622 research outputs found

    Contextual Factors Related To Stereotype Threat And Student Success In Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Education: A Mixed Methods Study

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    Stereotype threat is a widely researched phenomenon shown to impact performance in testing and evaluation situations (Katz, Roberts, & Robinson, 1965; Steele & Aronson, 1995). When related to gender, stereotype threat can lead women to score lower than men on standardized math exams (Spencer, Steele, & Quinn, 1999). Stereotype threat may be one reason women have lower enrollment in most science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors, hold a smaller number of STEM careers than men, and have a higher attrition rate in STEM professions (Hill, Corbet, & Rose, 2010; Picho & Brown 2011; Sorby & Baartmans, 2000). Most research has investigated stereotype threat using experiments yielding mixed results (Stoet & Geary, 2012). Thus, there is a need to explore stereotype threat using quantitative surveys and qualitative methods to examine other contextual factors that contribute to gender difference in STEM fields. This dissertation outlined a mixed methods study designed to, first, qualitatively explore stereotype threat and contextual factors related to high achieving women in STEM fields, as well as women who have failed and/or avoided STEM fields. Then, the quantitative portion of the study used the themes from the qualitative phase to create a survey that measured stereotype threat and other contextual variables related to STEM success and failure/avoidance. Fifteen participants were interviewed for the qualitative phase of the study and six themes emerged. The quantitative survey was completed 242 undergraduate participants. T-tests, correlations, regressions, and mediation analyses were used to analyze the data. There were significant relationships between stereotype threat and STEM confidence, STEM anxiety, giving up in STEM, and STEM achievement. Overall, this mixed methods study advanced qualitative research on stereotype threat, developed a much-needed scale for the measurement of stereotype threat, and tested the developed scale

    Education, Life Expectancy and Family Bargaining: The Ben-Porath Effect Revisited

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    Following Ben-Porath (1967), the influence of life expectancy on education has attracted much attention. Whereas existing growth models rely on an education decision made either by the child or by his parent, we revisit the Ben-Porath effect when the education is the outcome of a bargaining between the parent and the child. We develop a three-period OLG model with human capital accumulation and endogenous life expectancy, and show that, as a result of the unequal life horizons faced by parents and children, the Ben-Porath effect depends on the distribution of bargaining power within the family, which in turn affects the long-run dynamics of the economy. Using data on 17 OECD countries (1940-1980), we show that the introduction of intergenerational bargaining on education helps to rationalize the observed education patterns across countries

    The survival of the German FinTech market: An accounting-based valuation

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the essential characteristics of the financial statements of FinTech start-ups and to investigate which figures of balance sheets are suitable indicators of failure for this still rising group of start-ups. We conduct a quantitative analysis of 595 annual reports of FinTech start-ups issued between 2007 and 2016. Our study reveals that the balance sheets have a high share of current assets and often show losses not covered by equity. Based on the financial variables, the period of three to five years after foundation could be identified as critical phase for the future survival of FinTech start-ups. Two years before failure significant changes in some balance sheet figures are recognizable. Using a logistic regression model, we identify accounting figures serving as indicators for the separation of the two groups, active and failed FinTech start-ups

