21 research outputs found

    Ohjaajien kokemuksia maahanmuuttajanaisten kehoryhmien ohjaamisesta

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    Maahanmuuttajien mÀÀrĂ€ Suomessa lisÀÀntyy vuosi vuodelta, ja kysymykset heidĂ€n hy-vinvoinnistaan ja kotoutumisestaan tulevat yhĂ€ ajankohtaisemmiksi. Hallinnan tunne omas-ta elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€, hyvĂ€t sosiaaliset suhteet ja hyvĂ€ fyysinen kunto ovat osa hyvinvointia, ja siksi niistĂ€ huolehtimista tulisi tukea maahanmuuton yhteydessĂ€. RyhmissĂ€ tapahtuva keho-työskentely on menetelmĂ€, jolla voidaan tukea erityisesti maahanmuuttajanaisten hyvin-vointia edistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ voimaantumista, oman elĂ€mĂ€n hallintaa ja fyysisen kunnon yllĂ€pitoa. OpinnĂ€ytetyömme tavoite oli Kehollisuutta maahanmuuttajatyöhön -hankkeessa keholli-suusryhmissĂ€ ohjanneiden neljĂ€n opiskelijaohjaajan kokemusten kerÀÀminen ja raportointi. Hankimme tietoa neljĂ€stĂ€ eri aihealueesta: ohjaajien kokemuksista ennakkovalmisteluista ja –valmiuksista, ohjaustilanteesta, kehotyöskentelyn havainnoinnista ja ohjaamisesta sekĂ€ ryhmĂ€n toiminnasta. NĂ€iden teemojen pohjalta kerĂ€simme ohjaajilta myös kehitysehdo-tuksia kehollisuusryhmien toimintaan liittyen. KerĂ€simme ohjaajien kokemuksia jokaisen ryhmĂ€nohjauskerran jĂ€lkeen kyselylomakkeilla, joiden pohjalta ohjaajat kirjoittivat oppimispĂ€ivĂ€kirjaa. Kyselylomakkeen lisĂ€ksi teimme myös ryhmĂ€haastattelun ohjauskertojen ollessa suurimmalta osin ohi. KĂ€vimme pĂ€ivĂ€kirjat ja haastattelunauhan lĂ€pi jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llisesti teemoittelun avulla. Ohjaajien kokemuksia ja teoriatietoa yhdistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ työstĂ€mme nousi esiin neljĂ€ keskeistĂ€ aihealuetta. NĂ€mĂ€ olivat ohjaajan oman kehotyöskentelyn hallitseminen, joustavuus ja tilannetaju ryhmĂ€n kanssa toimiessa, sanallisen viestinnĂ€n kĂ€yttö ja liikkeen oikeaoppi-suuden merkitys.As the number of immigrants rises in Finland, questions about their wellbeing and assimi-lation become more topical. Wellbeing consists of many factors, some of which are a feel-ing of control over one’s life, good relationships and physical condition. One way to help immigrant women maintain these aspects of wellbeing is bodywork groups. Through help-ing women improve their physical condition and sense of control bodywork groups can leave women feeling empowered and thus improve their wellbeing. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to investigate and report the experiences of the instructors of bodywork groups organized by the Bodywork with Immigrant Groups (Kehollisuutta maahanmuuttajatyöhön) –project. We asked the four instructors about their ex-periences in preparing for and instructing the groups, and their observations on the clients’ bodywork and the group dynamics. We also asked for their suggestions on how to improve the bodywork groups. Questionnaires were sent out to the instructors and filled by them after each bodywork class. A group interview was also conducted after most of the classes had been held. We went through the responses systematically, gathering experiences under each of the aforementioned themes. By combining theoretical background with the experiences of the instructors we found four elements that seem most important to consider when discussing immigrant women’s bod-ywork groups. These are the importance of the instructors’ own bodywork experience and flexibility when working with the group, as well as questions related to verbal communica-tion and the correctness of movement

    Valtatie 18 SeinÀjoki - Alavus pÀÀsuuntaselvitys

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    PÀÀsuuntaselvityksen tavoitteena on löytÀÀ keskeiset kehittÀmistoimenpiteet valtatien 18 pitkÀn ajan kehittÀmiselle SeinÀjoen ja Alavuden HakojÀrven vÀlisellÀ tieosuudella. Tiejaksolla on lukuisia standardipuutteita ja kohteen erityispiirteenÀ on nykyisen valtatien risteÀminen rautatien kanssa useammassa kohdassa siten, ettÀ ylityskohdissa on vartioitu tasoristeys. LisÀksi liikenteen pÀÀsuunnassa on epÀjatkuvuuskohdat muun muassa Veneskoskella ja KeskikylÀssÀ. Suunnittelualueen pituus on noin 65 km. SelvityksessÀ on tunnistettu erilaisia linjausvaihtoehtoja ja toimenpiteitÀ, joiden toteuttamisen vaikutuksia on verrattu valtatielle asetettuihin valtakunnallisiin ja seudullisiin tavoitteisiin. Vaihtoehtojen vaikutuksia on tarkasteltu liikennejÀrjestelmÀn, ympÀristön ja maankÀytön nÀkökulmista. Vaikutusten arvioinnissa sovellettiin VÀylÀviraston hankearviointiohjeistuksen mukaisia menetelmiÀ ja laskentamalleja. Hankevaihtoehtojen toimenpiteille arvioitiin rakentamisen alustavat kustannukset sekÀ niiden tuottamat yhteiskuntataloudelliset hyödyt. ToimenpiteitÀ arvioitiin erikseen sekÀ yhdessÀ erilaisissa yhdistelmissÀ. Linjausvaihtoehtojen osalta tutkittiin kahta pÀÀvaihtoehtoa, joista ensimmÀinen nojautuu valtatien 18 nykyiseen linjaukseen (VE1) ja toinen vaihtoehto (VE2) Kuortaneen MÀyryn kautta kulkevaan linjaukseen. Tutkitut linjausvaihtoehdot vÀhentÀvÀt matka-aikaa, lyhentÀvÀt kuljettua matkaa sekÀ parantavat liikenneturvallisuutta. Vaihtoehtotarkastelun perusteella nykyiseen valtatielinjaukseen tukeutuvat linjausvaihtoehdot VE1A ja VE1B ovat yhteiskuntataloudellisesti kannattavampia kuin linjausvaihtoehto VE2. Parhaat hyödyt suhteessa kustannuksiin saadaan vaihtoehdosta VE1A. Investointikustannuksiltaan linjausvaihtoehto VE2 on halvin, mutta sen hyöty-kustannussuhde jÀÀ pienimmÀksi. Saavutettavuus tarkistettu. Liitteet 1 ja 2 ovat korkearesoluutiokarttoja, eivÀtkÀ ole saavutettavia

    Recurrent moderate-risk mutations in Finnish breast and ovarian cancer patients

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    Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes predispose to breast and ovarian cancer (BC/OC) with a high lifetime risk, whereas mutations in PALB2, CHEK2, ATM, FANCM, RAD51C and RAD51D genes cause a moderately elevated risk. In the Finnish population, recurrent mutations have been identified in all of these genes, the latest being CHEK2 c.319+2T>A and c.444+1G>A. By genotyping 3,156 cases and 2,089 controls, we estimated the frequencies of CHEK2 c.319+2T>A and c.444+1G>A in Finnish BC patients. CHEK2 c.319+2T>A was detected in 0.7% of the patients, and it was associated with a high risk of BC in the unselected patient group (OR = 5.40 [95% CI 1.58–18.45], p = 0.007) and similarly in the familial patient group. CHEK2 c.444+1G>A was identified in 0.1% of all patients. Additionally, we evaluated the combined prevalence of recurrent moderate‐risk gene mutations in 2,487 BC patients, 556 OC patients and 261 BRCA1/2 carriers from 109 families. The overall frequency of the mutations was 13.3% in 1,141 BRCA1/2‐negative familial BC patients, 7.5% in 1,727 unselected BC patients and 7.2% in 556 unselected OC patients. At least one moderate‐risk gene mutation was found in 12.5% of BRCA1 families and 7.1% of BRCA1 index patients, as well as in 17.0% of BRCA2 families and 11.3% of BRCA2 index patients, and the mutations were associated with an additional risk in the BRCA1/2 index patients (OR = 2.63 [1.15–5.48], p = 0.011). These results support gene panel testing of even multiple members of BC families where several mutations may segregate in different individuals.</p

    Recurrent moderate-risk mutations in Finnish breast and ovarian cancer patients

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    Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes predispose to breast and ovarian cancer (BC/OC) with a high lifetime risk, whereas mutations in PALB2, CHEK2, ATM, FANCM, RAD51C and RAD51D genes cause a moderately elevated risk. In the Finnish population, recurrent mutations have been identified in all of these genes, the latest being CHEK2 c.319+2T>A and c.444+1G>A. By genotyping 3,156 cases and 2,089 controls, we estimated the frequencies of CHEK2 c.319+2T>A and c.444+1G>A in Finnish BC patients. CHEK2 c.319+2T>A was detected in 0.7% of the patients, and it was associated with a high risk of BC in the unselected patient group (OR = 5.40 [95% CI 1.58-18.45], p = 0.007) and similarly in the familial patient group. CHEK2 c.444+1G>A was identified in 0.1% of all patients. Additionally, we evaluated the combined prevalence of recurrent moderate-risk gene mutations in 2,487 BC patients, 556 OC patients and 261 BRCA1/2 carriers from 109 families. The overall frequency of the mutations was 13.3% in 1,141 BRCA1/2-negative familial BC patients, 7.5% in 1,727 unselected BC patients and 7.2% in 556 unselected OC patients. At least one moderate-risk gene mutation was found in 12.5% of BRCA1 families and 7.1% of BRCA1 index patients, as well as in 17.0% of BRCA2 families and 11.3% of BRCA2 index patients, and the mutations were associated with an additional risk in the BRCA1/2 index patients (OR = 2.63 [1.15-5.48], p = 0.011). These results support gene panel testing of even multiple members of BC families where several mutations may segregate in different individuals.Peer reviewe

    Case-control analysis of truncating mutations in DNA damage response genes connects TEX15 and FANCD2 with hereditary breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several known breast cancer susceptibility genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR) and are characterized by rare loss-of-function mutations. However, these explain less than half of the familial cases. To identify novel susceptibility factors, 39 rare truncating mutations, identified in 189 Northern Finnish hereditary breast cancer patients in parallel sequencing of 796 DDR genes, were studied for disease association. Mutation screening was performed for Northern Finnish breast cancer cases (n = 578-1565) and controls (n = 337-1228). Mutations showing potential cancer association were analyzed in additional Finnish cohorts.c.7253dupT in TEX15, encoding a DDR factor important in meiosis, associated with hereditary breast cancer (p = 0.018) and likely represents a Northern Finnish founder mutation. A deleterious c.2715 + 1G > A mutation in the Fanconi anemia gene, FANCD2, was over two times more common in the combined Finnish hereditary cohort compared to controls. A deletion (c.640_644del5) in RNF168, causative for recessive RIDDLE syndrome, had high prevalence in majority of the analyzed cohorts, but did not associate with breast cancer. In conclusion, truncating variants in TEX15 and FANCD2 are potential breast cancer risk factors, warranting further investigations in other populations. Furthermore, high frequency of RNF168 c.640_644del5 indicates the need for its testing in Finnish patients with RIDDLE syndrome symptoms.Peer reviewe

    Case-control analysis of truncating mutations in DNA damage response genes connects TEX15 and FANCD2 with hereditary breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several known breast cancer susceptibility genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR) and are characterized by rare loss-of-function mutations. However, these explain less than half of the familial cases. To identify novel susceptibility factors, 39 rare truncating mutations, identified in 189 Northern Finnish hereditary breast cancer patients in parallel sequencing of 796 DDR genes, were studied for disease association. Mutation screening was performed for Northern Finnish breast cancer cases (n = 578–1565) and controls (n = 337–1228). Mutations showing potential cancer association were analyzed in additional Finnish cohorts. c.7253dupT in TEX15, encoding a DDR factor important in meiosis, associated with hereditary breast cancer (p = 0.018) and likely represents a Northern Finnish founder mutation. A deleterious c.2715 + 1G > A mutation in the Fanconi anemia gene, FANCD2, was over two times more common in the combined Finnish hereditary cohort compared to controls. A deletion (c.640_644del5) in RNF168, causative for recessive RIDDLE syndrome, had high prevalence in majority of the analyzed cohorts, but did not associate with breast cancer. In conclusion, truncating variants in TEX15 and FANCD2 are potential breast cancer risk factors, warranting further investigations in other populations. Furthermore, high frequency of RNF168 c.640_644del5 indicates the need for its testing in Finnish patients with RIDDLE syndrome symptoms.</p

    Hiki, Àhky ja loikka - Osallistujien pedagogisia mietteitÀ ja ideoita hankkeen varrelta

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    DIGIJOUJOU-hankkeessa työskennelleet opettajat ovat hankkeen toimintavuosien 2017-2019 aikana pohtineet opetuksen ja oppimisen digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta eri näkökulmista: mitä digitaalisuus ja joustavuus suomen ja ruotsin opiskelussa tarkoittaa, miten soveltaa, lisätä ja kehittää digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta omassa opetuksessa ja opiskelijoiden oppimisessa. Hankelaisten blogikirjoituksissa näemme askeleita opettajien omasta ja yhdessä muiden kanssa oppimisesta hankkeen edetessä; epävarmuus muuttuu varmuudeksi, ajoittainen digiähky oman asiantuntijuuden kasvuksi ja joustavuus osaksi opettajan arkipedagogiikkaa. Antoisia ja inspiroivia lukuhetkiä! LisĂ€tietoa: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi/Lärarna i DIGIJOUJOU-projektet har under projektets verksamhetsår 2017-2019 reflekterat över digitalisering och exibilitet från olika perspektiv; vad betyder digitalisering och exibilitet i lärandet av finska och svenska, hur ska man implementera, öka och utveckla dessa i den egna undervisningen och i hur studerande lär sig finska och svenska. I projektdeltagarnas bloginlägg får vi inblick i hur allas lärandeprocess i projektet framskrider; osäkerhet utvecklas till säkerhet, digikaoset får ordning och exibilitet blir en del av den egna sakkunnigheten och pedagogiken. Med önskan om givande och inspirerande läsning! Mer information: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi

    KansainvÀlisyyskasvatusta saduttamalla : Satusilta -hanke osallistaa lapsia Suomessa ja Swazimaassa

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    Maailma kansainvĂ€listyy, jonka myötĂ€ eri kulttuurien vuorovaikutus lisÀÀntyy. Vieraat kulttuurit saattavat herĂ€ttÀÀ ennakkoluuloja, mutta kansainvĂ€lisyyskasvatus on keino lisĂ€tĂ€ ymmĂ€rrystĂ€, mikĂ€ edistÀÀ suvaitsevaisuutta. Satusilta -hankkeet ovat tĂ€rkeĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisyyskasvatuksen vĂ€line, sillĂ€ ne lisÀÀvĂ€t tietoisuutta erilaisten kulttuurien elĂ€mĂ€ntavoista. OpinnĂ€ytetyömme aihe tuli toimeksiantotilauksena Sadutusta Swazimaahan -projektilta. Toiminnallisen opinnĂ€ytetyömme tavoitteena oli Satusillan kĂ€ynnistĂ€minen Suomessa yhdessĂ€ valitussa varhaiskasvatusorganisaatiossa vuoden 2012 aikana. Satusilta rakentuu Suomen ja Swazimaan vĂ€lille. Tavoitteen pohjalta kehittĂ€mistehtĂ€viksemme muodostuivat Satusillan kaavan luominen ja sadutusten pohjalta satuvihkojen kokoaminen. YhteistyöpĂ€ivĂ€kodiksi valikoitui MuksulanmĂ€ki VĂ€lskĂ€ri ja sieltĂ€ Mustikat -ryhmĂ€. Aloittaessamme yhteistyön ryhmĂ€n lapset olivat iĂ€ltÀÀn 3 – 5-vuotiaita. Sadutimme ryhmĂ€n lapset ja kerĂ€simme sadut yhteen Satuvihkoksi. Saimme englanninkielisiĂ€ satuja Swazimaasta, kÀÀnsimme sadut suomeksi ja kokosimme ne yhteen toiseksi erilliseksi Satuvihkoksi. KansainvĂ€lisyyskasvatuksen idea toteutui, kun pidimme satuhetken satujen vaihdon muodossa Mustikat -ryhmĂ€ssĂ€. Sadutimme myös Kaarinan SOS-lapsikylĂ€n lapsia, sillĂ€ SOS-lapsikylĂ€sÀÀtiö oli toimeksiantajamme ennalta mÀÀrÀÀmĂ€ yhteistyökumppani. Myös SOS-lapsikylĂ€n sadut lĂ€htivĂ€t satukirjeenvaihdossa Swazimaahan. TĂ€mĂ€n toteutuksen pohjalta tuotoksiksi muodostuivat Satusilta -kaava sekĂ€ Satuvihkot Suomi- ja Swazi-saduista. Olemme esitelleet kaavan vaihe vaiheelta ja selittĂ€neet miten Satusilta toteutetaan kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€. Kaavaa voidaan soveltaa jatkossa uusien satusiltojen rakentamiseen. Satuvihkot teimme yhteistyökumppanillemme MuksulanmĂ€ki VĂ€lskĂ€rille konkreettiseksi muistoksi.In a world of increasing internationality and intercultural communication, foreign cultures may sometimes evoke prejudice. International education, however, provides us with a means to promote intercultural understanding, which in turn helps to increase tolerance. The Storycrafting Bridge (Satusilta) projects are essential tools used in this process, since they increase children’s awareness of the ways of life in other cultures. The topic for our thesis was received as a commission from a project called Storycrafting to Swaziland (Sadutusta Swazimaahan). The aim of this functional study was to launch a Storycrafting Bridge between Finland and Swaziland during the year 2012. In the scope of the project, our responsibilities consisted of developing a pattern for the Storycrafting Bridge, as well as compiling storybooks from the stories produced in the storycrafting sessions. The project was realized in cooperation with MuksulanmĂ€ki VĂ€lskĂ€ri kindergarten. The storycrafting sessions were carried out in a group called Mustikat, which consisted of children aged 3-5. In addition, the process included translating the stories received from Swaziland and finally compiling the stories from both countries into two separate storybooks. The project culminated in organizing a story time session for the Mustikat group, in the form of exchanging storybooks. Storycrafting sessions were also carried out at the SOS Children’s Village of Kaarina, our original partner organization. Those stories were also sent to Swaziland and thus took part in the story correspondence as well. In conclusion, the products of this thesis consist of a pattern developed for carrying out a Storycrafting Bridge project, and storybooks compiled of the stories produced by both Finnish and Swazi storytellers. The thesis includes a detailed description of the pattern, as well as an explanation of its implementation. Consequently, the pattern serves as a basis for future Storycrafting Bridge projects

    Open and flexible online courses - reality or fiction?

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