1,154 research outputs found

    Staubabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen

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    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Biomasse, insbesondere Holz, ist im deutschen Wärmemarkt der mit großem Abstand wichtigste erneuerbare Energieträger. Insbesondere häusliche Holzfeuerungen erfreuen sich einer hohen Beliebtheit. Regionale Wertschöpfung und weitgehende CO2-Neutralität sind die positiven Seiten dieser Entwicklung. Dem gegenüber stehen, insbesondere bei Altanlagen, erhöhte Emissionen von Feinstaub und anderen gasförmigen Schadstoffen. Damit durch den zwingend notwendigen Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien keine neuen Umweltbelastungen entstehen, wurden in den letzten Jahren die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte für die wichtigsten Schadstoffe stufenweise verringert. Viele moderne Feuerungen sind in der Lage, diese ohne weitere Maßnahmen einzuhalten. In einigen Marktsegmenten können jedoch Feinstaubabscheider eine interessante Möglichkeit darstellen, die geforderten Grenzwerte sicher einzuhalten. Darüber hinaus bieten sich Staubabscheider an, freiwillig einen größeren Beitrag zur Feinstaubemissionsreduktion zu leisten

    Severe acidosis due to 5-oxoprolinase inhibition by flucloxacillin in a patient with shoulder prosthesis joint infection

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    We report a case of a 64-year-old female patient with severe metabolic acidosis. Inhibition of 5-oxoprolinase by flucloxacillin was found to be the cause of the metabolic derailment

    Stellungnahme zum Klimaschutzaktionsplan im Entwurf von 09/2016: Ausschöpfung der Möglichkeiten der THG-Reduktion durch emissionsarme, effiziente Bioenergiebereitstellung

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    Der Klimaschutzaktionsplan stellt ein ambitioniertes Leitbild zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele von Paris dar. Er zeigt deutlich, dass diese Ziele nur durch Ausnutzung aller Optionen erreichbar sind. Gleichzeitig ist nach 20 Jahren intensiver Anstrengungen zur Dekarbonisierung des Energiesektors dieser immer noch der größte Klimagasemittent – und damit sind die Anstrengungen in diesem Bereich auch künftig von besonderer Bedeutung. Biomasse ist der derzeit am meisten genutzte erneuerbare Energieträger. Er wird zur Strom-, Wärme und Kraftstoffbereitstellung eingesetzt und sparte durch die Substitution fossiler Energieträger ca. 60 Mio. Tonnen CO2-Äquivalent im Jahr 2015 (AGEE Stat 2016, siehe angehängte Tabelle). Die Chancen einer umfassenden Klimagasreduktion werden jedoch im Klimaschutzaktionsprogramm nur unzureichend dargestellt. Diese Möglichkeiten der Klimagaseinsparung durch Bioenergie umfassen einerseits die energetische Nutzung bisher unerschlossener Biomassepotenziale sowie andererseits die effiziente, emissionsarme und integrierte Weiterentwicklung der gegenwärtigen Biomassenutzung. Beide Aspekte werden nachfolgend aufgezeigt

    The ratio of SRPK1/SRPK1a regulates erythroid differentiation in K562 leukaemic cells

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    AbstractSRPK1, the prototype of the serine/arginine family of kinases, has been implicated in the regulation of multiple cellular processes such as pre-mRNA splicing, chromatin structure, nuclear import and germ cell development. SRPK1a is a much less studied isoform of SRPK1 that contains an extended N-terminal domain and so far has only been detected in human testis. In the present study we show that SRPK1 is the predominant isoform in K562 cells, with the ratio of the two isoforms being critical in determining cell fate. Stable overexpression of SRPK1a induces erythroid differentiation of K562 cells. The induction of globin synthesis was accompanied by a marked decrease in proliferation and a significantly reduced clonogenic potential. Small interfering RNA-mediated down-regulation of SRPK1 in K562 cells results similarly in a decrease in proliferative capacity and induction of globin synthesis. A decreased SRPK1/SRPK1a ratio is also observed upon hemin/DMSO-induced differentiation of K562 cells as well as in normal human erythroid progenitor cells. Mass spectrometric analysis of SRPK1a-associated proteins identified multiple classes of RNA-binding proteins including RNA helicases, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, ribosomal proteins, and mRNA-associated proteins. Several of the SRPK1a-copurifying proteins have been previously identified in ribosomal and pre-ribosomal complexes, thereby suggesting that SRPK1a may play an important role in linking ribosomal assembly and/or function to erythroid differentiation in human leukaemic cells

    Mid-latitude continental temperatures through the early Eocene in western Europe

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    Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are increasingly used to reconstruct mean annual air temperature (MAAT) during the early Paleogene. However, the application of this proxy in coal deposits is limited and brGDGTs have only been detected in immature coals (i.e. lignites). Using samples recovered from Schöningen, Germany (∼48°N palaeolatitude), we provide the first detailed study into the occurrence and distribution of brGDGTs through a sequence of early Eocene lignites and associated interbeds. BrGDGTs are abundant and present in every sample. In comparison to modern studies, changes in vegetation type do not appear to significantly impact brGDGT distributions; however, there are subtle differences between lignites – representing peat-forming environments – and siliciclastic nearshore marine interbed depositional environments. Using the most recent brGDGT temperature calibration (MATmr) developed for soils, we generate the first continental temperature record from central-western continental Europe through the early Eocene. Lignite-derived MAAT estimates range from 23 to 26 °C while those derived from the nearshore marine interbeds exceed 20 °C. These estimates are consistent with other mid-latitude environments and model simulations, indicating enhanced mid-latitude, early Eocene warmth. In the basal part of the section studied, warming is recorded in both the lignites (∼2 °C) and nearshore marine interbeds (∼2–3 °C). This culminates in a long-term temperature maximum, likely including the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). Although this long-term warming trend is relatively well established in the marine realm, it has rarely been shown in terrestrial settings. Using a suite of model simulations we show that the magnitude of warming at Schöningen is broadly consistent with a doubling of CO2, in agreement with late Paleocene and early Eocene pCO2 estimates

    A preliminary study in osteoinduction by a nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite in the mini pig.

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    To test the probable osteoinductive properties of NanoBone, a new highly non-sintered porous nano-crystalline hydroxylapatite bone substitute embedded into a silica gel matrix, granules were implanted subcutaneously and intramuscularly into the back region of 18 mini pigs. After periods of 5 and 10 weeks as well as 4 and 8 months, implantation sites were investigated using histological and histomorphometric procedures. Signs of early osteogenesis could already be detected after 5 weeks. The later periods were characterized by increasing membranous osteogenesis in and around the granules leading to the formation of bone-like structures showing periosteal and tendon-like structures with bone marrow and focal chondrogenesis. Bone formation was better in the subcutaneous than in the intramuscular implantation sites. This ectopic osteogenesis is discussed with regard to the nanoporosity and microporosity of the material, physico-chemical interactions at its surface, the differentiation of osteoblasts, the role of angiogenesis and the probable involvement of growth factors. The results of this preliminary study indicate that this biomaterial has osteoinductive potential and induces the formation of bone structures, mainly in subcutaneous adipose tissue in the pig
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