    Implicarea cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală

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    Introduction. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by deposits of beta amyloid in small and medium-sized vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. Lobar hemorrhage is a primary clinical sign of CAA. A subset of hemorrhages located in the cerebellum are thought to be associated with amyloid storage. Aim of the study. Analysis of the involvement of the cerebellum in CAA. Materials and methods. Patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage that were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging were selected. Data was accrued retrospectively from 2009- 2015 and prospectively from 2015 to 2019. Patients were diagnosed with CAA according to Boston criteria. The pattern of distribution of microhemorrhages, changes in white matter and cognitive abilities of patients with and without cerebellar involvement were analyzed. Results. Out of a total of 718 patients, 189 (26.3%) were examined by brain MRI. Of the 189 patients, 155 met the Boston criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement were younger (67 + -6 years vs 72 + -10 years, p < 0.001), and have more microhemorrhages 33 + -23 vs 3 + -9, p < 0.001. Patients with cerebellar involvement had a more white matter hyperintensities according to the Fazekas scale. In addition, cognitive disorders are more prevalent in patients with cerebellar involvement, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Conclusion: cerebellar involvement is not uncommon in CAA. Most patients have cerebellar microbleedings, have a more aggressive microvascular pattern, and more prominent cognitive changes.Introducere: Angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) este caracterizată prin depozite de amiloid beta în vasele creierului și leptomeningelui. Hemoragia intracerebrală (HI) lobară este semnul clinic al angiopatiei amiloide. Se presupune că un subgrup de hemoragii localizate în cerebel sunt asociate cu AAC. Scopul lucrării: Analiza implicării cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Materiale și metode: Au fost selectați pacienții cu hemoragie intracerebrală spontane investigați imagistic prin rezonanță magnetică. Au fost analizați retrospectiv pacienții internați în perioada 2009- 2015 și prospectiv în perioada 2015-2019. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu AAC conform criteriilor Boston. Au fost analizate pattern-ul distribuției microhemoragiilor, modificările substanței albe și capacitățile cognitive ale pacienților cu și fără implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate: Din totalul de 718 pacienți, 189 (26,3%) au fost examinați prin IRM cerebrală. Doar 155 pacienți au îndeplinit criteriile Boston pentru diagnosticul de AAC. Pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului sunt mai tineri (67 +-6 ani vs 72+-10 ani, p < 0.001), și au mai multe microhemoragii comparativ cu pacienții cu ACC fără implicarea cerebelului, 33+-23 vs. 3+-9, p < 0.001. La pacienții cu implicarea cerebelului s-a înregistrat un grad mai sever de afectare a substanței albe conform scalei Fazekas, și o prevalență mai mare a dereglărilor cognitive, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Concluzie: implicarea cerebelară nu este rară în AAC. Majoritatea pacienților prezintă microhemoragii cerebelare și hemoragii multiple, au un pattern microvascular mai agresiv, cu dereglările cognitive sunt mai proeminente


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) este caracterizată prin depozite de amiloid beta în vasele creierului și leptomeningelui. Hemoragia intracerebrală (HI) lobară este semnul clinic al angiopatiei amiloide. Se presupune că un subgrup de hemoragii localizate în cerebel sunt asociate cu AAC. Scopul lucrării: Analiza implicării cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Materiale și metode: Au fost selectați pacienții cu hemoragie intracerebrală spontane investigați imagistic prin rezonanță magnetică. Au fost analizați retrospectiv pacienții internați în perioada 20092015 și prospectiv în perioada 2015-2019. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu AAC conform criteriilor Boston. Au fost analizate pattern-ul distribuției microhemoragiilor, modificările substanței albe și capacitățile cognitive ale pacienților cu și fără implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate: Din totalul de 718 pacienți, 189 (26,3%) au fost examinați prin IRM cerebrală. Doar 155 pacienți au îndeplinit criteriile Boston pentru diagnosticul de AAC. Pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului sunt mai tineri (67 +-6 ani vs 72+-10 ani, p < 0.001), și au mai multe microhemoragii comparativ cu pacienții cu ACC fără implicarea cerebelului, 33+-23 vs. 3+-9, p < 0.001. La pacienții cu implicarea cerebelului s-a înregistrat un grad mai sever de afectare a substanței albe conform scalei Fazekas, și o prevalență mai mare a dereglărilor cognitive, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Concluzie: implicarea cerebelară nu este rară în AAC. Majoritatea pacienților prezintă microhemoragii cerebelare și hemoragii multiple, au un pattern microvascular mai agresiv, cu dereglările cognitive sunt mai proeminente.Introduction. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by deposits of beta amyloid in small and medium-sized vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. Lobar hemorrhage is a primary clinical sign of CAA. A subset of hemorrhages located in the cerebellum are thought to be associated with amyloid storage. Aim of the study. Analysis of the involvement of the cerebellum in CAA. Materials and methods. Patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage that were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging were selected. Data was accrued retrospectively from 20092015 and prospectively from 2015 to 2019. Patients were diagnosed with CAA according to Boston criteria. The pattern of distribution of microhemorrhages, changes in white matter and cognitive abilities of patients with and without cerebellar involvement were analyzed. Results. Out of a total of 718 patients, 189 (26.3%) were examined by brain MRI. Of the 189 patients, 155 met the Boston criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement were younger (67 + -6 years vs 72 + -10 years, p < 0.001), and have more microhemorrhages 33 + -23 vs 3 + -9, p < 0.001. Patients with cerebellar involvement had a more white matter hyperintensities according to the Fazekas scale. In addition, cognitive disorders are more prevalent in patients with cerebellar involvement, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Conclusion: cerebellar involvement is not uncommon in CAA. Most patients have cerebellar microbleedings, have a more aggressive microvascular pattern, and more prominent cognitive changes

    The focus of the Journal of Business Chemistry: Good management practices in the chemical industry

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    The chemical industry is one of the major global industries with specific management challenges. It is an industry in transition. Compared with its economic importance and its role in providing solutions for grand societal challenges, this industry as well as companies from pharmaceutical and biotech sectors receive comparatively little attention from management literature. With the Journal of Business Chemistry, we intend to create an international platform for discussions between scholars and practitioners on good management practice in these sectors. We thereby promote an interdisciplinary and transboundary approach and encourage authors and readers to look at developments at the intersection of natural sciences and management

    Hot or not – Which features make FinTechs attractive for investors?

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    Attracting investors and generating funding is a key issue for all start-ups. The information asymmetries between investor and start-up need to be reduced. Despite the overwhelming literature on venture capital financing and different signals reflecting venture quality, pinpointing the signals which impact funding decisions remains an open issue. This study presents an empirical examination of the effectiveness of different signals to convince investors and generate funding. We examine the impact of signals concerning venture quality (classic ones such as human capital, intellectual capital and social alliance/network capital as well as the strategic orientation in terms of business model patterns. Based on a comprehensive sample of more than 101 German FinTechs, our study delivers empirical evidence that human capital as well as the strategic orientation positively impacts a FinTech’s attractiveness. However, our chosen measures for intellectual capital and social network/alliance capital result in negative effects

    Patternul modificărilor substanței albe la pacienții cu angiopatie amiloidă și implicarea cerebelului

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    Background. Pathological changes in the cerebral white matter can be determined both in small vessel disease and in cerebral amyloid angiopathy. The pattern of involvement may be different depending on the etiology and severity of the process. Objective of the study. Determination and analysis of the pattern of cerebral white matter changes in patients with amyloid angiopathy and involvement of the cerebellum. Material and Methods. Patients with intracerebral hemorrhages who were examined by magnetic resonance imaging were prospectively analyzed. Patients were diagnosed with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) according to Boston criteria. Changes in white matter were interpreted using the Fazekas scale and compared for patients with CAA and patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement. Results. Of the 614 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, 96 were examined by cerebral magnetic resonance imaging. Of these, 41 patients were diagnosed with amyloid angiopathy, 19 patients with possible amyloid angiopathy, 21 patients - probable and 1 case with defined amyloid angiopathy. Cerebellar involvement was determined in 34% (14/41) cases. Severe changes in white matter (Fazekas 2-3) were seen patients with cerebellar involvement (12/14; 86% versus 8/27 and 30% p = 0.002). Conclusion. Involvement of the white matter in the pathological process is more significant in patients with amyloid angiopathy and the involvement of the cerebellum, even after adjusting for risk factors. Patients with cerebellar haemorrhage and severe white matter should be screened for amyloid angiopathy. Introducere. Modificări patologice la nivelul substanței albe cerebrale pot fi determinate atât în boala vaselor mici, cât și în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Patternul de implicare poate fi diferit, în dependență de etiologie și gravitatea procesului. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea și analiza patternului modificărilor substanței albe cerebrale la pacienții cu angiopatie amiloidă și implicarea cerebelului. Material și Metode. Au fost analizați prospectiv pacienții cu hemoragii intracerebrale, care au fost examinați prin imagistică și prin rezonanță magnetică. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu angiopatie amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) conform criteriilor Boston. Modificările în substanța albă au fost interpretate utilizând scala Fazekas și au fost comparate pentru pacienții cu ACC și pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate. Din 614 pacienți cu hemoragie intracerebrală, 96 au fost examinați prin rezonanță magnetică cerebrală. Dintre ei, 41 de pacienți au fost diagnosticați cu angiopatie amiloidă, 19 pacienți cu angiopatie amiloidă posibilă, 21 pacienți – probabilă și 1 caz cu angiopatie amiloidă definită. Implicarea cerebelului a fost determinată în 34% (14/41) cazuri. Modificări severe ale substanței albe (Fazekas 2-3) au fost determinate în grupul pacienților cu implicarea cerebelului (12/14; 86% versus 8/27ș 30% p=0.002). Concluzii. Implicarea substanței albe în procesul patologic este mai semnificativă la pacienții cu angiopatie amiloidă și implicarea cerebelului, chiar după ajustarea factorilor de risc. Pacienții cu hemoragie cerebeloasă și patologie severă a substanței albe trebuie examinați pentru angiopatie amiloidă