4 research outputs found

    Effects of different production methods on content of some microelements in spelt seed (Triticum spelta)

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    Numerous worldwide studies have shown that there is a difference in the mineral composition between organically and conventionally produced plants and their products. Spelt (Triticum spelta), alternative grain from the family Poaceae, occupies a very important place in the production of healthy food. Also, spelt represents commonly grown organic crops due to the ideally balanced ratio of nutrients. In addition to the macroelements, for the survival and normal plant function some microelements are also needed. The aim of this study was to determine the existence of differences in the content of microelements and (B, Ba, Cu, Li, Mn and Se) in organically and conventionally produced spelt seeds, in period of 2015-2017. The determination of these elements was conducted by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) with previous digestion of samples and results were expressed as mg/kg of dry weight. In samples collected during 2015 and 2016, B and Ba were not detected. In conventional spelt seed, higher quantity of Ba (2.366 mg/kg), Cu (6.356 mg/kg) and Mn (55.878 mg/kg) was determined, while organic spelt seed contained higher content of B (0.875 mg/kg), Li (14.77 mg/kg) and Se (0.275 mg/kg) compared to conventionally grown sample. The obtained results for the examined elements revealed that the lowest content in analyzed seeds was for Li (conventional seed from 2017, 0,008 mg/kg), while Mn was quantified in the highest amount (conventional seed from 2017, 55.878 mg/kg)


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    Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) has been increasingly attracting producers due to the biological properties and chemical composition of its seeds. As high-quality seeds are necessary for successful production, the vigour of organically and conventionally produced spelt seeds has been studied and results are presented in this paper. The seeds of the variety Nirvana produced by both methods at the Maize Research Institute “Zemun Polje” in 2015 were observed. According to the results, the germination energy of conventionally and organically produced seeds amounted to 30% and 69%, respectively. The total germination of conventionally and organically produced spelt seeds amounted to 99% and 93%, respectively. The percentage of abnormal seedlings of spelt produced by both methods amounted to 1% on average. The participation of diseased and dead seeds was higher in organically produced seeds (6%) than in conventionally produced seeds (0%). After the seed accelerated ageing test, a higher germination was observed in conventionally produced seeds (75%) than in organically produced seeds (68%). The electric conductivity of conventionally produced seeds amounted to 189.4 μS/cm and 195.2 μS/cm in the first and the second replication, respectively, while the values of organically produced seeds amounted to 95.5 μS/cm and 98.6 μS/cm, in the first and the second replication, respectively. The results obtained by the electrical conductivity test indicated that the conventionally produced spelt seeds (32.33 µS/cm g) were classified into the category of low vigour seeds in comparison to organically produced spelt seeds (27.65 µS/cm g). © 2022 University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture. All Rights Reserved

    Masnokiselinski profil organskog i konvencionalnog semena spelte

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    Usled izuzetno povoljnih prehrambenih, medicinskih i agronomskih karakteristika, kao i povoljnog hemijskog sastava semena koje je u skladu sa najsavremenijim nutritionističkim zahtevima, proizvodnja spelte dobija sve veći značaj, naročito u organskoj proizvodnji hrane. Veoma važan nutritivni faktor namirnica predstavlja sadržaj masnih kiselina u njima, neophodnih za pravilno funkcionisanje ljudskog organizma. Cilj ovog rada bio je da GC-FID metodom ispita sadržaj masnih kiselina u organskom i konvencionalnom semenu spelte, poreklom iz 2015 i 2016. godine. Sadržaj masnih kiselina izražen je kao % sadržaj u odnosu na ukupne masne kiseline. Detektovano je deset masnih kiselina. Kod obe vrste semena, u najvećoj količini se nalaze linolna (C18:2n-6) i oleinska (C18:1n-9) kiselina. Najveći udeo polinezasićenih masnih kiselina sadrži seme konvencionalne spelte (59.46 %), dok se u organskom semenu iz 2016. godine nalazio najveći udeo zasićenih (18.33 %) i mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (26.71 %).Due to the extremely favorable nutritional, medical and agronomic characteristics, as well as the favorable chemical composition of seed which is in accordance with the current nutritional requirements, spelt production is gaining increasing importance, especially in organic food production. The fatty acids (FAs) content is a very important nutritional factor. Adequate FAs daily intake is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. The aim of this paper was to examine fatty acids content in organic and conventional spelt seeds produced during 2015 and 2016 year. GC-FID method was used for FAs determination. FAs content is expressed as % of content in relation to the total fatty acids. Ten fatty acids were detected. Both types of seeds contained linoleic (C18:2n-6) and oleic acid (C18:1n-9) as predominant. Conventional spelt seed possessed higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (59.46 %) while organic seed from 2016 contained higher amount of saturated (18.33 %) and monounsaturated fatty acids (26.71 %)

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