154 research outputs found

    Religion und Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland. Eine Fallstudie zu VerhÀltnisbestimmungen von Wissenschaft und Religion in der Zeitschrift "Die FontÀne"

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    Angesiedelt im Überschneidungsbereich von Religionswissenschaft und Politikwissenschaft nimmt diese Fallstudie zur Zeitschrift "Die FontĂ€ne" das mediale Engagement muslimischer MedienmacherInnen in den Blick. Auf diese Weise werden zwei Segmente der Zivilgesellschaftsforschung zusammengefĂŒhrt, die bislang getrennt voneinander betrachtet wurden; nĂ€mlich: Zivilgesellschaft & Religion sowie Zivilgesellschaft & Medien. Anhand der religionswissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den in dieser Zeitschrift stattfindenden VerhĂ€ltnisbestimmungen von Wissenschaft und Religion wird aufgezeigt, auf welche Weise die AutorInnen der Zeitschrift "Die FontĂ€ne" (islamische) Religion in der Lebenswirklichkeit der deutschen Gesellschaft verorten. Somit versteht sich diese Untersuchung zugleich als ein religionswissenschaftlicher Beitrag zur Erforschung der neuesten deutschen Religionsgeschichte und ist Teil des noch jungen Forschungsfelds Religionspolitologie

    Vorbeugende Pflege- und Sorgepolitik: Herausforderungen und (kommunale) Gestaltungspotenziale in NRW

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    Es wird ein Konzept vorbeugender Pflege- und Sorgepolitik vorgestellt, das sowohl pflegebedĂŒrftige Personen als auch ihre pflegenden Angehörigen adressiert. FĂŒr pflegebedĂŒrftige Menschen steht dabei der Verbleib in der gewohnten, hĂ€uslichen Umgebung im Fokus. Pflegende Angehörige sollen vor gesundheitlichen SchĂ€den sowie vor Erwerbs- und Armutsrisiken geschĂŒtzt werden. Der Beitrag zeigt HandlungsansĂ€tze auf, wie dies mit einem Mix aus familiĂ€ren, professionellen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Hilfeleistungen gelingen könnte. Dabei geht es auch um Gestaltungspotenziale und -grenzen auf kommunaler Ebene

    A human phospholipid phosphatase activated by a transmembrane control module

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    In voltage-sensitive phosphatases (VSPs), a transmembrane voltage sensor domain (VSD) controls an intracellular phosphoinositide phosphatase domain, thereby enabling immediate initiation of intracellular signals by membrane depolarization. The existence of such a mechanism in mammals has remained elusive, despite the presence of VSP-homologous proteins in mammalian cells, in particular in sperm precursor cells. Here we demonstrate activation of a human VSP (hVSP1/TPIP) by an intramolecular switch. By engineering a chimeric hVSP1 with enhanced plasma membrane targeting containing the VSD of a prototypic invertebrate VSP, we show that hVSP1 is a phosphoinositide-5-phosphatase whose predominant substrate is PI(4,5)P(2). In the chimera, enzymatic activity is controlled by membrane potential via hVSP1\u27s endogenous phosphoinositide binding motif. These findings suggest that the endogenous VSD of hVSP1 is a control module that initiates signaling through the phosphatase domain and indicate a role for VSP-mediated phosphoinositide signaling in mammals

    Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Fiber Positioner Production

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    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is under construction to measure the expansion history of the Universe using the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation technique. The spectra of 35 million galaxies and quasars over 14000 sq deg will be measured during the life of the experiment. A new prime focus corrector for the KPNO Mayall telescope will deliver light to 5000 fiber optic positioners. The fibers in turn feed ten broad-band spectrographs. We will describe the production and manufacturing processes developed for the 5000 fiber positioner robots mounted on the focal plane of the Mayall telescope.Comment: SPIE 201

    Chemical exposure : european citizens’ perspectives, trust, and concerns on human biomonitoring initiatives, information needs, and scientific results

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Over the last few decades, citizen awareness and perception of chemical products has been a topic of interest, particularly concerning national and international policy decision makers, expert/scientific platforms, and the European Union itself. To date, few qualitative studies on human biomonitoring have analysed communication materials, made recommendations in terms of biomonitoring surveillance, or asked for feedback in terms of specific biomonitoring methods. This paper provides in-depth insight on citizens’ perceptions of knowledge of biomonitoring, impact of chemical exposure on daily life, and claims on how results of research should be used. Four semi-structured focus groups were held in Austria, Portugal, Ireland, and the United Kingdom (UK). The cross-sectional observational qualitative design of this study allows for better understanding of public concern regarding chemicals, application, and use of human biomonitoring. The main findings of this study include citizens’ clear articulation on pathways of exposure, the demand on stakeholders for transparent decision-making, and sensitivity in communication of results to the public. Validated and trustful communication is perceived as key to empowering citizens to take action. The results can be used to facilitate decision-making and policy development, and feeds into the awareness needs of similar and future projects in human biomonitoring. Furthermore, it also brings to light ideas and concepts of citizens’ in shaping collaborative knowledge between citizens’, experts, scientists, and policy makers on equal terms.The HBM4EU project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 73303info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High correlation of temporal muscle thickness with lumbar skeletal muscle cross-sectional area in patients with brain metastases.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the correlation of temporal muscle thickness (TMT), measured on routine cranial magnetic resonance (MR) images, with lumbar skeletal muscles obtained on computed tomography (CT) images in brain metastasis patients to establish a new parameter estimating skeletal muscle mass on brain MR images. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the cross-sectional area (CSA) of skeletal muscles at the level of the third lumbar vertebra on computed tomography scans and correlated these values with TMT on MR images of the brain in two independent cohorts of 93 lung cancer and 61 melanoma patients (overall: 154 patients) with brain metastases. RESULTS: Pearson correlation revealed a strong association between mean TMT and CSA in lung cancer and melanoma patients with brain metastases (0.733; p<0.001). The two study cohorts did not differ significantly in patient characteristics, including age (p = 0.661), weight (p = 0.787), and height (p = 0.123). However, TMT and CSA measures differed significantly between male and female patients in both lung cancer and melanoma patients with brain metastases (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that TMT, measured on routine cranial MR images, is a useful surrogate parameter for the estimation of skeletal muscle mass in patients with brain metastases. Thus, TMT may be useful for prognostic assessment, treatment considerations, and stratification or a selection factor for clinical trials in patients with brain metastases. Further studies are needed to assess the association between TMT and clinical frailty parameters, and the usefulness of TMT in patients with primary brain tumors

    100 years of inherited metabolic disorders in Austria-A national registry of minimal birth prevalence, diagnosis, and clinical outcome of inborn errors of metabolism in Austria between 1921 and 2021

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    Inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are a heterogeneous group of rare disorders characterized by disruption of metabolic pathways. To date, data on incidence and prevalence of IMDs are limited. Taking advantage of a functioning network within the Austrian metabolic group, our registry research aimed to update the data of the "Registry for Inherited Metabolic Disorders" started between 1985 and 1995 with retrospectively retrieved data on patients with IMDs according to the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism International Classification of Diseases 11 (SSIEM ICD11) catalogue. Included in this retrospective register were 2631 patients with an IMD according to the SSIEM ICD11 Classification, who were treated in Austria. Thus, a prevalence of 1.8/10 000 for 2020 and a median minimal birth prevalence of 16.9/100 000 (range 0.7/100 000-113/100 000) were calculated for the period 1921 to February 2021. We detected a male predominance (m:f = 1.2:1) and a mean age of currently alive patients of 17.6 years (range 5.16 months-100 years). Most common diagnoses were phenylketonuria (17.7%), classical galactosaemia (6.6%), and biotinidase deficiency (4.2%). The most common diagnosis categories were disorders of amino acid and peptide metabolism (819/2631; 31.1%), disorders of energy metabolism (396/2631; 15.1%), and lysosomal disorders (395/2631; 15.0%). In addition to its epidemiological relevance, the "Registry for Inherited Metabolic Disorders" is an important tool for enhancing an exchange between care providers. Moreover, by pooling expertise it prospectively improves patient treatment, similar to pediatric oncology protocols. A substantial requirement for ful filling this goal is to regularly update the registry and provide nationwide coverage with inclusion of all medical specialties
