12 research outputs found

    Partielle Isomorphie

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    Die Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Konzept der partiellen Isomorphie und erreicht mit Hilfe modelltheoretischer Beweismethoden Verallgemeinerungen der klassischen Klassifikationstheoreme von Ulm und Warfield. Weiter wird unter Annahme von V=L eine Klasse ĂŒberabzĂ€hlbarer partiell isomorpher Moduln konstruiert, deren Ulm-Kaplansky Invarianten vorgegeben werden können.The thesis deals with the concept of partial isomorphism and uses model-theoretic methods to achieve generalizations of the classical classification theorems by Ulm and Warfield. Further, assuming V=L, we construct a class of uncountable, partially isomorphic modules with prescribed Ulm-Kaplansky invariants

    Infinitary Equivalence of Zp- Modules with Nice Decomposition Bases

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    Warfield modules are direct summands of simply presented Zp - modules, or, alternatively, are Zp - modules possessing a nice decomposition basis with simply presented cokernel. They have been classified up to isomorphism by theor Ilm-Kaplansky and Warfield invariants. Taking a model theoretic point of view and using infinitary languages we give here a complete theoretic characterization of a large class of Zp - modules having a nice decomposition basis. As a corollary, we obtain the classical classification of countable Warfield modules. This generalizes results by Barwise and Eklof

    Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton

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    Das Ziel des vorliegenden Projektes war es, eine sortenreine und gewichtsoptimierte Betonbauweise unter Einsatz mineralischer und lastpfadgerechter Faserverbundbewehrungen zur vorwettbewerblichen Anwendung weiterzuentwickeln, um damit neue GeschĂ€ftsfelder fĂŒr KMU im Bereich des Bauwesens zu eröffnen sowie lĂ€ngerfristig den Technologiestandort Baden-WĂŒrttemberg zu stĂ€rken. Dabei knĂŒpft das Projekt nahtlos an die Arbeiten aus dem SPP 1542 – Leicht bauen mit Beton – an. Der vorliegende Kurzbericht fasst die Forschungsergebnisse zusammen. FĂŒr eine ausfĂŒhrlichere Beschreibung der Arbeiten sowie die Darstellung der Ausgangslage wird auf [1] sowie auf die Homepage [2] verwiesen.The objective of the current project is to further develop a weight-optimised concrete construction method using mineral and load-path compatible fibre-composite reinforcements for pre-commercial applications. The outcome of the project could open new business opportunities for small- and mid-size enterprises in the construction sector and, in the longer term, strengthen Baden-WĂŒrttemberg as a technology hub. The project seamlessly ties in with the previous work from SPP 1542, the results of which are summarised in this short report. For a more detailed description of the work readers are referred to [1] as well as to the homepage [2]

    Clinical Characterization of Symptomatic Microangiopathic Brain Lesions

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    Background: Microangiopathic brain lesions can be separated in diffuse lesions – leukoaraiosis – and focal lesions – lacunes. Leukoaraiosis and lacunes are caused by common cerebrovascular risk factors, but whether they represent a common entity is not sufficiently investigated. The present study aimed to determine the clinical profiles associated with the extent of leukoaraiosis and lacunes. Methods: Sixty-four consecutive patients with acute microangiopathic stroke were studied. Leukoaraiosis and lacunes were stratified according to their MRI-based extent. Standardized clinical assessment included clinical syndromes, cerebrovascular risk factors, cognitive performance, retinal imaging, ultrasonography, blood, and urine parameters. Results: Different clinical profiles for leukoaraiosis and lacunes were found. Regarding leukoaraiosis, the cognitive scores (SISCO, mini mental score examination, mental examination) and the presence of hyperlipidemia decreased as the severity of leukoaraiosis increased. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that these cognitive score values as well as the presence of hyperlipidemia correlated significantly with no or only mild leukoaraiosis. Regarding lacunes, the percentage of migraine, previous stroke events, hydrocephalus, left ventricular hypertrophy, and a higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale increased as the number of lacunar lesions increased. Statistical analysis revealed that these parameters correlated not significantly with the number of lacunes. Conclusions: The findings suggests that leukoaraiosis and lacunes are different microangiopathic entities potentially requiering different treatment concepts

    Abelian Groups with Partial Decomposition Bases in L\u3csup\u3eÎŽ\u3c/sup\u3e\u3csub\u3e∞ω\u3c/sub\u3e, Part I

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    We consider the class of abelian groups possessing partial decomposition bases in LΎ∞ω for ÎŽ an ordinal. This class contains the class of Warfield groups which are direct summands of simply presented groups or, alternatively, are abelian groups possessing a nice decomposition basis with simply presented cokernel. We prove a classification theorem using numerical invariants that are deduced from the classical Ulm-Kaplansky and Warfield invariants. This extends earlier work by Barwise-Eklof, Göbel and the authors

    Infinitary equivalence of ZpZ_p-modules with nice decomposition bases

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    Warfield modules are direct summands of simply presented Zp - modules, or, alternatively, are Zp - modules possessing a nice decomposition basis with simply presented cokernel. They have been classified up to isomorphism by theor Ilm-Kaplansky and Warfield invariants. Taking a model theoretic point of view and using infinitary languages we give here a complete theoretic characterization of a large class of Zp - modules having a nice decomposition basis. As a corollary, we obtain the classical classification of countable Warfield modules. This generalizes results by Barwise and Eklof

    Biosynthesis of 4‘- O

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    Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton

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    Das Ziel des vorliegenden Projektes war es, eine sortenreine und gewichtsoptimierte Betonbauweise unter Einsatz mineralischer und lastpfadgerechter Faserverbundbewehrungen zur vorwettbewerblichen Anwendung weiterzuentwickeln, um damit neue GeschĂ€ftsfelder fĂŒr KMU im Bereich des Bauwesens zu eröffnen sowie lĂ€ngerfristig den Technologiestandort Baden-WĂŒrttemberg zu stĂ€rken. Dabei knĂŒpft das Projekt nahtlos an die Arbeiten aus dem SPP 1542 – Leicht bauen mit Beton – an. Der vorliegende Kurzbericht fasst die Forschungsergebnisse zusammen. FĂŒr eine ausfĂŒhrlichere Beschreibung der Arbeiten sowie die Darstellung der Ausgangslage wird auf [1] sowie auf die Homepage [2] verwiesen.The objective of the current project is to further develop a weight-optimised concrete construction method using mineral and load-path compatible fibre-composite reinforcements for pre-commercial applications. The outcome of the project could open new business opportunities for small- and mid-size enterprises in the construction sector and, in the longer term, strengthen Baden-WĂŒrttemberg as a technology hub. The project seamlessly ties in with the previous work from SPP 1542, the results of which are summarised in this short report. For a more detailed description of the work readers are referred to [1] as well as to the homepage [2]