5 research outputs found

    Geologia e geoquímica do maciço granítico arqueano Xinguara e de sua encaixantes, sudeste do estado do Pará

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    CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Geoquímica, petrogênese e evolução estrutural dos granitóides arqueanos da região de Xinguara, SE do Cráton amazônico

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    The Xinguara region is situated in the northern sector of the Rio Maria Granite-Greenstone Terrain (RMGGT), southeastern Amazonian craton. The RMGGT is composed by greenstone belts and diversified granitoid plutons. Granitoids and gneisses, formeriy included indistinctly in the Xingu Complex, have been individualized in two new stratigraphic units: The Caracol tonalitic complex (CTc), which shows enclaves of the greenstone belts and the Água Fria trondhjemite (THaf). The Iatter is intrusive in the Sapucaia greenstone belt and in the CTc, and coeval with the Xinguara granite (Gxg). Some granodioritic bodies exposed in the Xinguara region are correlated with the Rio Maria granodiorite (GDrm). They are younger than the CTc and older than the THaf and Gxg. The dominant regional structures follow a WNW-ESE trend, observed in the south portion of the CTc and also in the comparatively younger granitoid plutons. The CTc preserves a N-S banding in its NW sector, but this structure is transposed to the WNW-ESE regional trend. The GDrm shows strongly flattened mafic enclaves, which defines a foliation; The THaf displays a magmatic banding; The Gxg pluton has an elongated shape; ali these structures follow the regional trend. The Gxg displays a weak foliation, subhorizontal at the center and dipping at high angles along the borders of the intrusion. The G1 axis of the regional stress during the intrusion of the granitoids was horizontal and trending N40E. The regional stress remained active during the submagmatic stage of the CTc evolution, as indicated by the presence of folds or boudins affecting its banding. It was responsible by the transposition to WNW-ESE of N-S structures. The stress field orientation was similar during the two phases of the Archean evolution of the region. This is suggested by the main submagmatic to subsolidus deformation structures in the GDrm, THaf, and Gxg. The changing trends of the CTc foliation suggest that the CTc was formed by domic plutons, intruded and sectionated by the younger granitic intrusions. Al-in amphibole geobarometer data suggest that the GDrm crystallized under a lithostatic pressure of —3 kbar, equivalent to a —10 km depth. The contact metamorphic effects of the Rio Maria granodiorite in the metabasaltic rocks of the Identidade greenstone belt are coherent with this data and suggest also that its emplacement was not diapiric-controlled. The variation in the intensity and orientation of the foliation in the Xinguara pluton and the deformation imprinted on its country rocks suggest its emplacement by bailooning. The emplacement of the THaf was probably controlled by diapiric processes. The CTc is a typical TTG, similar to those of the Archean trondhjemite series. Two different geochemical signatures have been identified in this granitoid on the basis of accentuated contrasts in LaN/YbN ratios. The GDrm is different of the TTG series. It follows the calc-alkaline trend and is similar to the Mg-rich granodiorites of the Sanukite Series. The THaf is geochemically similar to the CTc and by extension to the Archean TTG, but it is comparatively enriched in K2O. The Gxg is a high-K2O, strongly fractionated, calc-alkaline Archean leucogranite. Its REE pattern is indicative of a crustal origin. The dominant, high LaN/YbN ratio CTc group crystallized from a liquid probably originated from the partial melting of garnet amphibolites derived from 'normal' tholeiites. The latter should be similar in composition to the Archean metabasalts or to the metabasalts from the Identidade greenstone belt and the degree of partial fusion required would be, respectively, 25-30% and 10-15. On the other hand, the tonalites with Iow LaN/YbN ratios crystallized from a liquid derived from a garnet-free similar source. Nd isotopic data indicate a mantle source and a juvenile character for the tonalites of the first group. A tonalite sample of the second group and an enclave in the Gxg yielded negative ONd values and >3.2 Ga TDM ages. These data suggest that the tonalites of this group could derive from an older source with a longer crustal residence time. The THaf may have been generated by 5-10% partial melting of garnet amphibolites derived from metabasalts, chemically similar to the metabasalts from Identidade. The liquids of the Gxg were originated by variable degrees of partial melting of a source similar to the oldest TTG granitoids. The Archean geologic evolution of the Xinguara region occurs in two stages. The first starts in the interval of 3,2 Ga, sugerindo participação de uma fonte mais antiga e com maior tempo de residência crustal. O THaf pode ter sido gerado a partir de 5 a 10% de fusão de metabasaltos de composição química similar aos de Identidade, transformados em granada-anfibolito. Os líquidos do Gxg tiveram origem a partir de diferentes graus de fusão de fonte de composição similar aos granitóides TTG mais antigos. A evolução geológica arqueana de Xinguara ocorreu em duas fases. A primeira deu-se no período de <2,95 a 2,91 Ga e revela analogias com a evolução dos crátons Pilbara (Autrália) e Dharwar (Índia). A segunda fase ocorreu a partir de 2,88 Ga, quando há fortes evidências de mudanças no comportamento da crosta. Neste estágio se daria o espessamento e estabilização da mesma, o que a tornaria mais rígida. A partir daí os processos de convergência e subducção de placas foram mais efetivos. Neste contexto, a fusão do manto enriquecido geraria o magma parental do GDrm. A fusão de granada-anfibolito da crosta oceânica subductante geraria o magma do THaf. A ascensão dos magmas do THaf e do GDrm forneceria calor para a fusão dos granitóides TTG da base da crosta e geração dos magmas graníticos do pluton Xinguara

    Inclusões fluidas crepitadas, fluidos hipersalinos e aquo-carbônicos em quartzo associado a rochas micáceas no Granito Xinguara - Terreno Granito-Greenstone de Rio Maria, PA

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    As rochas micáceas encontradas no Granito Xinguara, terreno Granito-Greenstone de Rio Maria, Pará, são compostas por muscovita e clorita com níveis de quartzo intercalados, que formam uma xistosidade bem desenvolvida. Essa xistosidade é cortada por veios de quartzo. Ambas as gerações de quartzo apresentam os mesmos tipos de inclusões fluidas em halos ou trilhas secundárias de composições variadas entre aquosas, aquo-carbônicas e saturadas em torno de grandes inclusões primárias crepitadas ou em trilhas transgranulares secundárias. A grande variação de temperaturas de homogeneização, a alta salinidade, as evidências de estrangulamento e a existência das inclusões crepitadas permitem supor forte influência de alterações pós-formacionais e reequilíbrio relacionados à intrusão do granito. Essas rochas foliadas são, portanto, enclaves metassedimentares afetados por fluidos graníticos hipersalinos aquo-carbônicos

    Petrography, mineral chemistry, and hydrothermal processes associated with the São Jorge gold deposit, Tapajós Gold Province, Amazonian Craton

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    The Paleoproterozoic São Jorge gold deposit is situated in the Tapajós Gold Province of the Amazonian Craton. The deposit is hosted by an amphibole biotite monzogranite, composed of quartz, potassic feldspar, plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, titanite and opaques. Four dominant mineral assemblages were recognized in the deposit. Assemblage 1 was formed during the magmatic stage and is characterized by the presence of amphibole and andesine-oligoclase. Assemblage 2 shows the total replacement of the amphibole and intense saussuritization of the primary plagioclase, epidote is a ubiquitous phase and biotite is partially chloritized. Assemblages 3 and 4 are related to the hydrothermal processes, which generated the sulfide and gold mineralization. Assemblage 3 is dominated by chlorite and albitic plagioclase with subordinate white micas and, sometimes, biotite. Assemblage 4 is dominated by white micas, carbonates and pyrite. It is a result of a phyllic alteration, with associated carbonatization. Chlorite geothermometer suggests temperatures of 300±40 °C for the 3 and 4 assemblages. Al in hornblende geobarometer indicates low pressures, around 1 kbar for the crystallization of the mineralized granites. Oxidizing conditions, above NNO, prevailed during the genesis of the deposit. The hydrothermal assemblages of São Jorge differ from those described at Joel and Davi and are not dominated by epidote minerals as registered in other areas of the Tapajós province. A porphyry model or intrusion-related model are best adapted for the São Jorge deposit. The latter has similarities with the Serrinha deposit in the Juruena province and Batalha in the Tapajós province but it has more strong analogies with the Volta Grande hydrothermal system in southern Brazil.O depósito de ouro São Jorge, de idade paleoproterozóica, está situado na Província Aurífera do Tapajós, Cráton Amazônico. Ele está hospedado em um anfibólio-biotita-monzogranito constituído por quartzo, feldspato potássico, plagioclásio, anfibólio, biotita, titanita e opacos. Quatro associações minerais foram reconhecidas no depósito. A associação 1, formada durante o estágio magmático, é caracterizada pela presença de anfibólio e andesina-oligoclásio. A associação 2 mostra substituição total do anfibólio e intensa saussuritização do plagioclásio primário; o epidoto é uma fase marcante e a biotita é parcialmente cloritizada. As associações 3 e 4 estão relacionadas aos processos hidrotermais que geraram a mineralização de sulfeto e ouro. A assembléia 3 é dominada por clorita e plagioclásio albítico, com quantidade subordinada de mica branca e, por vezes, biotita. A associação 4 é dominada por mica branca, pirita e carbonatos sendo o resultado de uma alteração fílica com carbonatação associada. O geotermômetro da clorita sugere temperaturas de 300±40 °C para as associações 3 e 4. O geobarômetro do Al na hornblenda indica pressões em torno de 1 kbar para a cristalização dos granitos mineralizados. Condições oxidantes, acima do tampão NNO, prevaleceram durante a gênese dos depósitos. As associações hidrotermais de São Jorge diferem daquelas descritas nos garimpos Joel e Davi e não são dominadas por epidoto, como sugerido em outras áreas da Província Tapajós. Um modelo pórfiro ou intrusion-related são melhor adaptados para o depósito São Jorge. Este último tem similaridades com o depósito Serrinha da Província Juruena e Batalha, na Província Tapajós, e fortes analogias com o sistema hidrotermal Volta Grande no sul do Brasil

    Evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (EAGLE): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries

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    Background Anastomotic leak affects 8 per cent of patients after right colectomy with a 10-fold increased risk of postoperative death. The EAGLE study aimed to develop and test whether an international, standardized quality improvement intervention could reduce anastomotic leaks. Methods The internationally intended protocol, iteratively co-developed by a multistage Delphi process, comprised an online educational module introducing risk stratification, an intraoperative checklist, and harmonized surgical techniques. Clusters (hospital teams) were randomized to one of three arms with varied sequences of intervention/data collection by a derived stepped-wedge batch design (at least 18 hospital teams per batch). Patients were blinded to the study allocation. Low- and middle-income country enrolment was encouraged. The primary outcome (assessed by intention to treat) was anastomotic leak rate, and subgroup analyses by module completion (at least 80 per cent of surgeons, high engagement; less than 50 per cent, low engagement) were preplanned. Results A total 355 hospital teams registered, with 332 from 64 countries (39.2 per cent low and middle income) included in the final analysis. The online modules were completed by half of the surgeons (2143 of 4411). The primary analysis included 3039 of the 3268 patients recruited (206 patients had no anastomosis and 23 were lost to follow-up), with anastomotic leaks arising before and after the intervention in 10.1 and 9.6 per cent respectively (adjusted OR 0.87, 95 per cent c.i. 0.59 to 1.30; P = 0.498). The proportion of surgeons completing the educational modules was an influence: the leak rate decreased from 12.2 per cent (61 of 500) before intervention to 5.1 per cent (24 of 473) after intervention in high-engagement centres (adjusted OR 0.36, 0.20 to 0.64; P &lt; 0.001), but this was not observed in low-engagement hospitals (8.3 per cent (59 of 714) and 13.8 per cent (61 of 443) respectively; adjusted OR 2.09, 1.31 to 3.31). Conclusion Completion of globally available digital training by engaged teams can alter anastomotic leak rates. Registration number: NCT04270721 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov)