1,343 research outputs found

    The European Higher Education Area. Attitudes of students at the University of Extremadura

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    La creación de un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone un reto para toda la comunidad educativa, pero en especial para el profesorado y el alumnado universitario, que son, en definitiva, los que vivirán en su día a día los múltiples cambios que esto ocasiona. A través de una escala tipo Likert valoraremos la actitud que presenta el alumnado universitario ante la convergencia europea y daremos respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones: ¿El conocimiento sobre el EEES promoverá una actitud más positiva hacia el mismo?, ¿Encontramos diferencias significativas en la actitud entre el alumnado que realiza otras ocupaciones simultáneas a su educación universitaria y los que no?; El alumnado con una actitud positiva ante el EEES, ¿tendrá una visión más favorable de su rendimiento académico?. Como veremos un mayor conocimiento sobre el EEES supondría una aceptación mas positiva del mismo.The creation of a European Higher Education Area is a challenge for the educational community, but especially for teachers and university students, who are, ultimately, those who live in their day to day the many changes that this causes. Using a Likert-type scale value the attitude presented by university students to European convergence and will answer the following question: Is the knowledge of the EHEA will promote a more positive attitude towards it?; Do we find significant differences in attitude among students who engaged in other occupations simultaneous college education and those without?; The students with a positive attitude towards the EHEA, will it have a more favourable view of their academic performance?. As we will see a greater knowledge of the EHEA would be a more positive acceptance of it.peerReviewe

    Optimal personalized treatment rules for marketing interventions: A review of methods, a new proposal, and an insurance case study

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    In many important settings, subjects can show signi cant heterogeneity in response to a stimulus or treatment". For instance, a treatment that works for the overall population might be highly ine ective, or even harmful, for a subgroup of subjects with speci c characteristics. Similarly, a new treatment may not be better than an existing treatment in the overall population, but there is likely a subgroup of subjects who would bene t from it. The notion that "one size may not fit all" is becoming increasingly recognized in a wide variety of elds, ranging from economics to medicine. This has drawn signi cant attention to personalize the choice of treatment, so it is optimal for each individual. An optimal personalized treatment is the one that maximizes the probability of a desirable outcome. We call the task of learning the optimal personalized treatment "personalized treatment learning". From the statistical learning perspective, this problem imposes some challenges, primarily because the optimal treatment is unknown on a given training set. A number of statistical methods have been proposed recently to tackle this problem

    Plan de Negocios: Cooperativa de Buses Odessa S.A.

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    Un plan de negocios es un “resultado de un proceso de planeación” (Weinberger, pág. 33) El mismo nos sirve para guiarnos en el momento de empezar un negocio y describir paso a paso los procesos que se realizarán para lograr los objetivos principales del mismo. Es un análisis descriptivo del negocio que nos indica un estatus “ideal” al momento de crear una empresa. La finalidad de un plan de negocios es el demostrarnos los pasos que debemos seguir para poder cumplir los objetivos que nos hemos propuesto, y demostrarnos si el proyecto es factible o no. Con este, podemos conocer el entorno en el que la empresa trabaja y desarrolla sus actividades; esto incluye predecir las amenazas y las oportunidades que se dan gracias al mismo y crear planes de contingencia en caso de alguna amenaza. Por otro lado, un plan de negocios nos puede ayudar a organizar los recursos con los que cuenta la empresa para cumplir los objetivos de la misma, y finalmente nos ayuda a poder contratar las personas correctas necesarias para conformar el equipo que formará la compañía. De esta forma, conforme pasa el tiempo esta es una herramienta con la cual podemos ver el desempeño de una empresa y fijarnos en las fortalezas y las debilidades de la misma. Por lo mismo, un plan de negocios es una herramienta a la cual se le va dando forma adecuándola a las situaciones a las que se va presentando la compañía

    No tillage escarified : spatial distribution preferential flows

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    Para obtener información respecto de los posibles recorridos que realiza un flujo de agua y su distribución espacial bajo la labor de escarificado en siembra directa y comprobar su persistencia al 1 ½ año de haber sido efectuada, se realizó un ensayo en Zavalla, Santa Fe (60° 53' O y 33° 01' S) en un Argiudol vértico bajo cultivo de Medicago sativa. T0 fue siembra directa sin escarificar, T1 escarificado antes de sembrar y T2 escarificado al año de la siembra de la alfalfa. Se simuló la lluvia irrigando con una solución de 1g.l-1 de azul de metileno. Se fotografiaron perfiles sucesivos en cada tratamiento. Los sectores coloreados de las fotografías fueron delimitados, digitalizados y medidas las áreas y longitudes verticales. El movimiento descendente tuvo lugar mayoritariamente como flujos preferenciales que fueron iniciados por las fisuras, las raíces creciendo dentro y fuera del área removida y las grietas del suelo. En todos los tratamientos los flujos atravesaron el límite A / B1, pero en ningún caso alcanzaron el B2. La configuración de los patrones de distribución permitió comprobar la mayor capacidad de conducción hidráulica y persistencia de la labor de escarificado sobre siembra directa.The spatial distribution of water flow paths was experimentally examined under no tillage and no tillage scarified, and checked the persistence of this last tillage at 1½ year of having been made in vertic Argiudol in Zavalla, Santa Fe (60° 53' W y 33° 01' S). T0 was no till without scarified, T1 scarified before sowing and T2 scarified at 1 year after Medicago sativa sowing. The rain was simulated irrigating with methylene blue 1g.l-1 solution. Successive profiles were photographed in each treatment. The colored sectors of the fotographs were defined, digitized and measured the areas and longitudes verticales. The descending movement took place for the most part as preferential flows that were begun by the fissures, the roots growing inside and outside of the removed area and the cracks of the soil. In all treatments the flows crossed the limit A / B1, but in any case the B2 reached. The configuration of distribution patterns allowed to prove the biggest capacity of hydraulic conduction and persistence of scarified on direct siembra.Fil: Vilche, María Sofía. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Manejo de Tierras.Fil: Montico, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Manejo de Tierras.Fil: Di Leo, Néstor. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Manejo de Tierras

    Fracture toughness of cemented carbides obtained by electrical resistance sintering

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    The unique combination of hardness, toughness and wear resistance exhibited by WC-Co cemented carbides (hardmetals) has made them a preeminent material choice for extremely demanding applications, such as metal cutting/forming tools or mining bits, in which improved and consistent performance together with high reliability are required. The high fracture toughness values exhibited by hardmetals are mainly due to ductile ligament bridging and crack deflection (intrinsic to carbides). In this work two WC-Co grades obtained by using the electric resistance sintering technique are studied. The relationships between the process parameters (cobalt volume fraction, sintering current and time, die materials, etc.), the microstructural characteristics (porosity, cobalt volume fraction, carbide grain size, binder thickness and carbide contiguity) and mechanical properties (Vickers hardness and fracture toughness) are established and discussed. Also the presence of microstructural anisotropy and residual stresses is studied. The sintering process at 7 kA, 600 ms and 100 MPa, in an alumina die, followed by a treatment of residual stress relief (800 °C, 2 h in high vacuum), allows to obtain WC-Co pellets with the best balance between an homogeneous microstructure and mechanical behaviour.EU for funding this research with in the framework of the EU 7th Framework FoF.NMP.2013-10 608729 EFFIPRO Projec

    Chemical evolution during gas-rich galaxy interactions

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    We perform and analyse a set of galaxy interactions performed by using a self-consistent chemo-hydrodynamical model which includes star formation, supernova (SN) feedback and chemical evolution. In agreement with previous works, we find that tidally induced low-metallicity gas inflows dilute the central oxygen abundance and contribute to the flattening of the metallicity gradients. The tidally induced inflows trigger starbursts which increase the impact of Type II supernova (SN II) feedback injecting new chemical elements and driving galactic winds which modulate the metallicity distribution. Although α-enhancement in the central regions is detected as a result of the induced starbursts in agreement with previous works, our simulations suggest that this parameter can only provide a timing of the first pericentre mainly for non-retrograde encounters. In order to reproduce wet major mergers at low and high redshifts, we have run simulations with respectively 20 and 50 per cent of the disc in the form of gas. We find that the more gas-rich encounters behave similarly to the less rich ones, between the first and second pericentre, where low-metallicity gas inflows are triggered. However, the higher strength of the inflows triggered in the more gas-rich interactions produces larger metal dilution factors, which are modulated afterwards by the new chemical production by SN. We find that the more gas-rich interaction develops violent and clumpy star formation triggered by local instabilities all over the disc before the first pericentre, so that if these galaxies were observed at these early stages where no important tidally induced inflows have been able to be developed yet, they would tend to show an excess of oxygen. We find a global mean correlation of both the central abundances and the gradients with the strength of the star formation activity. However, the correlations are affected by orbital parameters, gas inflows and outflows, suggesting that it might be difficult to determine it from observations. Overall, our findings show that a consistent description of the gas dynamics and stellar evolution along the interactions is necessary to assess their effects on the chemical properties of the interstellar medium.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Applying Recommendations to Align Competences, Methodology, and Assessment in Telematics, Computing, and Electronic Engineering Courses

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    The alignment between competences, teachinglearning methodologies, and assessment is a key element of European higher education. This paper presents the efforts carried out by six telematics, computer science and electronic engineering education teachers toward achieving this alignment in their subjects. In a joint work with pedagogues, a set of recommended actions are identified. A selection of these actions are applied and evaluated in the six subjects. The cross analysis of the results indicates that the actions allow students to better understand the methodologies and assessments planned for the subjects, facilitate (self-) regulation, and increase students’ involvement in the subjects

    Do Psychological Factors Influence the Elastic Properties of Soft Tissue in Subjects with Fibromyalgia? A Cross-Sectional Observational Study

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    Nowadays, there is evidence related to the impact that psychological factors have on symptoms, specifically vegetative ones, and on the autonomic nervous system in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). However, there are no studies to correlate the level of association between psychological factors and the elastic properties of tissue in the FM population. Elastic properties of soft tissue reflect age- and disease-related changes in the mechanical functions of soft tissue, and mechanical failure has a profound impact on morbidity and mortality. The study has a cross-sectional observational design with 42 participants recruited from a private clinic and rehabilitation service. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale and Self-Efficacy Scale were used to assess psychological factors. The elastic properties of the tissue in the characteristic painful points, which patients suffering from FM described, were assessed by strain elastography. A low and significant level of association was found between pain catastrophising scale (PCS) and the non-dominant lateral epicondyle (r = -0.318; p = 0.045). Kinesiophobia was found to be related to the dominant lateral epicondyle (r = 0.403; p = 0.010), the non-dominant knee (r = -0.34; p = 0.027) and the dominant forearm (r = 0.360; p = 0.010). Self-Efficacy showed a low level of association with the non-dominant supraspinatus (r = -0.338; p = 0.033) and the non-dominant medial epicondyle (r = -0.326; p = 0.040). Psychological factors and the elastic properties of tissue seem to be associated in patients suffering from FM. The most profound association between psychological factors and non-dominant parts of the body could be related to neglect and non-use of those parts of the body

    Interacción de la peroxisomicina A1 con el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa in vitro

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    Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Farmacología y Toxicología) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Mycoplasma suis in naturally infected pigs: an ultrastructural and morphometric study

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    Swine eperythrozoonosis is a haemotrophic disease caused by Eperythrozoon suis, actually called Mycoplasma suis, an extracellular bacterial organism that apparently adheres to pig erythrocyte membrane, inducing its deformation and damage. Since little is known about the ultrastructural and morphometrical aspects of this microorganism, the present work aimed to deal with these issues. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of structures corresponding to tubules disseminated throughout the soma of M. suis. A variable separation between the microorganism membrane and that of the erythrocyte was also observed. The structural and positional attitude of M. suis could allow speculation about its mechanism of action.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria