18 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Production Related to Tick Control

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    Ticks are distributed all over the world and significantly affect human and animal health. Increasing public health concern with tick borne diseases requires the strategic control of ticks in animals that transmit diseases to humans. The aim of this article is to present a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production related to tick control, using bibliometrics as an instrument of analysis to measure scientific activity. To identify the studies , a search was made on four Scopus databases, Web of Science, Medline / Pubmed and Science Direct. Of 1764 publications, only 480 were analyzed after the exclusion of certain productions according to previously defined criteria. It was pointed out that the identified studies have great relevance for the control of ticks, considering that scientific publications are important markers of the activity of production and development of the field of knowledge

    Energy Consumption and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Data Analysis for Portugal

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    This research considers the relationship between energy consumption and foreign direct investment (FDI) for the period 1990-2011. As econometric strategy, we use unit root test and panel data. The empirical results illustrate that the income per capita and political globalization present a positive impact on energy consumption. The selected components of globalization (cultural, social and political) show that these variables promote Portuguese foreign direct investment. The econometric models also considered two control variables, trade openness and exchange rate. These proxies are positively correlated with FDI. The variables of income per capita and the squared income per capita validate the environmental Kuznets curve assumptions. Keywords: Energy Consumption; Foreign Direct Investment; Panel Data; Unit Root Tests JEL Classifications: C23; F10; Q3

    Economic Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Renewable Energy and Globalization

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    This article investigates the correlation between economic growth, carbon dioxide emissions, renewable energy and globalization for the period 1970-2010, using time series (OLS, GMM, unit root test, VEC model, and Granger causality) to Portuguese economy. OLS estimator and GMM model demonstrate that carbon dioxide emissions and renewable energy are positively correlated with economic growth. The econometric models also show that the overall index of globalization has a positive effect on growth. The Granger causality reports a unidirectional causality between renewable energy and economic growth. Keywords: Economic growth; renewable energy; globalization. JEL Classifications: C13; F10; Q2

    Práticas judiciárias no campo criminal e a construção das verdades na persecução penal: um debate a partir de Michel Foucault

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    The main objective of this article is to critically analyze emblematic judicial practices in the criminal field and its role in the construction of the truthsthat are relevant to the current Brazilian criminal persecution. It is important to discuss, for example, whether the exposure of prisoners and the search for confession are legitimate instruments of a system that announces itself to be accusatory. The cut of this problematic, as important as it is complex, will be structured from Michel Foucault, author whose conceptual excavations allow us to observe more clearly the articulations carried out by the official system of control towards the maintenance of its accentuated protagonism in the exercise of punitive power. The hypotheses used in the development are based on the idea that the mediatic presentations of prisoners and the search for the confession of the investigated are fundamental elements in this historical process of authoritarian circularity, currently maintaining absolutely disrespectful conditions of rights and guarantees constitutional and democratically established.O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar criticamente práticas judiciárias emblemáticas no campo criminal e o seu papel na construção das verdadesque interessam à vigente persecução penal brasileira. Importa-nos discutir, por exemplo, se a exposição de pessoas presas e a busca pela confissão são instrumentos legítimos de um sistema que se anuncia como acusatório. O recorte dessa problemática, tão importante quanto complexa, será estruturado a partir de Michel Foucault, autor cujas escavaçõesconceituais nos permitem observar mais nitidamente as articulações realizadas pelo sistema oficial de controle rumo à manutenção de seu acentuado protagonismo no exercício do poder punitivo. As hipóteses utilizadas no desenvolvimento estão baseadas na ideia de que as midiáticas apresentações de pessoas presas e a busca pela confissão do investigado são elementos fundamentais nesse processo histórico de circularidade autoritária, mantendo-se atualmente circunstâncias absolutamente desrespeitosas de direitos e garantias constitucional e democraticamente estabelecidas

    Aspectos críticos da expansão das possibilidades de recursos tecnológicos na investigação criminal: a inteligência artificial no âmbito do sistema de controle e de punição

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    This article aims to critically analyze the potential negative influences of the use of new technologies in the control and punishment system. Given the amount of tools currently managed, both by governments and the private sector, we opted for a panoramic analysis, initially proposing a kind of possible scenario for the dynamics of the investigation process. The central problem with which we are concerned is the expansion of state and private intervention in individual freedoms, which is reflected in the restriction of procedural guarantees, directly affecting the dignity of the human person, even if it argues the need for a parity between the accusation and defense. Starting from a punctual bibliographic review on the use of machines with artificial intelligence in research, articulating literature located between technology and law, based mainly on the hypothetical deductive method, we conclude not by the need to expand, but to limit, in practically all aspects, the use of artificial intelligence machines and the dissemination of potential criminal investigators.O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar criticamente as potenciais influências negativas da utilização de novas tecnologias no sistema de controle e de punição. Dada a quantidade de ferramentas atualmente gestadas, tanto pelos governos quanto pela iniciativa privada, optamos por uma análise do tipo panorâmica, propondo inicialmente uma espécie de cenário possível da dinâmica do processo de investigação. O problema central com o qual nos preocupamos é a expansão da intervenção estatal e privada nas liberdades individuais, o que se reflete na restrição de garantias processuais, atingindo diretamente a dignidade da pessoa humana, mesmo que se argumente a necessidade de uma paridade entre acusação e defesa. Partindo-se de uma pontual revisão bibliográfica sobre a utilização de máquinas com inteligência artificial na investigação, articulando literatura situada entre a tecnologia e o direito, com base principal no método hipotético dedutivo, concluímos não pela necessidade de expandir, mas de limitar, em praticamente todos os aspectos, a utilização de máquinas com inteligência artificial e a disseminação de potenciais investigadores criminais

    A Patient Perception as a Nursing Care in Emergency Sector

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    The work process by nurses in the emergency sector is comprised of two complementary dimensions, managing and caring. Therefore,the aim of this study was Know the perception of patients to the support of the nursing assistance in Emergency sector. This is a field research, exploratory, descriptive qualitative approach. The survey was conducted in Dr. Luiz Milton Arêa Leão Hospital - Satélite, located in the city of Teresina - PI, Brazil, which caters exclusively by the Unified Health System, and reference in its coverage area.We interviewed thirteen (13) patients who remained in observation in the emergency sector in that hospital. For this study was used as a criterion for inclusion of service users who entered the emergency sector in the periodMarch-April 2014 and who remained in the sector at the time of the interview.  A pilot test was conducted with the instrument to validate and suitability for the target audience, which is excluded from the sample. Ethical aspects were respected, as provided for in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, Brazil (2013). In this sense, we observed through the reports of the participants carrying out a qualified nursing care, where it identified a good conduct of professionals to provide the necessary assistance. A nursing care and systematic termination  during the stay of patients in hospital was evidenced. It is perceived  that there is a satisfaction from patients and the care of thenursing team, which is performed through actions inherent to these professionals, such as goodwill, the act of providing a welcoming atmosphere, with technical scientific background, and ability in dealing with conflict situations and ethical

    Investigating centering, scan length, and arm position impact on radiation dose across 4 countries from 4 continents during pandemic: Mitigating key radioprotection issues

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    Purpose: Optimization of CT scan practices can help achieve and maintain optimal radiation protection. The aim was to assess centering, scan length, and positioning of patients undergoing chest CT for suspected or known COVID-19 pneumonia and to investigate their effect on associated radiation doses. Methods: With respective approvals from institutional review boards, we compiled CT imaging and radiation dose data from four hospitals belonging to four countries (Brazil, Iran, Italy, and USA) on 400 adult patients who underwent chest CT for suspected or known COVID-19 pneumonia between April 2020 and August 2020. We recorded patient demographics and volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP). From thin-section CT images of each patient, we estimated the scan length and recorded the first and last vertebral bodies at the scan start and end locations. Patient mis-centering and arm position were recorded. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The extent and frequency of patient mis-centering did not differ across the four CT facilities (>0.09). The frequency of patients scanned with arms by their side (11�40 relative to those with arms up) had greater mis-centering and higher CTDIvol and DLP at 2/4 facilities (p = 0.027�0.05). Despite lack of variations in effective diameters (p = 0.14), there were significantly variations in scan lengths, CTDIvol and DLP across the four facilities (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Mis-centering, over-scanning, and arms by the side are frequent issues with use of chest CT in COVID-19 pneumonia and are associated with higher radiation doses. © 202

    C1. Pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC) num hospital central â comparação de um grupo de doentes idosos com um grupo de não idosos

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    O objectivo do nosso estudo foi comparar as características clínicas, agentes etiológicos e mortalidade da PAC entre um grupo de doentes idosos e não idosos.Efectuámos um estudo retrospectivo comparativo com 257 doentes internados no nosso serviço com PAC. Consideramos dois grupos: grupo I, doentes com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos (111 doentes) e grupo II com idade inferior a 65 anos (146 doentes).A idade média no grupo I foi de 77.3 anos vs. 44.7 anos no grupo II. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas características clínicas da pneumonia: febre (54.1% no grupo I vs. 81.5% no grupo II) e dor torácica: (27.0% vs 50.0%, respectivamente).O agente causal foi identificado nas culturas da expectoração em 31.6% e do sangue em 6.2% no grupo I vs. 29.1% e 13.9% no grupo II. O Streptococcus pneumoniae foi isolado em 8.8% das amostras de expectoração e 3.1% das hemoculturas dos idosos vs. 17.5% e 10.2% no grupo dos não-idosos. O isolamento de gram-negativos entéricos foi significativamente mais frequente no grupo I (57.1% vs. 8.3%).A duração média de internamento (13.1 vs. 11.1 dias) e a mortalidade (10.8% vs. 0.7%) foi superior no grupo I.Concluímos que no doente idoso hospitalizado a etiologia da PAC difere da dos outros grupos etários, apresenta pior prognóstico e requere maiores recursos de saúde. : The aim of our study was to compare CAP clinical attributes, etiologic agents and mortality between a group of elderly and a non-elderly patients.We performed a retrospective study analysing clinical data from 257 patients admitted to our hospital with CAP. Two groups were considered: group I with 65 years and over (111 patients) and group II with less then 65 years (146 patients).Average age in group I was 77.3 years vs. 44.9 years in group II. Significant differences were found between two clinical characteristics: fever (54.1% in group I vs. 81.5% in group II) and chest pain (27.0% vs. 50.0% respectively).Etiologic agents were identified in sputum cultures of 31.6% and in blood cultures of 6.2% of the patients in the group I vs 29.1% and 13.9% in the other group. Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated in 8.8% of sputum cultures and in 3.1% of blood cultures of group I vs. 17.5% and 10.2% in group II. Enteric gram-negative bacteria were higher in group I than in group II (57.1% vs. 8.3%).Duration of hospitalization (13.1 vs. 11.1 days) and mortality rate (10.8% vs. 0.7%) were higher for group I.In conclusion, the etiologic agents found were different in the two groups. The elderly patients had worst prognosis and required additional health care measures. Palavras-chaves: Pneumonia, idoso, Key-words: Pneumonia, elderl

    Avaliação hemodinâmica como critério de prescrição de oxigénioterapia de longo termo na insuficiência respiratória crónica grave secundária a bronquite crónica e enfisema

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    RESUMO: A presença e magnitude da hipertensão da hipertensão da artéria pulmonar (HTAP) tem um impacto negativo no prognóstico dos doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Crónica Grave (IRCG), definida por PaO2<65 mmHg, secundária a Bronquite Crónica e Enfisema (BCE). O aumento de sobrevida destes doentes depende, em grande medida, da identificação precoce da HTA e da sua correcção com a administração de Oxigénioterapia de Longo Termo (OLT), motivo pelo qual a medição directa da Pressão da Artéria Pulmonar (PAP), por cateterismo de Swan-Ganz, integra o protocolo de avaliação a que subtemos todos os doentes com IRCG.Com vista a esclarecer o papel do cateterismo como critério complementar na selecção de candidatos a OLT, apresentamos nos primeiros 49 doentes cateterizados, a relação da PAP com: VEMS, PaO2 e PaCO2, sinais electrocardiogréficos de Cor Pulmonale Crónico (CPC) e sinais de Insuficiência Cardíaca Direita (ICD).No grupo de 39 doentes com HTAP (PAPâ¥20) os valores de VEMS, PaO2, e PaCO2 (28,9;54,6 e 49,0) são mais graves que os encontrados nos doentes sem HTAP (40,0;58,4 e 46,7).A HTAP está presente quase universalmente nos doentes com PaO2â¤55 mmHg (em 24 de 27 casos nestas circunstâncias) e, em grande número de doentes com PaO2â¤65 mmHg (15 de 22).O padrão electrocardiográfico de CPC e/ou semiologia de ICD, presente em cerca de 1/3 dos doentes, mostraram-se elementos diagnósticos de HTAP específicos, mas pouco sensíveis.Conclui-se que o cateterismo do coração direito desempenha um papel importante na selecção de candidatos a OLT com critérios de prescrição âborderlineâ (55 â¤: PaO2â¥65). ABTRACT: HEMODYNAMIC EVALUATION AS A CRITERION IN THE PRESCRIPTION OF LONG TERM OXYGEN THERAPY IN SEVERE CHRONIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE SECONDARY TO CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASEThe presence and magnitude of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAHT) has a negative impact on prognosis in patients with Severe Chronic Respiratory Failure (SCRF), as defined by a PaO2 lower than 65 mmHg, secondary to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The longevity of these patients depends, to a large degree, on the early diagnosis of PATH and its treatment with Long Term Oxygen Therapy. The direct measurement of Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP), using a Swan-Ganz catheter, is a integral part of the protocol to which we submitte all patients with SCRF.With the objective of establishing the role of catherization as a criterion in the selection of candidates for LTO, we present, in the first 49 catheterized patients, the relationship between PAP and: FEV1, PaO2, PaCO2, EKC evidence of Chronic Cor Pulmonale (CPC), and evidence of Right Heart Failure (RHF).In the group of 39 patients with PATH (PAPâ¥20) the values for FE1, PaO2 and PaCO2 (28.9, 54.6 and 49.0) are more severe than those found in patient without hypertension (40.0, 58.4 and 46.7).PATH is found, almost universally in patients with PaO2â¤55 (24 of the 27 patients) and in a large number of patients with PaO2â¤65 (15 of 22).An EKC pattern compatible with CPC and/or signs of RHF, present in approximately one-third of the patients, are found to be highly specific but of low sensitivity for PATH.We conclude that right heart catherization plays an important role in the selection of candidates for LTO with borderline PaO2 prescrition criteria (55â¤PaO2â¥65). Key-Words: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Respiratory Failure, Chronic Respiratory Failure, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Right Heart Catherization, Palavras-chave: Bronquite Crónica, Enfisema, Insuficiência Respiratória Crónica, Hipertensão da Artéria Pulmonar, Oxigénioterapia de Longo Termo, Catetcrismo Cardíaco Direit