8 research outputs found

    Procedure to be followed by medical personnel in case of diagnosis of the Child Abuse Syndrome

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    Nowadays, there are more and more reports of child abuse. However, this is not due to an increase in violence against minors, but to an increase in public awareness. People have begun to report child abuse. Child Abuse Syndrome affects both physical and psychological violence. There are many risk factors. Correct diagnosis is difficult, especially for children who start walking, running and all kinds of injuries can be the result of their playing. Intelligence, accurate viewing of the child and physical examination has an important role. When discussing the child abuse syndrome, let’s not forget about Munchausen syndrome per procura. Then the child’s testimonies are invented, very often behind the story presented by the young patient there is a family member – mainlythe mother. Since September 2011, all health care workers are subject to the “Blue Card” procedure. [11,27] If child abuse has occurred in the family, or even if there is a suspicion of such abuse, an Interdisciplinary Team is established. The task of this team is to complete the Blue Card procedure and to ensure the safety of a victim of violence. A paramedic plays an important role in this procedure. In most cases it is the person who first comes into contact with a child who is a victim of abuse. The paramedic must ensure that the patient feels safe. Their task is to identify the problem, document the injuries occurring on the child’s body at the time of examination and fill in the appropriate documentation, which will be handed over to the Interdisciplinary Team. This paper presents materials explaining the epidemiology and clinical image of the child abuse syndrome. Social aspects and legal consequences of this issue are also discussed. The “Blue Card” procedure and the “Blue Bear” form are also presented. The paper explains the role of medical personnel in case of violence against children

    Health education of blood donors on HIV viral infections

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    The phenomenon of HIV today is not only a medical problem but also a social one. Due to the pathways of infection, everyone can get infected for us. Currently, there is a steady increase in HIV infection in the world. Convincing people about the lack of danger and the non-characteristic symptoms of infection or their lack, causes that many people do not realize that they are infected. Knowledge about the situations in which we can be infected and the possibility of transmission routes of these viruses can contribute to reducing the number of new infections. The aim of the work was to get to know the state of knowledge about the society about HIV / AIDS and to indicate the role of health education in the fight against infectious diseases. The study included 100 people. The quantitative method was used for research, while the sociological questionnaire was used as a research technique. The analysis of the empirical material shows that the state of knowledge about HIV infection requires education among the population. What's more, the public will be happy to take part in professional training on HIV / AIDS threats. The research shows that trainings should take place periodically, cover various social groups with the cooperation of many non-medical environments. It should be remembered that multisectoral cooperation is a prerequisite for the success of any health improvement program

    Intercultural Competences in Health Care - Judaism

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    The present times and Poland's entry into the European Union, the opening of borders, has intensified the phenomenon of migration of the population and contact between different cultures. In Poland, national minorities have been living since the dawn of time, but the current situation has a different dimension. Until now, the term "Transculturality" was not known in our country. However, the influx of people from the remotest parts of the world caused a situation requiring medical personnel to perceive the patient through the prism of biological, social and psychological needs as well as from the angle of other religions. Problems that appear taking care of such patients have caused that I decided to look at this issue on the example of Judaism believers. The aim of my work is to get the opinion of health professionals about intercultural competences in direct care of these patients

    The role and tasks of family nurse in the care of seniors in their place of residence - field study conducted among nursing staff in Gdańsk

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    Demographic changes taking place in Poland and in the world, a decrease in the number of births and prolonged life expectancy have resulted in an increase in the number of elderly people. The success of today’s medicine is among others prevention of chronic disease complications and skillful education of the patient at every level. Longer life expectancy and a quantitative increase in the phenomenon of disability, and above all a shortening of hospitalization and stays in inpatient medical facilities has resulted in moving the patient’s treatment and care to the home environment, which is an optimal place of residence for the elderly. The family nurse and primary care physician are then the most important link in the care of elderly and their families. The provision of nursing services in the patient’s place of residence is characterized by a unique specificity in other areas of nursing. Very often, as a result of the existing situation and possibilities, the nurse has to demonstrate not only professional knowledge and skills, but also flexibility, adaptability and creativity in dealing with a shortage of basic things, e.g. basic auxiliary equipment, access to the patient’s bed, etc. The conducted field study shows selected scope of tasks performed by nursing staff in this respect on the example of patients in the city of Gdańsk

    Alcoholic fetal syndrome - a problem of the 21st century?

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    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disease entity that occurs in children who have been exposed to teratogenic alcohol durning fetal life. It includes neurobehavioral abnormalities and changes in the body structure and internal organs. The only reason for the occurrence of this type of disorder is the consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman (even in small amounts). It is estimated that in Poland about 30% of women consume alcohol in this period (also in small amounts), while in the US every year is born about 40,000 children who are diagnosed with FAS or related disorders