13 research outputs found

    Judiciary and State-Building of Kosovo: Execution of Imprisonment for Women in the Republic of Kosovo

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    Historically it is known that criminal offenses made by females are in lower level than the criminal offenses made by males. However, regardless of gender, it is important to note that for the perpetrators of criminal offenses have also been created the legal basis, and earlier has been used also the customary law, in order to sanction these criminal offenses. But, the main problem throughout the history of mankind has been that through the execution of these sanctions is the re-socialization of those persons achieved, especially for the females, as well as the issue of the physical aspect of the place, where the females should be held, in special prisons or together with other perpetrators of criminal offenses. When considering the penitentiary system in Kosovo, especially for the females, who are in one way or another in a position that has committed a crime and punished with sentence in prison, then from the moment of commencement of serving the sentence, they should be sent to a special prison for women in Kosovo, which is also known as the Lipjan Prison, which is located around 15 kilometers from the capital of Kosovo - Pristina. In this paper, we will try to elaborate the historical aspect of the development of the prison for women during the state-building of Kosovo, then the legal basis on which the sentence is served, and by not forgetting without studying and presenting most of the aspects, which are related to the functioning of the single prison for women during the state-building of the Republic of Kosovo

    Challenges of state sovereignty in the age of globalization

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    State and sovereignty are two words, which in XXI century are the most commonly used, as in internal plan as well as at in the international plan, the latter even more. But, while in the past centuries was talked about sovereignty as something that is strongly and indivisible connected to the state - as a mother with her child, in this century-in globalized world, the state and sovereignty are being used as something that were strongly connected, but today this connection is softened. This is done for many different reasons, because we are living in the time, where state sovereignty is not considered anymore as something absolute and intangible, meanings that no longer exists literally, and this is being proven every day more and more. We have the cases of humanitarian intervention, where the sovereignty of a state is taken temporarily or is violated, then we have the creation of regional and international organizations that every day more and more have gained strength within their organization, as it is the European Union with supranationality powers, then the impact of globalization on softening this absolute sovereignty, etc.. This scientific paper will present to the reader and all other stakeholders, the important elements which argue the falling down of absolute sovereignty of states in XXI century - in the era of globalization. &nbsp

    The impact of Democracy in the Media and Public Opinion

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    Media in the last two centuries, and especially with the development of science and technology have evolved enough and rightly today not coincidentally are also being considered as the fourth power state, for which freely can say that is presented as the work controler of the three powers of the state. The role of media is great for all societies, regardless of whether they are democratic or not, but rightly is emphasized the role (importance) of the media in democratic societies. So from this, it can be stated that the media are a very important element of the social democratic system and one of the main factors in the development of information society. It is understandable that without this important element, society (especially modern and democraticone), would be deprived of the most important instruments that influence the development of all areas of their lives. While, on the other hand the political system would be without an arm, or without its most important part, which directly affects the good functioning of this system. But, for the establishment of democracy it is required the continued development of free political life and new social relations. Free political life and socio-political relations are an integral and essential part of general democratic structure. The importance of political life in contemporary society is crucial for any political system, especially for the democratic system and the media being in the middle have a very special and important role. Keywords: media, public opinion, democracy, contemporary socieite

    Arnavutluk Ulusal Rönesansı ve Arnavut Devletinin İnşası

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    DergiPark: 550412trakyasobedAlbanians are among theoldest and most autochthonous people in Balkan. Known as the"Illyrians", "Albans", "Arberesh" and"Albanian", the Albanian people are among the founders of the BalkanPeninsula and among the most authentic contributors to the culture andcivilization of the European continent. Historians and great scholars of theworld and Albanian schoolars such as Thuman, Hahn, Shuflai, Stipcevic, Hosch,Çabej, Buda, Zheliskova have confirmed with their historical and linguisticstudies the autochtonity, authenticity and contribution of Albanians in thisregion of more than three thousand five hundred years.In this article, will bestudied the initiating period of this process, which is the Albanian NationalRenaissance, and its impact in the creation of the Albanian Nation State. Feltalone and without any support from international protection of any GreaterPower and especially from the Othoman Empire, Albanian National Identitystarted to be seen as one of the main idea, which remained to be proclaimed byAlbanian Renessaincers. So the Albanian National Renaissance movement beganlater than all the other Balkan peoples and not well-prepared in its politicalprojects. In the cultural, civilizational and spiritual plan, the AlbanianNational Renaissance was as broad and western as many other peoples of theregion. This paper will study the efforts, challenges and in general theelements in the context of creation of the Albanian nation, by bringing themain elements, which characterised this period of time.    Arnavutlar, Balkanların en kadim yerli halklarından biridir. İliryalılar, Arnavutluklular, Arnavutlar ya da Arbereşler olarak da bilinen Arnavutluk halkı, Balkan Yarımadasının kurucuları arasında olup, Avrupa kıtası uygarlıklarına ve kültürüne en ciddi katkıları yapan halklardan biridir. Tarihçiler, araştırmacılar ve Thuman, Hahn, Shuflai, Stipcevic, Hosch, Çabej, Buda, Zheliskova gibi Arnavut bilginler, tarih ve dilbilim çalışmaları aracılığıyla, Arnavutların 3500 yılı aşkın süredir bu bölgeye yaptıkları katkıları, bu halkın kadimliğini ve özgünlüğünü ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmada, "Arnavut Ulusal Rönesansı” olarak bilinen dönemin nasıl başladığına odaklanılmakta ve bu dönemin, Arnavut Ulus Devletinin kurulması üzerindeki etkileri irdelenmektedir. Herhangi bir büyük gücün, özellikle de Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun desteği ve uluslararası himayesi olmaksızın giderek yalnızlaşan Arnavutlar, Arnavut Ulusal Kimliğini bir ide olarak görmeye başlamış ve bu düşünce, Arnavut Rönesansı destekçilerinin temel savlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Arnavut Ulusal Rönesansı, Balkanlardaki tüm diğer halklarınkine kıyasla, çok daha geç yaşanmış olup, siyasi anlamda yeterince hazırlıklı bir yapı arz etmemektedir. Kültürel, uygarlaşma ve ruhani planlama açısından ise Arnavut Ulusal Rönesansı bölgedeki diğer halklarınki kadar kapsamlı ve batılı bir nitelik sergilemektedir. Bu çalışma, söz konusu dönemi niteleyen temel unsurları bir araya getirmek suretiyle, Arnavut kimliğinin inşasına yönelik çabaları ve karşılaşılan zorlukları incelemektedir.

    Refugee crisis in Europe and respect of the refugee’s rights

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    Human rights today are one of the rights, which in the era of globalization have just been set up and that in the past two decades have achieved to relativize the terms of the sovereignty of states, as were the case with the former Yugoslavia, and other continuously cases. So human rights, internationally have managed to stand on a pedestal and thus to be imposed as something that should definitely be respected by the states, because otherwise the latter will not be able to become part of global democratic processes. But in this scientific work will not be discussed the human rights in general, but, seeing that in recent years we have daily refugee’s crisis, I have seen with importance that in this scientific work to present the aspect of protection of the refugee rights, which rights are part of the international law on human rights – i.e. rights that are guaranteed under international law. But, whether really it happens in practice such a protection and how really are violated these rights, especially in certain Member States of the European Union, which has been gripped by a great wave of refugees and what will be the impact of this wave of refugees in Europe will be presented at this scientific wor

    The Impact of Democracy in the Media and Public Opinion

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    Media in the last two centuries, and especially with the development of science and technology have evolved enough and rightly today not coincidentally are also being considered as the fourth power state, for which freely can say that is presented as the work controler of the three powers of the state. The role of media is great for all societies, regardless of whether they are democratic or not, but rightly is emphasized the role (importance) of the media in democratic societies. So from this, it can be stated that the media are a very important element of the social democratic system and one of the main factors in the development of information society. It is understandable that without this important element, society (especially modern and democraticone), would be deprived of the most important instruments that influence the development of all areas of their lives. While, on the other hand the political system would be without an arm, or without its most important part, which directly affects the good functioning of this system. But, for the establishment of democracy it is required the continued development of free political life and new social relations. Free political life and sociopolitical relations are an integral and essential part of general democratic structure. The importance of political life in contemporary society is crucial for any political system, especially for the democratic system and the media being in the middle have a very special and important role

    Albanian Minority in Serbia

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    The problem of the protection of minorities was raised as an issue in the Treaty of Versailles (1919). Since 1989, with the collapse of communist regimes, Europe has witnessed ethnic conflicts. Whole region was characterized by ethnic conflicts, as was the case in the former - Yugoslavia, which risked stability and unity of Europe. In such circumstances, international organizations, such as the OSCE, European Council, European Union, have coordinated their efforts to develop a coherent system for the protection of human rights - national minorities. Today, the countries of Western Balkan are multi-ethnic societies, and minority rights remain key objectives of the European Union in its foreign policy. European Union at the beginning of XXI century with numerous projects is committed to stability and economic development of the region. It is well known that the position of minorities is one of the main criteria of EU accession to this organization, and within these countries is part also the Republic of Serbia. Now, the Republic of Serbia is in the process of negotiations with the EU. Chapter 23 deals with the issue of minorities, and in the Republic of Serbia is living also the ethnic Albanian minority. The paper deals with the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia. To understand today the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia, we will treat the historical aspect of the ethnic Albanians in Serbia in the political, economic and educational context. After the end of the Kosovo conflict, the position of Albanians in Serbia has been constantly deteriorated. In this paper will be analyzed the armed conflict in the Presevo Valley, as well as the political, economic, educational position of the Albanian minority in Serbia. The results of this research will contribute to shed light on the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia, which is proclaiming hard its democracy and fulfilment of Eucriterias for admission to this organization.&nbsp

    Albanian Minority in Serbia

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    The problem of the protection of minorities was raised as an issue in the Treaty of Versailles (1919). Since 1989, with the collapse of communist regimes, Europe has witnessed ethnic conflicts. Whole region was characterized by ethnic conflicts, as was the case in the former - Yugoslavia, which risked stability and unity of Europe. In such circumstances, international organizations, such as the OSCE, European Council, European Union, have coordinated their efforts to develop a coherent system for the protection of human rights - national minorities. Today, the countries of Western Balkan are multi-ethnic societies, and minority rights remain key objectives of the European Union in its foreign policy. European Union at the beginning of XXI century with numerous projects is committed to stability and economic development of the region. It is well known that the position of minorities is one of the main criteria of EU accession to this organization, and within these countries is part also the Republic of Serbia. Now, the Republic of Serbia is in the process of negotiations with the EU. Chapter 23 deals with the issue of minorities, and in the Republic of Serbia is living also the ethnic Albanian minority. The paper deals with the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia. To understand today the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia, we will treat the historical aspect of the ethnic Albanians in Serbia in the political, economic and educational context. After the end of the Kosovo conflict, the position of Albanians in Serbia has been constantly deteriorated. In this paper will be analyzed the armed conflict in the Presevo Valley, as well as the political, economic, educational position of the Albanian minority in Serbia. The results of this research will contribute to shed light on the position of the Albanian minority in Serbia, which is proclaiming hard its democracy and fulfillment of EU criteria’s for admission to this organization

    Challenges of State Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization

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    State and sovereignty are two words, which in XXI century are the most commonly used, as in internal plan as well as at in the international plan, the latter even more. But, while in the past centuries was talked about sovereignty as something that is strongly and indivisible connected to the state - as a mother with her child, in this century-in globalized world, the state and sovereignty are being used as something that were strongly connected, but today this connection is softened. This is done for many different reasons, because we are living in the time, where state sovereignty is not considered anymore as something absolute and intangible, meanings that no longer exists literally, and this is being proven every day more and more. We have the cases of humanitarian intervention, where the sovereignty of a state is taken temporarily or is violated, then we have the creation of regional and international organizations that every day more and more have gained strength within their organization, as it is the European Union with supranationality powers, then the impact of globalization on softening this absolute sovereignty, etc.. This scientific paper will present to the reader and all other stakeholders, the important elements which argue the falling down of absolute sovereignty of states in XXI century - in the era of globalization