12 research outputs found

    The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder: Performance of the Boolardy Engineering Test Array

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    We describe the performance of the Boolardy Engineering Test Array, the prototype for the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. Boolardy Engineering Test Array is the first aperture synthesis radio telescope to use phased array feed technology, giving it the ability to electronically form up to nine dual-polarisation beams. We report the methods developed for forming and measuring the beams, and the adaptations that have been made to the traditional calibration and imaging procedures in order to allow BETA to function as a multi-beam aperture synthesis telescope. We describe the commissioning of the instrument and present details of Boolardy Engineering Test Array’s performance: sensitivity, beam characteristics, polarimetric properties, and image quality. We summarise the astronomical science that it has produced and draw lessons from operating Boolardy Engineering Test Array that will be relevant to the commissioning and operation of the final Australian Square Kilometre Array Path telescope

    ASKAP HI imaging of the galaxy group IC 1459

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. We present HI imaging of the galaxy group IC 1459 carried out with six antennas of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder equipped with phased-array feeds. We detect and resolve HI in 11 galaxies down to a column density of ~1020 cm-2 inside a ~6 deg2 field and with a resolution of ~1 arcmin on the sky and ~8 kms-1 in velocity. We present HI images, velocity fields and integrated spectra of all detections, and highlight the discovery of three HI clouds - two in the proximity of the galaxy IC 5270 and one close to NGC 7418. Each cloud has an HI mass of ~109 M? and accounts for ~15 per cent of the HI associated with its host galaxy. Available images at ultraviolet, optical and infrared wavelengths do not reveal any clear stellar counterpart of any of the clouds, suggesting that they are not gas-rich dwarf neighbours of IC 5270 and NGC 7418. Using Parkes data, we find evidence of additional extended, low-column-density HI emission around IC 5270, indicating that the clouds are the tip of the iceberg of a larger system of gas surrounding this galaxy. This result adds to the body of evidence on the presence of intragroup gas within the IC 1459 group. Altogether, the HI found outside galaxies in this group amounts to several times 109 M?, at least 10 per cent of the HI contained inside galaxies. This suggests a substantial flow of gas in and out of galaxies during the several billion years of the group's evolution

    Discovery of HI gas in a young radio galaxy at z = 0.44 using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder

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    We report the discovery of a new 21-cm H i absorption system using commissioning data from the Boolardy Engineering Test Array of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). Using the 711.5–1015.5 MHz band of ASKAP we were able to conduct a blind search for the 21-cm line in a continuous redshift range between z = 0.4 and 1.0, which has, until now, remained largely unexplored. The absorption line is detected at z = 0.44 towards the GHz-peaked spectrum radio source PKS B1740−517 and demonstrates ASKAP's excellent capability for performing a future wide-field survey for H i absorption at these redshifts. Optical spectroscopy and imaging using the Gemini-South telescope indicates that the H i gas is intrinsic to the host galaxy of the radio source. The narrow [O iii] emission lines show clear double-peaked structure, indicating either large-scale outflow or rotation of the ionized gas. Archival data from the XMM–Newton satellite exhibit an absorbed X-ray spectrum that is consistent with a high column density obscuring medium around the active galactic nucleus. The H i absorption profile is complex, with four distinct components ranging in width from 5 to 300 km s−1 and fractional depths from 0.2 to 20 per cent. In addition to systemic H i gas, in a circumnuclear disc or ring structure aligned with the radio jet, we find evidence for a possible broad outflow of neutral gas moving at a radial velocity of v ~ 300 km s−1. We infer that the expanding young radio source (tage ≈ 2500 yr) is cocooned within a dense medium and may be driving circumnuclear neutral gas in an outflow of ~1 M⊙ yr−1

    Erratum: Discovery of H I gas in a young radio galaxy at z = 0.44 using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder

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    Implications for microwave radio path design of the evaporation duct over tropical oceans in northern Australia

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    Examples of evaporation duct height statistics for coastal and oceanic waters in the North of Australia are presented. The range in duct height variation measured in coastal waters beckons further investigation of the effects of the evaporation duct on fixed link performance. Fixed link design issues are addressed in the context of the tropical evaporation duct and a suggestion made so that designers may avoid interference problems resulting from anomalous propagation inside the duct

    Implications for microwave radio path design of the evaporation duct over tropical oceans in northern Australia

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    Examples of evaporation duct height statistics for coastal and oceanic waters in the North of Australia are presented. The range in duct height variation measured in coastal waters beckons further investigation of the effects of the evaporation duct on fixed link performance. Fixed link design issues are addressed in the context of the tropical evaporation duct and a suggestion made so that designers may avoid interference problems resulting from anomalous propagation inside the duct

    Australian square kilometre array pathfinder: I. system description

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    In this paper, we describe the system design and capabilities of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope at the conclusion of its construction project and commencement of science operations. ASKAP is one of the first radio telescopes to deploy phased array feed (PAF) technology on a large scale, giving it an instantaneous field of view that covers 31 deg2 at 800 MHz. As a two-dimensional array of 36x12 m antennas, with baselines ranging from 22 m to 6 km, ASKAP also has excellent snapshot imaging capability and 10 arcsec resolution. This, combined with 288 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth and a unique third axis of rotation on each antenna, gives ASKAP the capability to create high dynamic range images of large sky areas very quickly. It is an excellent telescope for surveys between 700 and 1800 MHz and is expected to facilitate great advances in our understanding of galaxy formation, cosmology, and radio transients while opening new parameter space for discovery of the unknown