76 research outputs found

    Intracellular blockade of GABA<inf>A</inf> receptors in the rat hippocampal neurons

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    The intracellular blockade of GABAA-receptor-mediated currents is a useful approach to suppress the GABAergic conductance in a single cell and to isolate the glutamatergic component of network-driven activities. Previously an approach has been described allowing intracellular blockade of GABAA receptors by means of intracellular dialysis of a neuron with the pipette-filling solution, in which fluoride ions that hardly pass through the GABAA receptor channels substitute for Cl- and in which Mg2+ and ATP are omitted to induce rundown of the GABAA receptors during whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. However, the kinetics of suppression of GABAergic conductance and the effect on the currents mediated by glutamate receptors remain unknown. Here, using whole-cell recordings with fluoride-based, Mg2+- and ATP-free solution on CA3 hippocampal neurons of neonatal rats, we show that after 1 h of such dialysis, both spontaneous and evoked GABAA-receptor-mediated synaptic currents and responses induced by the GABAA receptor agonist isoguvacine were completely suppressed. Inward GABAergic postsynaptic currents were suppressed prior to outward currents. Synaptic responses mediated by AM PA receptors were not affected by the dialysis, whereas the NM DA-receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents were reduced by approximately 20%. Dialysis with fluoride-based Mg2+, ATP-free solution either fully blocked giant depolarizing potentials (G DPs) in CA3 pyramidal cells (n = 2) or reduced the charge crossing the membrane during G DPs and shifted the G DP reversal potential to more positive values (n = 5). The dialysis-resistant component of G DPs was mediated by glutamate receptors, since: (i) it reversed around 0 mV; (ii) it demonstrated a negative slope conductance at negative membrane voltages, which is characteristic of NM DA receptor-mediated responses; (iii) kinetics of the individual events composing the dialysis-resistant component of G DPs at negative voltages were very similar to those of AM PA receptor-mediated synaptic currents. Thus, this procedure can be useful to isolate the glutamate receptor-mediated component of neuronal network-driven activities

    Insights into GABA receptor signalling in TM3 Leydig cells

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    gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an emerging signalling molecule in endocrine organs, since it is produced by endocrine cells and acts via GABA(A) receptors in a paracrine/autocrine fashion. Testicular Leydig cells are producers and targets for GABA. These cells express GABA(A) receptor subunits and in the murine Leydig cell line TM3 pharmacological activation leads to increased proliferation. The signalling pathway of GABA in these cells is not known in this study. We therefore attempted to elucidate details of GABA(A) signalling in TM3 and adult mouse Leydig cells using several experimental approaches. TM3 cells not only express GABA(A) receptor subunits, but also bind the GABA agonist {[}H-3] muscimol with a binding affinity in the range reported for other endocrine cells (K-d = 2.740 +/- 0.721 nM). However, they exhibit a low B-max value of 28.08 fmol/mg protein. Typical GABA(A) receptor-associated events, including Cl- currents, changes in resting membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+ or cAMP, were not measurable with the methods employed in TM3 cells, or, as studied in part, in primary mouse Leydig cells. GABA or GABA(A) agonist isoguvacine treatment resulted in increased or decreased levels of several mRNAs, including transcription factors (c-fos, hsf-1, egr-1) and cell cycle-associated genes (Cdk2, cyclin D1). In an attempt to verify the cDNA array results and because egr-1 was recently implied in Leydig cell development, we further studied this factor. RT-PCR and Western blotting confirmed a time-dependent regulation of egr-1 in TM3. In the postnatal testis egr-1 was seen in cytoplasmic and nuclear locations of developing Leydig cells, which bear GABA(A) receptors and correspond well to TM3 cells. Thus, GABA acts via an untypical novel signalling pathway in TM3 cells. Further details of this pathway remain to be elucidated. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Base

    Orexin-A and Orexin-B During the Postnatal Development of the Rat Brain

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    Orexin-A and orexin-B are hypothalamic neuropeptides isolated from a small group of neurons in the hypothalamus, which project their axons to all major parts of the central nervous system. Despite the extensive information about orexin expression and function at different parts of the nervous system in adults, data about the development and maturation of the orexin system in the brain are a bit contradictory and insufficient. A previous study has found expression of orexins in the hypothalamus after postnatal day 15 only, while others report orexins detection at embryonic stages of brain formation. In the present study, we investigated the distribution of orexin-A and orexin-B neuronal cell bodies and fibers in the brain at three different postnatal stages: 1-week-, 2-week-old and adult rats. By means of immunohistochemical techniques, we demonstrated that a small subset of cells in the lateral hypothalamus, and the perifornical and periventricular areas were orexin-A and orexin-B positive not only in 2-week-old and adult rats but also in 1-week-old animals. In addition, orexin-A and orexin-B expressing neuronal varicosities were found in many other brain regions. These results suggest that orexin-A and orexin-B play an important role in the early postnatal brain development. The widespread distribution of orexinergic projections through all these stages may imply an involvement of the two neurotransmitters in a large variety of physiological and behavioral processes also including higher brain functions like learning and memory

    Novel Patient Cell-Based HTS Assay for Identification of Small Molecules for a Lysosomal Storage Disease

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    Small molecules have been identified as potential therapeutic agents for lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), inherited metabolic disorders caused by defects in proteins that result in lysosome dysfunctional. Some small molecules function assisting the folding of mutant misfolded lysosomal enzymes that are otherwise degraded in ER-associated degradation. The ultimate result is the enhancement of the residual enzymatic activity of the deficient enzyme. Most of the high throughput screening (HTS) assays developed to identify these molecules are single-target biochemical assays. Here we describe a cell-based assay using patient cell lines to identify small molecules that enhance the residual arylsulfatase A (ASA) activity found in patients with metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), a progressive neurodegenerative LSD. In order to generate sufficient cell lines for a large scale HTS, primary cultured fibroblasts from MLD patients were transformed using SV40 large T antigen. These SV40 transformed (SV40t) cells showed to conserve biochemical characteristics of the primary cells. Using a specific colorimetric substrate para-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS), detectable ASA residual activity were observed in primary and SV40t fibroblasts from a MLD patient (ASA-I179S) cultured in multi-well plates. A robust fluorescence ASA assay was developed in high-density 1,536-well plates using the traditional colorimetric pNCS substrate, whose product (pNC) acts as “plate fluorescence quencher” in white solid-bottom plates. The quantitative cell-based HTS assay for ASA generated strong statistical parameters when tested against a diverse small molecule collection. This cell-based assay approach can be used for several other LSDs and genetic disorders, especially those that rely on colorimetric substrates which traditionally present low sensitivity for assay-miniaturization. In addition, the quantitative cell-based HTS assay here developed using patient cells creates an opportunity to identify therapeutic small molecules in a disease-cellular environment where potentially disrupted pathways are exposed and available as targets

    Functional Integration of Grafted Neural Stem Cell-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons Monitored by Optogenetics in an In Vitro Parkinson Model

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    Intrastriatal grafts of stem cell-derived dopamine (DA) neurons induce behavioral recovery in animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD), but how they functionally integrate in host neural circuitries is poorly understood. Here, Wnt5a-overexpressing neural stem cells derived from embryonic ventral mesencephalon of tyrosine hydroxylase-GFP transgenic mice were expanded as neurospheres and transplanted into organotypic cultures of wild type mouse striatum. Differentiated GFP-labeled DA neurons in the grafts exhibited mature neuronal properties, including spontaneous firing of action potentials, presence of post-synaptic currents, and functional expression of DA D2 autoreceptors. These properties resembled those recorded from identical cells in acute slices of intrastriatal grafts in the 6-hydroxy-DA-induced mouse PD model and from DA neurons in intact substantia nigra. Optogenetic activation or inhibition of grafted cells and host neurons using channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and halorhodopsin (NpHR), respectively, revealed complex, bi-directional synaptic interactions between grafted cells and host neurons and extensive synaptic connectivity within the graft. Our data demonstrate for the first time using optogenetics that ectopically grafted stem cell-derived DA neurons become functionally integrated in the DA-denervated striatum. Further optogenetic dissection of the synaptic wiring between grafted and host neurons will be crucial to clarify the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying behavioral recovery as well as adverse effects following stem cell-based DA cell replacement strategies in PD

    Pathogenesis of peroxisomal deficiency disorders (Zellweger syndrome) may be mediated by misregulation of the GABAergic system via the diazepam binding inhibitor

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    BACKGROUND: Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is a fatal inherited disease caused by peroxisome biogenesis deficiency. Patients are characterized by multiple disturbances of lipid metabolism, profound hypotonia and neonatal seizures, and distinct craniofacial malformations. Median live expectancy of ZS patients is less than one year. While the molecular basis of peroxisome biogenesis and metabolism is known in considerable detail, it is unclear how peroxisome deficiency leads to the most severe neurological symptoms. Recent analysis of ZS mouse models has all but invalidated previous hypotheses. HYPOTHESIS: We suggest that a regulatory rather than a metabolic defect is responsible for the drastic impairment of brain function in ZS patients. TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS: Using microarray analysis we identify diazepam binding inhibitor/acyl-CoA binding protein (DBI) as a candidate protein that might be involved in the pathogenic mechanism of ZS. DBI has a dual role as a neuropeptide antagonist of GABA(A) receptor signaling in the brain and as a regulator of lipid metabolism. Repression of DBI in ZS patients could result in an overactivation of GABAergic signaling, thus eventually leading to the characteristic hypotonia and seizures. The most important argument for a misregulation of GABA(A) in ZS is, however, provided by the striking similarity between ZS and "benzodiazepine embryofetopathy", a malformation syndrome observed after the abuse of GABA(A) agonists during pregnancy. IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYPOTHESIS: We present a tentative mechanistic model of the effect of DBI misregulation on neuronal function that could explain some of the aspects of the pathology of Zellweger syndrome

    Causal Measures of Structure and Plasticity in Simulated and Living Neural Networks

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    A major goal of neuroscience is to understand the relationship between neural structures and their function. Recording of neural activity with arrays of electrodes is a primary tool employed toward this goal. However, the relationships among the neural activity recorded by these arrays are often highly complex making it problematic to accurately quantify a network's structural information and then relate that structure to its function. Current statistical methods including cross correlation and coherence have achieved only modest success in characterizing the structural connectivity. Over the last decade an alternative technique known as Granger causality is emerging within neuroscience. This technique, borrowed from the field of economics, provides a strong mathematical foundation based on linear auto-regression to detect and quantify “causal” relationships among different time series. This paper presents a combination of three Granger based analytical methods that can quickly provide a relatively complete representation of the causal structure within a neural network. These are a simple pairwise Granger causality metric, a conditional metric, and a little known computationally inexpensive subtractive conditional method. Each causal metric is first described and evaluated in a series of biologically plausible neural simulations. We then demonstrate how Granger causality can detect and quantify changes in the strength of those relationships during plasticity using 60 channel spike train data from an in vitro cortical network measured on a microelectrode array. We show that these metrics can not only detect the presence of causal relationships, they also provide crucial information about the strength and direction of that relationship, particularly when that relationship maybe changing during plasticity. Although we focus on the analysis of multichannel spike train data the metrics we describe are applicable to any stationary time series in which causal relationships among multiple measures is desired. These techniques can be especially useful when the interactions among those measures are highly complex, difficult to untangle, and maybe changing over time

    GABA Maintains the Proliferation of Progenitors in the Developing Chick Ciliary Marginal Zone and Non-Pigmented Ciliary Epithelium

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    GABA is more than the main inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the adult CNS. Several studies have shown that GABA regulates the proliferation of progenitor and stem cells. This work examined the effects of the GABAA receptor system on the proliferation of retinal progenitors and non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cells. qRT-PCR and whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology were used to characterize the GABAA receptor system. To quantify the effects on proliferation by GABAA receptor agonists and antagonists, incorporation of thymidine analogues was used. The results showed that the NPE cells express functional extrasynaptic GABAA receptors with tonic properties and that low concentration of GABA is required for a baseline level of proliferation. Antagonists of the GABAA receptors decreased the proliferation of dissociated E12 NPE cells. Bicuculline also had effects on progenitor cell proliferation in intact E8 and E12 developing retina. The NPE cells had low levels of the Cl–transporter KCC2 compared to the mature retina, suggesting a depolarising role for the GABAA receptors. Treatment with KCl, which is known to depolarise membranes, prevented some of the decreased proliferation caused by inhibition of the GABAA receptors. This supported the depolarising role for the GABAA receptors. Inhibition of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) reduced the proliferation in the same way as inhibition of the GABAA receptors. Inhibition of the channels increased the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1, along with the reduced proliferation. These results are consistent with that when the membrane potential indirectly regulates cell proliferation with hyperpolarisation of the membrane potential resulting in decreased cell division. The increased expression of p27KIP1 after inhibition of either the GABAA receptors or the L-type VGCCs suggests a link between the GABAA receptors, membrane potential, and intracellular Ca2+ in regulating the cell cycle

    Refinement and Pattern Formation in Neural Circuits by the Interaction of Traveling Waves with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    Traveling waves in the developing brain are a prominent source of highly correlated spiking activity that may instruct the refinement of neural circuits. A candidate mechanism for mediating such refinement is spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), which translates correlated activity patterns into changes in synaptic strength. To assess the potential of these phenomena to build useful structure in developing neural circuits, we examined the interaction of wave activity with STDP rules in simple, biologically plausible models of spiking neurons. We derive an expression for the synaptic strength dynamics showing that, by mapping the time dependence of STDP into spatial interactions, traveling waves can build periodic synaptic connectivity patterns into feedforward circuits with a broad class of experimentally observed STDP rules. The spatial scale of the connectivity patterns increases with wave speed and STDP time constants. We verify these results with simulations and demonstrate their robustness to likely sources of noise. We show how this pattern formation ability, which is analogous to solutions of reaction-diffusion systems that have been widely applied to biological pattern formation, can be harnessed to instruct the refinement of postsynaptic receptive fields. Our results hold for rich, complex wave patterns in two dimensions and over several orders of magnitude in wave speeds and STDP time constants, and they provide predictions that can be tested under existing experimental paradigms. Our model generalizes across brain areas and STDP rules, allowing broad application to the ubiquitous occurrence of traveling waves and to wave-like activity patterns induced by moving stimuli