45 research outputs found

    Comparison of Moodle and ATutor LMSs

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    E-learning is a technology that plays an important role in modern education and training. Its great importance lies in the fact that it makes learning content readily available at any place at any time. This paper examines and evaluates two of current systems Moodle and ATutor. The main aim of this paper is to identify the aspects of theese LMS systems, examine their functional features, modules, standards, hardware and software requirements, and compare them

    Development tools for mobile devices in market price information systems

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    There are already several applications on mobile devices that can be useful in agriculture. For example: GPS-enabled map software, individual cattle identification and tracking software and even complex agricultural systems. These are just beginning to spread in the Hungarian agrifood sector. The possibility of using for agribusiness of mobile internet and mobile tools is increasing. Mobile tools are really suitable for tasks like inspecting the evolution of prices of agricultural products. One of our application development is a mobile extension to access the Market Price Information System run by the Hungarian Agricultural Economics Research Institute. The accessibility of information demanded by market actors can be ensured effectively by using mobile tools. The biggest limitation for PDA is screen size. If it is getting smaller from full screen to PDA-sized and yet further to mobile phone dimensions, user performance drops. The main reason for this is that smaller screens make it more difficult for a user to make good judgements about the usefulness of any particular information. The development methods and tools help us to solve one part of these problems

    Research on open source e-learning tools and agricultural applications

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    Within the NODES European e-Learning project (Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training) we have done research and developments based on open source tools. One of the aims was to select those open source components which are suitable for creating the network for using multimedia knowledge to improve competitiveness employability and mobility of different target groups, such as rural people and farmers. In creating the architecture of the NODES project there were more tasks which were coordinated and carried out by our expert group. The selection criteria of open source LMS was set up by the consortium. Our studies’ Survey on the existing systems consisted of the following parts: The basic elements of e-Learning Systems, The complements and integration of the e-Learning Systems, The specification of interface. The result of our research work was that we selected the Moodle LMS. The Moodle provides a reliable platform that supports social and collaborative learning. It is highly configurable and extensible. It implements new features and fixes rapidly, it is free of licensing costs. The members of the project (from France, Spain, Ireland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania) implemented the Moodle system creating the LMS. To integrate the different contents we had to develop the EU-index, which is the central, common and shared index database (a metadatabase). Another important function is the multimedia content management. One of these parts is the AutoView Presenter from the about 200 modules which allows putting video on-line with synchronised slides. The NODES system is used in graduate, postgraduate PhD, adult trainings programmes and it is a very successful system as an educational portal system for our faculty too

    Moodle and LAMS integrations

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    LAMS (Learning Activity Management System) is a revolutionary new tool for designing, managing and delivering online collaborative learning activities. It provides teachers with a highly intuitive visual authoring environment for creating sequences of learning activities. Moodle is an open source course management system. LAMS and Moodle integration is about Moodle being able to call LAMS. LAMS is to be integrated with Moodle, with LAMS acting as either a course format or as an activity within Moodle

    Az interleukin-15 receptor molekuláris kölcsönhatásainak vizsgálata humán sejtvonalakon = Investigation of molecular interactions of interleukin-15 receptor on human cell lines

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    Az IL-15 citokin fontos szerepet játszik a T sejtek működésében és homeosztázisában. Receptora felépítésében a citokin-specifikus alfa lánc és az IL-2R felépítésében is részt vevő béta és gamma alegység vesz részt. Modern biofizikai módszerekkel (FRET, CLSM, FCS, NSOM stb.) vizsgáltuk az IL-15R összeszerelődését és sejtfelszíni elrendeződését humán T sejteken. Kimutattuk, hogy a Kit225 FT7.10 humán T limfóma eredetű sejteken a magas affinitású heterotrimer IL-15R komplex előre összeszerelt állapotban van jelen. Korábban hasonló eredményt kaptunk a heterotrimer IL-2 receptorra vonatkozóan. Igazoltuk a két alfa alegység molekuláris kolokalizációját és együttes laterális diffúzióját, ami asszociációjuk stabil voltára utal (legalábbis a néhány 10 ms-os időskálán). Eredményeink alapján megalkottuk az IL-2/15R rendszer dinamikus heterotetramer modelljét: a releváns citokin kötődése a receptor alegységek átrendezésével alakítja ki a megfelelő nagy affinitású heterotrimert. Kimutattuk, hogy az IL-15Ralfa és az IL-2Ralfa nagyméretű (néhány 100 nm-es) domének mellett kisméretű, csak néhány molekulából álló klaszterekben (vagy akár egyedi molekulaként) is megtalálható a vizsgált T limfóma sejteken. Kimutattuk, hogy az IL-2/15R és az MHC molekulák közös szuperklasztereket alkotnak a T sejtek lipid tutajaiban. Ezen klasztereket mind sejtvonalakon, mind pedig klinikai mintákból származó primer T sejteken azonosítottuk. Kimutattuk, hogy a szöveti környezet módosíthatja a mintázatokat. | IL-15 plays an important role in T cell homeostasis and function. Its receptor consists of the cytokine-specific alpha chain and the beta and gamma subunits, also utilized by IL-2R. By using modern biophysical methods (FRET, CLSM, FCS, NSOM) we have studied assembly and cell surface organization of IL-15R in human T cells. It was demonstrated that similar to the heterotrimeric IL-2R, the high affinity heterotrimeric IL-15R complex is preassembled even in the absence of its ligand in Kit225 Ft7.10 cells. We have shown co-localization of the two alpha chains at the molecular level, as well as their co-mobility indicating stability of their association (at least at the time scale of several tens of milliseconds). Based on our data, we have envisaged a dynamic heterotetrameric model of the IL-2/15R system, where binding of the appropriate cytokine rearranges receptor subunits to form the appropriate high-affinity receptor trimer. In addition to large clusters (several hundreds nanometers), we have revealed that IL-15Ralpha and IL-2Ralpha may also exist in small clusters (or even as monomers) at the surface of studied T cells. We have shown that IL-2/15R and MHC glycoproteins form supramolecular clusters in lipid rafts of T cells. These motifs were identified in cell lines as well as in primer T cells derived form clinical samples. We have shown that tissue environment can rearrange these protein patterns

