70 research outputs found

    Measurement of swelling-induced residual stress in ion implanted SiC, and its effect on micromechanical properties

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    Ion implantation is widely used as a surrogate for neutron irradiation in the investigation of radiation damage on the properties of materials. Due to the small depth of damage, micromechanical methods must be used to extract material properties. In this work, nanoindentation has been applied to ion irradiated silicon carbide to extract radiation-induced hardening. Residual stress is evaluated using HR-EBSD, AFM swelling measurements, and a novel microcantilever relaxation technique coupled with finite element modelling. Large compressive residual stresses of several GPa are found in the irradiated material, which contribute to the significant hardening observed in nanoindentation measurements. The origin of these residual stresses and the associated hardening is the unirradiated substrate which constrains radiation swelling. Comparisons with other materials susceptible to irradiation swelling show that this effect should not be neglected in studying the effects of ion irradiation damage on mechanical properties. This constraint may also be influencing fundamental radiation defects. This has significant implications for the suitability of ion implantation as a surrogate for neutron irradiations. These results demonstrate the significance of swelling-induced residual stresses in nuclear reactor components, and the impact on structural integrity of reactor components.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Raman spectroscopy of ion irradiated SiC: chemical defects, strain, annealing, and oxidation

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    Raman spectroscopy has been used to identify defective bonding in neon and silicon ion irradiated single crystals of 6H-SiC. Observable differences exist in the C-C bonding region corresponding to different defect structures for neon and silicon ion implantations. Raman spectra of ion irradiated SiC show less tensile strain than neutron irradiations, explained by a residual compressive stress caused by the swelling constrained by the undamaged substrate. Evidence of oxidation during high temperature ion implantation is observed as C-O and Si-O Raman signals. Annealing irradiated SiC while acquiring Raman spectra shows rapid recovery of Si-C bonding, but not a complete recovery of the unirradiated structure. Annealing irradiated SiC causes surface oxidation where unirradiated SiC does not oxidise. Comparisons are made to the apparent radiation resistance of diamond and silicon which have similar crystal structures, but are monatomic, leading to the suggestion that chemical defects are responsible for increased radiation damage in SiC.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Cuticular wax coverage and its transpiration barrier properties in Quercus coccifera L. leaves: does the environment matter?

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    Plants prevent uncontrolled water loss by synthesizing, depositing and maintaining a hydrophobic layer over their primary aerial organs-the plant cuticle. Quercus coccifera L. can plastically respond to environmental conditions at the cuticular level. When exposed to hot summer conditions with high vapour-pressure deficit (VPD) and intense solar radiation (Mediterranean atmospheric conditions; MED), this plant species accumulates leaf cuticular waxes even over the stomata, thereby decreasing transpirational water loss. However, under mild summer conditions with moderate VPD and regular solar radiation (temperate atmospheric conditions; TEM), this effect is sharply reduced. Despite the ecophysiological importance of the cuticular waxes of Q. coccifera, the wax composition and its contribution to avoiding uncontrolled dehydration remain unknown. Thus, we determined several leaf traits for plants exposed to both MED and TEM conditions. Further, we qualitatively and quantitatively investigated the cuticular lipid composition by gas chromatography. Finally, we measured the minimum leaf conductance (gmin) as an indicator of the efficacy of the cuticular transpiration barrier. The MED leaves were smaller, stiffer and contained a higher load of cuticular lipids than TEM leaves. The amounts of leaf cutin and cuticular waxes of MED plants were 1.4 times and 2.6 times higher than that found for TEM plants, respectively. In detail, MED plants produced higher amounts of all compound classes of cuticular waxes, except for the equivalence of alkanoic acids. Although MED leaves contained higher cutin and cuticular wax loads, the gmin was not different between the two habitats. Our findings suggest that the qualitative accumulation of equivalent cuticular waxes might compensate for the higher wax amount of MED plants, thereby contributing equally to the efficacy of the cuticular transpirational barrier of Q. coccifera. In conclusion, we showed that atmospheric conditions profoundly affect the cuticular lipid composition of Q. coccifera leaves, but do not alter its transpiration barrier properties

    Cuticular wax coverage and its transpiration barrier properties in Quercus coccifera L. leaves: does the environment matter?

