23 research outputs found

    On the stability of the oxides film formed on a magnesium alloy containing rare-earth elements

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    The electrochemical behaviour of a commercial magnesium alloy containing rare-earth elements, the WE43, was investigated by electrochemical techniques in both sulphate and chloride solutions and compared to that of pure magnesium (99.95 wt %). A particular attention was paid to the oxides film that formed during the corrosion process. Electrochemical impedance data analysis allowed the oxides films thickness to be determined. The film was thinner and more protective for the WE43 Mg alloy than for the pure Mg. ToF-SIMS analysis showed the incorporation of alloying elements, mainly yttrium and zirconium in the corrosion products layer. A higher compactness due to a higher Pilling-Bedworth ratio can explain the electrochemical results

    Syndrome de Carrington (à propos de quatre observations et revue de la littérature)

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    Le syndrome de Carrington ou pneumopathie chronique idiopathique Ă  Ă©osinophiles est une affection rare, de cause inconnue, d'Ă©volution prolongĂ©e, atteignant avec prĂ©dilection la femme autour de 45 ans aux antĂ©cĂ©dents atopiques frĂ©quents, en particulier asthmatiques. Le syndrome de Carrington est caractĂ©risĂ© par une altĂ©ration de l'Ă©tat gĂ©nĂ©ral quasi constante associĂ©e Ă  des manifestations pulmonaires non spĂ©cifiques, une hyperĂ©osinophilie sanguine avec un syndrome inflammatoire biologique, une hyperĂ©osinophilie alvĂ©olaire au lavage broncho-alvĂ©olaire et une infiltration pulmonaire radiologique Ă  prĂ©dominance pĂ©riphĂ©rique. Il se distingue Ă©galement par une remarquable corticosensibilitĂ©, proposĂ©e par de nombreux auteurs comme vĂ©ritable test diagnostique et par la frĂ©quence des rechutes Ă  l'arrĂȘt ou Ă  la dĂ©croissance de la corticothĂ©rapie. Le pronostic Ă  long terme est considĂ©rĂ© comme favorable malgrĂ© le dĂ©veloppement frĂ©quent d'une corticodĂ©pendance due Ă  l'importance des rechutes ou Ă  la survenue d'un asthme sĂ©vĂšre. A propos de quatre observations et d'une revue de la littĂ©rature, nous mettons en Ă©vidence la difficultĂ© dans certains cas d'affirmer le diagnostic par rapport notamment au syndrome de Churg et Strauss. Les donnĂ©es du lavage broncho-alvĂ©olaire sont alors essentielles, de mĂȘme que la rĂ©ponse aux corticoĂŻdes, pour orienter le diagnostic, rĂ©duisant ainsi la place du diagnostic histologique par biopsie pulmonaire chirurgicale. Les difficultĂ©s diagnostiques parfois rencontrĂ©es peuvent s'expliquer par le fait que les frontiĂšres nosologiques entre certaines pneumopathies Ă  Ă©osinophiles restent floues et que le rĂŽle du polynuclĂ©aire Ă©osinophile doit ĂȘtre encore prĂ©cisĂ©AMIENS-BU SantĂ© (800212102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Introduction. Cuba : les temporalités et tensions du changement.

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    « Desde la aprobaciĂłn de los Lineamientos por el pasado Congreso nos quedaba claro que el proceso de su implementaciĂłn no constituirĂ­a un camino fĂĄcil, libre de obstĂĄculos y contradicciones, asĂ­ como que las transformaciones fundamentales requeridas para la actualizaciĂłn del modelo nos tomarĂ­an mĂĄs de un quinquenio. [
] No han faltado, como era lĂłgico esperar, sentimientos de nostalgia hacia otros momentos menos complejos del proceso revolucionario, cuando existĂ­an la UniĂłn SoviĂ©tica y el cam..

    EDITORIAL: Culture and Institution: Cuban Dynamics of Change

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    International audienceThis special issue of the International Journal of Cuban Studies (IJCS) is concerned with the analysis and evaluation of changes that Cuba has been undergoing , from the empirical and methodological perspectives of culture and institutions. 1 The articles we are presenting highlight the need to widen historical and geographical scopes to grasp the depth of changes and their numerous ramifications , rather than stop at what comes out as events or common sense, often simplified, categories. Most contributions also illustrate the web of relationships between culture-material, revolutionary, religious, political-and institutions, the latter being understood both as organisations at macro and meso-levels, and as norms, behaviours, practices, representations, and imaginaries, addressed at individual levels

    Integrating 9 digital simulators to the initial training of 8000 nursing students in the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)

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    International audienceUsing simulation as a pedagogical tool to train health care professionals, both as initial training and continuing education, is a recommended teaching method in France1. On-screen digital simulation is one of the teaching modalities recommended for mass training compared to full-scale simulation training. However, digital simulation and therefore on-screen learning do require individual learners to have a specific set of skills (such as cognitive, metacognitive and motivational skills)2 How will the learners’ institutional and individual conditions (cognitive, metacognitive and motivational skills) impact the effectiveness of serious games on the educational outcome of nursing students? In September 2019, 8000 students selected from the 27 IFSI (Institute for Nurses in Training) across the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region will train using the MedicActiV TM platform which comprises a collection of 35 virtual nursing care cases covered by 9 screen-based simulators. This is a prospective and randomized study based on the chosen training modality (remote or in-person) and the choice of virtual case scenario. Evaluation of motivation conducted by EMFA, “Adult Education Motivation Scale”)3 and textbook knowledge (by approved MCQ) will undergo a standardized evaluation before and after the use of a simulator. An efficacy assessment (SAE)4 will be conducted upon reading the brief for the case scenario and before the debriefing phase (feedback compiled from answers). Software tracing will be analyzed alongside the questionnaire analysis. And the User Experience (UX) analysis will be done using the Attradiff2 scale5. A preliminary study with 200 students to evaluate the UX and gage the interest in such a pedagogical tool was conducted in May 2019. A quantitative study of the qualitative data was conducted using IRaMUTeQ in R. The word cloud representation shows how the words relate to one another and their strength based on how big they appear on the image. It shows this tool is interesting, fun, effective in broadening and solidifying knowledge, promotes team work and is well suited for our training program. The discussion group which was focused on the pedagogical aspect of the learning tool indicates, via the Chi-square p-value < 0.0001, that the learning tool broadens and solidifies knowledge (10.09) especially in therapeutic education (17.18), enables preparation for real-life cases (18.33), and promotes application in real-life situations (8.54). Interesting teaching modality; needs further development (9.82). The class asked to focus on the dissemination modality of the tool indicates that it is best suited for a small group of learners: smaller group if not one-on-one (6.08), difficult to give your answer in a large group, but large group enables finding answers (20.44). Results of the study presented above will be published in June 2020. Discussion and Conclusion Still today, initial training or continuing education for health care professionals through digital simulation is rare in France. Qualitative and quantitative analysis underscores the benefits of using the MedicActiV platform and pursuing this teaching modality for health care professionals. How many hours will the nursing students’ initial training last? What will be the ratio of summative evaluation in this type of teaching modality? What part will learning by digital simulation play in the initial training of student nurses 5 years from now, or in the context of continuing education? Stay tuned for the answer to these questions.Key words: Learning, autonomy, digital simulator, motivation, knowledge Bibliographie : 1 Guide rapport de l’HAS 20122 Huet et MarinĂ© (1997), Contemporary Educational Psychology, 22(4), 507-5203 Fenouillet, F., Heutte,J., Vallerand, J-R. (2015) Validation of the Adult Motivation Scale, Fourth World congress on Positive Psychology (IPPA), Orlando, FL4 Bandura (1986), Prentice-Hall, inc : Englewood Cliffs, NJ,US 5 Lallemand, C., Koenig, V., Gronier, G., & Martin, R. (2015)). Création et validation d’une version française du questionnaire AttrakDiff pour l’évaluation de l’expérience utilisateur des systèmes interactifs. Revue européenne de psychologi

    Des outils du réseau Etat en hydrométrie et leur ouverture aux notions d'incertitude

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    On the tools of the national hydrometry services and their extension to the uncertainty concepts. For managing the hydrologic network they are in charge of, the national hydrometry services use a set of computer tools (DP+, GRAPHYTE, BAREME, ...) dedicated to the processing and validation of data. BAREME is the software used for computing discharges from streamgauging data and for developing rating curves. BAREME offers no automatic function for establishing rating curves, but a set of tools to make the work of the operator easier when drawing the curve and validating it. However, the extrapolation of rating curves to high flows, as well as the evaluation of the uncertainty in the rating curve derivation, remain difficult in case gauging data or some hydraulic considerations are lacking. The Q+ and BaRatin methods recently developed by Irstea address these issues. The former method, based on the ISO748 standard, can be used to calculate the uncertainty in the gauged discharge. The latter method builds on streamgauging data, on conventional hydraulic formulas and possibly on the results of hydraulic modelling to provide the most likely fit of the rating curve along with its uncertainty interval. Both methods will be interfaced with BAREME in Spring 2013. The complete uncertainty analysis should then go further, from streamgauging data, rating curves and water level records, up to discharge time series and characteristic flow rates.Pour la gestion du rĂ©seau hydromĂ©trique dont ils ont la charge, les services de l’Etat s’appuient notamment sur un ensemble d’outils informatiques (DP+, GRAPHYTE, BAREME, ...) dĂ©diĂ©s au traitement et Ă  la critique des donnĂ©es. BAREME est le logiciel utilisĂ© pour le dĂ©pouillement des jaugeages et l’élaboration des courbes de tarage. BAREME n’offre pas de fonctionnalitĂ© de tracĂ© automatique de la courbe de tarage, mais un ensemble d’outils destinĂ©s Ă  faciliter le travail de l’opĂ©rateur au moment du tracĂ© et pour la critique de ce dernier. Cependant, l’extrapolation des courbes de tarage en hautes eaux reste dĂ©licate en l’absence de jaugeages ou de considĂ©rations hydrauliques, tout comme l’évaluation de l’incertitude sur le tracĂ© de la courbe de tarage. Les mĂ©thodes Q+ et BaRatin dĂ©veloppĂ©es rĂ©cemment par Irstea apportent une rĂ©ponse Ă  ces questions. La premiĂšre, basĂ©e sur la norme ISO748, permet de calculer l’incertitude sur le dĂ©bit jaugĂ©. La seconde s’appuie sur les donnĂ©es de jaugeages, l’hydraulique classique, et Ă©ventuellement les rĂ©sultats de modĂ©lisation hydraulique pour fournir le tracĂ© le plus probable de la courbe de tarage ainsi que son enveloppe d’incertitude. Ces deux mĂ©thodes seront interfacĂ©es avec BAREME au printemps 2013. L’analyse d’incertitude complĂšte devrait ensuite aller au-delĂ , depuis le jaugeage, la courbe de tarage et le limnigramme, jusqu’à l’hydrogramme et aux dĂ©bits caractĂ©ristiques.Bechon Pierre-Marie, Le Coz JĂ©rĂŽme, Leleu Isabelle, Renard Benjamin. Des outils du rĂ©seau Etat en hydromĂ©trie et leur ouverture aux notions d'incertitude. In: 35es journĂ©es de l’hydraulique de la SociĂ©tĂ© Hydrotechnique de France. HydromĂ©trie 2013. Paris, 15-16 mai 2013. 2013

    Metal-Free SN2â€Č Decarboxylative Rearrangement of ÎČ-Keto Esters

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    Treatment of 2-methoxycarbonyl- (or 3-cyano-)allyl acetoacetates with a tertiary amine or triphenylphosphane afforded α-methylene Îł-substituted ÎŽ-keto esters (or nitrile) in satisfactory yields. Various bases and nucleophiles were tested to elucidate the mechanism. The results of the study strongly suggest an intermolecular pathway involving a SN2â€Č-decarboxylation-SN2â€Č cascade