289 research outputs found

    The Interplay of Achievement and Achievement Motivation: Gender Differences in Math Top-Performers and Functional Relations

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    Achievement and achievement motivation are two central constructs in educational psychology. The interplay between these constructs is a major element in prominent theoretical frameworks such as the Situated Expectancy Value Model (SEVT; e.g., Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). Given the topic’s relevance for individuals’ further educational trajectories and life courses, it is important to obtain particularly reliable and robust results. To achieve this aim in the present doctoral thesis, I applied innovative multilevel meta-analytical approaches, using data from international large-scale assessments to investigate the interplay between achievement and achievement motivation. Using a Multilevel Individual Participant Data (IPD) Meta-Analysis, Study I examined gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation in mathematics, reading, and science in the group of top-performing math students (top 5%) across 82 countries. In addition, it was investigated to what extent gender differences in the top 5% in mathematics were moderated by cross-national variations in sociocultural factors (i.e., in specific gender equality indicators). To this end, I used data from 15-year-old students who participated in six PISA cycles. The results showed that there were on average more male than female students (40%) that scored in the top 5% in mathematics. In addition, mathematically top-performing female students’ achievement profiles were more balanced across domains, whereas mathematically top-performing male students’ achievement profiles were more mathematics-oriented. Moreover, mathematically top-performing female students reported a higher interest in the verbal domain and in human biology than male students. On the contrary, mathematically top-performing male students reported a higher interest in physics-related topics than female students (i.e., physics, motion of forces, energy transformation). The results also showed that specific gender equality indicators moderated the share of female students in the top 5% in mathematics and explained variability in achievement profiles. In Study II of this doctoral thesis, the functional relations between achievement and self-concept were systematically investigated using a Multilevel Integrative Data Analysis. The guiding research question was to examine the extent to which a nonlinear relation between achievement and self-concept can be generalized across domains, age groups, analytical approaches, and 13 countries. The analyses were based on eight cycles of PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS. Quadratic and interrupted regression analyses showed nonlinear relations in secondary school students, demonstrating that the relations between achievement and corresponding self-concepts were weaker for lower achieving students than for higher achieving students. This suggests that lower achieving students might apply self-protective strategies to prevent negative self-evaluation. Nonlinear effects were also present in younger students, but the pattern of results was rather heterogeneous. The present doctoral thesis contributed to uncover the interplay between achievement and achievement motivation by using advanced multilevel meta-analytical approaches. Based on this work, future research is encouraged to apply such statistical tools to meta-analyze variance in individual participant data to enhance the reliability and robustness of the obtained empirical evidence on the interplay between achievement and achievement motivation.Leistung und Leistungsmotivation sind zentrale Konstrukte in der pädagogisch-psychologischen Forschung. Das Zusammenspiel von Leistung und Leistungsmotivation wird in prominenten theoretischen Rahmenmodellen wie der Erwartungs-Wert-Theorie (z.B. Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) untersucht. Aufgrund der zentralen Bedeutung dieses Themas für individuelle Bildungs- und Lebensverläufe, ist es wichtig reliable und robuste Ergebnisse zu gewinnen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden in der vorliegenden Dissertation innovative meta-analytische Ansätze und Daten internationaler Schulleistungsstudien verwendet, um das Zusammenspiel von Leistung und Leistungsmotivation zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen einer Multilevel Individual Participant Data (IPD) Meta-Analyse wurden in Teilstudie I Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Leistung, in Leistungsprofilen und in der Leistungsmotivation von mathematisch talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler (Top 5%) in Mathematik, im Lesen und in Naturwissenschaften in 82 Ländern analysiert. Zudem wurde untersucht, inwiefern die Variation in den Geschlechtsunterschieden zwischen Ländern auf Unterschiede in soziokulturellen Faktoren (d.h., in spezifischen Indikatoren der Geschlechtergleichstellung) zurückzuführen ist. Hierfür wurden die Daten von 15-jährigen Mädchen und Jungen aus sechs PISA-Zyklen verwendet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insgesamt weniger Mädchen in der Gruppe der Spitzenleistenden in Mathematik (Top 5%) vertreten waren (Mädchenanteil 40%) sowie Mädchen in dieser Gruppe balanciertere Leistungsprofile aufwiesen, während Jungen eher zu mathematik-orientierten Leistungsprofilen neigten. Weiterhin zeigte sich, dass mathematisch talentierte Mädchen eine höhere Motivation im verbalen Bereich sowie ein stärkeres Interesse an Humanbiologie als Jungen berichteten. Mathematisch talentierte Jungen berichteten hingegen ein größeres Interesse an den Themenbereichen Physik, Bewegung und Kräfte und Energieumwandlung als Mädchen. Zudem konnte in Teilstudie I gezeigt werden, dass spezifische Gleichstellungsindikatoren den Anteil der Schülerinnen in den Top 5% in Mathematik moderierten und Variabilität in den Leistungsprofilen erklärten. In Teilstudie II wurde der funktionale Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung und Selbstkonzept systematisch im Rahmen einer Multilevel Integrative Data Analysis untersucht. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage war, ob ein nicht-linearer Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung und Selbstkonzept über Inhaltsdomänen, Altersgruppen, Analysemethoden und 13 Länder hinweg generalisiert vorliegt. Die Analysen basierten auf acht Zyklen der PISA-, TIMSS- und PIRLS-Studien. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass nicht-lineare Zusammenhänge zwischen Leistung und korrespondierenden Selbstkonzepten in Mathematik und im verbalen Bereich bei Schülerinnen und Schülern der Sekundarstufe vorlagen. Dabei deuten die Ergebnisse der quadratischen Regressionen und der Interrupted Regressions darauf hin, dass der Zusammenhang für leistungsschwächere Schülerinnen und Schüler schwächer war als für leistungsstärkere Schülerinnen und Schüler. Dies könnte in der Anwendung selbstwertdienlicher Strategien begründet sein. Nicht-lineare Zusammenhänge zeigten sich auch für jüngere Schülerinnen und Schüler, jedoch war die Befundlage für diese Altersgruppe über Länder und Analysemethoden hinweg heterogener. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit trägt mit diesen Erkenntnissen dazu bei, das Zusammenspiel von Leistung und Leistungsmotivation unter Anwendung von IPD-Meta-Analysen bzw. Integrativen Datenanalysen aufzuklären. Basierend auf dieser Arbeit wird die Bedeutung hervorgehoben, Daten auf der individuellen Personenebene zu meta-analysieren, um die Reliabilität und Robustheit von Befunden zum Zusammenspiel von Leistung und Leistungsmotivation zu erhöhen

    Thank God It’s Friday: Weekends, sleep, internal clocks and adolescents with depression

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    Top-performing math students in 82 countries : An integrative data analysis of gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation

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    The present integrative data analysis examined gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation in mathematics, reading, and science among 113,864 top-performing adolescent math students (top 5% in their respective countries). To do this, we applied the same analysis protocol to representative individual participant data from six cycles of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2000–2015; 82 countries) and integrated the results by using meta-analytical random coefficient models. We found that in the group of top-performing math students, male students were overrepresented (mean female-to-male ratio 1:1.50, 95% CI [1:1.58, 1:1:43]). Furthermore, female students possessed better reading skills (mean d = –0.23, 95% CI [–0.25, –0.21]) and more positive reading attitudes (–0.64, 95% CI [–0.69, –0.60] ≤ mean d ≤ –0.38, 95% CI [–0.46, –0.30]). Male students had stronger math self-efficacy (mean d = 0.32, 95% CI [0.28, 0.35]) and demonstrated mathematics-oriented achievement profiles, whereas female students’ profiles were more balanced across domains. Moreover, female students were more interested in organic and medical fields (–0.44, 95% CI [–0.48, –0.40] ≤ mean d ≤ –0.30, 95% CI [–0.34, –0.25]), whereas male students showed greater interest in physics-related topics (0.39, 95% CI [0.36, 0.43] ≤ mean d ≤ 0.54, 95% CI [0.50, 0.58]). Gender equality indicators moderated the proportion of female students in the top 5% in mathematics and explained variability in achievement profiles across countries. Results are explained by social role theory and situated expectancy–value theory, and implications for women’s underrepresentation in (specific) STEM fields are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved

    The Microvascular System of the Striate and Extrastriate Visual Cortex of the Macaque

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    In functional neuroimaging, neurovascular coupling is used to generate maps of hemodynamic changes that are assumed to be surrogates of regional neural activation. The aim of this study was to characterize the microvascular system of the primate cortex as a basis for understanding the constraints imposed on a region's hemodynamic response by the vascular architecture, density, as well as area- and layer-specific variations. In the macaque visual cortex, an array of anatomical techniques has been applied, including corrosion casts, immunohistochemistry, and cytochrome oxidase (COX) staining. Detailed measurements of regional vascular length density, volume fraction, and surface density revealed a similar vascularization in different visual areas. Whereas the lower cortical layers showed a positive correlation between the vascular and cell density, this relationship was very weak in the upper layers. Synapse density values taken from the literature also displayed a very moderate correlation with the vascular density. However, the vascular density was strongly correlated with the steady-state metabolic demand as measured by COX activity. This observation suggests that although the number of neurons and synapses determines an upper bound on an area's integrative capacity, its vascularization reflects the neural activity of those subpopulations that represent a "default” mode of brain steady stat

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed

    Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

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    Instructional videos are widely used to study teachers’ professional vision. A new technological development in video research is mobile eye-tracking (MET). It has the potential to provide fine-grained insights into teachers’ professional vision in action, but has yet been scarcely employed. We addressed this research gap by using MET video feedback to examine how expert and novice teachers differed in their noticing and weighing of alternative teaching strategies. Expert and novice teachers’ lessons were recorded with MET devices. Then, they commented on what they observe while watching their own teaching videos. Using a mixed methods approach, we found that expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies. Practical implications for the field of teacher education are discussed. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Intestinal Salmonella typhimurium Infection Leads to miR-29a Induced Caveolin 2 Regulation

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    Salmonella are able to modulate host cell functions facilitating both uptake and resistance to cellular host defence mechanisms. While interactions between bacterial modulators and cellular proteins have been the main focus of Salmonella research, relatively little is known about mammalian gene regulation in response to Salmonella infection. A major class of mammalian gene modulators consists of microRNAs. For our study we examined interactions of microRNAs and regulated mRNAs in mammalian intestinal Salmonella infections using a piglet model. After performing microRNA as well as mRNA specific microarray analysis of ileal samples from Salmonella infected as well as control piglets, we integrated expression analysis with target prediction identifying microRNAs that mainly regulate focal adhesion as well as actin cytoskeleton pathways. Particular attention was given to miR-29a, which was involved in most interactions including Caveolin 2. RT-qPCR experiments verified up-regulation of miR-29a after infection while its predicted target Caveolin 2 was significantly down-regulated as examined by transcript and protein detection. Reporter gene assays as well as RNAi experiments confirmed Caveolin 2 to be a miR-29a target. Knock-down of Caveolin 2 in intestinal epithelial cells resulted in retarded proliferation as well as increased bacterial uptake. In addition, our experiments showed that Caveolin 2 regulates the activation of the small Rho GTPase CDC42 but apparently not RAC1 in human intestinal cells. Our study outlines for the first time important regulation pathways in intestinal Salmonella infection pointing out that focal adhesion and organisation of actin cytoskeleton are regulated by microRNAs. Functional relevance is shown by miR-29a mediated Caveolin 2 regulation, modulating the activation state of CDC42. Further analysis of examined interactions may support the discovery of novel strategies impairing the uptake of intracellular pathogens

    Empirical Insights in the Current Development of Smart Contracts

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    Blockchain technology enables a lot of knowledge possibilities in an even more digital business environment. Besides the well-known bitcoin application, another implementation so called smart contracts recently arised. Smart contracts profit from the blockchain mechanism benefits (e.g., transaction security). A huge advantage of smart contracts is, that they provide trust between transaction partners without integrating a third party. Practice has already noticed their advantages and implementing smart contracts more and more into their business. However, research is still under development and a common scientifical foundation is still missing. Particularly, research lacks in empirical and practical findings. This paper responds to that gap. Conducting an expert study relevant data was collected and analyzed regarding empirical standards. The results we found and present in this on-going research paper give insights about basic aspects, challenges in the implementation as well as the use cases of smart contracts

    Seropositivity and flight-associated risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among asylum seekers arriving in Berlin, Germany – a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Refugees and asylum seekers might be at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to precarious living conditions during flight. Methods: Between March 24th and June 15th 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional study among adult asylum seekers arriving in Berlin. Each participant was tested for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection with a nasopharyngeal swab using reverse transcriptase PCR (rt-PCR), and for anti-SARS-CoV-2-S1 IgG antibodies using ELISA. Seropositivity, antibody avidity, and data on flight history were used to categorize individuals into two groups according to the estimated time of infection before or during flight. Sociodemographic characteristics, COVID-19 related symptoms, hygiene behaviors, and living conditions during transit were assessed using two self-report questionnaires. Results: Among 1041 participants (34·5% female, mean age 32·6 years), most frequently reported countries of origin were Moldova (20·5%), Georgia (18·9%), Syria (13·0%), Afghanistan (11·3%), and Vietnam (9·1%). Seropositivity rate was 25·1% and incidence rate of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection was 2·8%. A higher likelihood for seropositivity was observed in women (OR [95%CI]=1·64 [1·05-2·57]) but reduced by frequent hygiene behaviors (OR [95%CI]=0·75 [0·59-0·96]) or traveling by plane (OR [95%CI]=0·58 [0·35-0·96]). Other associated factors were lower educational level, accommodation in refugee shelters, traveling with children or by foot, and COVID-19 information seeking. Conclusion: Flight-associated risk factors such as accommodation in a refugee shelter and poor hygiene behaviors are associated with an elevated risk of infection, which should be addressed by public health interventions. Clinical trial registration: [https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN17401860], identifier [17401860]

    miR-34a-5p as molecular hub of pathomechanisms in Huntington's disease

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    Background Although a pivotal role of microRNA (miRNA, miR) in the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease (HD) is increasingly recognized, the molecular functions of miRNAs in the pathomechanisms of HD await further elucidation. One of the miRNAs that have been associated with HD is miR-34a-5p, which was deregulated in the mouse R6/2 model and in human HD brain tissues. Methods The aim of our study was to demonstrate interactions between miR-34a-5p and HD associated genes. By computational means we predicted 12 801 potential target genes of miR-34a-5p. An in-silico pathway analysis revealed 22 potential miR-34a-5p target genes in the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathway “Huntington’s disease”. Results Using our high-throughput miRNA interaction reporter assay (HiTmIR) we identifed NDUFA9, TAF4B, NRF1, POLR2J2, DNALI1, HIP1, TGM2 and POLR2G as direct miR-34a-5p target genes. Direct binding of miR-34a-5p to target sites in the 3’UTRs of TAF4B, NDUFA9, HIP1 and NRF1 was verifed by a mutagenesis HiTmIR assay and by determining endogenous protein levels for HIP1 and NDUFA9. STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins) analysis identifed protein–protein interaction networks associated with HD like “Glutamine Receptor Signaling Pathway” and “Calcium Ion Transmembrane Import Into Cytosol”. Conclusion Our study demonstrates multiple interactions between miR-34a-5p and HD associated target genes and thereby lays the ground for future therapeutic interventions using this miRNA
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