65 research outputs found

    Conocimiento y percepción de estudiantes de pregrado sobre especies exóticas invasoras

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    The pet trade often introduces invasive alien species (IAS), causing harmful effects on native species. Additionally, limited awareness of the origins and impacts of IAS prevails among the public. This study aims to assess the knowledge and perceptions of university students regarding exotic species and the factors motivating the acquisition of exotic pets. To achieve this, an online survey was conducted among undergraduate students. From the surveyed group, 84% recognized IAS. However, misconceptions persisted, with 58.6% wrongly identifying IAS as native. The survey findings also revealed that social media motivate exotic pet ownership. Interestingly, while some IAS were perceived with tenderness and deemed deserving of legal protection, others were considered unsuitable for presence in Chilean ecosystems. Overall, the study underscores the significance of promoting awareness regarding IAS, their effects, and responsible exotic pet ownership to protect the fragile equilibrium of Chilean ecosystems.El comercio de animales de compañía introduce a menudo especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) que causan efectos nocivos en las especies autóctonas. Además, el público tiene un conocimiento limitado de los orígenes e impactos de las EEI. Este estudio pretende evaluar los conocimientos y percepciones de los estudiantes universitarios sobre las especies exóticas y los factores que motivan la adquisición de mascotas exóticas. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta en línea entre estudiantes universitarios. Del grupo encuestado, el 84% reconoció las EEI. Sin embargo, persistían los conceptos erróneos, ya que el 58,6% identificaba erróneamente las EEI como autóctonas. Los resultados de la encuesta también revelaron que las redes sociales motivan la tenencia de mascotas exóticas. Curiosamente, mientras que algunas EEI fueron percibidas con ternura y consideradas merecedoras de protección legal, otras fueron consideradas inadecuadas para su presencia en los ecosistemas chilenos. En general, el estudio subraya la importancia de promover la concienciación sobre las EEI, sus efectos y la tenencia responsable de mascotas exóticas para proteger el frágil equilibrio de los ecosistemas chilenos

    Overview of a Hepatitis C Medication Monitoring Program in a State Medicaid Program

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    This presentation outlines a successful hepatitis C medication monitoring program instituted by Clinical Pharmacy Services for MassHealth, the Massachusetts Medicaid program. The program used outreach and education strategies to communicate with prescribers about regimens that were the most effective in treating the virus and containing costs. Member adherence to the regimen was monitored and hepatitis C cure rates were tracked through the program

    Conformance analysis of clinical pathway using electronic health record data

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to confirm the conformance rate of the actual usage of the clinical pathway (CP) using Electronic Health Record (EHR) log data in a tertiary general university hospital to improve the CP by reflecting realworld care processes. Methods: We analyzed the application and matching rates of clinicians??? orders with predefined CP order sets based on data from 164 inpatients who received appendectomies out of all patients who were hospitalized from August 2013 to June 2014. We collected EHR log data on patient information, medication orders, operation performed, diagnosis, transfer, and CP order sets. The data were statistically analyzed. Results: The average value of the actual application rate of the prescribed CP order ranged from 0.75 to 0.89. The application rate decreased when the order date was factored in along with the order code and type. Among CP pre-operation, intra-operation, post-operation, routine, and discharge orders, orders pertaining to operations had higher application rates than other types of orders. Routine orders and discharge orders had lower application rates. Conclusions: This analysis of the application and matching rates of CP orders suggests that it is possible to improve these rates by updating the existing CP order sets for routine discharge orders to reflect data-driven evidence. This study shows that it is possible to improve the application and matching rates of the CP using EHR log data. However, further research should be performed to analyze the effects of these rates on care outcomes. © 2015 The Korean Society of Medical Informaticsopen0

    Implementation of a Pediatric Behavioral Health Medication Safety Initiative in a State Medicaid Program

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    The poster will address concerns about an increase in the use of behavioral medications in children and the need to manage prescribing practices to ensure appropriate use of the drugs. Presented at the American Drug Utilization Review Society 2015 Conference

    Impact of Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor on Pulmonary Exacerbation Rates in Members with Cystic Fibrosis in a Medicaid Population

