110 research outputs found

    Timing of resin-tapping operations in maritime pine forests in Northern Spain

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    Aim of study: To optimize the timing of resin-tapping activities for maximizing the economic efficiency of resin tapping in Atlantic maritime pine forests. Area of study: Northern Spain. Material and methods: We conducted three small experiments in a mature maritime pine forest aimed to test: i) the impact of groove frequency on resin production, ii) the effect of previous grooves as a driver of temporal patterns of resin production along the seasons and iii) the impact of previous tapping on resin production in the following campaign. Main results: The resin produced decreased as groove frequency decreased, but the reduction was low. Considering that the number of trees that a worker can tap increases with more spaced grooves, higher tapping efficiency can be achieved with monthly grooves. Previous tapping increased resin yield during the following campaign but resin production was not affected by the previous grooves during the current tapping campaign. Research highlights: Responses to wounding seem to require time to be effective and temporal patterns of resin production appear to be driven by weather conditions alone. Keywords: resin yield; Pinus pinaster; seasonality; induced responses; wounding

    La reforma sanitaria en España: Especial referencia a la población inmigrante en situación administrativa irregular

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    El Real Decreto-ley 16/2012 modifica radicalmente el régimen del derecho a la salud en España, al limitar la titularidad de éste a una condición administrativa y dejar, por lo tanto, sin cobertura sanitaria gratuita a los inmigrantes en situación administrativa irregular. El presente artículo analiza esta reforma a la luz de las obligaciones internacionales asumidas por España y explica los argumentos que pueden llevar a considerar al Real Decreto-ley 16/2012 inconstitucional.Palabras clave: Real Decreto-ley 16/2012, inmigrantes en situación administrativa irregular, derecho a la salud, obligaciones internacionales.Abstract: The Real Decreto-ley 16/2012 represents a major modification of the legal framework of the right to health in Spain, for the entitlement to the right to health is now subject to certain administrative conditions, and therefore undocumented immigrants are left without free health care coverage. The article analyzes this reform in light of the international obligations assumed by Spain and explains the reasons to consider the Real Decreto-ley 16/2012 unconstitutional.Keywords: Real Decreto-ley 16/2012, undocumented immigrants, right to health, international obligations

    Análisis de los modelos de intervención psicológica aplicados para reducir la ansiedad y depresión en adultos mayores durante la pandemia por COVID-19

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    El presente trabajo es una sistematización de experiencias de investigación que tiene como objetivo analizar los modelos de intervención aplicados para tratar la ansiedad y depresión en adultos mayores durante la pandemia por COVID-19, puesto que en la pandemia fueron los adultos mayores quienes fueron mayor mente perjudicados en su salud mental llegando a presentar rasgos ansiosos y depresivos producto del aislamiento prolongado. Para solventar esta necesidad de recuperar la salud mental del adulto mayor, el modelo cognitivo conductual fue el modelo que fue utilizado por personal de la salud mental para intervenir sobre los trastornos de la ansiedad y la depresión. La presente investigación, está basada en la metodología cualitativa, con el objetivo de examinar cómo las personas sienten o perciben un fenómeno en un ambiente natural y describirla como es vista desde su percepción interna y externa, la recolección de información fue por medio de revisión de literatura en artículos científicos en idiomas español e inglés en la base de datos Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo, PubMed y Google académico, los instrumentos utilizados fueron: matrices de doble entrada y flujograma que ayudaron a organizar la información y a poner su secuencia de búsqueda. Los resultados significativos obtenidos de la experiencia de investigación fueron que el modelo psicológico cognitivo conductual fue el que tuvo una pronta respuesta para trabajar los trastornos de la ansiedad y la depresión en adultos mayores durante la pandemia por COVID-19, posicionándolo como un modelo eficaz y el más utilizado debido a los resultados positivos que tuvo durante y después de las intervenciones.The present work is a systematization of research experiences, on the analysis of the intervention models applied to treat anxiety and depression in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, since in the pandemic it was the older adults who were more mindful. impaired in their mental health, coming to present anxious and depressive traits as a result of prolonged isolation. To solve this need to recover the mental health of the elderly, the cognitive behavioral model was the model used by mental health personnel to intervene on anxiety and depression disorders. This research is based on qualitative methodology, with the aim of examining how people feel or perceive a phenomenon in a natural environment and describe it as it is seen from their internal and external perception, the collection of information was through review of literature in scientific articles in Spanish and English languages in the Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo, PubMed and academic Google data bases, the instruments used were: double-entry matrices and a flowchart that helped organize the information and put its search sequence . The significant results obtained from the research experience were that the cognitive behavioral psychological model was the one that had a prompt response to work on anxiety disorders and depression in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, positioning it as an effective and the most used due to the positive results it had during and after the interventions

    Proyecto de factibilidad para la implementación de un Sistema Municipal de Estacionamiento Rotativo Tarifado (SIMERT) a implantarse en el cantón Archidona, provincia de Napo en el periodo 2016

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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad determinar la factibilidad para la implementación de un sistema municipal de estacionamiento rotativo tarifado a implantarse en el cantón Archidona, Provincia de Napo en el periodo 2116. Con el propósito de solucionar los problemas de estacionamientos presentes en el centro de la ciudad de Archidona y mejorar el ordenamiento vehicular. Mediante el estudio de mercado se pudo determinar la existencia de una demanda insatisfecha referida a los estacionamientos y sobre todo la aceptación de la propuesta de estacionamientos regulados en el centro de la ciudad, lo que permite aseverar que el proyecto es comercialmente viable. A través del Estudio Técnico se estableció que el lugar es idóneo para la implementación del sistema, así como su tamaño, ubicación y capacidad. El estudio administrativo permitió determinar el equipo de trabajo como: administrador, secretaria, supervisor y la policía municipal para un eficiente funcionamiento del simert. A través del estudio financiero se determinó la inversión requerida para la ejecución del proyecto que alcanza un monto de 59733,48 dólares, el mismo que estará financiado en su totalidad por el GADM de Archidona. Para su análisis se utilizó los evaluadores financieros como: el VAN, que nos refleja un valor positivo de 8.348,74 dólares, la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) fue del 15%, Punto de Equilibrio y el análisis de sensibilidad; esto permitió determinar que el proyecto es rentable.The purpose Of this study is to determine the feasibility of implementing a municipal feebased rotational parking system to be implemented in the Archidona cantón. Province, in the province of Napo in 2016. In order to solve the parking problems presented in the center of the City of Archidona and improve the ordering of vehicles. The existence of an unsatisfied demand related to the parking lots and, over all, the acceptance of the proposal of regulared parking lots in the city center was possible to determine through the market study. This one allows to assert that the project is commercially viable. Through the technical study was established that the place is suitable for the implementation of the system, as well as its size, location and capacity. The administrative study allowel determining the work team as: administrator, secretary, supervisor and the municipal police for an efficcient simert operation. The financial study determined the investment required for the execution of the project, which amounts to $59.733,48 that will be financed entirely by Archidona´s GADM. For its analysis, we used the financial evaluators as: NPV, which reflects a positive value of 8.348,74 dollars, the internal rate of return (IRR) was 15%, Balance Point and sensitivity analysis; this allowed determining that the project is profitable

    Nuevos datos sobre poblaciones silvestres de Brassica oleracea ensu límite de distribución occidental en la Península Ibérica

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    An exploration and collection mission for wild Brassica oleracea populations was carried out in spring and summer of2013. The aim of this collection was to expand the number of accessions of wild Brassica oleraceaavailable for basic andapplied research in plant breeding. In this paper we report a new population of wild Brassica oleraceain an unexploredcoastal area of Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Details of population ecology and vegetation, soil, climate and geographicdata were recorded for this population. The “Endangered” threat category for the region is proposed, and actions for in situand ex situconservation are proposed. Seeds will be added to the germplasm collections of University of Santiago deCompostela and Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) for further research on diverse aspects of the dynamics and ecophy-siology of the population along with characterization and evaluation of useful traits.En la primavera y el verano de 2013 se llevó a cabo un estudio que incluía la exploración y recolección de poblacionessilvestres de Brassica oleracea. El objetivo de esta colección era ampliar el número de muestras de germoplasma de estaespecie disponibles para la investigación básica y aplicada al fitomejoramiento. En este trabajo se presentan nuevos datossobre poblaciones de Brassica oleraceasilvestre en un área costera inexplorada de Galicia, en el noroeste de la PenínsulaIbérica. Detalles de la ecología de la población y la vegetación, el suelo, el clima y los datos geográficos se registraron paraesta población. Se propone la categoría de amenaza para la región, y las acciones para su correcta conservación in situ y exsitu. Las muestras de semillas se añadirán a las colecciones de germoplasma de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostelay de la Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) para futuras investigaciones sobre diversos aspectos de la dinámica y la ecofi-siología de la población junto con la caracterización y evaluación de características útiles.S

    Genetic variability on worldwide populations of the scale insect Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi

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    The South African scale insect Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi was introduced worldwide in several coastal areas with Mediterranean climate, probably through infested plants of Carpobrotus sp. Its high host specificity and its capacity to produce severe damages in the invasive Carpobrotus sp. plants makes this insect a potential biocontrol agent. To test the efficiency and host range of insects used for biocontrol, population genetic studies can help to unravel cryptic complexes and intraspecific diversity. In this study we performed a genetic analysis including native and exotic populations of P. mesembryanthemi, through Sanger sequencing of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase I, COI) and ribosomal (D2–D3 expansion segments of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene 28S) gene fragments. Accidentally, an endosymbiont was sequenced with one of the pair of primers used. The exotic populations of the insect did not show any variability among populations for both studied genes, which suggest a common origin of all studied introduced populations. Contrastingly, native populations showed high variability and seemed to be a cryptic species complex. Moreover, the Gauteng populations (from NE South Africa) were phylogenetically the closest to the exotic ones, suggesting that the exotic populations could be original from somewhere near this area. An endosymbiont of P. mesembryanthemi was detected, and the sequenced coxA gene was similar to that of the Rickettsiaceae family from the α-Proteobacteria, and close to other insect endosymbionts. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first mention of this endosymbiont in P. mesembryanthemi, although α-Proteobacteria endosymbionts have been reported for other sap-sucking insects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Domestication influences morphological and physiological responses to salinity in Brassica oleracea seedlings

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    Brassica oleracea cultivars include important vegetable and forage crops grown worldwide, whereas the wild counterpart occurs naturally on European sea cliffs. Domestication and selection processes have led to phenotypic and genetic divergence between domesticated plants and their wild ancestors that inhabit coastal areas and are exposed to saline conditions. Salinity is one of the most limiting factors for crop production. However, little is known about how salinity affects plants in relation to domestication of B. oleracea. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of domestication status (wild, landrace or cultivar) on the response of different B. oleracea crops to salinity, as measured by seed germination, plant growth, water content and mineral concentration parameters at the seedling stage. For this purpose, two independent pot experiments were conducted with six accessions of B. oleracea, including cabbage (group capitata) and kale (group acephala), in a growth chamber under controlled environmental conditions. In both taxonomic groups, differences in domestication status and salt stress significantly affected all major process such as germination, changes in dry matter, water relations and mineral uptake. In the acephala experiment, the domestication × salinity interaction significantly affected water content parameters and shoot Na+ allocation. At early stages of development, wild plants are more succulent than cultivated plants and have a higher capacity to maintain lower Na+ concentrations in their shoots in response to increasing levels of salinity. Different responses of domesticated and cultivated accessions in relation to these traits indicated a high level of natural variation in wild B. oleracea. Exclusion of Na+ from shoots and increasing succulence may enhance salt tolerance in B. oleracea exposed to extreme salinity in the long term. The wild germplasm can potentially be used to improve the salt tolerance of crops by the identification of useful genes and incorporation of these into salinity-sensitive cultivars.M.L. recognizes an Isidro Parga Pondal-I2C Program fellowship from the Xunta de Galicia. Md.Y.A. was supported by the EXPERTS_II (Erasmus Mundus) Interchange ProgramS

    Aplicación de una Auditoría de Gestión a la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Unión Mercedaria" Ltda. de la provincia de Cotopaxi del cantón Latacunga, correspondiente al período 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre del 2009.

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    El presente trabajo investigativo propone un programa de auditoría de gestión aplicado a una entidad financiera que permita evaluar el grado de economía, eficiencia y eficacia en la utilización de los recursos financieros de la empresa, y el comportamiento de los recursos humanos y el control dentro de esa área. Este trabajo permitirá a la institución contar con una herramienta de análisis de la gestión financiera donde se profundizan las causas que pueden afectar la misma y tomar las medidas necesarias para su erradicación

    Preliminar screening of runner bean for tolerance to low temperature at early stage

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    The runner bean requires moderate temperatures for optimum germination. The low temperatures at sowing delay both germination and plant emergence and reduce establishment of beans when planted early in the growing season. The objectives of this work were to identify potential runner bean germplasm from Spain with tolerance to low temperature. Seeds of 18 accessions of runner bean were germinated in climatic chambers at 14 ºC (day)/8 ºC (night) temperature. The accessions PHA-0311, PHA-0409 and PHA-1018 had the best performance under experimental the cold conditions.Research was supported by the projects AGF2000-1613 and RF03-024-C6-2 from the Spanish Government.Peer reviewe

    “Elaboración de cerveza artesanal tipo brown ale con adición de semillas de cáñamo (Cannabis Sativa ssp. Sativa)”

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    The main objective of this researching project is to elaborate a Brown Ale type craft beer with addition of hemp seeds (cannabis sativa ssp. sativa), with the purpose to evaluate the substitution of seeds for hops due to similar botanical characteristics, in order to develop new brewing alternatives with a contribution of innovation in flavor and aroma of a craft beer. The physical chemical and sensory parameters of four treatments in combination of different concentrations of hops and hemp seeds were evaluated, together with a control (100% hops). The physical chemical variables (pH, acidity, density and alcohol content) and sensory variables (color, turbidity, odor, flavor and body) were analyzed applying a completely randomized block experimental design (DBCA) with 3 replications, and for the sensory variables evaluation with the help of 16 panelists, to determine the best treatment. The best treatment determined was the one that did not present a significant difference with respect to the control treatment, in the parameters described before. The results showed that the concentrations of the treatment (25% hops; 75% hemp seeds) did not influence the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics in the production of a craft beer. Subsequently identified to the best treatment, the physical chemical and microbiological analyses required by INEN 22 62: 2013 (Alcoholic Beverages. Beer. Requirements), where it presented the following results: alcoholic content 3 °GL; total acidity 0.26%; carbonation 2.6 L CO2/ L beverage; pH 4.13; iron <0.25 mg/L; copper <0.10 mg/L, zinc <0.20 mg/L; arsenic <0.005 mg/L, lead <0.5 mg/L, and in the microbiological analysis: mesophilic anaerobic count <10 CFU/mL; yeasts 8.8 x 104 CFU/mL; molds <10 CFU/mL, which most of the parameters are within the ranges established in the standard, therefore, the beverage produced is fit for human consumption.El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal elaborar cerveza artesanal tipo Brown Ale con adición de semillas de cáñamo (cannabis sativa ssp. sativa), con la finalidad de evaluar la sustitución de las semillas por el lúpulo debido a características botánicas similares, para desarrollar nuevas alternativas de elaboración con aporte de innovación en sabor y aroma de una cerveza artesanal. Se evaluó los parámetros fisicoquímicos y sensoriales de cuatro tratamientos en combinación de diferentes concentraciones entre lúpulo y semillas de cáñamo, conjuntamente, se incluyó un testigo (100% lúpulo), se analizaron las variables fisicoquímicas (pH, acidez, densidad y grados alcohólicos) y variables sensoriales (color, turbidez, olor, sabor y cuerpo) aplicando un diseño experimental de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA) con 3 repeticiones, y para la evaluación de las variables sensoriales con la ayuda de 16 panelistas, para determinar al mejor tratamiento. El mejor tratamiento determinado fue el que no presentó diferencia significativa con respecto al tratamiento testigo, en los parámetros anteriormente descritos. Dando como resultados que las concentraciones del tratamiento (25% lúpulo; 75% semillas de cáñamo) no influyen en las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales en la elaboración de una cerveza artesanal. Posteriormente identificado al mejor tratamiento se realizaron los análisis fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos requeridos por la norma INEN 22 62: 2013 (Bebidas Alcohólicas. Cerveza. Requisitos), en donde presentó los siguientes resultados: contenido alcohólico 3 °GL; acidez total 0,26%; carbonatación 2,6 L CO2/ L bebida; pH 4,13; hierro < 0,25 mg/L; cobre <0,10 mg/L, zinc <0,20 mg/L; arsénico <0,005 mg/L, plomo <0,5 mg/L, y en el análisis microbiológico: el recuento de anaerobios mesófilos <10 UFC/mL; levaduras 8,8 x 104 UFC/mL; mohos <10 UFC/mL, los cuales la mayoría de los parámetros están dentro de los rangos establecidos en la norma, por lo tanto, la bebida elaborada es apta para el consumo humano