23 research outputs found

    Adjunctive Local Application of Lidocaine during Scleral Buckling under General Anesthesia

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of local lidocaine application on the incidence of the oculocardiac reflex (OCR) during scleral buckling (SB) for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) under general anesthesia. Methods: In a randomized clinical trial, eyes with RRD scheduled for SB under general anesthesia were randomized to adjunctive local application of 1 ml lidocaine 2% versus normal saline to the muscles after conjunctival opening. Surgical stimulation was initiated 5 minutes afterwards. Additionally, 100 mg of lidocaine 2% was added to 50 ml of normal saline in the treatment group which was used for irrigation during surgery; control eyes were irrigated with normal saline. The incidence of the OCR, rate of postoperative nausea/vomiting (PONV), total intravenous (IV) analgesic dose, duration of surgery, and period of hospitalization were compared between the study groups. Results: Thirty eyes of 30 patients including 22 (73.3%) male and 8 (26.7%) subjects with mean age of 49.4΁16.3 years were operated. OCR and PONV occurred less frequently, and total intravenous analgesic dose was significantly lower in the lidocaine group (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). However, no significant difference was noted between the study groups in terms of duration of surgery and period of hospitalization. Conclusion: Adjunctive local application of lidocaine during SB under GA for RRD decreases the rate of OCR and PONV, reduces the intravenous analgesic dose, but does not affect the duration of surgery or hospitalization

    Characteristics and Skills for Medical Librarians as the Information Experts in Accidents and Disasters

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    Introduction: The accident and disaster team's access to reliable and up-to-date information can mean faster crisis management, requiring specialist forces in this field. Therefore, this research aims to determine the characteristics and skills medical librarians need to be disaster and disaster information experts. Methods: The current research is descriptive and has been conducted using a narrative review method. In this study, 46 articles were found based on searches conducted in databases and websites of journals, which met the researchers’ criteria for inclusion in the study. In the next step, to achieve the main goal of the research, the content of these articles was examined and analyzed in-depth, and as a result, the characteristics and skills needed by librarians of accidents and disasters were extracted. Results: The results showed that the characteristics and skills needed in the order of abundance in the sources include the provision of information services, the use of information technology tools, collection managers, training in disaster response activities, institutional supporters, internal planners, government partners, mental health support, safe shelter, community resilience, familiarity with crisis management topics, and meeting needs. Conclusion: The results of the source review showed that librarians can play an influential role in the field of accidents and disasters. For this purpose, they must have the required characteristics and skills acquired through workshops or training courses, which add lesson units to educational topics

    A Reversed-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method for bio-analysis of Methotrexate

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    Methotrexate (MTX) is a chemotherapeutic agent used in treatment of many disorders including autoimmune diseases and cancers. The availability of a reliable analysis method for drug assay in biological fluids of interest  is  a  prerequisite  for  all  pharmacokinetic  studies  in  humans  or  animal  models. Considering the complex matrices of the biological specimens as well as the low concentrations of the majority of the drugs in biological fluids, the development of an available while sensitive method for the bioanalytical studies is often a challenging issue.For drug assay in aqueous, plasma, animal brain and liver tissue environments in a concentration range of 25-600 ng/ml, a reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was developed.System suitability tests were indicating a method with acceptable analytic separation efficiency and peak shape proving method’s selectivity. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) determined to be 10 ng/ml and 25ng/ml, which reflect method sensitivity. Regression analysis showed a linear correlation between area under curve (AUC) of peaks and corresponding MTX concentrations. The within-day and between-day precision and accuracy was both in acceptable ranges. Recovery index of method for median concentration (200 ng/ml) is also about 74%.The developed method was accorded to the acceptable criteria of analytical method validation. The sensitivity of the method in all the tested matrices made the method suitable in terms of detection and quantitation of low concentration samples throughout the study. Also, the assay method had fairly short run-time and lacks any significant interference. </p

    Association Between Intraventricular Conduction Disorders and Intrahospital Prognosis in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the most common heart diseases. Interventricular conduction disorders are complications of acute myocardial infarctions and have different types, such as left and right bundle branch blocks and left anterior and posterior hemiblocks. The prognosis of this disease can affect therapeutic methods, duration of hospitalization, and timely intervention decisions. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the relationship between interventricular conduction disorders and the prognosis of patients with ACS.Methods: Using the convenience sampling method, this analytical case-control study was conducted on 140 patients with ACS (61 patients in the case group and 79 patients in the control group) who were treated from March to August 2013. The underlying variables of the risk factors for ACS were evaluated, along with prognostic evaluation factors, in two groups: a case group (patients with interventricular conduction disorders) and a control group (patients without interventricular conduction disorders). Data were analyzed with SPSS v. 17 software using the chi-squared test, the analysis of variance test, Student’s t-test, and Fisher’s exact test. Results: The mean age of patients was 64.1 ± 5.8 years in the case group and 62.9 ± 8.8 years in the control group. No significant relationship was observed between ACS risk factors, such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, previous myocardial infarction, and smoking, and the prognosis of patients with ACS. The mean ejection fraction was 39.7 in the case group and 45.1 in the control group, so a significant relationship existed between the two groups (P&lt;0.05). In addition, systolic heart failure was more common in the case group than in the control group.Conclusion: We found that the presence of auscultation (rales sound) and shortness of breath on the first day of hospital admission in the case group was significantly different from the control group (P&lt;0.05). Furthermore, the ejection fraction in the case group was lower than in the control group, and the frequency of mitral regurgitation in the case group was higher than in the control group. These factors can effectively predict the prognosis of patients with ACS. Finally, we found that interventricular conduction disorders weakened the prognosis of patients with ACS

    Effect of medicinal smokes on some nosocomial infection factors

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    زمینه و هدف: مقاومت دارویی امروزه یکی از مشکلات اساسی در درمان عفونت هاست و مقابله با این پدیده و استفاده از جایگزین های طبیعی اهمیت زیادی دارد. در این میان استفاده از دودهای طبی در درمان بسیاری از بیماری ها و از جمله بیماری های میکروبی و عفونی در ایران و بخصوص در استان چهارمحال و بختیاری از قدیم الایام رواج داشته که از جمله این دودها، دود حاصل از سوزاندن اسپند و سرگین می باشد. این مطالعه با هدف مقایسه خواص ضد میکروبی دود حاصل از دانه های اسپند و سرگین بر روی سودوموناس آئروژینوزا و استافیلوکوک اورئوس طراحی و انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی آزمایشگاهی، گروه های دود اسپند و سرگین الاغ ماده به عنوان مورد و گروه های آنتی بیوتیک و دود کاه به عنوان شاهد در نظر گرفته شدند. سوش های استاندارد سودوموناس آئروژینوزا و استافیلوکوک اورئوس در محیط کشت های مناسب (مولر هینتون آگار، EMB و بلادآگار) کشت داده شدند. دیسک های بلانک آنتی بیوگرام دود دهی شده با سرگین، اسپند و کاه به طور جداگانه با کمک پنس استریل بر روی سطح پلیت های حاوی این سوش ها قرار داده شده و پس از 48 ساعت انکوباسیون در 37 درجه سانتی گراد از نظر وجود یا عدم وجود هاله رشد بررسی گردید. عمل دود دهی در محفظه های طراحی شده هر 20 دقیقه یکبار و حداکثر تا 24 بار تکرارگردید. یافته ها: هر دو گونه نسبت به دود کاه مقاوم بودند. استافیلوکوک اورئوس نسبت به دود سرگین و اسپند و سودوموناس آئروژینوزا نسبت به سرگین حساس بودند. در گروه شاهد نیز استافیلوکوک اورئوس نسبت به کلوگزاسیلین مقاوم بوده و سودوموناس آئروژینوزا تنها نسبت به اریترومایسین و سیپروفلوکساسین حساس بود. با افزایش زمان دود دهی، قطر هاله عدم رشد در موارد حساس بزرگتر شده و به عبارت دیگر اثرات ضد میکروبی دود افزایش می یافت. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به یافته های پژوهش و اثرات ضدمیکروبی دود سرگین بر روی میکروب های بسیار مقاومی مانند استافیلوکوک اورئوس و سودوموناس آئروژینوزا، لزوم انجام تحقیقات وسیع تر در مورد مواد موثره و خواص دود سرگین مطرح می گردد

    Tangeretin protects renal tubular epithelial cells against experimental cisplatin toxicity

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    Objective(s): Cisplatin is an effective antineoplastic agent; its clinical utility, however, is limited by a few salient toxic side effects like nephrotoxicity. This study aimed to determine the potential protective effects of tangeretin, a citrus-derived flavonoid, against renal tubular cell injury in cisplatin-induced renal toxicity of rats.Materials and Methods: Tangeretin was injected intraperitoneally at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg doses for 10 days, and a single dose of cisplatin (8 mg/kg) was injected on the 7th day. Tests of kidney function and tubular injury in renal tissues and urine together with oxidative stress and inflammation markers were examined.Results: Tangeretin ameliorated cisplatin-induced elevations in serum creatinine, BUN, and histopathologic changes. It also attenuated kidney oxidative stress elicited by cisplatin as demonstrated by reduced MDA and increased GSH, CAT, and SOD activities, elevated Nrf2 expression and protein levels of its downstream effectors, HO-1 and NQO-1. Tangeretin further alleviated inflammation evoked by cisplatin as indicated by reduced NF-κB p65 subunit phosphorylation with a simultaneous decrement in its downstream effectors IL-1β and TNF-α expression and protein levels. Moreover, it declined caspase-3 protein levels and TUNEL positive cells in the kidneys, the markers of apoptosis and DNA fragmentation, thus improving renal endurance. Additionally, tangeretin mitigated renal levels of KIM-1 and NGAL, as well as urinary cystatin C and β2-microglobulin concentrations, the markers of renal tubular injury.Conclusion: Collectively, these data signify the binary profit of tangeretin: enhancement of renal protective mechanisms against cisplatin and attenuation of renal tubular cell injuries induced by the agent

    Empagliflozin alleviates renal inflammation and oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats partly by repressing HMGB1-TLR4 receptor axis

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    Objective(s): Empagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor, possesses verified anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative stress effects against diabetic nephropathy. The present investigation aims to examine empagliflozin effects on the renal levels of high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), a potent inflammatory cytokine, and its respective receptor toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) in STZ-induced diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: Empagliflozin at 10 mg/kg per os (p.o.) was administered for 4 weeks, starting 8 weeks after the induction of diabetes. Renal function, kidney inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis markers as well as renal HMGB1, receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), and TLR-4 levels were assessed.Results: In addition to down-regulating NF-κB activity in renal cortices, empagliflozin reduced renal levels of HMGB1, RAGE, and TLR-4. It alleviated renal inflammation as indicated by diminished renal expressions of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines like tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and also decreased urinary levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP). Moreover, empagliflozin ameliorated renal oxidative stress as demonstrated by decreased renal malondialdehyde (MDA) and elevated renal activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). It also suppressed renal caspase-3, the marker of apoptosis; and furthermore, enhanced renal function noticed by the declined levels of serum urea and creatinine.Conclusion: These findings underline that empagliflozin is able to attenuate diabetes-related elevations in renal HMGB1 levels, an influential inflammatory cytokine released from the necrotic and activated cells, and its correspondent receptors, i.e., RAGE and TLR-4

    Role of Anti-brand Websites on Brand Equity

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    Branding makes distinct difference between one or more products among other products. Brand equity is considered as collected marketing investments of a brand and also an element of brand success which might be affected by any marketing action. Customers are forming relationship not only with a brand but also with other customers of the brand; with the help of internet customers form ‘brand communities’ or ‘anti-brand communities’. Anti-brand communities reflect negative perceptions of the brand. In addition to that, social media such as anti-brand websites motivate dissatisfied customers to express themselves. Even a small mistake can be spread fast among customers, which in turn could bring consequences for the company such as loss of loyal customers or negative change in customers’ perceptions of their product. Hence, the impact of customers’ ideas and the word-of-mouth on brand equity is undeniable, and the effect of online word-of-mouth is therefore a significant issue to study.The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge about the influence of anti-brand websites on customer-based brand equity to determine how the influence of anti-brand websites can be characterized. The effect of anti-brand websites on four factors (e.g., brand awareness, brand personality, perceived quality and brand loyalty)was studied in this thesis.A qualitative and deductive approach was adopted and two cases namely Starbuck and Coca Cola, and their respective anti-brand website (starsucks.com and killercoke.org) were studied. . Data was collected through individual, in-depth, interviews with respondents having experience of using the case brands. Results suggest that anti-brand websites can increase the awareness of the brand by rising the issues and discussions although it raise the awareness negatively. However, the results indicate that anti-brand websites do not play any noticeable or highlighted role on perceived quality of the brand.Surprisingly, brand associations were altered both negatively and positively by the influence of the anti-brand websites, while these websites do not seem to have any considerable effect on brand loyalty This study recommend that for those brands seeking to keep track of customers and want to keep their position in market, it would be useful to find the factors driving negative sentiments. Once it is understood; the company strategies can be applied to reduce such negative sentiments and prevent any negative tipping point besides using anti-brand websites as a marketing tool.Validerat; 20140922 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Referee Anxiety in Health Researches: A Challenge of Referees

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    In addition to the researchers, referees have important roles for publishing a valuable scholarly paper. A scientific work is evaluated in different phases from the beginning till it is published. In each of these phases, unpleasant experiences may happen for researchers and referees. Researchers as the producers of scientific papers experience research anxiety, library anxiety, information seeking anxiety, and referee anxiety. On the other hand, referees experience referees’ anxiety. So it is very important to recognize the effective factors causing anxiety and try to eliminate these problems. As the research area is very broad, all these mentioned concepts are parts of the research process. But one of the most critical stages of research is the review of scientific works particularly in the field of health. “The selection of the referee is the most important decision that the editors make about a scientific work” (1). Referee selection is very important in the area of health because the results of these researches have direct or indirect effects on public health (2). If the facilities are not properly provided for referees, many problems may occur including anxiety referee. Findings of Von Glinow and Novelli showed that there was an unpleasant sense for referees when they feel particular biases from the editor (3). Weller also states that there is an unpleasant sensation if the authors identify their referees (4). Other factors that cause anxiety during the referee process are: receiving several papers to review (5), selecting an inappropriate referee for a paper by the editor (6), lack of clear guidelines and standards of review (4), young and inexperienced referees and inappropriate behavior of journal staff and research centers, lack of scientific knowledge of the referee, and lack of enough ability for the referee to reject the article, all causing unpleasant feelings. In a simple definition, referee anxiety includes any discomfort of referee during reviewing a scientific work. The referee anxiety theme has been extracted from the library anxiety subjects (7-9) but necessary changes were made to cope with the recent matter. Now what factors create referee anxiety