41 research outputs found

    Long Live Joint Criminal Enterprise: With a Particular Reference to Tadić’s Interactive Construction Between “the Beast” and Specific Direction

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    The idea that Joint Criminal Enterprise, in particular its extended version, contravenes fundamental principles of criminal law has gained track. Thus, not only did the International Criminal Court distance itself from the construct but, today, the widely held view is that the extended version should be discarded, not least because it is not grounded in customary international law. This Article challenges that view. While addressing scholarly criticism towards Joint Criminal Enterprise, and demonstrating why the “beast” is a solid construction, it argues that prosecutors and judges must look past the written provisions of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and embrace Joint Criminal Enterprise. This, not only because the construct has firm grounds in customary law and the ICC must interpret its statute in consistency with this body of law, but also because it represents an accurate description of how individual responsibility is triggered within a group of persons who share a common criminal purpose. This Article also argues that a proper understanding of the extended version requires particular attention to Tadić’s specific direction requirement in the domain of aid and abet

    O desejo maquínico em Gilles Deleuze

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    Esta dissertação procura desenhar um percurso para a compreensão da construção do conceito de desejo em Gilles Deleuze. O trabalho parte da pergunta pela sua filiação epistemológica, pergunta essa que conduz à compreensão de um projecto filosófico perspectivista e termina numa filosofia política, na qual o desejo tem o papel de potência geradora de novas possibilidades de pensamento e de vida; ### ABSTRACT: This dissertation tries to draw a path to understanding the construction of the concept of desire in Gilles Deleuze. We start by searching for his epistemological filiation, discovering its perspectivist project that ends in a political philosophy, in which desire has the role of a power to generate new possibilities of thought and life

    Levantamento de reconhecimento dos solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Primeira etapa planalto Rio-Grandense

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    The reconnaissance survey of the soils of Rio Grande do Sul State has been underway since 1961. It represents another step toward the delineation of the Brazilian Soil Map, an important and useful device for a general inventory of potential resources of the soils of Brazilian Territory. The purpose of this survey is to define and delimit the most important soil units of RGS State, providing for basic research. The area of RGS State is approximately 280.000 km2, of which 80.000 km2 has been mapped. This survey was made possible through the use of municipal maps is scales of 1:50.000 and 1:100.000, of a general map of RGS State in scale of 1:750.000, aerophotos covering parts of the area, and of “quadriculas” from “Conselho Nacional de Geografia” in the scale of 1:500.000. The work was done using the direct measurement method. Aerophotos were available only for such a municipalities as Santo Angelo, Guarany das Missões, and sections of Cruz Alta, Ijuí, Cerro Largo, São Luiz Conzaga, Catuipe and Giruá (Fig. 1).O Levantamento de Reconhecimento dos Solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, vem sendo elaborado desde 1961. Representa mais uma etapa à confecção da Carta de Solos do Brasil neste tipo de Levantamento, visando o inventário generalizado dos recursos potenciais relativos a solos do território brasileiro. Este Levantamento tem por finalidade definir e separar as unidades de solos mais importantes para o Estado, fornecendo subsídios para pesquisas básicas. O Estado apresenta uma área aproximada de 280.000 km2. Até o presente momento cerca de 80.000 km² foram mapeados. Para efetuar este Levantamento contou-se com mapas municipais nas escalas de 1:50.000 e 1:100.000, mapa geral do Estado na escala 1:750.000, fotografias aéreas de parte da área e quadriculas do Conselho Nacional de Geografia na escala de 1:500.000. Este trabalho foi efetuado pelo método de caminhamento. Apenas nos Municípios de Santo Ângelo, Guarany das Missões e parte dos Municípios de Cruz Alta, Ijuí, Cerro Largo, São Luiz Gonzaga, Catuipe e Giruá, contou-se com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas

    Approximation of substantive criminal law in the EU

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    This book dedicated to the substantive criminal law in the EU put the Libson Treaty under scrutiny. It evaluates the changes introduced by this new Treaty and their impact, before reflecting on future prospects

