1,121 research outputs found

    Rapid evolution in response to introduced predators I: rates and patterns of morphological and life-history trait divergence

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    BACKGROUND: Introduced species can have profound effects on native species, communities, and ecosystems, and have caused extinctions or declines in native species globally. We examined the evolutionary response of native zooplankton populations to the introduction of non-native salmonids in alpine lakes in the Sierra Nevada of California, USA. We compared morphological and life-history traits in populations of Daphnia with a known history of introduced salmonids and populations that have no history of salmonid introductions. RESULTS: Our results show that Daphnia populations co-existing with fish have undergone rapid adaptive reductions in body size and in the timing of reproduction. Size-related traits decreased by up to 13 percent in response to introduced fish. Rates of evolutionary change are as high as 4,238 darwins (0.036 haldanes). CONCLUSION: Species introductions into aquatic habitats can dramatically alter the selective environment of native species leading to a rapid evolutionary response. Knowledge of the rates and limits of adaptation is an important component of understanding the long-term effects of alterations in the species composition of communities. We discuss the evolutionary consequences of species introductions and compare the rate of evolution observed in the Sierra Nevada Daphnia to published estimates of evolutionary change in ecological timescales

    Computational Intelligence to Improve Air Quality and Traffic Management

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    Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques are strong and efficient and capable of enhancing current traffic and air quality management systems

    Diagnosing domestic and transboundary sources of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in UK cities using GEOS-Chem

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    The UK is set to impose a stricter ambient annual mean fine particulate matter (PM2.5) standard than was first adopted fourteen years ago. This necessitates strengthened knowledge of the magnitude and sources that influence urban PM2.5 in UK cities to ensure compliance and improve public health. Here, we use a regional-scale chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem), validated with national ground-based observations, to quantify the influence of specific sources within and transported to the mid-sized UK city Leicester. Of the sources targeted, we find that agricultural emissions of ammonia (NH3) make the largest contribution (3.7 ÎŒg m−3 or 38 % of PM2.5) to annual mean PM2.5 in Leicester. Another important contributor is long-range transport of pollution from continental Europe accounting for 1.8 ÎŒg m−3 or 19 % of total annual mean PM2.5. City sources are a much smaller portion (0.2 ÎŒg m−3; 2 %). We also apply GEOS-Chem to the much larger cities Birmingham and London to find that agricultural emissions of NH3 have a greater influence than city sources for Birmingham (32 % agriculture, 19 % city) and London (25 % agriculture, 13 % city). The portion from continental Europe is 16 % for Birmingham and 28 % for London. Action plans aimed at national agricultural sources of NH3 and strengthened supranational agreements would be most effective at alleviating PM2.5 in most UK cities

    Reconciling founder variant multiplicity of HIV-1 infection with the rate of CD4+ decline

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    HIV-1 transmission precipitates a stringent genetic bottleneck, with 75% of new infections initiated by a single genetic variant. Where multiple variants initiate infection, recipient set point viral load (SpVL) and the rate of CD4+ 4 T cell decline may be elevated, but these findings remain inconsistent. Here, we summarised the evidence for this phenomenon, then tested whether previous studies possessed sufficient statistical power to reliably identify a true effect of multiple variant infection associating with higher SpVL. Next, we combined models of HIV-1 transmission, heritability and disease progression to understand whether available data suggest a faster CD4+ T cell decline would be expected to associate with multiple variant infection, without an explicit dependency between the two. We found that most studies had insufficient power to identify a true significant difference, prompting an explanation for previous inconsistencies. Next, our model framework revealed we would not expect to observe a positive association between multiple variant infections and faster CD4+ T cell decline, in the absence of an explicit dependency. Consequently, while empirical evidence may be consistent with a positive association between multiple variant infection and faster CD4+ T cell decline, further investigation is required to establish a causal basis for this association

    iTRAQ – An Integrated Traffic Management and Air Quality Control System Using Space Services

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    There is a strong need for local authorities to meet the challenges of sustainable transport as well as complying with air quality targets. iTRAQ - Integrated Traffic Management and Air Quality using Space Services is a European Space Agency funded project. During the course of a feasibility study a consortium of UK industry, academic and local authority partners developed and validated a dynamic system for optimising the use of the road network balanced with the need to sustain high standards of air quality. iTRAQ uses a number of inputs that enable it to sense the current situation in near-real-time and provide accurate forecasts using a computational intelligence module. Traffic flow, queues, and congestion are gathered using traditional ground-based sensors as well as Global Navigation Satellite Systems based vehicle data. Air quality information is obtained from in situ monitors, a City-wide Gaussian dispersion model (Airviro), a European-scale ensemble model (MACC), and direct measurements from low-earth orbit satellites (OMI and GOME-2). The concept has been tested and validated using near-real-time data and a simulation environment, providing enhanced strategies to the local authority. Following a successful feasibility study, a larger demonstration phase is now being planned and other local authorities are being encouraged to participate. This paper gives an overview of this novel system and presents some initial test results that confirm the feasibility of this integrated system, reducing the traffic delay, increasing the flow and optimising the local air quality levels

    The association between air pollution and type 2 diabetes in a large cross-sectional study in Leicester: The CHAMPIONS Study

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    Background: Observational evidence suggests there is an association between air pollution and type 2 diabetes; however, there is high risk of bias. Objective: To investigate the association between air pollution and type 2 diabetes, while reducing bias due to exposure assessment, outcome assessment, and confounder assessment. Methods: Data were collected from 10,443 participants in three diabetes screening studies in Leicestershire, UK. Exposure assessment included standard, prevailing estimates of outdoor nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter concentrations in a 1 × 1 km area at the participant's home postcode. Three-year exposure was investigated in the primary analysis and one-year exposure in a sensitivity analysis. Outcome assessment included the oral glucose tolerance test for type 2 diabetes. Confounder assessment included demographic factors (age, sex, ethnicity, smoking, area social deprivation, urban or rural location), lifestyle factors (body mass index and physical activity), and neighbourhood green space. Results: Nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter concentrations were associated with type 2 diabetes in unadjusted models. There was no statistically significant association between nitrogen dioxide concentration and type 2 diabetes after adjustment for demographic factors (odds: 1.08; 95% CI: 0.91, 1.29). The odds of type 2 diabetes was 1.10 (95% CI: 0.92, 1.32) after further adjustment for lifestyle factors and 0.91 (95% CI: 0.72, 1.16) after yet further adjustment for neighbourhood green space. The associations between particulate matter concentrations and type 2 diabetes were also explained away by demographic factors. There was no evidence of exposure definition bias. Conclusions: Demographic factors seemed to explain the association between air pollution and type 2 diabetes in this cross-sectional study. High-quality longitudinal studies are needed to improve our understanding of the association


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    U radu se prikazuje odluka Zadarske sinode od 4. prosinca 1460. na kojoj je nadbiskup Mafej Vallaresso pokuĆĄao suzbiti upotrebu liturgije na crkvenoslavenskom jeziku hrvatske redakcije (lingua sclava). Sinodalni akti nisu danas sačuvani već je dostupan samo jedan dio sinodalnog kanona u dvije verzije. Originalnu verziju donosi Carlo F. Bianchi, dok je drugu, neznatno izmijenjenu, pribiljeĆŸio Ivan Zanotti – Tanzlingher. Poslije interpretcije i konzultacije mjerodavnih vrela zaključuje se kako sinodalna odredba nije posve dokidala liturgijska slavlja na hrvatskom jeziku nego je samo na sinodi poduzet pothvat prostornog i vremenskog suzbijanja »glagoljaĆĄke liturgije«. Zadarski su nadbiskupi pokuĆĄavali tijekom XVI. stoljeća suzbiti glagoljicu na teritoriju nadbiskupije, ali – kako to pokazuju dostupna vrela – nisu imali znatnijeg uspjeha.In this short discussion author analyzes decisions of the Zadar synod that was held on 4th December 1460. At this diocese council archbishop Mafeo Vallaresso tried to suppress local custom of having the holy service in Church-Slavonic language. The acts from this synod unfortunately are not completely preserved but only one article De celebratione missarum et elebrandi divina official today is known in two versions. The first, and presumably original, version was brought to us by Carlo F. Bianchi, and the second one, just slightly modified, was noted by Ivan Zanotti-Tanzlingher. The both notes deliver basically the same information, and differ only regarding the beginning of this act. Archbishop Vallaresso deeply influenced ecclesiastical life of his diocese at his time: he renovated archbishopric palace, ordered a new bell for the cathedral’s bell tower, and restored organ in the cathedral of St. Anastasia. Still, even though he was a typical renaissance man, he did not care much about the specific local tradition of Zadar and deeply rooted Croatian language. Moreover, through the synod he tried to restrain Glagolitic liturgy only to two town churches: St. Donatus (Holy Trinity) and St. Mary the Great. Similarly, a century later, archbishops of the sixteenth century also tried to suppress Glagolitic script in Zadar, for example on the synods of 1566 and 1594. However, in spite of their endeavors, as it is clearly visible from the extant sources, they did not have much success, and Church Slavonic remained an integral part of local liturgy until the reform of the Second Vatican Council.In dieser kleinen Abhandlung wird die synodale Entscheidung ĂŒber die EinschrĂ€nkung der Liturgie in der kirchenslavischen Sprache (der kroatischen Redaktion) analysiert. Der venezianische Patrizier und der Erzbischof von Zadar, MaphĂ€us Vallaresso (1450-1496) hat am 4. Dezember 1460 die Synode in Zadar einberufen; ihre Akten oder Entscheidungen sind nicht erhalten, nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Kanon »De celebratione missarum et celebrandi divina officia«. Dieser ist heute in zwei Versionen zugĂ€nglich, die sich sprachlich nur geringfĂŒgig voneinander unterscheiden. Die Originalversion hat schon Carlo F. Bianchi veröffentlicht und die zweite hat Johannes Zanotti – Tanzlingher in seinem Werk Epitome synodorum dioecesis Iadrensis vermerkt. Die synodale Entscheidung versucht die Liturgie in der kirchenslavischen Sprache der kroatischen Redaktion fĂŒr bestimmte Zeit nur auf zwei Kirchen in Zadar zu reduzieren: Die Kirche der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit (heute hl. Donat) und die Kirche der hl. Maria. Diese Entscheidung ließ sich nicht verwirklichen, da die Liturgie in lingua slava (d. h. in kroatischer Sprache) eine lange Tradition hat und in allen Pfarreien verbreitet war. Die Erzbischöfe von Zadar, Mutius Callinus (1555-1566) und auch Aloysius Molinus (1592-1595) haben diese Entscheidung auf den Synoden 1566 und 1594 noch einmal verbindlich erklĂ€rt; die Versuche sind gescheitert. Erzbischof Oktavian Garzzadoro (1623-1644), der aus gesundheitlichen GrĂŒnden Papst Urban VIII. um die Entbindung von den Pflichten bat, fĂŒgte seiner BegrĂŒndung hinzu, dass er die Sprache der GlĂ€ubigen seines Bistums nicht versteht. Dies ist ein klarer Beweis dafĂŒr, dass in Zadar die Bevölkerung kroatisch gesprochen hat und die Liturgie bis zur Reform des II. Vatikanischen Konzils in der Landessprache gefeiert wurde

    Reconciling founder variant multiplicity of HIV-1 infection with the rate of CD4+ decline.

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    HIV-1 transmission precipitates a stringent genetic bottleneck, with 75% of new infections initiated by a single genetic variant. Where multiple variants initiate infection, recipient set point viral load (SpVL) and the rate of CD4+ T cell decline may be elevated, but these findings remain inconsistent. Here, we summarised the evidence for this phenomenon, then tested whether previous studies possessed sufficient statistical power to reliably identify a true effect of multiple variant infection leading to higher SpVL. Next, we combined models of HIV-1 transmission, heritability and disease progression to understand whether available data suggest a faster CD4+ T cell decline would be expected to associated with multiple variant infection, without an explicit dependency between the two. First, we found that most studies had insufficient power to identify a true significant difference, prompting an explanation for previous inconsistencies. Next, our model framework revealed we would not expect to observe a positive association between multiple variant infections and faster CD4+ T cell decline, in the absence of an explicit dependency. Consequently, while empirical evidence may be consistent with a positive association between multiple variant infection and faster CD4+ T cell decline, further investigation is required to establish a causal basis