    Forrás katalógus fejlesztése a NODES projektben

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    A Dublin Core-nak az a szerepe, hogy párhuzamosan használják olyan metaadatszabványokkal, amelyeknek másféle szemantika az alapja. Az egyszerűség egyrészt csökkenti a metaadatok elkészítésének költségeit és elősegíti a műveleti együttműködést. Másrészt viszont az egyszerűség nem fogadja be azt a szemantikus és funkcionális gazdagságot, amelyet az összetett metaadatformátumok támogatnak. A Dublin Core elemkészlet a részletező gazdagságot áldozza fel a mindenre kiterjedő hozzáférhetőségért. Az elemek leírásában minden egyes elemhez, jelentésének egyértelmű meghatározása érdekében, leíró megnevezés tartozik, továbbá egyedi, gép által értelmezhető egyetlen, egybeírt szóból álló név, amelynek célja, hogy az elemek kódolási sémák szerinti leírását egyszerűbbé tegye

    Agrárinformatikai kutatási-fejlesztési eredmények disszeminációja

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    The information flows and relations in agri-industry are very complex if we consider the institutes, industrial and commercial companies, banks, governmental organizations, which are related to this sector. The higher education and research institutions play very important rule in research on ICT. In the innovation systems several actors are seen as relevant to agricultural innovation, including agricultural entrepreneurs, researchers, consultants, policy makers, supplier and processing industries, retail and customers. Forces at play in today's economic and social environment create a need for greater communication and cooperation among specialists in value-added partnerships. The Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics has been implemented „The dissemination of research and development on innovative information technologies in agriculture” project, which was a part of the Social Renewal Operational Program, New Hungary Development Plan. Within this national program the project helped the diffusion of R&amp;D research results on ICT in agriculture. A scientific journal and an online portal have been implemented in the project. This article describes the main objectives, developments and tasks which were solved and the main results of the project.</jats:p

    Development Of Ict Support Of Hungarian Meat Sector

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    Food safety and quality are keys to companies' business survival and great efforts and resources are devoted to them. Through the quick development of computer technology, a number of new and innovative methods have been elaborated to solve this problem.A full traceability of products can be realized by the adaptation of numbering and bar code systems, as well as by electronic and biological marking systems, on the basis of their appropriate combination. Identification technologiesmake the traceability of a product in aproduct chain possible and their use is relevant during almost every phase of the product line, as it is necessary to provide for the unambiguous identification of each individual product.In order to compare the identification technologies, we have to consider several factors. While there are numerous advantages and disadvantages for each solution in comparison with the other techniques, we still cannot unanimously choose the one that conforms to the requirements of the meat industry product chain the best, as there are different challenges on each step of the product chain. We performed the comparison of the identification technologies on the basis of different characteristics. Our objective was to explore, systemize and analyze those identification technologies applicable for meat industrial product chains. The regulations of identification provide for the continuity and reliabilityof tracing among independent partners. Our research focused on food tracing systems, utilized identification systems and those which may become applicable in the future. We also studied information technology tools and examined the establishment of Hungarian meat industry enterprises. Based on our survey, we established that the bar code technique is currently the absolute leader in the sector,although modern solutions provide numerous advantages, their profitable application is not possible for the time being. Keywords: Food safety, traceability, identificatio