13 research outputs found

    Analysis of Technological Operations at Vrapče Container Terminal

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    U proÅ”losti, kada su lanci opskrbe, promatrano sa geografskog glediÅ”ta, bili kraći i viÅ”e nacionalnog ili regionalnog karaktera, postojala je manja neizvjesnost i mogućnost prekida u tokovima materijalnih dobara. Povećanjem dužine i kompleksnosti lanaca opskrbe, neizvjesnost je postajala sve veća, a time i njihova potencijalna ranjivost. Na taj način, proces globalizacije, u svojoj transformaciji ekonomske slike svijeta, stavio je na provjeru postojeće principe upravljanja logistikom , lancima opskrbe i rizicima. Sukladno tome, u radu se na konretnom primjeru kontejnerskog terminala Vrapče objasnili o rizicima i tehničko tehnoloÅ”kim operacijama terminala. Također je se i teorijski obradila analiza rizika i upravljanje rizicima u lancima opskrbe kako bi bilo jasnije o čemu je riječ.In the past, when the supply chain, as seen from the geographical point of view, were shorter and more national or regional in character, there is less uncertainty and the possibility of inter-ruptions in the flow of material goods. By increasing the length and complexity of supply chains, uncertainty became greater, the time and their potential vulnerability. In this way , the process of globalization, in its economic transformation of the image of the world, put it on the verification of the existing principles of logistics management, supply chain and risk man-agement. Accordingly, in the work, we concrete example of container terminal Vrapče reader explain the risks and technical and technological operations of the terminal. We are also the theoretical process risk analysis and risk management in the supply chain so that the reader was clear what it was about

    Analysis of Technological Operations at Vrapče Container Terminal

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    U proÅ”losti, kada su lanci opskrbe, promatrano sa geografskog glediÅ”ta, bili kraći i viÅ”e nacionalnog ili regionalnog karaktera, postojala je manja neizvjesnost i mogućnost prekida u tokovima materijalnih dobara. Povećanjem dužine i kompleksnosti lanaca opskrbe, neizvjesnost je postajala sve veća, a time i njihova potencijalna ranjivost. Na taj način, proces globalizacije, u svojoj transformaciji ekonomske slike svijeta, stavio je na provjeru postojeće principe upravljanja logistikom , lancima opskrbe i rizicima. Sukladno tome, u radu se na konretnom primjeru kontejnerskog terminala Vrapče objasnili o rizicima i tehničko tehnoloÅ”kim operacijama terminala. Također je se i teorijski obradila analiza rizika i upravljanje rizicima u lancima opskrbe kako bi bilo jasnije o čemu je riječ.In the past, when the supply chain, as seen from the geographical point of view, were shorter and more national or regional in character, there is less uncertainty and the possibility of inter-ruptions in the flow of material goods. By increasing the length and complexity of supply chains, uncertainty became greater, the time and their potential vulnerability. In this way , the process of globalization, in its economic transformation of the image of the world, put it on the verification of the existing principles of logistics management, supply chain and risk man-agement. Accordingly, in the work, we concrete example of container terminal Vrapče reader explain the risks and technical and technological operations of the terminal. We are also the theoretical process risk analysis and risk management in the supply chain so that the reader was clear what it was about


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    Globalni lanci opskrbe nezamislivi su bez integracije prijevoza, koja se najčeŔće realizira kroz formu intermodalnih prijevoznih sustava. Intermodalni prijevozni sustavi dosta su složeniji od unimodalnih po pitanju dionika, prijevoznih sredstava, infrastrukture i procesa, Å”to sa slabom koordinacijom u planiranju, organizaciji i provedbi logističkih aktivnosti u prijevoznome lancu može dovesti do povećanja rizika u intermodalnim lancima. U skladu s time u radu je na konkretnome primjeru Kontejnerskog terminala Zagreb napravljena analiza rizika u intermodalnim opskrbnim lancima.Global supply chains are unimaginable without transport integration, which is most commonly realized in the form of intermodal transport systems. Intermodal transport systems are fairly more complex than unimodal ones, with respect to stakeholders, means of transport, infrastructure and processes; this can lead to increased risks in intermodal chains in case of weak co-ordination and planning, organization and carrying out of logistics activities in the transport chain. In line with this, a risk analysis in intermodal supply chains was carried out in this paper, using a specific example of Zagreb Container Terminal

    Big Data in Logistics

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    With certainty, we can say that we are in the process of a new big revolution that has its name, Big Data. Though the term was devised by scientists from the area such as astronomy and genomics, Big Data is everywhere. They are both a resource and a tool whose main task is to provide information. However, as far as it can help us better understand the world around us, depending on how they are managed and who controls them, they can take us in some other direction. Although the figures that bind to Big Data can seem enormous at this time, we must be aware that the amount of what we can collect and the process is always just a fraction of the information that really exists in the world (and around it). However, from something we have to start

    Newborn nutrition

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    Prehrana novorođenčeta je preduvjet optimalnom rastu i razvoju te predstavlja osnovnu ljudsku potrebu. Uvijek kad je to moguće, nastojimo sve djetetove potrebe zadovoljiti majčinim mlijekom, ali ako to nije moguće ili dostatno, postoje i druge mogućnosti koje uključuju pojačivače majčinog mlijeka, mliječne formule, enteralno i parenteralno hranjenje. Za koju opciju ćemo se odlučiti ovisi o kliničkom stanju djeteta i o tome radi li se o donoÅ”enom ili nedonoÅ”enom djetetu. Potrebe nedonoÅ”enog djeteta su neÅ”to veće. Radi li se o djetetu koje ima poremećaj prehrane (funkcionalni ili nastao zbog poremećaja sisanje-gutanje kakav se može javiti kod djece rođene prije 33. tjedna gestacije) važno je na vrijeme identificirati problem i uz pomoć stručnog, multidisciplinarnog tima, isti problem liječiti.The diet of the newborn is a prerequisite for optimal growth and development and represents a basic human need. Whenever possible, we strive to satisfy all children's needs with breast milk, but if this is not possible or sufficient, there are other options that include breast milk enhancers, milk formula, enteral and parenteral feeding. What option we will decide on, depends on the clinical condition of the child and whether it is a newborn or premature child. The needs of a premature child are something greater. Whether it is a child who has an eating disorder (functional or due to suck-swallowing disorders that can occur in children born before the age of 33) it is important to identify the problem in time and with the help of a professional, multidisciplinary team, treat the problem

    Newborn nutrition

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    Prehrana novorođenčeta je preduvjet optimalnom rastu i razvoju te predstavlja osnovnu ljudsku potrebu. Uvijek kad je to moguće, nastojimo sve djetetove potrebe zadovoljiti majčinim mlijekom, ali ako to nije moguće ili dostatno, postoje i druge mogućnosti koje uključuju pojačivače majčinog mlijeka, mliječne formule, enteralno i parenteralno hranjenje. Za koju opciju ćemo se odlučiti ovisi o kliničkom stanju djeteta i o tome radi li se o donoÅ”enom ili nedonoÅ”enom djetetu. Potrebe nedonoÅ”enog djeteta su neÅ”to veće. Radi li se o djetetu koje ima poremećaj prehrane (funkcionalni ili nastao zbog poremećaja sisanje-gutanje kakav se može javiti kod djece rođene prije 33. tjedna gestacije) važno je na vrijeme identificirati problem i uz pomoć stručnog, multidisciplinarnog tima, isti problem liječiti.The diet of the newborn is a prerequisite for optimal growth and development and represents a basic human need. Whenever possible, we strive to satisfy all children's needs with breast milk, but if this is not possible or sufficient, there are other options that include breast milk enhancers, milk formula, enteral and parenteral feeding. What option we will decide on, depends on the clinical condition of the child and whether it is a newborn or premature child. The needs of a premature child are something greater. Whether it is a child who has an eating disorder (functional or due to suck-swallowing disorders that can occur in children born before the age of 33) it is important to identify the problem in time and with the help of a professional, multidisciplinary team, treat the problem

    Big Data in Creation of Distrubution Network

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    Sa sigurnoŔću se može reći da je u tijeku proces nove velike revolucije koja nosi svoje ime, Big Data. Iako je termin koji su osmislili znanstvenici za ovaj koncept u početku imao korijene u području poput astronomije i genomike, Big Data je svugdje i predstavlja izraz koji se može upotrijebiti za opisivanje i upravljanje bilo koje oblasti i područja. Ona je i resurs i alat čiji je glavni zadatak pružanje informacija. Međutim, koliko god može pomoći da se bolje razumije svijet oko nas, ovisno o tome kako se njima upravlja i tko ih kontrolira, mogu odvesti u nekom sasvim drugom smjeru. Iako se brojke koje se vežu za Big Data koncept mogu činiti ogromnima u ovom trenutku, treba postojati svijest da količina onoga Å”to se može prikupiti i sam postupak obrade je uvijek samo djelić informacija koje stvarno postoje u svijetu (i oko njega). Međutim, od nečega se mora početi!With certainty, we can say that we are in the process of a new big revolution that has its name,Big Data. Though the term was devised by scientists from the area such as astronomy and genomics, Big Data is everywhere. They are both a resource and a tool whose main task is to provide information. However, as far as it can help us better understand the world around us, depending on how they are managed and who controls them, they can take us in some other direction. Although the figures that bind to Big Data can seem enormous at this time, we must be aware that the amount of what we can collect and the process is always just a fraction of the information that really exists in the world (and around it). However, from something we have to start

    Analysis of Technological Operations at Vrapče Container Terminal

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    U proÅ”losti, kada su lanci opskrbe, promatrano sa geografskog glediÅ”ta, bili kraći i viÅ”e nacionalnog ili regionalnog karaktera, postojala je manja neizvjesnost i mogućnost prekida u tokovima materijalnih dobara. Povećanjem dužine i kompleksnosti lanaca opskrbe, neizvjesnost je postajala sve veća, a time i njihova potencijalna ranjivost. Na taj način, proces globalizacije, u svojoj transformaciji ekonomske slike svijeta, stavio je na provjeru postojeće principe upravljanja logistikom , lancima opskrbe i rizicima. Sukladno tome, u radu se na konretnom primjeru kontejnerskog terminala Vrapče objasnili o rizicima i tehničko tehnoloÅ”kim operacijama terminala. Također je se i teorijski obradila analiza rizika i upravljanje rizicima u lancima opskrbe kako bi bilo jasnije o čemu je riječ.In the past, when the supply chain, as seen from the geographical point of view, were shorter and more national or regional in character, there is less uncertainty and the possibility of inter-ruptions in the flow of material goods. By increasing the length and complexity of supply chains, uncertainty became greater, the time and their potential vulnerability. In this way , the process of globalization, in its economic transformation of the image of the world, put it on the verification of the existing principles of logistics management, supply chain and risk man-agement. Accordingly, in the work, we concrete example of container terminal Vrapče reader explain the risks and technical and technological operations of the terminal. We are also the theoretical process risk analysis and risk management in the supply chain so that the reader was clear what it was about

    Newborn nutrition

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    Prehrana novorođenčeta je preduvjet optimalnom rastu i razvoju te predstavlja osnovnu ljudsku potrebu. Uvijek kad je to moguće, nastojimo sve djetetove potrebe zadovoljiti majčinim mlijekom, ali ako to nije moguće ili dostatno, postoje i druge mogućnosti koje uključuju pojačivače majčinog mlijeka, mliječne formule, enteralno i parenteralno hranjenje. Za koju opciju ćemo se odlučiti ovisi o kliničkom stanju djeteta i o tome radi li se o donoÅ”enom ili nedonoÅ”enom djetetu. Potrebe nedonoÅ”enog djeteta su neÅ”to veće. Radi li se o djetetu koje ima poremećaj prehrane (funkcionalni ili nastao zbog poremećaja sisanje-gutanje kakav se može javiti kod djece rođene prije 33. tjedna gestacije) važno je na vrijeme identificirati problem i uz pomoć stručnog, multidisciplinarnog tima, isti problem liječiti.The diet of the newborn is a prerequisite for optimal growth and development and represents a basic human need. Whenever possible, we strive to satisfy all children's needs with breast milk, but if this is not possible or sufficient, there are other options that include breast milk enhancers, milk formula, enteral and parenteral feeding. What option we will decide on, depends on the clinical condition of the child and whether it is a newborn or premature child. The needs of a premature child are something greater. Whether it is a child who has an eating disorder (functional or due to suck-swallowing disorders that can occur in children born before the age of 33) it is important to identify the problem in time and with the help of a professional, multidisciplinary team, treat the problem

    Big Data in Creation of Distrubution Network

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    Sa sigurnoŔću se može reći da je u tijeku proces nove velike revolucije koja nosi svoje ime, Big Data. Iako je termin koji su osmislili znanstvenici za ovaj koncept u početku imao korijene u području poput astronomije i genomike, Big Data je svugdje i predstavlja izraz koji se može upotrijebiti za opisivanje i upravljanje bilo koje oblasti i područja. Ona je i resurs i alat čiji je glavni zadatak pružanje informacija. Međutim, koliko god može pomoći da se bolje razumije svijet oko nas, ovisno o tome kako se njima upravlja i tko ih kontrolira, mogu odvesti u nekom sasvim drugom smjeru. Iako se brojke koje se vežu za Big Data koncept mogu činiti ogromnima u ovom trenutku, treba postojati svijest da količina onoga Å”to se može prikupiti i sam postupak obrade je uvijek samo djelić informacija koje stvarno postoje u svijetu (i oko njega). Međutim, od nečega se mora početi!With certainty, we can say that we are in the process of a new big revolution that has its name,Big Data. Though the term was devised by scientists from the area such as astronomy and genomics, Big Data is everywhere. They are both a resource and a tool whose main task is to provide information. However, as far as it can help us better understand the world around us, depending on how they are managed and who controls them, they can take us in some other direction. Although the figures that bind to Big Data can seem enormous at this time, we must be aware that the amount of what we can collect and the process is always just a fraction of the information that really exists in the world (and around it). However, from something we have to start