    Nullum Crimen Nulla Poena Lege e o Direito Internacional. Em defesa de como os tribunais de guerra deram vida ao direito penal internacional

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    Tese de doutoramento em Direito, na especialidade de Ciências Jurídico - Criminais, apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de CoimbraEsta tese é um estudo sobre a problemática inerente ao nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege no plano internacional. A aplicação do princípio nos tribunais de guerra, desde o início, se revelou problemática. Na primeira parte, explora-se a cláusula de Martens, o seu significado e a possibilidade de as leis da humanidade e os ditames da consciência pública serem fontes de normas penais. Na segunda parte, analisa-se de perto o julgamento do Tribunal Militar Internacional em Nuremberga e chega-se à conclusão que a ideia disseminada de que este aplicou direito ex post facto em detrimento do princípio da legalidade é errada. Os crimes de guerra, os crimes contra a paz e os crimes contra a humanidade são examinados em separado. Uma conclusão similar é atingida na terceira parte depois de se proceder a uma análise de vários casos decididos pelos modernos tribunais penais internacionais (Erdemović, Tadić, Norman, Furundžija e Vujin). Sublinha-se também que as fontes de direito internacional e os métodos de interpretação utilizados em Nuremberga continuaram a ser utilizados, de forma legítima, pelos novos tribunais ad-hoc. Na quarta parte, a viagem cronológica leva ao escrutínio de duas muito recentes decisões do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem. Na primeira, Kononov, o direito da guerra é perscrutado com mais intensidade. Atacam-se os dilemas dos soldados, as operações no campo de batalha e as perplexidades que aqui se geram. A lei vigente – à altura da Segunda Guerra e hoje – em matéria de objetivos militares legítimos, punição solidária, represálias e ordens superiores é apurada. Na segunda, Maktouf, as ideias de que o nulla poena não existe no direito internacional e de que os crimes internacionais devem ser transformados em legislação nacional são impugnadas. Na última Parte, à reflexão sobre o conteúdo do nullum crimen, junta-se, por um lado, um olhar, com Hadžihasanović como pano de fundo, sobre os comandantes e a natureza do seu controlo sobre as máquinas de guerra a quem eles dão ordens que supostamente devem ser obedecidas e, por outro, a problematização entre o ‘possível status hodierno’ do nullum crimen como norma de jus cogens e o ‘possível poder de feitura de legislação retroativa’ pelo órgão crucial para manter a paz.This thesis analyses the nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege principle on the international plane. From the outset, the application of the principle in war crimes tribunals proved problematic. The first part explores the Martens clause, its significance and the possibility that the laws of humanity and the dictates of public conscience are legitimate sources of international criminal norms. In the second part, a survey of the judgment of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg takes place. War crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity are examined separately. The idea that this judgment involved the application of ex post facto law in violation of the principle of legality is rejected. A similar conclusion is reached in the third part, while dissecting several cases decided by modern international criminal tribunals (Erdemović, Tadić, Norman, Furundzija and Vujin). It is also highlighted in this part that the sources of international criminal law and the methods of interpretation used at Nuremberg continue to be legitimately used by the new ad hoc tribunals. In the fourth part, the ‘chronological journey’ leads to the scrutiny of two very recent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. In the first one, Kononov, the law of war is scrutinized more intensively. Here one looks at the dilemmas of the soldiers and the operations on the battlefield. The law – both at the time of World War II and today – on legitimate military targets, collective punishment, reprisals and superior orders is checked. In the second one, Maktouf, the ideas that the nulla poena does not exist in international law and that international crimes should be transformed into national legislation are contested. The last part digs into the true content of the nullum crimen. The case at point here is Hadžihasanović. Commanders and their duty of control over the ‘war machines’ to whom they give orders are used to flesh that content out. Finally, two issues are tackled: the ‘probable present-day’ status of the nullum crimen as a norm of jus cogens and the ‘probable power’ of the most important organ to keep the peace to enact retroactive legislation

    Judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. Through the lens of “one country, two systems” and the surrender of fugitives to Mainland China

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    This Article proceeds in three parts. Part I (The constitutional systems of the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau) introduces the readers to the historical background of Hong Kong and Macau and the “one country, two systems” constitutional orders in force in the Hong Kong and the Macau Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China. It also informs on the most relevant constitutional developments occurring in the first two decades of existence of these two special regions. Part II (Judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the Special Administrative Regions) explains how such constitutional orders influence the extant legal framework on judicial cooperation in criminal matters, which applies to external cooperation with other states or territories, but not to cooperation between the different jurisdictions within China, for which there are no positive rules currently in force. This part surveys the rules in force in Hong Kong and Macau concerning the surrender of fugitives to other countries. Part III (The surrender of fugitives to Mainland China) focuses particularly on the issue of arrest and return of Chinese citizens from Hong Kong and Macau to Mainland China. It provides an overview of the cases that came to public attention and the legal conundrums created by the absence of “two systems” specific rules on surrender of fugitives within “one country”.Este artigo divide-se em três partes. A Parte I (O sistema constitucional das Regiões Administrativas Especiais de Hong Kong e Macau) fornece o enquadramento histórico das Regiões Administrativas Especiais de Hong Kong e Macau e introduz as ordens constitucionais das Regiões Administrativas Especiais de Hong Kong e Macau da República Democrática da China existentes à luz do princípio “um país, dois sistemas”. É feita uma referência aos principais desenvolvimentos constitucionais ocorridos nas primeiras décadas de existências dessas regiões administrativas especiais. A Parte II (Cooperação judicial em matéria criminal nas Regiões Administrativas Especiais) explica como é que as referidas ordens constitucionais influenciam o quadro jurídico existente relativo à cooperação judicial em matéria criminal, o qual se aplica à cooperação com outros Estados ou territórios, mas não à cooperação entre as várias jurisdições existentes na China, cooperação esta para a qual não existem regras positivadas atualmente em vigor. Examinam-se as regras em vigor em Hong Kong e em Macau sobre a entrega de fugitivos para outros países. A parte III (A entrega de fugitivos à China continental) lida particularmente com a questão da detenção e entrega de cidadãos chineses de Hong Kong e Macau à China continental. Fornece uma visão geral dos casos vindos a público e do dilema jurídico criado pela falta de regras específicas relativas à entrega de fugitivos dentro do “um país”

    Integrated multitrophic aquaculture systems: potential risks for food safety

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    Background: The demand for fish and fish products is now higher than ever. However, several problems such as nutrient loading or excessive use of resources can be associated with the intensification of aquaculture systems. Integrated multitrophic aquaculture systems (IMTAs) refer to the co-culture of different species belonging to different trophic levels, and offer a sustainable approach to aquaculture development. In these systems, organic and inorganic extractive species will feed on other species waste or on uneaten feed nutrients, acting as bioremediators. Scope and approach: The extractive capacity that these organisms have to take up nutrients from the water also means they will accumulate chemicals that are often administered in intensive productions. The present review describes a vast number of substances that can be found in IMTAs, either intentionally administered or resulting from contamination, and subsequently accumulated in species reared afterwards in these systems. The presence of such chemicals in organisms produced in IMTAs raises several food safety and human health concerns, which need to be addressed. Key findings and conclusions: Although IMTAs still face many challenges in terms of large scale production, legislations are not yet ready to comprise co-cultivation of multiple species in proximity. Also, maximum residue limits already existent for fish must be set for other organisms also produced in IMTAs in order to protect consumer's health. An increase in extractive species consumption (e.g. seaweeds) has been noticed during the past few years, and as IMTAs gain importance as a sustainable production method, food safety issues must be tackled.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio