2,263 research outputs found

    The Calculation of the Bending Moment Response of a Typical Launch Vehicle Using Generalized Power Spectral Techniques

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    Bending moment response calculation of launch vehicle using generalized power spectral technique

    Concepts of perceptual significance for composition and reproduction of explorable surround sound fields

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    Recent work in audio and visual perception suggests that, over and above sensory acuities, exploration of an environment is a most powerful perceptual strategy. For some uses, the plausibility of artificial sound environments might be dramatically improved if exploratory perception is accommodated. The composition and reproduction of spatially explorable sound fields involves a different set of problems from the conventional surround sound paradigm, developed to display music and sound effects to an essentially passive audience. This paper is based upon contemporary models of perception and presents proposals for additional spatial characteristics beyond classical concepts of three-dimensional positioning of virtual objects

    Evidence for a Gradual Decline in the Universal Rest-Frame UV Luminosity Density for z < 1

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    We have utilized various magnitude-limited samples drawn from an extremely deep and highly complete spectroscopic redshift survey of galaxies observed in seven colors in the Hawaii Survey Fields and the Hubble Deep Field to investigate the evolution of the universal rest-frame ultraviolet luminosity density from z = 1 to the present. The multi-color data (U', B, V, R, I, J, HK') enable the sample selection to be made in the rest-frame ultraviolet for the entire redshift range. Due to the large sample size and depth (U_{AB} = 24.75, B_{AB} = 24.75, I_{AB} = 23.5), we are able to accurately determine the luminosity density to z = 1. We do not confirm the very steep evolution reported by Lilly et al. (1996) but instead find a shallower slope, approximately (1+z)^{1.5} for q0 = 0.5, which would imply that galaxy formation is continuing smoothly to the present time rather than peaking at z = 1. Much of the present formation is taking place in smaller galaxies. Detailed comparisons with other recent determinations of the evolution are presented.Comment: 37 pages including 18 figures. Also available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~acowie/uvlum.html To be published in the August, 1999 Astronomical Journal (accepted April 22, 1999

    The Density of Lyman-alpha Emitters at Very High Redshift

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    We describe narrowband and spectroscopic searches for emission-line star forming galaxies in the redshift range 3 to 6 with the 10 m Keck II Telescope. These searches yield a substantial population of objects with only a single strong (equivalent width >> 100 Angstrom) emission line, lying in the 4000 - 10,000 Angstrom range. Spectra of the objects found in narrowband-selected samples at lambda ~5390 Angstroms and ~6741 Angstroms show that these very high equivalent width emission lines are generally redshifted Lyman alpha 1216 Angstrom at z~3.4 and 4.5. The density of these emitters above the 5 sigma detection limit of 1.5 e-17 ergs/cm^2/s is roughly 15,000 per square degree per unit redshift interval at both z~3.4 and 4.5. A complementary deeper (1 sigma \~1.0 e-18 ergs/cm^2/s) slit spectroscopic search covering a wide redshift range but a more limited spatial area (200 square arcminutes) shows such objects can be found over the redshift range 3 to 6, with the currently highest redshift detected being at z=5.64. The Lyman alpha flux distribution can be used to estimate a minimum star formation rate in the absence of reddening of roughly 0.01 solar masses/Mpc^3/year (H_0 = 65 km/s/Mpc and q_0 = 0.5). Corrections for reddening are likely to be no larger than a factor of two, since observed equivalent widths are close to the maximum values obtainable from ionization by a massive star population. Within the still significant uncertainties, the star formation rate from the Lyman alpha-selected sample is comparable to that of the color-break-selected samples at z~3, but may represent an increasing fraction of the total rates at higher redshifts. This higher-z population can be readily studied with large ground-based telescopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 encapsulated figures; aastex, emulateapj, psfig and lscape style files. Separate gif files for 2 gray-scale images also available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/hu/emitters.html . Added discussion of foreground contaminants. Updated discussion of comparison with external surveys (Sec. 5 and Fig. 5). Note: continuum break strength limits (Fig. 3 caption) are correct here -- published ApJL text has a sign erro


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    Determination of the survival probability of a launch vehicle rising through a random wind field

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    Survival probability of rising launch vehicle subjected to wind shear loads - statistical load survey method, and wind profile analyses for design consideration

    The Stellar Population of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies at z ~ 5.7

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    We present a study of three Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs), selected via a narrow-band survey in the GOODS northern field, and spectroscopically confirmed to have redshifts of z ~ 5.65. Using HST ACS and Spitzer IRAC data, we constrain the rest-frame UV-to-optical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the galaxies. Fitting stellar population synthesis models to the observed SEDs, we find best-fit stellar populations with masses between ~ 10^9 - 10^10 M_sun and ages between ~ 5 - 100 Myr, assuming a simple starburst star formation history. However, stellar populations as old as 700 Myr are admissible if a constant star formation rate model is considered. Very deep near-IR observations may help to narrow the range of allowed models by providing extra constraints on the rest-frame UV spectral slope. Our narrow-band selected objects and other IRAC-detected z ~ 6 i'-dropout galaxies have similar 3.6 um magnitudes and z' - [3.6] colors, suggesting that they posses stellar populations of similar masses and ages. This similarity may be the result of a selection bias, since the IRAC-detected LAEs and i'-dropouts probably only sample the bright end of the luminosity function. On the other hand, our LAEs have blue i' - z' colors compared to the i'-dropouts, and would have been missed by the i'-dropout selection criterion. A better understanding of the overlap between the LAE and the i'-dropout populations is necessary in order to constrain the properties of the overall high-redshift galaxy population, such as the total stellar mass density at z ~ 6.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap