492 research outputs found

    Impacts of a novel shellfishing gear on macrobenthos in a marine protected area: pump-scoop dredging in Poole Harbour, UK

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    Understanding the impact of bottom-fishing gears at various scales and intensities on habitats and species is necessary to inform management. In Poole Harbour, UK, a multiple use marine protected area, fishermen utilise a unique ̋“pump-scoop” dredge to harvest the introduced Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Managers need to balance the socio-economic benefits of the fishery with ecological concerns across the region, which has required a revision of by-laws that include both spatial and temporal measures. Within an operational fishery, we used a Before-After-Control-Impact sampling design to assess the impacts of pump-scoop dredging on benthic physical characteristics and community structure in an area where there was no dredging, an area newly opened to dredging and an area subject to high levels of historic dredging. A sampling grid was used in each area to best capture any fishing effort in the newly opened area. Core samples were taken to a depth of 30 cm within intertidal mudflats. A significant loss of fine sediments was observed in the site subject to high intensity dredging and a significant change in community structure also occurred in both dredged sites throughout the study period. In the newly opened site this was characterised by a relative increase in species richness, including increased abundance of annelid worms, notably Hediste diversicolor and Aphelochaeta marioni and a decline in the abundance of the bivalve mollusc Abra tenuis. These changes, albeit relatively small, are attributed to physical disturbance as a direct result of pump-scoop dredging, although no difference in the classification of the biotope of the site was observed. This is of particular interest to managers monitoring site condition within areas under the new by-laws as the Manila clam is spreading to other protected estuaries in the region

    Population dynamics of a commercially harvested, non-native bivalve in an area protected for shorebirds: Ruditapes philippinarum in Poole Harbour, UK

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    The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is one of the most commercially valuable bivalve species worldwide and its range is expanding, facilitated by aquaculture and fishing activities. In existing and new systems, the species may become commercially and ecologically important, supporting both local fishing activities and populations of shorebird predators of conservation importance. This study assessed potential fishing effects and population dynamics of R. philippinarum in Poole Harbour, a marine protected area on the south coast of the UK, where the species is important for oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus as well as local fishers. Sampling was undertaken across three sites of different fishing intensities before and after the 2015 fishing season, which extends into the key overwintering period for shorebird populations. Significant differences in density, size and condition index are evident between sites, with the heavily dredged site supporting clams of poorer condition. Across the dredge season, clam densities in the heavily fished area were significantly reduced, with a harvesting efficiency of legally harvestable clams of up to 95% in this area. Despite occurring at significantly higher densities and growing faster under heavy fishing pressure, lower biomass and condition index of R. philippinarum in this area, coupled with the dramatic reduction in densities across the fishing season, may be of concern to managers who must consider the wider ecological interactions of harvesting with the interest of nature conservation and site integrity

    Population dynamics of a commercially harvested, non-native bivalve in an area protected for shorebirds: Ruditapes philippinarum in Poole Harbour, UK

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    The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is one of the most commercially valuable bivalve species worldwide and its range is expanding, facilitated by aquaculture and fishing activities. In existing and new systems, the species may become commercially and ecologically important, supporting both local fishing activities and populations of shorebird predators of conservation importance. This study assessed potential fishing effects and population dynamics of R. philippinarum in Poole Harbour, a marine protected area on the south coast of the UK, where the species is important for oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus as well as local fishers. Sampling was undertaken across three sites of different fishing intensities before and after the 2015 fishing season, which extends into the key overwintering period for shorebird populations. Significant differences in density, size and condition index are evident between sites, with the heavily dredged site supporting clams of poorer condition. Across the dredge season, clam densities in the heavily fished area were significantly reduced, with a harvesting efficiency of legally harvestable clams of up to 95% in this area. Despite occurring at significantly higher densities and growing faster under heavy fishing pressure, lower biomass and condition index of R. philippinarum in this area, coupled with the dramatic reduction in densities across the fishing season, may be of concern to managers who must consider the wider ecological interactions of harvesting with the interest of nature conservation and site integrity

    <i>Campylobacter jejuni </i>infections and anti-GM1 antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    The group of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is very heterogenous with regard to antecedent infections, immunological parameters, clinical manifestations, and response to treatment. In this study, the presumed pathogenic factors anti-GM1 antibodies and Campylobacter jejuni infections were related to the clinical characteristics. Serum from 154 patients with GBS, 63 patients with other neurological diseases (OND), and 50 normal controls (NC) were tested for the presence of antibodies against GM1 and C. jejuni. Anti-GM1 antibodies were detected in 31 (20%) GBS patients, 5 (8%) OND patients, and in none of the NC. Evidence for a recent C. jejuni infection was found in 49 (32%) GBS patients and less often in OND patients (11%) or NC (8%). In GBS patients, the presence of anti-GM1 antibodies was significantly associated with C. jejuni infections. The subgroup of GBS patients with anti-GM1 antibodies suffered more often from a rapidly progressive and more severe neuropathy with predominandy distal distribution of weakness, without deficits of cranial nerves or sensory disturbances. The subgroup with C. jejuni infection also more often had a severe pure motor variant of GBS. Recovery of the patients with anti-GMl antibodies and C. jejuni infections was not as good after plasma exchange compared with intravenous immunoglobulins.</p

    Development of lifetime comorbidity in the world health organization world mental health surveys

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    CONTEXT: Although numerous studies have examined the role of latent variables in the structure of comorbidity among mental disorders, none has examined their role in the development of comorbidity. OBJECTIVE: To study the role of latent variables in the development of comorbidity among 18 lifetime DSM-IV disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. DESIGN: Nationally or regionally representative community surveys. SETTING: Fourteen countries. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 21 229 survey respondents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: First onset of 18 lifetime DSM-IV anxiety, mood, behavior, and substance disorders assessed retrospectively in the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview. RESULTS: Separate internalizing (anxiety and mood disorders) and externalizing (behavior and substance disorders) factors were found in exploratory factor analysis of lifetime disorders. Consistently significant positive time-lagged associations were found in survival analyses for virtually all temporally primary lifetime disorders predicting subsequent onset of other disorders. Within-domain (ie, internalizing or externalizing) associations were generally stronger than between-domain associations. Most time-lagged associations were explained by a model that assumed the existence of mediating latent internalizing and externalizing variables. Specific phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder (internalizing) and hyperactivity and oppositional defiant disorders (externalizing) were the most important predictors. A small number of residual associations remained significant after controlling the latent variables. CONCLUSIONS: The good fit of the latent variable model suggests that common causal pathways account for most of the comorbidity among the disorders considered herein. These common pathways should be the focus of future research on the development of comorbidity, although several important pairwise associations that cannot be accounted for by latent variables also exist that warrant further focused study


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    Savanna ecosystems are characterized by the co-occurrence of trees and grass-es. In this paper, we argue that the balance between trees and grasses is, to a large extent, determined by the indirect interactive effects of herbivory and fire. These effects are based on the positive feedback between fuel load (grass biomass) and fire intensity. An increase in the level of grazing leads to reduced fuel load, which makes fire less intense and, thus, less damaging to trees and, consequently, results in an increase in woody vegetation. The system then switches from a state with trees and grasses to a state with solely trees. Similarly, browsers may enhance the effect of fire on trees because they reduce woody biomass, thus indirectly stimulating grass growth. This consequent increase in fuel load results in more intense fire and increased decline of biomass. The system then switches from a state with solely trees to a state with trees and grasses. We maintain that the interaction between fire and herbivory provides a mechanistic explanation for observed discontinuous changes in woody and grass biomass. This is an alternative for the soil degradation mechanism, in which there is a positive feedback between the amount of grass biomass and the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil. The soil degradation mechanism predicts no discontinuous chang-es, such as bush encroachment, on sandy soils. Such changes, however, are frequently ob-served. Therefore, the interactive effects of fire and herbivory provide a more plausible explanation for the occurrence of discontinuous changes in savanna ecosystems

    Impacts of a novel shellfishing gear on macrobenthos in a marine protected area: pump-scoop dredging in Poole Harbour, UK

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    Understanding the impact of bottom-fishing gears at various scales and intensities on habitats and species is necessary to inform management. In Poole Harbour, UK, a multiple use marine protected area, fishermen utilise a unique “pump-scoop” dredge to harvest the introduced Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Managers need to balance the socio-economic benefits of the fishery with ecological concerns across the region, which has required a revision of by-laws that include both spatial and temporal measures. Within an operational fishery, we used a Before-After-Control-Impact sampling design to assess the impacts of pump-scoop dredging on benthic physical characteristics and community structure in an area where there was no dredging, an area newly opened to dredging and an area subject to high levels of historic dredging. A sampling grid was used in each area to best capture any fishing effort in the newly opened area. Core samples were taken to a depth of 30 cm within intertidal mudflats. A significant loss of fine sediments was observed in the site subject to high intensity dredging and a significant change in community structure also occurred in both dredged sites throughout the study period. In the newly opened site this was characterised by a relative increase in species richness, including increased abundance of annelid worms, notably Hediste diversicolor and Aphelochaeta marioni and a decline in the abundance of the bivalve mollusc Abra tenuis. These changes, albeit relatively small, are attributed to physical disturbance as a direct result of pump-scoop dredging, although no difference in the classification of the biotope of the site was observed. This is of particular interest to managers monitoring site condition within areas under the new bylaws as the Manila clam is spreading to other protected estuaries in the region

    Somatostatin receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Somatostatin (somatotropin release inhibiting factor) is an abundant neuropeptide, which acts on five subtypes of somatostatin receptor (SST1-SST5; nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Somatostatin Receptors [89]). Activation of these receptors produces a wide range of physiological effects throughout the body including the inhibition of secretion of many hormones. Endogenous ligands for these receptors are somatostatin-14 (SRIF-14) and somatostatin-28 (SRIF-28). cortistatin-14 has also been suggested to be an endogenous ligand for somatostatin receptors [56]

    Somatostatin receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Somatostatin (somatotropin release inhibiting factor) is an abundant neuropeptide, which acts on five subtypes of somatostatin receptor (SST1-SST5; nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Somatostatin Receptors [98]). Activation of these receptors produces a wide range of physiological effects throughout the body including the inhibition of secretion of many hormones. Endogenous ligands for these receptors are somatostatin-14 (SRIF-14) and somatostatin-28 (SRIF-28). cortistatin-14 has also been suggested to be an endogenous ligand for somatostatin receptors [61]