a nascent global public health movement addressing NAFLD, and the disease is absent from nearly all national and international strategies and policies for non-communicable diseases, including obesity. In this global Delphi study, a multidisciplinary group of experts developed consensus statements and recommendations, which a larger group of collaborators reviewed over three rounds until consensus was achieved. The resulting consensus statements and recommendations address a broad range of topics - from epidemiology, awareness, care and treatment to public health policies and leadership - that have general relevance for policy-makers, health-care practitioners, civil society groups, research institutions and affected populations. These recommendations should provide a strong foundation for a comprehensive public health response to NAFLD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio