423 research outputs found

    Divertindo-se com a química: o ensino e a aprendizagem por meio do lúdico

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    This work Course completion develops a study related to the importance of games and jokes in teacher training and the reconstruction of their methodological characteristics in order to contextualize , interdisciplinarity and human development. This work presents a review of the how games and recreational activities can be as strategies for teaching and learnig of Natural Sciences, especially for the Chemistry discipline. The games developed in this research were the Bingo, the Ludo and Hopscotch. They were applied in classes of Chemistry offered in the course of Interdisciplinary in Education for the countryside in the first half 2016. These games are worked in an interdisciplinary way different high school chemistry content. Verification of learning and motivation of students in relation to games was conducted by direct observation of participants and the questionnaire with objective and open questions. As a result it was found that most academics proved motivated and emphasized in their answers the importance of including games and play as facilitators resources of the teaching and learning process.Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso desenvolve um estudo que se propõe a pensar a importância dos jogos na formação docente e a reconstrução de suas características metodológicas com vistas na contextualização, interdisciplinaridade e desenvolvimento humano. Neste trabalho é feita uma revisão de como os jogos e atividades lúdicas podem ser utilizados como estratégias para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem das Ciências Naturais, em especial para a disciplina de Química. Os jogos desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa, foram o Bingo, o Ludo e a Amarelinha. Eles foram aplicados nas turmas de Química na Educação Básica I e Química na Educação Básica II ofertadas no curso de Interdisciplinar em Educação no Campo no primeiro semestre de 2016. Esses jogos buscaram abordar diferentes conteúdos de química, trabalhados ao longo do Ensino Médio. A verificação da aprendizagem e a motivação dos educandos com relação aos jogos foi realizada mediante a observação direta dos participantes e a aplicação de questionário com questões objetivas e abertas. Como resultado verificou-se que a maioria dos acadêmicos mostraram-se motivados e ressaltaram em suas respostas a importância da inclusão de jogos e brincadeiras como recursos facilitadores do processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    Linfoma primário do fígado tratado por hepatectomia ampliada e quimioterapia: relato de caso

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    Primary lymphoma of the liver is an extremely rare entity. A case of anaplastic large B-cell (both CD-20 and lambda positive) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that was confined to the liver in a 33-year-old man is reported. The patient was treated with an extended right hepatectomy and combination chemotherapy: cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone. The patient was disease free 24 months after the procedure.O linfoma primário do fígado é uma entidade extremamente rara. Os autores relatam um caso de linfoma não-Hodgkin de células B grandes anaplásicas (positivo para CD-20 e Lambda) em um paciente do sexo masculino de 33 anos. O tumor estava localizado no lobo hepático direito e foi tratado por hepatectomia direita ampliada e quimioterapia pós-operatória com ciclofosfamida, adriamicina, vincristina e prednisone. Vinte quatro meses de seguimento o paciente encontra-se sem recidiva tumoral

    Divertindo-se com a química: o ensino e a aprendizagem por meio do lúdico/ Fun with chemistry: teaching and learning through ludic

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    Este estudo está vinculado a um trabalho de conclusão de curso, em que os autores se propõem a pensar a importância dos jogos na formação docente e a reconstrução de suas características metodológicas com vistas na contextualização, interdisciplinaridade e desenvolvimento humano. Neste trabalho apresentamos um jogo como estratégia para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem das Ciências Naturais, em especial para a disciplina de Química. O jogo construído e que aqui será relatado é o Ludo. Esse jogo buscou abordar o conteúdo de química orgânica em um contexto dinâmico e interdisciplinar. O Ludo foi aplicado na turma de Química na Educação Básica II, ofertadas no curso de Interdisciplinar em Educação no Campo no primeiro semestre de 2016. A verificação da aprendizagem e a motivação dos educandos com relação aos jogos foi realizada mediante a observação direta dos participantes e a aplicação de questionário com questões objetivas e abertas. Como resultado verificou-se que a maioria dos acadêmicos mostrou-se motivados e ressaltaram em suas respostas a importância da inclusão de jogos e brincadeiras como recursos facilitadores do processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    Telomere Attrition and p53 Response 1 (TAPR1): a new player in cancer biology?

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    Effects of curcumin in an orthotopic murine bladder tumor model

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    Cigarette smoking (CS) is the main risk factor for bladder cancer development. There are more than 100 carcinogens present in cigarette smoke. Among the potential mediators of CS-induced alterations is nuclear factor-kappa (NF-κB), which is responsible for the transcription of genes related to cell transformation, tumor promotion, angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. Curcumin is a polyphenol compound derived from Curcuma longa that suppress cellular transformation, proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis by down regulating NF-κB and its regulated genes. The aim of our study was to assess the effects of curcumin in bladder urothelial carcinoma. We studied the effects of curcumin in vitro and in vivo using the orthotropic syngeneic bladder tumor animal model MB49. Curcumin promotes apoptosis of bladder tumor cells in vitro. In vivo tumors of animals treated with curcumin were significantly smaller as compared to controls. Using immunohistochemistry, we demonstrated a decrease in the expression of Cox-2 by 8% and Cyclin D1 by 13% in the animals treated with curcumin; both genes regulated by NF-κB and related to cell proliferation. In this study, we showed that curcumin acts in bladder urothelial cancer, possibly dowregulating NF-κB-related genes, and could be an option in the treatment of urothelial neoplasms. The results of our study suggest that further research is warranted to confirm our findings

    Prognostic relevance of the histological subtype of renal cell carcinoma

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    OBJECTIVE: According to several studies, when the histological subtype of renal cell carcinoma is established it is possible to attribute a different life expectancy to each patient. We analyzed the prognostic significance of the histological subtype in renal cell carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors retrospectively analyzed the follow-up of 230 patients after radical or conservative renal surgery. The histological characteristics of the different subtypes of tumor were obtained and the disease-free and cancer-specific survival curves for the clear cell, cromophobic, papillary, collecting duct (Bellini) subtypes and those with sarcomatoid differentiation were individualized. RESULTS: The disease-free and cancer-specific survival rates for clear cell tumors were 76.6% and 68.0% respectively, 71.2% and 82.1% respectively for the cromophobic type, 71.1% and 79.8% respectively for the papillary type, 26.9% and 39.3% respectively for the sarcomatoid type, and 0.0% and 0.0% respectively for the collecting ducts (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The histological subtypes of renal tumors can stratify patients into different prognostic groups only when the sarcomatoid differentiation is present

    Prostate Cancer Detection at Rebiopsy After an Initial Benign Diagnosis: Results Using Sextant Extended Prostate Biopsy

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    INTRODUCTION: Sextant prostate biopsy remains the standard technique for the detection of prostate cancer. It is well known that after a diagnosis of small acinar proliferation (ASAP) or high grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), the possibility of finding cancer is approximately 40% and 30%, respectively. OBJECTIVE: We aim to analyze follow-up biopsies on patients who initially received a benign diagnosis after exclusion of HGPIN and ASAP. METHODS: From July 2000 to December 2003, 1177 patients were submitted to sextant extended prostate biopsy in our hospital. The mean patient age was 65.5 years old, and the median number of fragments collected at biopsy was 13. HGPIN and ASAP were excluded from our study. We only considered patients who had a diagnosis of benign at the first biopsy and were subjected to rebiopsies up until May 2005 because of a maintained suspicion of cancer. RESULTS: Cancer was initially detected in 524 patients (44.5%), and the diagnosis was benign in 415 (35.3%). Rebiopsy was indicated for 76 of the latter patients (18.3%) because of a persistent suspicion of cancer. Eight cases of adenocarcinoma (10.5%) were detected, six (75%) at the first rebiopsy. Six patients were submitted to radical prostatectomy, and all tumors were considered clinically significant. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that in extended prostate biopsy, the first biopsy detects more cancer, and the first, second, and third rebiopsies after an initial benign diagnosis succeed in finding cancer in 7.9% (6/55), 5.9% (1/15) and 20% (1/4) of patients, respectively

    Correlation between specific IgM levels and percentage IgG-class antibody avidity to Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasmosis is an usually asymptomatic worldwide disseminated infection. In its congenital presentation it may lead to abortion or fetal malformations. Antenatal evaluation is considered of paramount importance to identify seronegative women and allow for prophylaxis. Recent improvements in sensitivity of IgM tests has made IgM detection an extremely protracted acute phase marker, and IgG avidity evaluation test became necessary. Observation has shown that a correlation can be established between IgM levels and avidity percentages, suggesting that frequently the avidity test may not be necessary. In this study we analyzed Toxoplasma gondii IgM levels of 202 samples and their IgG avidity percentages, in order to define specific levels whose IgM quantification could by itself define serodiagnosis and therefore make the avidity evaluation unnecessary. We showed that for IgM levels bellow 2.0 and above 6.0 serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis could be established without need of IgG avidity test. IgM levels between these two parameters are associated with varying avidity indexes highlighting the importance of its evaluation as a means to confirm toxoplasmosis. Following this demonstration it was possible to avoid the avidity test for 75% of the cases, to reduce the turnaround time and to reduce costs.A Toxoplasmose é uma infecção universal e usualmente assintomática. A forma congênita, entretanto, pode resultar em aborto ou mal formações. Testes sorológicos estão indicados em situações onde há suspeita clínica, e na triagem pré-natal, quando são extremamente importantes para rastrear a infecção e orientar a gestante. O aumento da sensibilidade das técnicas para detecção de IgM, tornou necessário o desenvolvimento de recursos, como a avidez de IgG, visando obter novo marcador de infecção aguda. Embora exista correlação entre níveis de IgM e grau de avidez de IgG, a maioria dos testes de avidez associa-se a níveis baixos de IgM, sugerindo que o teste de avidez não fosse necessário. Portanto, correlacionamos níveis de IgM de 202 amostras com seu respectivo nível de avidez de IgG, dirigidos contra o Toxoplasma, objetivando estabelecer valores claros para a sua indicação. Pôde-se observar que, para IgM ; 6,0, a definição sorológica pode ser feita independentemente da avidez. Níveis de IgM dentro desse intervalo associam-se a índices variados de avidez e, portanto, ressaltam a importância deste teste para definição sorológica do quadro. Com essa abordagem, foi possível diminuir a indicação do teste de avidez em 75%, reduzir o tempo para liberação dos resultados e o custo unitário do teste para IgM

    Detecting and grading prostate cancer in radical prostatectomy specimens through deep learning techniques

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to evaluate the ability of deep learning algorithms to detect and grade prostate cancer (PCa) in radical prostatectomy specimens. METHODS: We selected 12 whole-slide images of radical prostatectomy specimens. These images were divided into patches, and then, analyzed and annotated. The annotated areas were categorized as follows: stroma, normal glands, and Gleason patterns 3, 4, and 5. Two analyses were performed: i) a categorical image classification method that labels each image as benign or as Gleason 3, Gleason 4, or Gleason 5, and ii) a scanning method in which distinct areas representative of benign and different Gleason patterns are delineated and labeled separately by a pathologist. The Inception v3 Convolutional Neural Network architecture was used in categorical model training, and a Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network was used to train the scanning method. After training, we selected three new whole-slide images that were not used during the training to evaluate the model as our test dataset. The analysis results of the images using deep learning algorithms were compared with those obtained by the pathologists. RESULTS: In the categorical classification method, the trained model obtained a validation accuracy of 94.1% during training; however, the concordance with our expert uropathologists in the test dataset was only 44%. With the image-scanning method, our model demonstrated a validation accuracy of 91.2%. When the test images were used, the concordance between the deep learning method and uropathologists was 89%. CONCLUSION: Deep learning algorithms have a high potential for use in the diagnosis and grading of PCa. Scanning methods are likely to be superior to simple classification methods

    Pretreatment Tumor Volume Estimation Based on Total Serum PSA in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish a formula that estimates tumor volume in localized prostate cancer based on serum prostate specific antigen levels. One of the main prognostic variables in localized prostate cancer is tumor volume, which can be precisely defined only after prostate extirpation. The present study defines a simple method that allows for estimation of tumor volume before treatment, which can help to establish a better therapeutic strategy for each patient. METHODS: From 1997 to 2002, 735 patients with prostate cancer of stagesT1c-T2c without any previous treatment were submitted to radical prostatectomy. Surgical specimens were evaluated by the same pathologist and the total tumor volume (in cc) and the relative tumor volume (as the percent of the total prostate volume) were determined using the grid morphometric method. Pretreatment serum prostate specific antigen was correlated with tumor volume in each patient using a linear regression model. RESULTS: There were positive correlations between the serum levels of prostate specific antigen and the total tumor volume in cc (p<0.001) and the relative tumor volume as a percentage (p<0.001). For each ng/ml unit increment of serum prostate specific antigen, there was a 0.302 cc increase in total tumor volume and a 0.7% increase in relative tumor volume. Total and percent tumor volume could be calculated, respectively, using the formulas Volume (cc) = 3.476 + 0.302 x PSA (ng/ml) and Volume (%) = 11.331 + 0.704 x prostate specific antigen (ng/ml). CONCLUSIONS: Tumor volume in patients with prostate cancer can be determined before treatment based on the serum prostate specific antigen levels