73 research outputs found

    Seed germination of Hesperozygis ringens (Benth.) Epling, an endemic and threatened species

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    Hesperozygis ringens (Lamiaceae), popularly known as espanta-pulga, is a threatened species endemic to rocky and sandy regions of the Pampa biome. One factor that can influence the low number of individuals of a species is a low seed germination rate influenced by temperature and/or light. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of light and temperature on the seed germination of H. ringens. The seeds of two lots were sown on a paper substrate and maintained in BOD chambers at temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 30ºC in the presence and absence of light. The germination speed rate was evaluated every 3 days for 21 days. The experiment was completely randomized with treatments that had a 4 x 2 factorial design. The first visible sign (protrusion of the primary root) of germination was observed seven days after sowing. Germination occurred both in the presence and absence of light and the lowest temperatures significantly influenced the germination process and germination speed. For germinating the species, 15°C was the most favorable temperature compared to 20, 25 and 30°C. It can be concluded that a temperature of 15ºC favors the germination process of H. ringens seeds, which are insensitive to light

    Threatened and understudied: the lack of genetic data of endangered Brazilian plant species

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    A literature review of genetic studies on 3134 endangered or data deficient Brazilian plant species was performed using the Periodical Capes database, using, for each species, a combination of the binomial (without authorship) and the radical genet*. The search was only for articles, without publication year limitation. The search included relevant synonyms, based on information obtained from the National Flora Conservation Center (CNC Flora) website. Phylogenetic studies focusing on taxonomy or studies focusing on gene expression were excluded. A total of 14 463 articles were retrieved with this search strategy, but only 312 fit within the scope of the search. Results show that genetic studies for plants of all threat categories are lacking, with a very low average (0,09%) of genetic studies retrieved per species. The four threatened species with a higher number of studies are species of commercial interest. For 1931 species no article was retrieved. Given the high levels of biodiversity loss in Brazil, it is urgent to invest in the knowledge of the biology of threatened plant species, especially those which are the most neglected in genetic studies.A literature review of genetic studies on 3134 endangered or data deficient Brazilian plant species was performed using the Periodical Capes database, using, for each species, a combination of the binomial (without authorship) and the radical genet*. The search was only for articles, without publication year limitation. The search included relevant synonyms, based on information obtained from the National Flora Conservation Center (CNC Flora) website. Phylogenetic studies focusing on taxonomy or studies focusing on gene expression were excluded. A total of 14 463 articles were retrieved with this search strategy, but only 312 fit within the scope of the search. Results show that genetic studies for plants of all threat categories are lacking, with a very low average (0,09%) of genetic studies retrieved per species. The four threatened species with a higher number of studies are species of commercial interest. For 1931 species no article was retrieved. Given the high levels of biodiversity loss in Brazil, it is urgent to invest in the knowledge of the biology of threatened plant species, especially those which are the most neglected in genetic studies

    Effectiveness of sequential viscosupplementation in temporomandibular joint internal derangements and symptomatology : a case series

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    Viscosupplementation is a minimally invasive technique that replaces synovial fluid by intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (HA). Although effective in some joints, there is not conclusive evidence regarding temporomandibular disorders. +is case series described the efficacy of a viscosupplementation protocol in intra-articular temporomandibular disorders. Ten patients with a diagnosis of disc displacement and/or osteoarthritis by Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were submitted to four monthly injections of low or medium molecular weight HA. Pain, mandibular function, image analysis by tomography and magnetic resonance, and quality of life were assessed at baseline and follow-ups (1 and 6 months). Pain, jaw range-of-motion, mandibular function, and quality of life improved at follow-up evaluations. Osteoarthritis changes decreased, and 20% of patients improved mandibular head excursion after treatment. Resolution of effusion and improvement in disc morphology were observed for most patients. +is viscosupplementation protocol reduced pain and symptoms associated with internal derangement of temporomandibular joint, improved quality of life, and showed benefits from both low and medium molecular weight HA in alternate cycles

    Influência da condição do escore corporal em novilhas holandesas em relação à ciclicidade no norte de Minas Gerais / Influence of the body score condition in Dutch heifers in relation to the cyclicity in northern Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do escore de condição corporal (ECC) de novilhas leiteiras, relacionado à ciclicidade. Foram utilizadas no estudo 55 novilhas da raça Holandesa com variações no ECC, identificando as taxas de ciclicidade entre os diferentes escores. Verificou-se que, os animais com maior escore corporal apresentaram desempenho reprodutivo satisfatório, quando contrastado às novilhas com níveis inferiores de ECC. Consequentemente, a monitorização poderá garantir maior desenvolvimento corpora, promover uma maior eficiência reprodutiva alcançando ao final da estação de monta altas taxas de prenhez. 

    Influência do Escore de Condição Corporal sobre a taxa de prenhez de vacas Nelore submetidas ao programa de IATF no norte de Minas Gerais / Influence of the Body Condition Score on the pregnancy rate of Nelore cows submitted to the IATF program in the north of Minas Gerais

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     O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da condição corpórea sobre a taxa de prenhez de animais da raça nelore submetidos à inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) no norte de Minas Gerais, através da mensuração da condição de escore corporal. Os resultados mostraram que animais de baixo escore corporal influência negativamente no percentual de prenhez, enquanto aqueles animais de escore superior (acima de 2,5) obtiveram melhores resultados com o protocolo. Neste contexto, para melhores resultados no manejo reprodutivo, é essencial a adoção de um adequado manejo nutricional, visando melhorar a condição corporal dos animais submetidos ao protocolo. 

    Efeito antimicrobiano e modulador do extrato hidroalcoólico de Genipa americana (Jenipapo)

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    Genipa americana, belonging to the family Rubiaceae, a large tree that is found in several areas of Brazil, popularly known as Jenipapeiro being used to combat liver and inflammatory diseases, and reduce cholesterol This study has as main objective to evaluate the phytochemical, antibacterial and modulatory prospection of the hydroalcoholic extract of the stem bark of Genipa americana against strains of standard and multiresistant bacteria. For the analysis of the antibacterial activity of the hydroalcoholic extract, the broth microdilution test was carried out to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and the antimicrobial modulation by means of gentamicin, amikacin and clindamycin. The results obtained from the MIC by the bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were ≥ 1024 μg / mL. In the modulation modulation of the concentration of two antibiotics for each bacterial strain. Thus, it is a fact to conclude that this extract has remarkable modulatory activity, especially when tested against bacteria of clinical interest, such as P. aeruginosa, opportunistic bacteria, stressing that more research should be done on the potential of this species, which has important phytochemical compounds capable to reduce antimicrobial resistance.Genipa americana, pertencente à família Rubiaceae, árvore de grande porte que é encontrada em várias áreas do Brasil, popularmente conhecida como Jenipapeiro sendo utilizada para no combate à doenças hepáticas e inflamatórias, além de reduzir o colesterol. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar a prospecção fitoquímica, antibacteriana e modulatória do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca do caule de Genipa americana frente a cepas de bactérias padrões e multirresistentes. Para a análise da atividade antibacteriana do extrato hidroalcoólico, foi realizado o teste de microdiluição em caldo para determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), e a modulação de antimicrobianos por meio de gentamicina, amicacina e clindamicina. Os resultados obtidos da CIM pelas bactérias Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Pseudomonas aeruginosa foram ≥ 1024µg/mL. Na modulação modificação da concentração de dois antibióticos para cada cepa bacteriana. Assim, é fato rematar que este extrato tem notável atividade moduladora principalmente quando testados contra bactérias de interesse clínico como a P. aeruginosa, bactérias oportunista, ressaltando que deve-se ser realizados mais estudo sobre o potencial desta espécie, que possui compostos fitoquímicos importantes capazes de reduzir a resistência a antimicrobianos


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    Facectomy, also known as cataract surgery, is an ophthalmological procedure widely performed to remove the opaque lens of the eye and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens. Therefore, the analysis of different anesthetic techniques, such as local anesthesia, conscious sedation and general anesthesia, is essential to determine the most appropriate approach and optimize clinical results and the patient experience. Objective: To investigate and compare the different anesthetic methods used during facectomy surgery, analyzing their effects on the safety, effectiveness and recovery of patients. Methodology: The Cochrane, Scielo and Medline databases were used, searching for articles published between 2018 and 2024, in Portuguese or English. Final Considerations: Local anesthesia with conscious sedation is preferable due to its effectiveness, safety and rapid patient recovery. Compared to general anesthesia, local anesthesia had a lower incidence of complications and postoperative pain, in addition to being more economical. Patients undergoing this technique reported high satisfaction. Therefore, local anesthesia is recommended as a standard approach, except in specific cases that require general anesthesia, in order to optimize clinical results and the patient experience.A facectomia, também conhecida como cirurgia de catarata, é um procedimento oftalmológico amplamente realizado para remover o cristalino opaco do olho e substituí-lo por uma lente intraocular artificial. Portanto, a análise das diferentes técnicas anestésicas, como anestesia local, sedação consciente e anestesia geral, é fundamental para determinar a abordagem mais adequada e otimizar os resultados clínicos e a experiência do paciente. Objetivo: Investigar e comparar os diferentes métodos anestésicos utilizados durante a cirurgia de facectomia, analisando seus efeitos sobre a segurança, eficácia e recuperação dos pacientes. Metodologia:  Foram utilizadas as bases de dados Cochrane, Scielo e Medline, buscando artigos publicados entre os anos de 2018 e 2024, nos idiomas Português ou Inglês. Considerações Finais: A anestesia local com sedação consciente é preferível devido à sua eficácia, segurança e recuperação rápida dos pacientes. Comparada à anestesia geral, a anestesia local apresentou menor incidência de complicações e dor pós-operatória, além de ser mais econômica. Pacientes submetidos a esta técnica relataram alta satisfação. Portanto, recomenda-se a anestesia local como abordagem padrão, exceto em casos específicos que exigem anestesia geral, visando otimizar os resultados clínicos e a experiência do paciente

    Educational Contributions Of The Nurse In The Prevention Of Sepsis In The Unit Of Intensive Therapy: Integrative Review

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    Sepsis is defined as a syndrome of inflammatory response, motivated by an aggressive agent, associated with systemic infection, the early approach of the infectious agent, both in the direction of diagnosis and in the control of infectious focus, are fundamental for the good evolution of the patient. This pathology has been considered a global health problem, affecting a large number of people and causing high rates of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate how nurses contribute in an educational way in the prevention of complications caused by sepsis in an intensive care unit. METHOD: The research was carried out through an electronic search of scientific papers published in the databases LILACS, SCIELO and PUBMED, portal of the virtual library in health. Other materials were located in scientific journals available on university websites and articles related to the subject. The initial evaluation of the material occurred through the reading of the abstracts, in order to select those that met the objectives of the study, with this, 37 articles were selected. In carrying out the research it was possible to verify that the recognition of sepsis by nursing professionals is mainly identified through the changes in the signs and symptoms that are observed through the provision of care to these critical patients. RESULTS: It has been shown that even with all the advances in the production of knowledge about the pathophysiology and the treatment of sepsis, it is still possible to find several difficulties for the proper handling in the diagnosis and in the ideal treatment for each particular case. CONCLUSION: The professional nurse should always be updating and seeking new knowledge for a fast, safe and effective action, in conjunction with the entire health team to promote quality and resolutive care for the patient, especially those affected by sepsis