3,235 research outputs found

    As ruas emergentes: um estudo comparativo da parcela em formações lineares no contexto metropolitano de Lisboa

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    Em certos contextos urbanos, onde o tecido se fragmentou e as relações de contiguidade entre traçados foram quebradas, as infraestruturas de mobilidade têm assumido um papel determinante na agregação e inter-relação de tecidos. A infraestrutura, maioritariamente rodoviária, incorporou deste modo competências que não possuía na sua génese conceptual. Assim, para além da qualidade de eixo de ligação, diversas infraestruturas de mobilidade assumem a qualidade de eixo de suporte de tecido. Estes elementos urbanos adquirem configurações emergentes, levando a uma meditação sobre o conceito tradicional de rua. Deste modo, o artigo explora concretamente a morfologia urbana do parcelário marginal a estes elementos urbanos, compreendo a sua relação com o eixo infraestrutural, configurações e processo morfogenético. Esta particular abordagem morfológica insere-se nos trabalhos de um doutoramento em curso, com o tema “As Ruas Emergentes. Interpretação morfológica de um novo elemento urbano”, que estuda as tipo-morfologias emergentes de conjunto de elementos urbanos lineares localizados em contextos metropolitanos. Procura-se recentrar o pensamento sobre estes elementos urbanos estruturadores, assim como, o papel da Rua e suas novas configurações nos processos de desenvolvimento urbano contemporâneo.In some urban contexts, where fabric is fragmented and relations of contiguity between urban layouts were broken, mobility infrastructures have played a role in the aggregation and inter-relationship of fabrics. The infrastructure, mainly roads, thereby incorporated skills it didn’t possess in its conceptual genesis. Thus, besides the quality of connection axis, various mobility infrastructures assumed the function of fabric support axis. These urban elements acquire emerging configurations, leading to a meditation on the traditional concept street. Thus, the article specifically explores the urban morphology of these urban elements surrounding plots, understanding their relationship with the infrastructural axis, configurations and morphogenetic process. This particular morphological approach fits into the work of a PhD in progress, with the theme "The Emerging Streets. Morphological interpretation of a new urban element", which studies the emerging type-morphologies of a set of linear elements located in urban metropolitan contexts. Looking to refocus thinking of these structuring urban elements, as well as the role of the Street and their new configurations in contemporary urban development processes.Peer Reviewe

    Emergent streets: morphological trends and transformations processes

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    A consolidação do automóvel como veículo preferencial de deslocação de pessoas e bens, aliado a processos de crescimento urbano fragmentado provocou intensas transformações na cidade do século XX e no seu tecido. Como organismo a sua complexidade aumentou, o corpo compõe-se por um número crescente de elementos, sistemas, dinâmicas e estratos, que dificultam a sua leitura e decifragem. Os eixos infraestruturais de grande mobilidade assumem um papel importante na manutenção de algumas ligações morfológicas, afirmando-se como elementos estruturadores do território. O seu espaço canal é colonizado por uma urbanização constante que adquire características específicas, definidoras de uma identidade própria. Emergem, assim, elementos urbanos lineares capazes de suportar tecido urbano e, simultaneamente, permitir deslocações entre partes distintas do território. Neste sentido, o estudo do processo de transformação destes elementos lineares sedimenta, por um lado, o seu entendimento como tendências emergentes da Rua e, por outro, contribui para a sistematização de um fenómeno melhorando e criando novos mecanismos de produção urbana mais equilibrados e conscientes dos paradigmas urbanos contemporâneos.The consolidation of the automobile as a preferential vehicle for the movement of people and goods, linked with fragmented urban growth processes, caused intense transformations on the twentieth century city and its fabric. As an organism, its complexity has increased, the body is composed of a growing number of elements, systems, dynamics and layers, which make it difficult to read and decipher. The high mobility infrastructure axes play an important role in the conservation of some morphological links, affirming themselves as organizing elements of the territory. Its canal space is colonized by a constant urbanization that acquires specific characteristics, defining its own identity. So, from this emerge some linear elements capable of supporting urban fabric and, simultaneously, allowing mobility between distinct parts of the territory. In this sense, the study of the transformation process of these linear elements consolidates their understanding as emerging trends of the Street and contributes to the systematization of a phenomenon improving and creating new mechanisms of an urban production more balanced and conscious of its contemporary paradigms

    Ortodontia baseada no genoma: prognatismo mandibular

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    Uma das questões centrais da ortodontia moderna é: como as descobertas na área da genética afetarão diretamente conceitos e abordagens no tratamento ortodôntico e de que forma os fatores genómicos e epigenéticos podem ser manipulados e introduzidos no tratamento individual de cada paciente. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a importância da genética na previsão do crescimento mandibular. Esta dissertação é de índole teórica, estando desta forma isenta de qualquer tipo de trabalho prático experimental. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de trabalhos que estudaram o tema. A ortodontia baseada no genoma usa a informação genética para melhorar o diagnóstico e tratamento de distúrbios dentários e deformidades dentofaciais. Nos últimos 20 anos houve uma convergência de princípios e conceitos entre a genética e a ortodontia que levará a um avanço significativo dos tratamentos ortodonticos, contudo a sua aplicação prática não será imediata.The central question in orthodontics in this millennium is: how discoveries in the field of genetics will directly affect concepts and approaches in orthodontic treatment and how genomic and epigenetic factors can be manipulated and introduced into the individual treatment of each patient. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of genetics in the prediction of mandibular growth. This dissertation is of a theoretical nature, being thus exempt of any type of practical experimental work. This is a systematic review of papers that have studied the theme. Genome based orthodontics uses genetic information to improve the diagnosis and treatment of dental disorders and dentofacial deformities. In the last 20 years there has been a convergence of principles and concepts between genetics and orthodontics that will lead to a significant advance in orthodontic treatments, however, its practical application will not be immediate

    A Brief History of Updates of Answer-Set Programs

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank José Alferes, Martin Baláz, Federico Banti, Antonio Brogi, Martin Homola, Luís Moniz Pereira, Halina Przymusinska, Teodor C. Przymusinski, and Theresa Swift, with whom they worked on the topic of this paper over the years, as well as Ricardo Gonçalves and Matthias Knorr for valuable comments on an earlier draft of this paper. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions, which greatly helped us improve this paper. The authors were partially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through projects FORGET (PTDC/CCI-INF/32219/2017) and RIVER (PTDC/CCI-COM/30952/2017), and strategic project NOVA LINCS (UIDB/04516/2020). Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press.Over the last couple of decades, there has been a considerable effort devoted to the problem of updating logic programs under the stable model semantics (a.k.a. answer-set programs) or, in other words, the problem of characterising the result of bringing up-to-date a logic program when the world it describes changes. Whereas the state-of-the-art approaches are guided by the same basic intuitions and aspirations as belief updates in the context of classical logic, they build upon fundamentally different principles and methods, which have prevented a unifying framework that could embrace both belief and rule updates. In this paper, we will overview some of the main approaches and results related to answer-set programming updates, while pointing out some of the main challenges that research in this topic has faced.publishersversionpublishe

    A third sector in the core-periphery model: non-tradable goods

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    We extend an analytically solvable core-periphery model by introducing a monopolistically competitive sector of non-tradable goods. We study how trade costs affect the spatial distribution of economic activity. Trade costs have no effect when the elasticity of substitution among non-tradable goods is low. In this case, concentration of all production (of tradable and non-tradable goods) is the unique equilibrium. When the elasticity of substitution among non-tradable goods is high, we find two equilibrium configurations: symmetric dispersion of the production of tradable and non-tradable goods, if trade costs are high; and concentration of production of tradable goods with asymmetric dispersion of production of non-tradable goods, if trade costs are low.New economic geography, Core-periphery model, Footloose entrepreneur, Nontradable goods