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    Plants prevent uncontrolled water loss by synthesizing, depositing and maintaining a hydrophobic layer over their primary aerial organs-the plant cuticle. Quercus coccifera L. can plastically respond to environmental conditions at the cuticular level. When exposed to hot summer conditions with high vapour-pressure deficit (VPD) and intense solar radiation (Mediterranean atmospheric conditions; MED), this plant species accumulates leaf cuticular waxes even over the stomata, thereby decreasing transpirational water loss. However, under mild summer conditions with moderate VPD and regular solar radiation (temperate atmospheric conditions; TEM), this effect is sharply reduced. Despite the ecophysiological importance of the cuticular waxes of Q. coccifera, the wax composition and its contribution to avoiding uncontrolled dehydration remain unknown. Thus, we determined several leaf traits for plants exposed to both MED and TEM conditions. Further, we qualitatively and quantitatively investigated the cuticular lipid composition by gas chromatography. Finally, we measured the minimum leaf conductance (gmin) as an indicator of the efficacy of the cuticular transpiration barrier. The MED leaves were smaller, stiffer and contained a higher load of cuticular lipids than TEM leaves. The amounts of leaf cutin and cuticular waxes of MED plants were 1.4 times and 2.6 times higher than that found for TEM plants, respectively. In detail, MED plants produced higher amounts of all compound classes of cuticular waxes, except for the equivalence of alkanoic acids. Although MED leaves contained higher cutin and cuticular wax loads, the gmin was not different between the two habitats. Our findings suggest that the qualitative accumulation of equivalent cuticular waxes might compensate for the higher wax amount of MED plants, thereby contributing equally to the efficacy of the cuticular transpirational barrier of Q. coccifera. In conclusion, we showed that atmospheric conditions profoundly affect the cuticular lipid composition of Q. coccifera leaves, but do not alter its transpiration barrier properties

    Peridynamic modelling of cracking in TRISO particles for high temperature reactors

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    A linear-elastic computer simulation (model) for a single particle of TRISO fuel has been built using a bond-based peridynamic technique implemented in the finite element code ‘Abaqus’. The model is able to consider the elastic and thermal strains in each layer of the particle and to simulate potential fracture both within and between layers. The 2D cylindrical model makes use of a plane stress approximation perpendicular to the plane modelled. The choice of plane stress was made by comparison of 2D and 3D finite element models. During an idealised ramp to normal operating power for a kernel of 0.267 W and a bulk fuel temperature of 1305 K, cracks initiate in the buffer near to the kernel-buffer interface and propagate towards the buffer-iPyC coating interface, but do not penetrate the iPyC and containment of the fission products is maintained. In extreme accident conditions, at around 600% (1.60 W) power during a power ramp at 100% power (0.267 W) per second, cracks were predicted to form on the kernel side of the kernel-buffer interface, opposite existing cracks in the buffer. These were predicted to then only grow further with further increases in power. The SiC coating was predicted to subsequently fail at a power of 940% (2.51 W), with cracks formed rapidly at the iPyC-SiC interface and propagating in both directions. These would overcome the containment to fission gas release offered by the SiC ‘pressure vessel’. The extremely high power at which failure was predicted indicates the potential safety benefits of the proposed high temperature reactor design based on TRISO fuel

    Measurement of residual stresses in surrogate coated nuclear fuel particles using ring-core focussed ion beam digital image correlation

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    Coated fuel particles, most commonly tri-structural isotropic (TRISO), are intended for application in several designs of advanced nuclear reactors. A complete understanding of the residual stresses and local properties of these particles through their entire lifecycle is required to inform fuel element manufacturing, reactor operation, accident scenarios, and reprocessing. However, there is very little experimental data available in the literature on the magnitude of residual stresses in the individual coating layers of these particles. This work applies ring-core focussed ion beam milling combined with digital image correlation analysis (FIB-DIC) to cross-sections of TRISO and pyrolytic carbon coatings in surrogate coated fuel particles to evaluate the residual stresses. Tensile residual hoop stresses are identified in both pyrolytic carbon layers, while silicon carbide experiences a compressive residual hoop stress. Note that these residual stresses, which were not accounted for in the models reported in open literature, have magnitudes comparable to the stresses predicted to arise in real fuel particles during service. A 2D linear-elastic continuum-based finite element analysis has been conducted to investigate the stress relaxation phenomena caused by sectioning stressed coatings on spherical particles. The FIB-DIC method established here is independent of radiation defects and can be applied to irradiated TRISO particles to retrieve first-hand information regarding the residual stress evolution during service

    Mining the surface proteome of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit for proteins associated with cuticle biogenesis

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    The aerial organs of plants are covered by the cuticle, a polyester matrix of cutin and organic solvent-soluble waxes that is contiguous with the polysaccharide cell wall of the epidermis. The cuticle is an important surface barrier between a plant and its environment, providing protection against desiccation, disease, and pests. However, many aspects of the mechanisms of cuticle biosynthesis, assembly, and restructuring are entirely unknown. To identify candidate proteins with a role in cuticle biogenesis, a surface protein extract was obtained from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits by dipping in an organic solvent and the constituent proteins were identified by several complementary fractionation strategies and two mass spectrometry techniques. Of the ∼200 proteins that were identified, a subset is potentially involved in the transport, deposition, or modification of the cuticle, such as those with predicted lipid-associated protein domains. These include several lipid-transfer proteins, GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase family proteins, and an MD-2-related lipid recognition domain-containing protein. The epidermal-specific transcript accumulation of several of these candidates was confirmed by laser-capture microdissection and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR), together with their expression during various stages of fruit development. This indicated a complex pattern of cuticle deposition, and models for cuticle biogenesis and restructuring are discussed

    BRCA1 and BRCA2 Germline Mutations in Malaysian Women with Early-Onset Breast Cancer without a Family History

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    BACKGROUND: In Asia, breast cancer is characterised by an early age of onset: In Malaysia, approximately 50% of cases occur in women under the age of 50 years. A proportion of these cases may be attributable, at least in part, to genetic components, but to date, the contribution of genetic components to breast cancer in many of Malaysia's ethnic groups has not been well-characterised. METHODOLOGY: Given that hereditary breast carcinoma is primarily due to germline mutations in one of two breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, we have characterised the spectrum of BRCA mutations in a cohort of 37 individuals with early-onset disease (<or=40 years) and no reported family history. Mutational analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 was conducted by full sequencing of all exons and intron-exon junctions. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we report a total of 14 BRCA1 and 17 BRCA2 sequence alterations, of which eight are novel (3 BRCA1 and 5 BRCA2). One deleterious BRCA1 mutation and 2 deleterious BRCA2 mutations, all of which are novel mutations, were identified in 3 of 37 individuals. This represents a prevalence of 2.7% and 5.4% respectively, which is consistent with other studies in other Asian ethnic groups (4-9%)

    Potential plasma markers of type 1 and type 2 leprosy reactions: a preliminary report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The clinical management of leprosy Type 1 (T1R) and Type 2 (T2R) reactions pose challenges mainly because they can cause severe nerve injury and disability. No laboratory test or marker is available for the diagnosis or prognosis of leprosy reactions. This study simultaneously screened plasma factors to identify circulating biomarkers associated with leprosy T1R and T2R among patients recruited in Goiania, Central Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A nested case-control study evaluated T1R (n = 10) and TR2 (n = 10) compared to leprosy patients without reactions (n = 29), matched by sex and age-group (+/- 5 years) and histopathological classification. Multiplex bead based technique provided profiles of 27 plasma factors including 16 pro inflammatory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), Interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)- IL12p70, IL2, IL17, IL1 β, IL6, IL15, IL5, IL8, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha (MIP1α), 1 beta (MIP1β), regulated upon activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), monocyte chemoattractrant protein 1 (MCP1), CC-chemokine 11 (CCL11/Eotaxin), CXC-chemokine 10 (CXCL10/IP10); 4 anti inflammatory interleukins: IL4, IL10, IL13, IL1Rα and 7 growth factors: IL7, IL9, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF BB), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Elevations of plasma CXCL10 (P = 0.004) and IL6 (p = 0.013) were observed in T1R patients compared to controls without reaction. IL6 (p = 0.05), IL7 (p = 0.039), and PDGF-BB (p = 0.041) were elevated in T2R. RANTES and GMCSF were excluded due to values above and below detection limit respectively in all samples.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Potential biomarkers of T1R identified were CXCL10 and IL6 whereas IL7, PDGF-BB and IL6, may be laboratory markers of TR2. Additional studies on these biomarkers may help understand the immunopathologic mechanisms of leprosy reactions and indicate their usefulness for the diagnosis and for the clinical management of these events.</p