8 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Kader Posyandu dalam Upaya Pemantauan dan Penurunan Stunting di Desa Kadubale Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    Stunting is a child's growth and development disorder caused by lack of nutrition, infection, or inadequate stimulation. One of the important roles in detecting stunting at the village level is the anthropometric measurement of length or height by posyandu cadres. This PKM activity was carried out with the aim of increasing the capacity of cadres in monitoring stunting through anthropometric measurements and proper assessment of stunting status. Kadubale Village is one of the villages in Pandeglang Regency with a fairly large number of cadres, namely 40 people, and among them there are many new cadres. The method used in this PKM activity is cadre training in the form of measuring the length or height of toddlers at the posyandu and assessing stunting status using an anthropometric rotary tool that is easy for cadres to use. The result of the training that has been carried out is that there is an increase in the skills of cadres in measuring body length and height, as well as increasing skills in assessing stunting status using a nutritional status rotary tool

    Pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan, kualitas audit, dan konservatisme terhadap persyaratan agunan pinjaman

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    Debtors and creditors have equal access to information about default risks in competitive credit markets. Loan collateral is less important in credit decision-making in these circumstances. However, in emerging credit markets such as Indonesia, where debtors and creditors do not have equal information about a firm's prospects, the use of collateral to mitigate default risk has become common practice. Despite the strong theoretical framework for the use of collateral to secure creditors from credit risk, some Indonesian firms are exempt from providing collateral for bank debts. This study looks at how the independence of the Board of Commissioners, governance committees, audit quality, and conservatism affect the likelihood of using debt collateral. Around 785 firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were collected using Slovin's formula, during the sample period of 2017-2020. According to logistic regression analysis, firms with a more independent Board of Commissioners, a separate governance committee, Big 4 auditors, and conservative accounting policies are less likely to provide loan collatera

    Pengembangan E- Modul Berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) pada Materi Keberagaman Budaya Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the steps for compiling e-modules, the feasibility of materials, language, design, and product effectiveness resulting from the development of CTL-based e-modules on the subject of cultural diversity in society to improve learning outcomes for fifth grade elementary school students. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) study. The model used in development is the ADDIE model. The subjects in the study were students of SDN 38 Bengkulu City, totaling 25 students in class 5 A as the experimental class, and 22 students in class 5 B as the control class. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, questionnaires, and tests in the form of multiple choice questions through pretest and posttest. To measure effectiveness, tests were carried out twice, namely before and after learning took place in the experimental class and the control class. The data analysis technique in this study was validation analysis using Aiken's V and Interrater Reliability, as well as quantitative analysis using the t-test. From the research results it is known that the results of material, language, and design validation are very feasible and well used in learning so that students are happy and interested in learning. The results of the effectiveness of e-modules effectively affect student learning outcomes. Students who use CTL-based e-modules are higher than students who only use textbooks from schools so they are declared effective

    Studi perbandingan sifat mekanis beton dengan dan tanpa perkuatan GFRP dan Typo SW Expoxy ( Underwater ) [ Skripsi ]

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    Bibl. : 71-72Ada CD.viii, 72 hlm. : il. ; 28 cm. . -- Lamp. ( 92 lem

    Analysis of E-Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and E-Wom on Consumer Purchase Decisions in E-Commerce in Indonesia Post Pandemi Covid-19

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of E-marketing and social media marketing toward consumer purchase decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic with E-WOM as the mediating variable. The sample in this study were 238 respondents who shopped online at Ecommerce during the post Covid-19 pandemic. The sampling technique used of the reserach was non probability sampling through purposive sampling technique. Technique of data analysis was using SmartPLS. The results of the study show that the direct effect of social media marketing on purchase decisions is not significant, the direct effect of social media marketing on E-WOM is positive and significant. The direct effect of E-marketing on purchase decisions has a positive and significant effect, the direct effect of E-marketing on E-WOM has a positive and significant effect. The direct effect of E-WOM on purchase decisions is positive and significant. The effect of social media marketing and E-marketing through E-WOM is not significant for consumer purchase decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic. It can be said that the consumer purchasing decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic are influenced by E-marketing, social media marketing, and E-WOM


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of E-marketing and social media marketing toward consumer purchase decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic with E-WOM as the mediating variable. The sample in this study were 238 respondents who shopped online at Ecommerce during the post Covid-19 pandemic. The sampling technique used of the reserach was non probability sampling through purposive sampling technique. Technique of data analysis was using SmartPLS. The results of the study show that the direct effect of social media marketing on purchase decisions is not significant, the direct effect of social media marketing on E-WOM is positive and significant. The direct effect of E-marketing on purchase decisions has a positive and significant effect, the direct effect of E-marketing on E-WOM has a positive and significant effect. The direct effect of                 E-WOM on purchase decisions is positive and significant. The effect of social media marketing and E-marketing through E-WOM is not significant for consumer purchase decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic. It can be said that the consumer purchasing decisions during the post Covid-19 pandemic are influenced by E-marketing, social media marketing, and E-WOM

    Pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan, kualitas audit, dan konservatisme terhadap persyaratan agunan pinjaman

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    Debtors and creditors have equal access to information about default risks in competitive credit markets. Loan collateral is less important in credit decision-making in these circumstances. However, in emerging credit markets such as Indonesia, where debtors and creditors do not have equal information about a firm's prospects, the use of collateral to mitigate default risk has become common practice. Despite the strong theoretical framework for the use of collateral to secure creditors from credit risk, some Indonesian firms are exempt from providing collateral for bank debts. This study looks at how the independence of the Board of Commissioners, governance committees, audit quality, and conservatism affect the likelihood of using debt collateral. Around 785 firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were collected using Slovin's formula, during the sample period of 2017-2020. According to logistic regression analysis, firms with a more independent Board of Commissioners, a separate governance committee, Big 4 auditors, and conservative accounting policies are less likely to provide loan collatera