58 research outputs found

    Is there a beneficial effect difference between age, gender, and different cardiac pathology groups of exercise training at ventilatory threshold in cardiac patients?

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    Background: Research on cardiac rehabilitation has raised interesting methods and effects without however establishing the share of the profits according to age, sex and cardiac pathology. Yet today, this disease with various pathologies strikes people of all ages and both sexes, and the recommended rehabilitation exercise intensity is often the ventilatory threshold. The aim of this study was to compare benefits of a training program at ventilatory threshold according to age, gender and cardiac pathology. Methods: One hundred and eighty eight cardiac patients, of whom 62 had coronary artery bypass surgery, 22 artery angioplasty, 54 myocardial infarction and 50 valve replacements, aged 31–82 years, performed spirometric and cardiopulmonary exercise tests before and after a training program. This program consisted of exercise on a cycloergometer for three sessions of 45 min per week for eight weeks at heart rates attenuated at ventilatory threshold (VTh) obtained during a cardiopulmonary exercise test conducted before the training period. Results: Peak heart rate, peak aerobic power, and peak oxygen uptake determined at VTh increased during the training period in all groups of subjects. Men and adult groups had higher absolute values compared to women and elderly groups. No difference was observed in cardiac pathology groups. Similar improvements of aerobic capacities were observed in age, gender and cardiac pathology groups. Conclusions: A training program conducted at personalised VTh significantly improves the aerobic physical capacities of all cardiac patients, and inducessimilar benefits whatever the age, gender or cardiac pathology. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 6: 632–638

    The Livelihood Change of Fishermen Recipient Grant Program of Coalition Party in Lubuk Puding Village Buru District of Karimun Regency of Riau Islands Province

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    This study was conducted in January 2016 in the village of Lubuk Puding in the District of Buru Karimun Riau Islands Province. The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of fishing grantees, to determine changes in fishing livelihoods after receiving the grant, and to determine the relationship characteristic of changes, livelihoods and grants program. The method used in this study was survey of 160 grantees fishermen population, in which this study taken as much as 15% of the 160 populations or 24 peoples.Based on the research result, the characteristics of grant recipient are productive fishermenage, low education and the number of family member of fishermen. The livelihood of fishermen grant recipients changed from the preparatory stage to the growth stage, while in food consumption and employment on a fixed income and sanitation and hygiene unchanged. Characteristics with real changes in the livelihoods of fishermen are age which have relationship with income and with the job opportunities, the number of family member has relationship with food consumption and grant, and food consumption have relationships with the grant

    Strategy Change in Vibrissal Active Sensing during Rat Locomotion

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    During exploration, rats and other small mammals make rhythmic back-and-forth sweeps of their long facial whiskers (macrovibrissae) [1, 2 and 3]. These “whisking” movements are modulated by head movement [4] and by vibrissal sensory input [5 and 6] and hence are often considered “active” in the Gibsonian sense of being purposive and information seeking [7 and 8]. An important hallmark of active sensing is the modification of the control strategy according to context [9]. Using a task in which rats were trained to run circuits for food, we tested the hypothesis that whisker control, as measured by high-speed videography, changes with contextual variables such as environment familiarity, risk of collision, and availability of visual cues. In novel environments, functionally blind rats moved at slow speeds and performed broad whisker sweeps. With greater familiarity, however, they moved more rapidly, protracted their whiskers further, and showed decreased whisking amplitude. These findings indicate a strategy change from using the vibrissae to explore nearby surfaces to using them primarily for “look ahead.” In environments with increased risk of collision, functionally blind animals moved more slowly but protracted their whiskers further. Sighted animals also showed changes in whisker control strategy with increased familiarity, but these changes were different to those of the functionally blind strain. Sighted animals also changed their vibrissal behavior when visual cues were subsequently removed (by being placed in darkness). These contextual influences provide strong evidence of active control and demonstrate that the vibrissal system provides an accessible model of purposive behavior in mammals

    Approach-Avoidance Behavior in the Empathy for Pain Model as Measured by Posturography

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    The interrelation between motor and emotional processes has been a recurrent question since several decades in the scientific literature. An interesting experimental technique to explore this question is posturography which assess the modulation of human postural control. In an emerging scientific field, this technique has been used to explore the reaction of the body in different emotional conditions. However, among available studies, some inconsistencies appear. In this brief report, we want to show how a widely used experimental model, i.e., empathy for pain, allowed in several study to provide comprehensive understanding elements on the postural correlates of socioemotional information processing. In particular, the role of mental simulation is discussed

    L’évaluation par les Ă©tudiants, une valeur lĂ©gitime ? Les DESS de psychologie de l’UniversitĂ© Paris X -Nanterre

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss evaluation in the French universities, from an experiment carried out at Paris-X Nanterre, on Masters degrees in Psychology. Without officially nominated "evaluators", only a tacit agreement between teachers and students, can legitimate results for both categories : teachers participate in the building of the evaluation process, and the students take a new role consisting in evaluating their own education. Therefore, the enquiry enables to distinguish well-prepared or not well-prepared teachings during the scholarship. These teachings open on activities more or less put into practice in a professional context. Adjustment between these two variables leads to the question of an optimal efficiency in French academic masters degrees, where evaluation is less a form of control than a fluctuating recognition of quality and value.L’objectif de cet article est d’aborder l’évaluation dans les universitĂ©s Ă  partir d’une expĂ©rience menĂ©e Ă  Paris X-Nanterre sur les DESS de Psychologie. En l’absence d’évaluateurs officiellement nommĂ©s, seul un accord tacite peut aboutir Ă  une lĂ©gitimitĂ© des rĂ©sultats, pour les enseignants comme pour les enseignĂ©s : les premiers participent Ă  la construction du processus d’évaluation, et les seconds prennent un rĂŽle inĂ©dit d’évaluateurs de leur propre formation. L’enquĂȘte permet ainsi de distinguer des enseignements plus ou moins bien prĂ©parĂ©s pendant le cursus, et dĂ©bouchant sur des activitĂ©s plus ou moins pratiquĂ©es en contexte professionnel. L’ajustement entre ces variables pose la question d’une efficacitĂ© optimale des filiĂšres universitaires, dans la mesure oĂč l’évaluation est moins une forme de contrĂŽle qu’une attribution fluctuante de valeur et de qualitĂ©.Collette Sandrine, Lelard Nicole. L’évaluation par les Ă©tudiants, une valeur lĂ©gitime ? Les DESS de psychologie de l’UniversitĂ© Paris X -Nanterre . In: Les dossiers des sciences de l'Ă©ducation, N°6, 2001. Evaluation et valorisation institutionnelles. pp. 57-68

    Analyse posturographique, cinétique, électromyographique de l'influence d'une pratique physique sur le contrÎle de l'équilibre et de la marche chez la personne ùgée (mise au point du protocole)

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    Le vieillissement est associé à une diminution des capacités du contrÎle de l équilibre. Nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence, chez 7 sujets de plus de 70 ans, une amélioration du contrÎle postural aprÚs un entraßnement de 3 mois en Ta Chi (TC) et chez 7 sujets de plus de 70 ans pratiquant le Yoga. Lors du maintien d une posture bipodale (étude 1), nous faisons l hypothÚse d une diminution de la raideur musculaire par la pratique. L analyse des paramÚtres spatio-temporels de la marche (étude 2) montre une diminution de la part relative de la période de double appui. Au cours de l initiation de la marche (étude 3), nous montrons une modification lors du transfert du poids associée à une diminution de la coactivation des muscles de la jambe. Le TC et le Yoga semblent limiter les dégradations liées au vieillissement, mais un effectif plus important et une comparaison avec d autres activités sont nécessaires pour mettre en évidence le bénéfice de ce type d activité.AMIENS-BU Santé (800212102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Postural responses to emotional visual stimuli

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    Postural control is a motor skill that allows individuals to interact with their environment. Indeed, in all species, development of postural control is a prerequisite for acquiring further motor abilities. In humans, the maintenance of a bipedal posture plays an important role in interaction with the environment, as it provides a stable postural basis allowing upper limbs and hands to be used to manipulate objects. On the other hand, this bipedal posture induces a constraint in terms of balance, as individuals have to deal with a relatively small base of support enclosed by the surface of the two feet. Biomechanical principles underlying postural control have been studied in great depth, but the effect of emotion on postural control seems to be an emergent topic. Over the last two decades, an exponential number of studies have been published at the interface of affective and social neurosciences. Moreover, the interactions between motor and affective processes are increasingly documented in the scientific literature. In this article, we try to synthetize main recent empirical results that have allowed exploration of the link between body posture and emotional processing

    Effet de l’incarnation sur les corrĂ©lats posturaux du traitement des stimuli aversifs

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    International audienceL’incarnation, habiletĂ© d’un individu Ă  s’imaginer dans une situation, est sous-tendue par des processus cognitifs accrus par rapport Ă  l’observation passive de la mĂȘme scĂšne. Pour Ă©tudier son potentiel effet modulateur sur les corrĂ©lats moteurs du traitement des stimuli aversifs, une Ă©tude de posturographie a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodesTrente stimuli Ă©motionnels (base de donnĂ©es IAPS [1]) parmi lesquels on compte dix stimuli dĂ©plaisants sont prĂ©sentĂ©s Ă  36 sujets (11 hommes/25 femmes, ĂągĂ©s de 36,3 ± 11,4 ans). Deux sessions expĂ©rimentales de post-urographie diffĂ©rant en termes de consignes sont organisĂ©es : une condition dite « passive » oĂč une simple observation est demandĂ©e et une condition dite « active » oĂč le participant doit s’imaginer dans la situation qui lui est prĂ©sentĂ©e.RĂ©sultatsL’analyse de variance Ă  mesures rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es effectuĂ©e sur divers paramĂštres (surface, position moyenne et Ă©cart-type de cette position) a permis de dĂ©montrer un effet consigne pour le paramĂštre de surface lors de la prĂ©sentation de stimuli dĂ©plaisants. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la surface Ă©tait plus importante en condition active (75,3 mm2 en actif pour 64,6 mm2 en passif).Discussion/ConclusionL’implication du participant lors de la prĂ©sentation de stimuli aversifs induit un dĂ©placement plus important du corps. Cette imagerie mentale (ou incarnation) de la situation observĂ©e induit une rĂ©ponse motrice plus importante face Ă  des stimuli dĂ©plaisants

    Evoked pleasure and approach-avoidance in response to pollution.

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    From year-to-year, environment is becoming one of the major concerns of human societies. Few studies have investigated the biological processes involved in environmental scene perception. Here, we initiate a line of research by beginning to study emotional processes involved in this perception. Our results demonstrate a clear distinction between "Clean" and "Polluted" environments according to the pleasure and approach desire ratings they induced. Moreover, women expressed higher pleasure in the "Clean" condition, as did older participants. Finally, rural scenes induced higher pleasure in participants than urban ones

    Corrélats posturaux de la réaction instinctive à la présentation de stimuli visuels douloureux

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    International audienceL’impact de la prĂ©sentation de stimuli Ă©motionnels sur la sphĂšre motrice a depuis longtemps Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ© mais n’est Ă©tudiĂ© que depuis peu de temps. Une Ă©tude de Lelard et al. [1] a montrĂ© deux types de rĂ©ponses instinctives vis-Ă -vis des stimuli dĂ©plaisants : la rigidification et l’évitement. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes. Le protocole de prĂ©sentation de Lelard et al. [1] a Ă©tĂ© repris en utilisant trente stimuli reprĂ©sentant des pieds et des mains dans des situations douloureuses (avec deux niveaux de douleur) ou non [2] chez 36 sujets (11 hommes/25 femmes, ĂągĂ©s de 36,3±11,4 ans). Deux sessions ont Ă©tĂ© organisĂ©es : une premiĂšre en condition « passive » oĂč une simple observation est demandĂ©e et une seconde en condition « active » oĂč on demande au sujet de s’impliquer en s’imaginant dans la situation prĂ©sentĂ©e. RĂ©sultats.Une tendance similaire aux travaux de l’équipe de Lelard et al. [1] a Ă©tĂ© obtenue pour les donnĂ©es recueillies en condition active. Une analyse temporelle des donnĂ©es montre un effet de la « douleur » et son intensitĂ© (p0,05), les valeurs sont respectivement −29,24 mm, −29,42 mm et −29,48 mm. Discussion/Conclusion. En condition active, l’évocation par l’image de la douleur induit ainsi une rĂ©ponse posturale de recul proportionnelle Ă  la douleur Ă©voquĂ©e. Les rĂ©ponses comportementales d’évitement observĂ©es agissent alors en tant que protecteur pour l’individu vis-Ă -vis de situations menaçantes, le prĂ©parant Ă  l’agression avant toute autre action
