1,681 research outputs found

    Superconducting MoSi nanowires

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    We have fabricated disordered superconducting nanowires of molybdenium silicide. A molybdenium nanowire is first deposited on top of silicon, and the alloy is formed by rapid thermal annealing. The method allows tuning of the crystal growth to optimise, e.g., the resistivity of the alloy for potential applications in quantum phase slip devices and superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. The wires have effective diameters from 42 to 79 nm, enabling the observation of crossover from conventional superconductivity to regimes affected by thermal and quantum fluctuations. In the smallest diameter wire and at temperatures well below the superconducting critical temperature, we observe residual resistance and negative magnetoresistance, which can be considered as fingerprints of quantum phase slips

    A model for particle formation and growth in the atmosphere with molecular resolution in size

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    International audienceThe formation and growth of atmospheric aerosol particles is considered using an exact discrete method with molecular resolution in size space. The method is immune to numerical diffusion problems that are a nuisance for typical simulation methods using a sectional representation for the particle size distribution. For condensational growth, a slight modification is proposed for the Fuchs-Sutugin expression, which improves the prediction of the growth rate of nano-sized particles by as much as a factor of two. The presented method is applied to particle formation in a Finnish Boreal forest and is shown to capture the essential features of the dynamics quite nicely. Furthermore, it is shown that the growth of the particles is roughly linear, which means that the amount of condensable vapour is constant (of the order 1013 1/m3)

    Control of potato late blight by caraway oil in organic farming

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    Caraway (Carum carvi) seeds contain biologically active essential oils, which have shown potential in controlling Phytophthora infestans (P.i.). An attempt is being made to develop a P.i. control strategy for organic farming based on caraway oil

    Using discriminant analysis as a nucleation event classification method

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    More than three years of measurements of aerosol size-distribution and different gas and meteorological parameters made in Po Valley, Italy were analysed for this study to examine which of the meteorological and trace gas variables effect on the emergence of nucleation events. As the analysis method, we used discriminant analysis with non-parametric Epanechnikov kernel, included in non-parametric density estimation method. The best classification result in our data was reached with the combination of relative humidity, ozone concentration and a third degree polynomial of radiation. RH appeared to have a preventing effect on the new particle formation whereas the effects of O<sub>3</sub> and radiation were more conductive. The concentration of SO<sub>2</sub> and NO<sub>2</sub> also appeared to have significant effect on the emergence of nucleation events but because of the great amount of missing observations, we had to exclude them from the final analysis

    Multicomponent aerosol dynamics model UHMA: model development and validation

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    A size-segregated aerosol dynamics model UHMA (University of Helsinki Multicomponent Aerosol model) was developed for studies of multicomponent tropospheric aerosol particles. The model includes major aerosol microphysical processes in the atmosphere with a focus on new particle formation and growth; thus it incorporates particle coagulation and multicomponent condensation, applying a revised treatment of condensation flux onto free molecular regime particles and the activation of nanosized clusters by organic vapours (Nano-K&#246;hler theory), as well as recent parameterizations for binary H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>-H<sub>2</sub>O and ternary H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>-NH<sub>3</sub>-H<sub>2</sub>O homogeneous nucleation and dry deposition. The representation of particle size distribution can be chosen from three sectional methods: the hybrid method, the moving center method, and the retracking method in which moving sections are retracked to a fixed grid after a certain time interval. All these methods can treat particle emissions and atmospheric transport consistently, and are therefore suitable for use in large scale atmospheric models. In a test simulation against an accurate high resolution solution, all the methods showed reasonable treatment of new particle formation with 20 size sections although the hybrid and the retracking methods suffered from artificial widening of the distribution. The moving center approach, on the other hand, showed extra dents in the particle size distribution and failed to predict the onset of detectable particle formation. In a separate test simulation of an observed nucleation event, the model captured the key qualitative behaviour of the system well. Furthermore, its prediction of the organic volume fraction in newly formed particles, suggesting values as high as 0.5 for 3&ndash;4 nm particles and approximately 0.8 for 10 nm particles, agrees with recent indirect composition measurements

    Cluster activation theory as an explanation of the linear dependence between formation rate of 3nm particles and sulphuric acid concentration

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    International audienceAccording to atmospheric observations new particle formation seems to be a function of sulphuric acid concentration to the power from one to two. The nucleation theorem then predicts that the critical cluster contains one to two sulphuric acid molecules. However, existing nucleation theories predicts that the power is more (or equal) than 2. Here we present an activation theory, which can explain the observed slope. In cluster activation the clusters containing one sulphuric acid molecule will activate for further growth due to heterogeneous nucleation, heterogeneous chemical reactions including polymerization or activation of soluble clusters. In the activation process organic vapours are typically needed as condensing agents

    Why formation rate of 3 nm particles depends linearly on sulphuric acid concentration?

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    International audienceAccording to atmospheric observations new particle formation seems to be a function of sulphuric acid concentration to the power from one to two. The nucleation theorem then predicts that the critical cluster contains one to two sulphuric acid molecules. However, existing nucleation theories predicts that the power is more (or equal) than 2. Here we present an activation theory, which can explain the observed slope. In cluster activation the clusters containing one sulphuric acid molecule will activate for further growth due to heterogeneous nucleation, heterogeneous chemical reactions including polymerization or activation of soluble clusters. In the activation process organic vapours are typically needed as condensing agents

    Painonnostopenkin valmistuksen automatisointi

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    Tiivistelmä. Työssä käsitellään tyypillisen painonnostopenkin valmistuksen nykytilaa sekä pyritään automatisoimaan valmistusta optimaalisesti tuotannon näkökulmasta. Työssä käydään läpi aluksi erilaisia automatisoituja valmistusmenetelmiä ja niiden periaatteita, jonka jälkeen selvitetään case-osiossa niiden sovellettavuutta konepajatuotannossa. Tuotannon automatisointiin liittyviin ratkaisuihin painonnostopenkin kannalta pyritään prototyypin valmistuksen sekä automaation teoriaan perehtymisen keinoin.Automated production of an exercise bench. Abstract. The thesis discusses the current state of manufacturing of a typical exercise bench and aims to automate the manufacturing, mainly through optimal productions point of view. Various automatic production methods and their applicability in machine shop production are reviewed in the thesis. The solutions related to the automation of the benches production are aimed at by means of the production of a prototype and familiarization with the theory. Solutions towards an automated production of the bench are sought with a prototype and a delve into the theory of automation

    A case study on long-range transported aerosols of biomass burning: effects on aerosol optical properties and surface radiation levels

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    International audienceIn spring 2006, biomass burning aerosols from eastern Europe were transported extensively to Finland, and to other parts of northern Europe. They were observed as far as in the European Arctic. In the first part of this paper, temporal and spatial evolution and transport of these biomass burning aerosols are monitored with MODIS retrieved aerosol optical depth (AOD) imagery at visible wavelengths (0.55 ?m). Comparison of MODIS and AERONET AOD is conducted at Tõravere, Estonia. Then trajectory analyses, as well as MODIS Fire Mapper products are used to better understand the type and origin of the air masses. During the studied four-week period AOD values ranged from near zero up to 1.2 at 0.55 ?m and the linear correlation between MODIS and AERONET was very high (~0.97). Temporal variability observed within this four-week period was also rather well explained by the trajectory analysis in conjunction with the fire detections produced by the MODIS Rapid Response System. In the second part of our study, the surface measurements of global and UV radiation at Jokioinen, Finland are used to study the effect of this haze episode on the levels of surface radiation. We found reductions up to 35% in surface UV irradiance (at 340 nm) as compared to typical aerosol conditions. For global (total solar) radiation, the reduction was always smaller, in line with the expected wavelength dependence of the aerosol effect