259 research outputs found

    First Narrow-Band Search For Continuous Gravitational Waves From Known Pulsars In Advanced Detector Data

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    In Advanced LIGO, detection and astrophysical source parameter estimation of the binary black hole merger GW150914 requires a calibrated estimate of the gravitational-wave strain sensed by the detectors. Producing an estimate from each detector\u27s differential arm length control loop readout signals requires applying time domain filters, which are designed from a frequency domain model of the detector\u27s gravitational-wave response. The gravitational-wave response model is determined by the detector\u27s opto-mechanical response and the properties of its feedback control system. The measurements used to validate the model and characterize its uncertainty are derived primarily from a dedicated photon radiation pressure actuator, with cross-checks provided by optical and radio frequency references. We describe how the gravitational-wave readout signal is calibrated into equivalent gravitational-wave-induced strain and how the statistical uncertainties and systematic errors are assessed. Detector data collected over 38 calendar days, from September 12 to October 20, 2015, contain the event GW150914 and approximately 16 of coincident data used to estimate the event false alarm probability. The calibration uncertainty is less than 10% in magnitude and 10 degrees in phase across the relevant frequency band 20 Hz to 1 kHz

    All-Sky Search For Periodic Gravitational Waves In The O1 Ligo Data

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    We present the results of a semicoherent search for continuous gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1, using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run. The search method uses details of the modelled, parametrized continuous signal to combine coherently data separated by less than a specified coherence time, which can be adjusted to trade off sensitivity against computational cost. A search was conducted over the frequency range from 25 Hz to 2000 Hz, spanning the current observationally-constrained range of the binary orbital parameters. No significant detection candidates were found, and frequency-dependent upper limits were set using a combination of sensitivity estimates and simulated signal injections. The most stringent upper limit was set at 175 Hz, with comparable limits set across the most sensitive frequency range from 100 Hz to 200 Hz. At this frequency, the 95 pct upper limit on signal amplitude h0 is 2.3e-25 marginalized over the unknown inclination angle of the neutron star\u27s spin, and 8.03e-26 assuming the best orientation (which results in circularly polarized gravitational waves). These limits are a factor of 3-4 stronger than those set by other analyses of the same data, and a factor of about 7 stronger than the best upper limits set using initial LIGO data. In the vicinity of 100 Hz, the limits are a factor of between 1.2 and 3.5 above the predictions of the torque balance model, depending on inclination angle, if the most likely inclination angle of 44 degrees is assumed, they are within a factor of 1.7

    The PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence

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    We describe the PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact-object binary coalescences in advanced gravitational-wave detector data. The search was used in the first Advanced LIGO observing run and unambiguously identified two black hole binary mergers, GW150914 and GW151226. At its core, the PyCBC search performs a matched-filter search for binary merger signals using a bank of gravitational-wave template waveforms. We provide a complete description of the search pipeline including the steps used to mitigate the effects of noise transients in the data, identify candidate events and measure their statistical significance. The analysis is able to measure false-alarm rates as low as one per million years, required for confident detection of signals. Using data from initial LIGO's sixth science run, we show that the new analysis reduces the background noise in the search, giving a 30% increase in sensitive volume for binary neutron star systems over previous searches.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Development of an instrument to assess to quality of acupuncture: results from a Delphi process

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    Background: Quality acupuncture influences the outcomes of clinical research, and issues associated with effective administration of acupuncture in randomized controlled trials need to be addressed when appraising studies. Objective: The study objective was to achieve consensus on domains and items for inclusion in a rating scale to assess quality acupuncture administered in clinical research. Study design and subjects: An active group of Australian acupuncture researchers initially identified a pool of items assessing quality. The Delphi consensus process was then used to select and reduce the number of items, and an additional expert panel of 42 researchers were invited to participate. Participants initially ranked items along a five-point scale for the first Delphi round, and indicated an agree or disagree response during the second round. For an item to be retained into the second round, an item had to attain greater than 80% agreement that the item described a dimension of quality acupuncture and related study design. Results: Thirty-two (32) experts agreed to participate in the study. After two rounds of the Delphi process, consensus was reached on 14 domains and 26 items relating to quality acupuncture. Domains, items, and minimum standards related to study design; rationale of the intervention; criteria relating to needling stimulation either manual or electrostimulation; duration and frequency of treatment; and practitioner training. Conclusions: Items for inclusion in an instrument to assess quality acupuncture in clinical research were identified

    Numerical analysis of the available power in an overtopping wave energy converter subjected to a sea state of the Coastal Region of Tramandaí, Brazil

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    The present work proposes a numerical study of an overtopping wave energy converter. The goal of this study is to evaluate the theoretical power that can be converted by an overtopping device subjected to sea waves in the coastal region of Tramandaí, Brazil. For this, realistic irregular waves were generated using theWaveMIMO methodology, which allows numerical simulation of sea waves through the imposition of transient discrete data as prescribed velocity. For the numerical analysis, a two-dimensional computational model was employed using Fluent, where the device was inserted into a wave channel. The volume of the fluid multiphase model was used for the treatment of the air–water interaction. The results indicated that the free surface elevation obtained using the WaveMIMO methodology, which converts a realistic sea state into a free surface elevation series, was adequately represented. The evaluation of the theoretical power of the overtopping device during around 45 min indicated that 471.28 W was obtained. In addition, a monthly generation projection showed that this device would supply 100% of the electricity demand of a school in the city of Tramandaí. These results demonstrated that the conversion of sea wave energy into electrical energy can contribute to supplying electricity demand, especially for coastal cities

    PLLA/Triethyl citrate membrane as an alternative for the treatment of skin wounds

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    Bioresorbable polymers can be applied as membranes to sustain and guide cell growth through the regeneration process. This study evaluated poly(acid lactide), PLLA, membranes with addition of 10% triethyl citrate as skin wound healing in Wistar rats. Initially a 2cm² skin wound was exercised of the back of 24 animals. The animals were divided into two groups: treated, whose the polymer membrane was implanted, and control, in which the wound was kept exposed. The results obtained after 1, 3, 7 and 15 days showed an inflammatory response more satisfactory in the implanted wounds, with early repair and collagen more organized when compared to exposed wounds. In addition to, the protected areas showed no irritant inflammatory response which could be attributed to the membrane. Thus, we conclude that the PLLA/Triethyl citrate membrane has effectively protected the wounds, allowing the repair and presenting itself as a promising skin dressing.Polímeros sintéticos biorreabsorvíveis podem ser utilizados sob a forma de membranas para sustentar e guiar o crescimento celular, através do processo de reparação tecidual. Este trabalho avaliou membranas de poli(ácido lático), PLLA, com adição de 10% de trietil-citrato usadas como curativos de feridas cutâneas agudas em ratos Wistar. Inicialmente uma ferida de 2cm² foi provocada na região dorsal de 24 animais. Estes foram divididos em 2 grupos: tratamento, nos quais as feridas foram recobertas pela membrana polimérica e controle, com feridas permanecendo cruentas. Os resultados obtidos em 1, 3, 7 e 15 dias mostraram uma resposta inflamatória mais satisfatória nas feridas protegidas pelas membranas, com reparação precoce e colágeno mais organizado quando comparadas com as áreas incialmente mantidas sem proteção. Além do que, as áreas protegidas pelas membranas não mostraram alterações inflamatórias irritativas que pudessem ser imputadas ao uso da membrana polimérica. Diante disso, conclui-se que a membrana de PLLA/Trietil-citrato protegeu efetivamente as feridas, permitindo o processo de reparação e mostrando-se promissora como curativo cutâneo.798806Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq