1,271 research outputs found

    Ovarian Borderline Tumor and Fertility-Sparing Surgery

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    Ovarian borderline tumors (OBTs) are frequently diagnosed in women of reproductive age. There is no consensus about their management, and it sometimes represents a dilemma aboutwhat should be done: fertility sparing surgery or a hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy? Case: A 32-year-old nulligravida, diagnosed with a right ovarian borderline tumor is presented. She underwent pelvic washings, right salpingo-oophorectomy, appendectomy, and omental and peritoneal biopsies (laparotomic approach). Macroscopically, the left ovary was normal and subsequent exploration for staging was also normal, including the lymph nodes. Intraoperatively, frozen section examination was unclear, suggesting an OBT. Results: The final histopathologic diagnosis was ovarian borderline tumor, stage IIC (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] staging). The patient expressed a desire to preserve her fertility. Thirty-six months postsurgery, she became pregnant spontaneously and delivered a healthy newborn at term. Conclusions: Conservative surgery can be performed in young patients treated for an OBT, provided they are closely followed up and that this surgery is performed after careful consideration and informed consent. It is, however, controversial with respect to performing hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy upon the patient’s completion of childbearing

    Evolução nas características medidas em teste de desempenho de machos de pedigree no estado de Santa Catarina.

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    Shipping emissions over Europe: a state-of-the-art and comparative analysis

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    Several emission inventories exist for Europe, which include emissions originating from ship traffic in European sea areas. However, few comparisons of these inventories, in particular focusing on specific emission sectors like shipping, exist in literature. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review and compare commonly used, and freely available, emission inventories available for the European domain, specifically for shipping and its main pollutants (NOx, SOx and PM10). Five different inventories were considered which include shipping activity: 1) EMEP; 2) TNO-MACC_III; 3) E-PRTR; 4) EDGAR and 5) STEAM. The inventories were initially compared in terms of total emission values and their spatial distribution. The total emission values are largely in agreement (with the exception of E-PRTR), however, the spatial representation shows significant differences in the emission distribution, in particular over the Mediterranean region. As for the contribution of shipping to overall emissions, this sector represent on average 16%, 11% and 5% of total NOx, SOx and PM10 emissions, respectively. Recommendations are given regarding the specific use of each available inventory.Thanks are due for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017 -POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007638), FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC), the co-funding by FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020, for the AIRSHIP project (PTDC/AAG-MAA/2569/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016752). And for the post doc and doc grants of J. Ferreira (SFRH/BPD/100346/2014) and C. Gama (SFRH/BD/87468/2012) . To TNO for access to the TNO-MACC_III emission inventory, and Hugo Denier van der Gon and Jeroen J. P. Kuenen for their support regarding the TNO emission inventory. Finally, to Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen et al. for access to their emissions inventory, STEAM.publishe

    Patterns of Play in the Counterattack of Elite Football Teams - A Mixed Method Approach

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    This study aimed to detect and analyse regular patterns of play in football teams during their offensive phase, through the combination of the sequential analysis technique and semi-structured interviews of experienced first League Portuguese coaches. The sample included 36 games (12 per team) of the F.C. Barcelona, Internazionalle Milano, and Manchester United teams that were analysed through sequential analysis with the software SDIS-GSEQ. Based on the detected patterns, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 8 expert high-performance football coaches. Data were analysed through the content analysis technique using the software Nvivo 9. The detected patterns of play revealed specific characteristics of different philosophies of play. Through the performed content analysis we could observe that coaches interpreting play patterns mainly based their opinions on tactical-strategic and tactical-technical aspects, and on the characteristics of the players on their team. On the other hand, consideration was given to three of the main evolutionary trends of play/soccer practice, which focus on the development of exercises that cover: i) the connection between the four play moments (offensive/defensive organization and transitions); ii) the pre-programmed ball possession recovery; iii) the execution of set pieces

    Automatic nurse allocation based on a population algorithm for home health care

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    The provision of home health care services is becoming an important research area, mainly because in Portugal the population is ageing and it is necessary to perform home care services. Home care visits are organized taking into account the medical treatments and general support that elder/sick people need at home. This health service can be provided by nurses teams from Health Units, requiring some logistics for this purpose. Usually, the visits are manually planned and without computational support. The main goal of this work is to carry out the automatic nurse’s allocation of home care visits, of one Bragança Health Unit, in order to minimize the nurse’s workload balancing, spent time in all home care visits and, consequently, reduce the costs involved. The developed methodology was coded in MatLab Software and the problems were efficiently solved by the particle swarm optimization method. The nurse’s allocation solution of home care visits for the presented case study shows a significant improvement and reduction in the maximum time, in the nurse workload balancing, as well as the patients waiting time.This work has been supported by COMPETE:POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the project UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Morfoanatomia foliar em mudas de Schinus terebinthifolius sob diferentes níveis de saturação hídrica.

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    As características morfológicas e anatômicas foliares de espécies vegetais são importantes indicadores de sua ecologia e de seus hábitats. Objetivou-se caracterizar a plasticidade fenotípica de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi em diferentes condições de saturação hídrica. As mudas foram produzidas em tubetes plásticos, permanecendo em estufa por quatro meses, sendo irrigadas normalmente. Em seguida foram submetidas aos tratamentos: T1- testemunha, T2- alagamento parcial e T3- alagamento total. Após três semanas sob alagamento, foram realizadas descrições anatômicas foliares comparativas e avaliadas as características morfológicas área foliar, área específica foliar, espessura foliar, teor de água e densidade estomática. Durante 10 semanas foram observadas as modificações fenotípicas adaptativas. Foi observado aumento da espessura da base do caule, clorose e abscisão foliar, surgimento de lenticelas e raízes adventícias. Após três semanas de alagamento, não foram verificadas grandes modificações na morfologia das folhas, principalmente para a AF e AEF. Em T3, o teor de água foi maior e a espessura foliar menor. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para DE. Quanto aos aspectos anatômicos, observou-se uma redução na espessura do mesofilo e das nervuras, assim como a produção de compostos fenólicos por alguns tipos celulares. Os espaços intercelulares são progressivamente mais amplos nas plantas submetidas ao alagament