15 research outputs found

    Impact of oral health conditions on the quality of life of workers

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    Occupational health has been the scope of numerous studies, primarily due to the concern that the worker should enjoy good working conditions and a satisfactory quality of life. This study seeks to analyze the impact of oral health on the quality of life of workers at a public university using the simplified version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 326 workers who responded the questions of OHIP-14 about self-rated health, oral morbidity, and socioeconomic and demographic questions. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to verify the association between the independent variables and OHIP-14. About 40% of the impact of oral health on quality of life can be explained by the variables: education level (p = 0,03), age (p = 0,03), reason for visiting a dentist (p = 0,01), oral health perception (p < 0,01) and satisfaction with teeth and mouth (p < 0,01). The use of OHIP-14 can be useful for planning programs and actions focused on health education for occupational health, prioritizing workers with greater psychosocial impacts caused by oral problems.

    Breastfeeding and the anthropometric profile of children with sickle cell anemia receiving follow-up in a newborn screening reference service

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    AbstractObjectiveTo study the breastfeeding history (BF) and the anthropometric status of children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).MethodsA cross-sectional study of 357 children with SCD aged between 2 and 6 years, regularly followed at a Newborn Screening Reference Service (NSRS) between November 2007 and January 2009. The outcome was anthropometric status and the exposures were: BF pattern, type of hemoglobinopathy and child's age and gender.ResultsThe mean (SD) age was 3.7 (1.1) years, 52.9% were boys and 53.5% had SCA (hemoglobin SS). The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBR) up to six months of age was 31.5%, the median EBR times (p25-p75) was 90.0 (24.0-180.0) days and the median weaning ages (p25-p75) was 360.0 (90.0-720.0) days respectively. Normal W/H children experienced EBR for a mean duration almost four times longer than malnourished children (p=0.01), and were weaned later (p<0.05). Height deficit was found in 5.0% of children, while all the children with severe short stature had had SCA (hemoglobin SS) and were older than 4 years of age.ConclusionsEBF time and weaning age were greater than that found in the literature, which is a possible effect of the multidisciplinary follow-up. Duration of EBF and later weaning were associated with improved anthropometric indicators

    Alterações antropométricas em crianças com doença falciforme

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    Introdução: Anormalidades antropométricas são observadas em crianças com doença falciforme antes dos dois anos de vida, tendo como principais fatores relacionados o gasto energético em repouso elevado, a maior frequência de internações e a reduzida ingestão energética e de micronutrientes. Objetivo: Revisar os principais mecanismos envolvidos no déficit antropométrico de crianças com doença falciforme. Discussão: A doença falciforme apresenta alterações multissitêmicas e heterogêneas, sendo as crises álgicas ocasionadas pela vaso-oclusão, a hemólise crônica e a maior susceptibilidade às infecções os eventos clínicos mais relacionados. Esse conjunto de fatores contribui para que essas crianças apresentem maior gasto energético em repouso e ingestão calórica reduzida, mesmo em períodos assintomáticos, resultando em desbalanço energético, déficits antropométricos e alterações na composição corporal, influenciados pelo genótipo, persistência de hemoglobina fetal elevada, acesso à assistência médica, cuidados pessoais, hidratação, alimentação, condição socioeconômica, entre outros. Conclusão: Apesar das limitações metodológicas de muitos estudos que medem o gasto energético e ingestão calórica de crianças com doença falciforme, todos concordam que essas crianças apresentam, com maior frequência, déficits antropométricos, especialmente quando presente a homozigose para a hemoglobina S, a anemia falciforme. A fisiopatologia da doença falciforme indica um aumento do gasto energético devido à hemólise crônica, aumento da taxa cardíaca e maior incidência de infecções.

    Aleitamento materno e perfil antropométrico de crianças com doença falciforme acompanhadas em serviço de referência em triagem neonatal

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    Objetivo: descrever a história de aleitamento materno (AM) e estado antropométrico de crianças com doença falciforme (DF). Métodos: estudo transversal com 357 crianças com hemoglobinopatias SS e SC de dois e seis anos, acompanhadas regularmente num Serviço de Referência em Triagem Neonatal (SRTN) entre novembro de 2007 e janeiro de 2009. O desfecho correspondeu ao estado antropométrico e as exposições foram: padrão do AM, tipo de hemoglobinopatia, faixa etária e sexo da criança. Resultados: a média (DP) de idade observada foi de 3,7 (1,1) anos, 52,9% meninos e 53,5% com hemoglobinopatia SS. A prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) até o sexto mês foi de 31,5%, a mediana (p25-p75) do tempo de AME foi de 90 (24-180) dias e a mediana (p25-p75) da idade de desmame foi de 360 (90-720) dias. Crianças eutróficas em relação ao P/A tiveram o tempo de AME, em média, quase quatro vezes maior do que os desnutridos (p < 0,01), bem como foram desmamadas mais tarde (p < 0,05). O déficit de altura foi encontrado em 5% das crianças e todas as crianças com baixa estatura grave tinham hemoglobinopatia SS e mais de quatro anos. Conclusões: o tempo de AME e a idade de desmame foram superiores aos encontrados na literatura, possível efeito do acompanhamento multidisciplinar. A duração do AME e a idade mais tardia de desmame foram associadas a melhores indicadores antropométricos.Objective: to study the breastfeeding history (BF) and the anthropometric status of children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Methods: a cross-sectional study of 357 children with SCD aged between 2 and 6 years, regularly followed at a Newborn Screening Reference Service (NSRS) between November 2007 and January 2009. The outcome was anthropometric status and the exposures were: BF pattern, type of hemoglobinopathy and child's age and gender. Results: the mean (SD) age was 3.7 (1.1) years, 52.9% were boys and 53.5% had SCA (hemoglobin SS). The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBR) up to six months of age was 31.5%, the median EBR times (p25-p75) was 90.0 (24.0-180.0) days and the median weaning ages (p25-p75) was 360.0 (90.0-720.0) days respectively. Normal W/H children experienced EBR for a mean duration almost four times longer than malnourished children (p=0.01), and were weaned later (p<0.05). Height deficit was found in 5.0% of children, while all the children with severe short stature had had SCA (hemoglobin SS) and were older than 4 years of age. Conclusions: EBF time and weaning age were greater than that found in the literature, which is a possible effect of the multidisciplinary follow-up. Duration of EBF and later weaning were associated with improved anthropometric indicators

    Calcium and fat metabolic balance, and gastrointestinal tolerance in term infants fed milk-based formulas with and without palm olein and palm kernel oils: a randomized blinded crossover study

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    BACKGROUND: Effects of palm olein (POL) on calcium and fat metabolic balance and gastrointestinal (GI) tolerance have been clinically evaluated but its use in combination with palm kernel oil (PKO), and canola oil has not been similarly assessed in infants. METHODS: Calcium and fat balance and GI tolerance were evaluated in 33 healthy term infants (age = 68-159d) in a randomized, double-blinded, 14d crossover trial at a day care center in Salvador, Brazil; followed by a 4d hospital ward metabolic balance study in 17 of the male subjects. The study compared two commercially available milk-based powdered formulas in Brazil; one containing POL (44% of total fat), PKO (21.7%) and canola oil (18.5%) as predominant fats (PALM), and the other containing none (NoPALM). Occasional human milk (HM) supplementation was allowed at home. RESULTS: Formula and HM intakes, and growth were not different (p > 0.05). Calcium absorption (%) for infants fed NoPALM (58.8 ± 16.7%; means ± SD) was higher (p = 0.023) than those fed PALM (42.1 ± 19.2%), but was not significant (p = 0.104) when calcium intake was used as a covariate. Calcium intake was higher (p < 0.001) in NoPALM versus PALM fed infants. However, calcium retention (%) was higher in infants fed NoPALM compared to PALM with (p = 0.024) or without (p = 0.015) calcium intake as a covariate. Fat absorption (%) for NoPALM was greater than PALM fed infants (NoPALM = 96.9 ± 1.2 > PALM = 95.1 ± 1.5; p = 0.020 in Study Period I). Mean rank stool consistency was softer in infants fed NoPALM versus PALM (p < 0.001; metabolic period). Adverse events, spit-up/vomit, fussiness and gassiness were not different (p > 0.05). Formula acceptability was high and comparable for both formula feedings, regardless of HM supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: Term infants fed PALM based formula (containing palm olein, palm kernel and canola oils) demonstrated lower calcium retention and fat absorption, and less softer stool consistency versus infants fed NoPALM based formula. Study suggested formula fat differences may affect GI function in infants. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trial.Gov # ( http://www.clinicaltrials.gov): NCT00941564

    Jornal de Pediatria

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    p. 286–293Objective To evaluate the incidence of diarrheal disease (DD) and acute respiratory infection (ARI) in children undergoing supplementation of zinc and other micronutrients through the use of sprinkles, as well as their acceptance by these patients. Method This was a randomized double-blinded clinical trial of 143 healthy institutionalized children, aged 6 to 48 months. They were randomized into two groups and received daily zinc and micronutrients – test group (sprinkles), or micronutrients without zinc - control group. Children were supplemented for 90 days and followed regarding the outcomes of DD and ARI. Results Of the randomized children, 52.45% belonged to the test and 47.55% to the control group. The incidence of DD in the test group was 14.7% and was 19.1% in the control group. The test group showed a lower risk of developing DD when compared to controls, but this finding was not statistically significant (RR = 0.77 [0.37 to 1.6], p = 0.5088). ARI had high incidence in both groups, 60% in the test group and 48.5% in the control group, with an increased risk of developing the disease in the test group, but with no statistical significance (RR = 1.24 [0.91 to 1.68], p = 0.1825). Regarding acceptance, the mean percentage of consumption, in days, of the entire content of the sachets containing sprinkles was 95.72% (SD = 4.9) and 96.4% (SD = 6.2) for the test and control groups, respectively. Conclusions Zinc supplementation through the use of sprinkles did not reduce the incidence of DD or ARI among the evaluated children. The sprinkles were well accepted by all study participants