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    This poster gives an overview of pulmonary exacerbation rates pre- and post-initiation of Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor (LUM/IVA) in Massachusetts\u27 Medicaid program. Pulmonary disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among patients with cystic fibrosis. LUM/IVA has been effective in improving pulmonary outcomes in two observational studies, but before this study, there had been no published data evaluating real-world outcomes for Medicaid patients receiving this therapy. This poster on the impact of a drug for patients with cystic fibrosis was shared during the 2018 Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting and awarded a gold ribbon. The poster abstracts were evaluated on relevance, originality, quality, bias and clarity. Only 20 percent of submitted abstracts were honored with awards

    Evaluation of Progesterone Agent Utilization and Birth Outcomes in a State Medicaid Plan

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    An analysis of medication adherence and birth outcomes among members receiving progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth in a state Medicaid program. Data is also used to evaluate the association between member characteristics and medication adherence and birth outcomes as well as whether there was a change in the cost of care

    Exploring the Determinants of PAS, EDMS, and PACS Adoption in European Hospitals

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    Using data available in two microdatabases - the e-Business Watch survey 2006 and the European Hospital Survey (2012-2013) – the study reported in this paper explores the determinants that lead to the adoption of three of the most commonly used Health Information Systems (HIS) in European Hospitals: Patient Administration Systems (PAS), Electronic Documents Management Systems (EDMS), and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). For statistical analysis and modeling purposes, the original variables in the two surveys were transformed into binary variables. In order to explore the determinants of system adoption, Probit models were built taking into consideration the following explanatory variables or predictors: public ownership; hospital size; and human resources allocated to Research and Development. It has been found that being a public hospital, particularly in recent years, has a negative impact on HIS adoption. Hospital size is one of the main positive predictors of HIS adoption. The impact of human resources allocated to R&D is also a determinant of HIS adoption, but less so in recent years

    Impact of a Pilot Outreach Program upon Provider Awareness and Prescribing of a Concerning Opioid Combination Regimen

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    This pilot program was developed in response to a drug utilization review within a large Medicaid population that revealed some hazardous practices. Co-prescribing of opioids with benzodiazepines, gabapentin, and other stimulants occurred in more than 500 members, putting them at risk for additive central nervous system depression, misuse, abuse, and death from overdose. The poster presentation outlines the objectives, methods, and results of a telephonic outreach program that addressed these safety concerns. It captures prescriber awareness of the presence and risks of potentially deadly medication combinations among members in their care, with some intriguing results. Our experts provide health plans with framework and support to address the opioid epidemic head on with robust opioid medication management programs, evidence-based clinical guidelines, and prescriber outreach. Our interdisciplinary team’s innovative approach helps health plans decrease inappropriate opioid usage and while ensuring members maintain access to appropriate pain management. This presentation was given at the American Drug Utilization Review Society (ADURS) conference February 22-24, 2018 in Scottsdale, Arizona

    Effectiveness of Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir and Predictors of Treatment Failure in Members with Hepatitis C Genotype 1: A Retrospective Cohort Study in a Medicaid Population

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    An evaluation of the effectiveness of HCV genotype 1 treatment with Harvoni® (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir) as measured by a sustained virological response (SVR) of 12 weeks in the MassHealth fee-for-service and Primary Care Clinician plan population. The analysis concluded that treatment was associated with a a high rate of SVR12, which means that Hepatitis C is not detected in the blood after 12 weeks

    Evaluating the Impact of Interventions by a Multidisciplinary Pediatric Behavioral Health Medication Initiative Workgroup on Medication Prescribing Trends in a Medicaid Population

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    In 2011, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported foster and non-foster children in the MassHealth, Massachusetts Medicaid program, exhibited the highest rate of behavioral health medication (BHM) utilization, with 49.3% of all Medicaid children being prescribed a psychotropic medication, and 39.1% of children in foster care prescribed these medications. The MassHealth Pharmacy Program, which is managed by UMass Medical School, implemented a PBHMI Workgroup in November 2014 with the collaboration of the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Mental Health. The workgroup proactively requires prior authorization (PA) for specific medications or combinations of BHMs prescribed to members less than 18 years of age. Interventions include telephonic prescriber outreach by a child/adolescent psychiatrist to discuss opportunities for regimen simplification, drug interactions or toxicity, and to encourage evidence-based practices. An analysis of the workgroup suggests a peer-to-peer outreach program is associated with increased awareness and implementation of evidence based medicine in a pediatric population treated with behavioral health medications