2,158 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular responses to postural change and aerobic capacity among middle-aged men and women before and after aerobic physical training

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar respostas cardiovasculares a Manobra Postural Passiva (Tilt Test) e capacidade cardiorrespiratória em homens e mulheres de meia-idade antes e após treinamento físico aeróbio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Sete homens - GH (44,6±2,1 anos) e sete mulheres - GM (51,7±4,8 anos), participaram de treinamento físico aeróbio por 12 semanas. Foi realizado protocolo de Tilt Test (cinco minutos supino, dez minutos inclinado 70º, cinco minutos supino), com monitoração da pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca. Para mensuração da capacidade cardiorrespiratória foi realizado protocolo em cicloergômetro. RESULTADOS: Na condição sedentária, GH mostrou maior influência parassimpática no controle da freqüência cardíaca evidenciada por maior intervalo RR (iRR) durante Tilt Test. Na condição treinada, os valores de iRR de ambos os grupos se assemelham, tendo as mulheres iRR maior em supino, mas na inclinação os homens mantêm iRR mais elevado. Para pressão arterial, as mulheres permanecem com valores superiores após treino, mas a freqüência cardíaca tende a se assemelhar em ambos. Já na capacidade cardiorrespiratória, homens e mulheres têm um padrão de comportamento semelhante após treino. Com exceção dos valores absolutos da freqüência cardíaca, sem diferenças entre os grupos, para todas as outras variáveis os homens obtiveram valores superiores aos das mulheres. Observa-se ainda que, após o treinamento, houve redução significativa dos valores de pressão arterial no GM, mesmo continuando superiores aos dos homens. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento parece ter reduzido os níveis pressóricos nas mulheres, além de serem observadas melhorias na capacidade cardiorrespiratória de ambos os grupos, permanecendo os homens com melhor desempenho do que as mulheres.OBJECTIVE: To compare the cardiovascular responses to passive postural maneuvers (tilt test) and the cardiorespiratory capacity in middle-aged men and women, before and after aerobic physical training. METHODS: Seven men (44.6±2.1 years old) and seven women (51.7±4.8 years old) participated in aerobic physical training for 12 weeks. The tilt test protocol (five minutes supine, ten minutes tilted at 70º and five minutes supine) was followed, with arterial blood pressure and heart rate monitoring. A cycle ergometer protocol was used to measure cardiorespiratory capacity. RESULTS: In the sedentary condition, men showed greater parasympathetic influence in heart rate control, as demonstrated by their higher RR interval (iRR) during the tilt test. After training, the iRR values became more similar in the two groups, although the women had higher iRR in the supine position and the men continued to present higher iRR under tilted conditions. The women's blood pressures continued to be higher after training, but heart rate tended to become similar in the two groups. The cardiorespiratory capacity patterns in the two groups were similar after training. Except for absolute heart rate values, for which there were no differences between the groups, the men's values were higher than those of the women for all other variables. It was also observed that, after the training, the women's blood pressures were significantly lower, even though their pressures remained higher than the men's. CONCLUSIONS: The training seemed to reduce the women's arterial blood pressure levels and improve both groups' cardiorespiratory capacity, but the men continued to present better performance than the women

    a case study from Portugal

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    Optical parametric oscillation with distributed feedback in cold atoms

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    There is currently a strong interest in mirrorless lasing systems, in which the electromagnetic feedback is provided either by disorder (multiple scattering in the gain medium) or by order (multiple Bragg reflection). These mechanisms correspond, respectively, to random lasers and photonic crystal lasers. The crossover regime between order and disorder, or correlated disorder, has also been investigated with some success. Here, we report one-dimensional photonic-crystal lasing (that is, distributed feedback lasing) with a cold atom cloud that simultaneously provides both gain and feedback. The atoms are trapped in a one-dimensional lattice, producing a density modulation that creates a strong Bragg reflection with a small angle of incidence. Pumping the atoms with auxiliary beams induces four-wave mixing, which provides parametric gain. The combination of both ingredients generates a mirrorless parametric oscillation with a conical output emission, the apex angle of which is tunable with the lattice periodicity

    Posterior Spiracles of Fourth Instar Larvae of Four Species of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) under Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    In the present study, posterior spiracles of laboratory-reared fourth instar larvae of Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. lenti, and L. whitmani (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the State of Ceará, Brazil, were examined under scanning electron microscopy. The number of papillae of spiracles examined varied according to the species examined, but no intraspecific differences were found. The importance of this structure to sand fly larva identification and phylogeny is commented

    Cardiovascular responses to postural change and aerobic capacity among middle-aged men and women before and after aerobic physical training

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar respostas cardiovasculares a Manobra Postural Passiva (Tilt Test) e capacidade cardiorrespiratória em homens e mulheres de meia-idade antes e após treinamento físico aeróbio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Sete homens - GH (44,6±2,1 anos) e sete mulheres - GM (51,7±4,8 anos), participaram de treinamento físico aeróbio por 12 semanas. Foi realizado protocolo de Tilt Test (cinco minutos supino, dez minutos inclinado 70º, cinco minutos supino), com monitoração da pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca. Para mensuração da capacidade cardiorrespiratória foi realizado protocolo em cicloergômetro. RESULTADOS: Na condição sedentária, GH mostrou maior influência parassimpática no controle da freqüência cardíaca evidenciada por maior intervalo RR (iRR) durante Tilt Test. Na condição treinada, os valores de iRR de ambos os grupos se assemelham, tendo as mulheres iRR maior em supino, mas na inclinação os homens mantêm iRR mais elevado. Para pressão arterial, as mulheres permanecem com valores superiores após treino, mas a freqüência cardíaca tende a se assemelhar em ambos. Já na capacidade cardiorrespiratória, homens e mulheres têm um padrão de comportamento semelhante após treino. Com exceção dos valores absolutos da freqüência cardíaca, sem diferenças entre os grupos, para todas as outras variáveis os homens obtiveram valores superiores aos das mulheres. Observa-se ainda que, após o treinamento, houve redução significativa dos valores de pressão arterial no GM, mesmo continuando superiores aos dos homens. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento parece ter reduzido os níveis pressóricos nas mulheres, além de serem observadas melhorias na capacidade cardiorrespiratória de ambos os grupos, permanecendo os homens com melhor desempenho do que as mulheres.OBJECTIVE: To compare the cardiovascular responses to passive postural maneuvers (tilt test) and the cardiorespiratory capacity in middle-aged men and women, before and after aerobic physical training. METHODS: Seven men (44.6±2.1 years old) and seven women (51.7±4.8 years old) participated in aerobic physical training for 12 weeks. The tilt test protocol (five minutes supine, ten minutes tilted at 70º and five minutes supine) was followed, with arterial blood pressure and heart rate monitoring. A cycle ergometer protocol was used to measure cardiorespiratory capacity. RESULTS: In the sedentary condition, men showed greater parasympathetic influence in heart rate control, as demonstrated by their higher RR interval (iRR) during the tilt test. After training, the iRR values became more similar in the two groups, although the women had higher iRR in the supine position and the men continued to present higher iRR under tilted conditions. The women's blood pressures continued to be higher after training, but heart rate tended to become similar in the two groups. The cardiorespiratory capacity patterns in the two groups were similar after training. Except for absolute heart rate values, for which there were no differences between the groups, the men's values were higher than those of the women for all other variables. It was also observed that, after the training, the women's blood pressures were significantly lower, even though their pressures remained higher than the men's. CONCLUSIONS: The training seemed to reduce the women's arterial blood pressure levels and improve both groups' cardiorespiratory capacity, but the men continued to present better performance than the women.12539240

    EGFR inhibitors identified as a potential treatment for chordoma in a focused compound screen.

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    Chordoma is a rare malignant bone tumour with a poor prognosis and limited therapeutic options. We undertook a focused compound screen (FCS) against 1097 compounds on three well-characterized chordoma cell lines; 154 compounds were selected from the single concentration screen (1 µm), based on their growth-inhibitory effect. Their half-maximal effective concentration (EC50 ) values were determined in chordoma cells and normal fibroblasts. Twenty-seven of these compounds displayed chordoma selective cell kill and 21/27 (78%) were found to be EGFR/ERBB family inhibitors. EGFR inhibitors in clinical development were then studied on an extended cell line panel of seven chordoma cell lines, four of which were sensitive to EGFR inhibition. Sapitinib (AstraZeneca) emerged as the lead compound, followed by gefitinib (AstraZeneca) and erlotinib (Roche/Genentech). The compounds were shown to induce apoptosis in the sensitive cell lines and suppressed phospho-EGFR and its downstream pathways in a dose-dependent manner. Analysis of substituent patterns suggested that EGFR-inhibitors with small aniline substituents in the 4-position of the quinazoline ring were more effective than inhibitors with large substituents in that position. Sapitinib showed significantly reduced tumour growth in two xenograft mouse models (U-CH1 xenograft and a patient-derived xenograft, SF8894). One of the resistant cell lines (U-CH2) was shown to express high levels of phospho-MET, a known bypass signalling pathway to EGFR. Neither amplifications (EGFR, ERBB2, MET) nor mutations in EGFR, ERBB2, ERBB4, PIK3CA, BRAF, NRAS, KRAS, PTEN, MET or other cancer gene hotspots were detected in the cell lines. Our findings are consistent with the reported (p-)EGFR expression in the majority of clinical samples, and provide evidence for exploring the efficacy of EGFR inhibitors in the treatment of patients with chordoma and studying possible resistance mechanisms to these compounds in vitro and in vivo. © 2016 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland