300 research outputs found


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    Å irenjem kukuruzne zlatice Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte područjem kontinentalne Hrvatske ugrožena je proizvodnja kukuruza. Rad je imao za cilj utvrditi dinamiku leta i visinu populacije u poljima ponovljene sjetve i prve godine kukuruza praćenu Pherocon AM (PhAM) žutim pločama i feromonskim mamcima tijekom 2007. godine na području Moslavine i temeljem procijenjene visine populacije procijeniti rizik za ponovljenu sjetvu. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 8 polja, 4 polja ponovljene sjetve kukuruza i 4 polja prvi puta sjetve kukuruza. U 3 polja ponovljene sjetve i 3 polja prve godine kukuruza postavljene su PhAM žute ploče. U jedno polje ponovljene sjetve i jedno polje prve godine kukuruza postavljen je feromonski mamac. Let kukuruzne zlatice u 2007. godini na području Moslavine je trajao kratko. Uzrok tome visoke su temperature zraka zabilježene tijekom 2007. godine, a uzrokovale su brži razvoj pojedinih razvojnih stadija. Utvrđeno je da je populacija zlatica na većini polja bila niska i da su maksimalni tjedni ulovi bili 1/zlatica/PhAM/7dana Å”to je niska gustoća populacije Å”tetnika, ispod razine ekonomskog praga tolerantnosti. Maksimalni ulovi zabilježeni su u srpnju. Na jednom polju ponovljene sjetve zabilježen je ulov od 45.66 zlatica/PhAM/7dana Å”to je iznad praga tolerantnosti. Na tom polju utvrđen je rizik od Å”tete za ponovljenu sjetvu kukuruza u 2008. godini. Niti na jednom polju nisu zabilježene Å”tete od ličinke. Na feromonskim mamcima zabilježen je visok ulov usprkos kratkom periodu praćenja, Å”to govori o visokoj brojnosti kukuruzne zlatice na području na kojem je proveden monitoring.Spreading of the Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (WCR) all over the continental part of Croatia is endangering the maize production. This investigation was aimed at finding out of flight dynamics and WCR population in the fields of continuous sowing and the first year of maize sowing accompanied by PhAM yellow sticky traps and pheromone traps during 2007, in the Moslavina region and to asses the risk for maize if it will be coninuously sown on investigated fields. The research included eight fields, four fields of the continuous maize sowing and four fields of the first corn sowing. In three fields continuous maize fields and three first year maize fields, yellow sticky traps (Pherocon AM- PhAM) were placed. Into one continuous and one first year maize field the pheromone traps were placed. The flight of WCR in 2007 in Moslavina region was very short. This was the consequence of the specific climatic conditions in spring of 2007. High temperature sin spring caused early development of larvae. The population was low on majority of investigated fields. The maximum weekly capture amounted to 1 speciman/PhAM trap/7 days which is rather low pests population, below the economic threshold level. The maximum weakly captures were recorded in July. In one continuous maize field the maximum weekly WCR occurrence amounted to 45.66 specimens/PhAM trap/7 days which is above the economic threshold level. In this field the risk against damage was established in the continuous maize sowing in 2008. Larval damage were not recorded. High capture was recorded on pheromone traps inspite of very short monitoring period. This implicates high population level in the whole area where the investigation was carried out

    Managing and Presenting Digital Content in the ARHiNET System

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    ARHiNET is a network information system for describing, processing and managing archival records created in 2006 by the Croatian State Archives and Avicena Software Company. It is a national archival system in Croatia, recognized by the Ministry of Culture as national project, as well as part of the e- Croatia program, the operational plan of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Development of the archival information and institutions network is a long-term strategic archival service project and ARHiNET implementation enhanced the standardization of the archival institutions work, and enabled establishment of a unique system of processing and description of archival material, as well as data integration and exchange between the institutions that keep archival records. All archives in Croatia are included in the implementation of this unique archival information system that comprises all business processes in archival institutions, together with some other records holders under the state archives supervision. Currently, there are about 700 registered users from more than 150 institutions. Designing, realization, introduction, use, maintenance and development of such a complex program solution enclose permanent activities on system improvement, finding new functionalities and solutions, as well as upgrading of the present ones. During the three years of the system operating, more than 300 versions of program solutions have been developed and put in production, and experiences gained from work and user education led to the development of the version 2.0 that was released in February 2009. In this article authors present solutions and functionalities concerning managing, indexing and presentation of digital content developed and implemented within the ARHiNET program solution

    Uloga interkulturalne kompetencije u podučavanju engleskoga i njemačkoga jezika

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    Kad promatramo obrazovni sustav, nemamo osjećaj da se neÅ”to uvelike promijenilo od trenutka uvođenja obveznoga Å”kolovanja. Većina profesora se i dalje oslanja na frontalni pristup predavanju, po već uhodanim parametrima: učitelj govori, učenik sluÅ”a. Iako je ovakvo stajaliÅ”te prilično obeshrabrujuće, ono nije u potpunosti točno i mogu se primijetiti pozitivni pomaci u novim znanjima koja se usvojaju tijekom godina učenja o učenju. Promjena pristupa u predavanju vidi se ponajviÅ”e u nastavi engleskoga i njemačkoga jezika jer se prijaÅ”nji pristup pokazao manjkavim, te nije odgovarajuće pripremao učenika za proÅ”ireno, europsko tržiÅ”te rada. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju, Republici Hrvatskoj su se otvorila mnoga vrata, Å”to je najviÅ”e vidljivo u visokoÅ”kolskom obrazovanju. Bologna i Erasmus u potpunosti su izmijenili poznate studije i uveli hrvatske studente u sustav u kojem konačno mogu biti valjano vrednovani i mogu ponuditi svoja znanja na europskom tržiÅ”tu. Erasmus, najuspjeÅ”niji projekt studentske razmjene u europskoj povijesti, omogućio je i hrvatskim studentima da jedan dio svoga visokoÅ”kolskoga obrazovanja provedu izvan matične zemlje. Na ovaj način studenti su dobili priliku uistinu naučiti jezik zemlje domaćina, upoznavÅ”i pritom i kulturu. Ovakva vrsta obrazovanja otvara hrvatskim studentima vrata europskoga tržiÅ”ta i uči utjecajnoj i efektivnoj komunikaciji s pripadnicima drugih kultura


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    The population of plum sawflies (Hoplocampa flava L. and Hoplocampa minuta Christ.) was studied in the orchard "Maksimir" at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. White adhesive plates were placed on the plum cultivar \u27Čačanska pozna\u27 and monitoring lasted from March 7 to April 25, 2019. The presence of both plum sawflies was established on April 4 at the beginning of the plum blossom, and population abundance was changing during the plum blossom phases. At the beginning of the plum blossom the highest number of yellow plum sawfly was recorded (209 individuals) while the highest number of black plum sawfly was recorded in the full bloom stage (103 individuals). Considering that the population of plum sawflies is regularly high in Croatian plum orchards, it has not been known so far whether the flight dynamics of these two species differ from each other, as it was confirmed by this study. Monitoring results showed the dominance in abundance of yellow plum sawfly in the research orchard, but both species develop in high populations which can cause greater damage to plum production in the investigated orchard
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