26 research outputs found

    Alna-utbildning ger mer alkoholprevention? - en jÀmförelse av alkoholpreventiva insatser rapporterade av utbildad och outbildad personal

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    Med syftet att förbÀttra det alkoholpreventiva arbetet pÄ arbetsplatserna gav arbetsmarknadens parter genom ALNA en utbildning i alkoholförebyggande arbete pÄ arbetsplatsen. Syftet med denna studie var att utvÀrdera denna utbildning. Designen var av icke-ekvivalent kontrollgruppstyp (kvasiexperimentell design) dÀr grupperna visade sig vara lika i mÄnga relevanta avseenden. FörvÀntningarna var att den utbildade gruppen skulle göra fler alkoholpreventiva insatser pÄ sina arbetsplatser Àn den ej utbildade gruppen. Vid uppföljning 12 mÄnader efter utbildningen visades de utbildades arbetsplatser i högre grad ha en alkohol- och drogpolicy, en handlingsplan och en högre kunskap om vad man ska göra vid misstanke om missbruk.With the aim to improve the alcohol prevention in the workplace, the parts on the Swedish labour market through Alna started training in alcohol prevention on the workplace. This study is an evaluation of the training. The design was a non-equivalent control-group type where groups afterwards were found to be similar in many relevant respects. Expectations were that the trained group would make more alcohol preventive efforts at their workplaces than non-trained group. At follow-up 12 months after training, the workplaces of trained persons were shown to greater extent have an Alcohol and Drug policy, a plan of action and a greater knowledge of what to do in cases of suspected abuse

    Alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige under andra halvÄret 2000

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    Alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige 2000/2001

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    AllmÀnhetens bruk av alhohol och psykofarmaka i empirisk belysning

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    Use of alcohol and psychotropics in Sweden This study of a representative Swedish sample of 5612 respondents from 1988, shows that the use of psychotropics in the general population is highly associated with bad health, as indicated by chronic diseases, especially the category of mental disorders. Also old age, the perception of bad health and various types of tiredness are strongly associated with the use of psychotropics. In general, the same pattern was found behind use of psychotropics as for other medicines in terms of sickness, perceived health, age, gender. Users of psychotropics also reported many contacts with the health care system. Altogether, the results argue for the interpretation, that psychotropics mainly are used in order to cope with bad health. This may also explain why more females than males use psychotropics. Contrary to psychotropics, alcohol use showed no association with bad health in general. If there are any functional similarities between alcohol and psychotropics, they are found between abstinence from alcohol and use of psychotropics. Also abstinence from alcohol seems to be connected with strategies to cope with health problems. Survey data in general and ours in particular have poor validity with regard to deviant behaviour. In order to study the combined use of alcohol and psychotropics, clinical populations have to be studied. Our data do not allow for any conclusion in this direction.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Vem blir nykterist? : Om nykteristen som avvikare

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    Who becomes an abstainer? On the abstainer as deviant The principal aim of the study is to find out what the characteristics are of those consumers that later choose to abstain from alcohol. Both cross-sectional and panel data from the level-of-living surveys (LNU) conducted 1968, 1974, 1981 and 1991 are analysed. The results show that those becoming abstainers during the study period have a higher proportion of smokers than the long-term abstainers and, compared to the long-term abstainers and the drinkers, poorer mental health, a higher prevalence of use of minor tranquillizers and a sparser social network. In the beginning of the study period (1968-74) an association was also found between cardiovascular disease and later abstinence. Whereas (physical) health selection has become less obvious over time, the importance of negative psychosocial selection increases, especially for women. The findings underline the importance of distinguishing the new, selected abstainers - former drinkers - from long-term abstainers. This holds true especially in studies of the relationship between alcohol consumption on the one hand and mortality or morbidity on the other hand. It is likely that a majority of the long-term abstainers, of which some are lifetime abstainers, are part of a social context in which abstinence is not seen as deviant, whereas a large proportion of the new abstainers have a problematic life situation. The abstainers’ deviant position says something about the Swedish drinking culture in the last decades of the twentieth century. The fact that the psychosocial selection is so pronounced, and increases over time, reflects a social climate where an ever-decreasing number sees abstinence as an attractive choice.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Monitoring local alcohol prevention in Sweden: Application of Alcohol Prevention Magnitude Measure (APMM)

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    AIMS - National alcohol policy in Sweden has to a certain extent grown weaker, and there has instead been an increased focus on strengthening local alcohol prevention. Swedish municipalities carry out a variety of alcohol prevention activities, but there is little knowledge of how the magnitude of all these activities has developed over time. One reason for this lack of information is the limitation of tools for monitoring prevention activities locally. The aim of this study is 1) to develop an Alcohol Prevention Magnitude Measure (APMM) based on local data and 2) to analyse the development of local alcohol prevention by using APMM. DATA - The APMM is based on 37 different indicators of local prevention. Data derives from web-based surveys comprising all Swedish municipalities and from information on licensed premises at the local level. RESULTS - The results reveal that local alcohol prevention in Sweden, as measured by the APMM, has increased generally between 2006 and 2010. The increase is the result of more local policies and activities. CONCLUSION - The results indicate that the APMM captures real changes at the local level, as the APMM increased significantly in community intervention municipalities compared to other

    Children of substance abusing parents: A national survey on policy and practice in Swedish schools

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    Objectives This study aims at examining policy and practice within the Swedish school setting pertaining to children of substance abusing parents/caregivers.Methods A cross-sectional survey, involving a representative sample of randomized schools (n = 443) throughout Sweden was conducted using a self-completed questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was performed including bivariate analysis combined with logistic regression modeling to examine possible correlates between variables.Results The response rate was 66%, and participants reported that 37% had been trained in issues related to children of substance abusing parents, 33% of the schools had a policy document, and 73% of the schools had identified students with this complex of problems. Whether or not schools identify these students depends upon the occurrence of schools being "compulsory" or "upper secondary", "public" or "independent", the "school size", and respondents' participation in further training, which in turn is associated with the presence of a policy document.Conclusions It appears as if a policy document does not directly predict whether schools identify students having substance abusing parents. However, it does influence whether respondents have participated in further training, which subsequently predicts the identification of students having substance abusing parents. Implications for policy and practice within the school setting are discussed.Adolescent School Children of impaired parents Policy Substance abuse

    Monitoring local alcohol prevention in Sweden: Application of Alcohol Prevention Magnitude Measure (APMM)

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    AIMS - National alcohol policy in Sweden has to a certain extent grown weaker, and there has instead been an increased focus on strengthening local alcohol prevention. Swedish municipalities carry out a variety of alcohol prevention activities, but there is little knowledge of how the magnitude of all these activities has developed over time. One reason for this lack of information is the limitation of tools for monitoring prevention activities locally. The aim of this study is 1) to develop an Alcohol Prevention Magnitude Measure (APMM) based on local data and 2) to analyse the development of local alcohol prevention by using APMM. DATA - The APMM is based on 37 different indicators of local prevention. Data derives from web-based surveys comprising all Swedish municipalities and from information on licensed premises at the local level. RESULTS - The results reveal that local alcohol prevention in Sweden, as measured by the APMM, has increased generally between 2006 and 2010. The increase is the result of more local policies and activities. CONCLUSION - The results indicate that the APMM captures real changes at the local level, as the APMM increased significantly in community intervention municipalities compared to other